The Rifleman S03E34

  • 2 months ago
The Rifleman S03E34


00:00Come on, McKee.
00:01What's the matter?
00:02You afraid I'm going to beat you?
00:04You know Blue Boy's had a sore foreleg all week.
00:07If I go racing him, he's just going to turn up lame for sure.
00:10Oh, go on.
00:11Blame it on your old horse.
00:12If you can call that nag a horse.
00:14Ha, ha.
00:15What's that thing?
00:20I don't know.
00:21I don't know.
00:22I don't know.
00:23I don't know.
00:24I don't know.
00:25I don't know.
00:26I don't know.
00:27I don't know.
00:28I don't know.
00:33What's that thing?
00:42Are you all right?
00:49You all right, boy?
00:52You hurt?
00:53I am very sorry.
00:56I misjudged the hitching post.
00:57Shut up, you.
00:58What happened, boy?
00:59It was him, Pa.
01:01He scared my horse, made him throw me.
01:03It was an accident.
01:05We meant no harm.
01:06I am very sorry.
01:08I ought to take that pigtail of yours
01:10and wrap it around your neck.
01:12In fact, I think I will.
01:14Well, it was an accident.
01:15I saw it.
01:19Now, aren't you a little big to be pushing boys around?
01:21You see what he done to my kid?
01:23Well, your boy looks all right.
01:24Why don't you leave this man alone?
01:25It was an accident.
01:27Well, McCain, standing up for the China boy,
01:30I might have known.
01:31Now, you clamp aboard your wagon and get...
01:35Why don't you cool off?
01:36It was an accident.
01:37Now, go on, huh?
01:39Night in shining armor.
01:42Come on, boy.
01:56The Rifleman.
02:05Starring Chuck Connors.
02:14There we are.
02:16I am very grateful.
02:19I did not mean to bring trouble.
02:20We only came to buy supplies.
02:22I did not mean to bring trouble.
02:23We only came to buy supplies.
02:25Well, you've come to the right place.
02:26I'm sure Millie here can help you out.
02:30We need one pound of salt and 20 pounds of rice.
02:3320 pounds?
02:34My goodness.
02:35We are traveling a long way.
02:37Where are you heading?
02:38The next hill.
02:39Always the next hill.
02:43How would you like a cookie?
02:45Sure he'd like a cookie.
02:49What's your name?
02:50Lang Lee.
02:52On the road, my son and I passed a nice stream
02:54with clean water, a tree for shade.
02:56Could we camp there tonight, please?
02:58Well, why not?
02:59It's a free country.
03:01My name is Lucas McCain.
03:02This is my boy, Mark.
03:05My name is Wang Chi.
03:08Please, Mr. McCain.
03:10You and Mark must bring me all your clothes to fix and clean.
03:13Tomorrow, they will be ready.
03:15Well, that won't be necessary, Mr.
03:16Please, Mr. McCain.
03:17I must do this to show my gratitude.
03:22All right.
03:23A little starch in our shirts might
03:24feel good for a change, huh, Mark?
03:26Yeah, we've been boiling them for so long,
03:28I've almost forgotten what starch feels like.
03:31Your shirts will be just like new.
03:38Are all Chinese people that polite?
03:41Well, most of them are, son.
03:42That's the way they're raised.
03:44They've got a great deal of respect and humility.
03:47Yeah, I guess so.
03:49But they sure look funny, the way they
03:51dress and braid their hair.
03:53Now, Mark, next time you're near a mirror,
03:55take a good look at yourself.
03:56Then you'll figure out what you'd look
03:58like if you lived in China.
04:01Come on, let's get some lunch.
04:06Hey, what the heck are you doing still here?
04:09Waiting for you, Pa.
04:10See what you're going to do if that Chinese don't leave.
04:12You don't let me worry about that.
04:13You get along home now.
04:15Back fence of the corral needs fixing.
04:17I'll be along shortly.
04:19You'll be home for supper?
04:20Ain't no hoes.
04:22Well, not when you get to drinking.
04:26I told you I'd be home.
04:27Now get along with you.
04:35I seem to happen to be a little drunk.
04:37I'll get you something to drink.
04:40Well, I seem to happen up to Cripple Creek.
04:44You let in one, the first thing you know,
04:46the whole place is full of them.
04:48Taking over the town, owning everything.
04:51You going to maybe dirty up his laundry a little bit, Vince?
04:56I'll buy you a drink, huh?
04:59Thank you, Amy.
05:02Dig in, son.
05:03Make that three, Amy.
05:04Hello, Micah.
05:06See, uh, I ran into Dave Wallace.
05:08He told me about that ruckus with the Chinese.
05:11Noise, mostly.
05:12Vince Fergus talking big.
05:14You know, I sometimes wish that troublemaker
05:16had taken his mind to pack up and leave.
05:19Him and Noah both.
05:21I mean, I don't know.
05:22I mean, I don't know.
05:23I don't know.
05:24I don't know.
05:25I don't know.
05:26I don't know.
05:27I don't know.
05:28They're both.
05:30Pass the salt, please, Tom.
05:31Hey, uh, Noah in school today, Mark?
05:35No, sir.
05:37I've got to have a talk with his pa.
05:39Both of them, for that matter.
05:41Getting tired of warning them.
05:44Chinese laundry money.
05:47I once had a Chinese cook in Montana
05:49took better care of me than my mother.
05:54You know, Noah Fork could stand the good laundry?
05:57You speak pretty hard in your dress shirts.
06:00Tell you the truth, I think she boils them in line.
06:04Now, Fergus, just what was that all about?
06:29Well, we're just getting the town rid of that troublemaker, Marshal, that's all.
06:34Micah, Mr. Wang did nothing.
06:38They hardly had time to load their supplies when these two...
06:43You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You scared that little boy half to death.
06:48Fergus, someday you're going to push people a little too far and then somebody's going to push you back.
06:52Well, that to me was just fun.
06:54You ain't taking that Chinese part again, are you?
06:56It's a free country, isn't it?
06:58Now, when you and Foster get to drinking like you do, you seem to forget that.
07:05Now, you two go on home before I lock you both up.
07:09By the way, Fergus, if your boy misses school anymore, you're going to have to explain it to the circuit judge.
07:15I teach my boy. He's got all the learning he needs.
07:18Yes, you set him a fine example.
07:22Like the man says, a free country.
07:24That's right. Governed by laws to keep the peace and educate our children.
07:27To mention two of them.
07:29You break either one of them and you're going to be in big trouble.
07:31Now go on home.
07:39You know, Micah, I remember hearing an old Chinese saying once.
07:42He who makes trouble gets more than his share.
07:45I heard the same thing, only it came from Ireland.
08:01Hello, Mr. Wang Chi. The brief's back that way.
08:04We have caused trouble, so we are leaving.
08:07Now look, what happened back there in town wasn't your fault.
08:10The next hill. Always the next hill.
08:13Well, we must be leaving. Goodbye, Mr. McCain.
08:16But wait.
08:18We could use a good laundry in town.
08:21Micah even said so himself.
08:24We have found many towns that need a good laundry.
08:27But we are never welcome.
08:29They say we make trouble.
08:31But all I wish to do is to settle peacefully.
08:33Work hard and send my son to school.
08:36I think Mark is right.
08:38Why not stay here for a while? We've got a good school.
08:41If there's any trouble, I'm sure it'll be taken care of by the marshal.
08:44You know, Mr. Wang Chi, Mark and I are a little selfish about this.
08:47Can't do a good job in our dress shirts.
08:49Yes, Lee should be in school.
08:52Well, then why not try it for a few weeks?
08:55All right, my son?
08:57Yes, father.
08:58Good. We'll be your first customers.
09:00I'll be by first thing in the morning to drop off the dirty laundry and pick up Wang Lee for school.
09:05We will try. Very hard.
09:20You know something, Pa?
09:22If Wang Lee's going to go to school with me tomorrow,
09:24he ought to cut off that pigtail. Makes him look like a girl.
09:27Mark, Apaches wear their hair long and there's nothing girlish about them.
09:31Yeah. Sure are a lot of funny people in the world.
09:34Now look, son.
09:35Well, I know. Go look in the mirror.
09:50Come on, I'll beat you home.
09:51For you, Mark, that is very easy.
09:53My horse is very small, like an old woman.
09:56She's pulled the wagon too long.
09:58I guess that wouldn't be fair. How do you like school?
10:00Very much. The teacher is very nice.
10:03Hey, uh, girls wear pigtails.
10:05How come you don't tie a ribbon in yours like she does?
10:08Leave him alone, Noah. Come on.
10:10I was talking to him, McCain.
10:13Yeah, I think a pretty pink ribbon would be nice.
10:17Yeah, I think a pretty pink ribbon would look just fine.
10:21I said leave him alone!
10:52You, you choked me. You tried to kill me.
10:55You were going to kill me.
10:57If you touch my cue again, I may not be so careful.
11:00You're going to be sorry. You're going to be real sorry.
11:07Trouble is like a weed.
11:09Once it starts to grow, it covers everything.
11:16The End
11:34There you are, Mr. Wang. That ought to do it.
11:37You are very kind.
11:38I'm happy to do it.
11:40Just as long as you remember to buy your soap and your starch for me.
11:43Only you, I promise.
11:45I will do your dresses for no charge.
11:47Oh, no, no, no. Let's keep this strictly on a business basis.
11:50Very well. Until tomorrow.
11:52Until tomorrow, Wang Chi.
11:55The End
12:13Mm, still got some.
12:15You drink kind of slow today, Liz.
12:17Oh, don't worry. I'll catch up.
12:20Good morning. A nice cool glass of beer, please.
12:24Hey, uh, Barky, you got any of that rice beer?
12:28He wouldn't like nothing less than it was Chinese rice beer.
12:31Ain't that right?
12:34On such a hot day, even rice beer would be good.
12:37Just a minute now. You ain't doing that right.
12:44There now.
12:46That's a real nice drink. You try it.
12:49Thank you, but I do not care for hard spirits.
12:53About time you learned.
12:55You come in here for a drink, you got one.
12:57Now you drink it.
13:09Pa! Pa!
13:11What's the matter, boy?
13:12His kid, he tried to kill me. Choked me to death.
13:15He what?
13:16Him and Martin McCain, they jumped me.
13:18And his kid, he tried to strangle me.
13:21My son would not do that. He knows better.
13:23He done it, Pa. He hurt me bad. I could have died.
13:27Well, that's not true. He started it.
13:32Did you touch this boy?
13:34He attacked my friend and family father.
13:39Two against one, that's dirty fighting.
13:47Hold it, laundry man!
13:50I told you to clear out.
13:52Now, maybe you don't hear so good.
13:54Or maybe you think I'm talking just to hear myself talk.
13:56Well, you had your chance.
13:59You shut up, boy.
14:00Put that gun down, Curtis.
14:03Unless you want to go up against this rifle,
14:05that'll be about as fair as you taking on Mr. Wang Chi.
14:14His boy liked to kill my Noah.
14:16He tried to hurt Mark.
14:17Noah was bullying Lee, calling him a girl.
14:19He did not!
14:21All I said was...
14:23What did you say, Noah?
14:27All right, boys, who started it?
14:35Seems to me you're using pretty strong measures
14:37to settle a boy's argument, Fergus.
14:40Well, he left when I told him to.
14:42There wouldn't have been none of this trouble.
14:43Why don't you just try steering clear of Wang Chi
14:45and everybody will be better off.
14:47Now, you get your boy and go about your business.
14:49Go on.
14:55Mark, what really happened?
14:57Well, he kept on telling Wang Lee
14:59that he ought to put a ribbon in his hair like a girl.
15:04You know, Mr. Wang Chi, I can see where it might be difficult
15:06for the boy if he keeps wearing his hair like that.
15:09By law, Chinese must wear cues, Mr. McCain.
15:12I understand.
15:14But this isn't China, it's America.
15:16But without our cues, we cannot return home.
15:19I'm sorry you had to fight for Lee.
15:21That's all right, we're friends.
15:25Come, my son, we cannot find trouble in hard work.
15:28If you'll wait a minute, I've got a couple of shirts
15:30in my office that need laundering.
15:34Your clothes will be ready this evening, Mr. McCain.
15:36I'll be fine, Mr. Wang.
15:38Son, I'll be back in a few minutes.
15:40I'm going down to the livery stable.
15:41All right.
15:46Come on.
16:02Come on, son, you'd better hurry.
16:04We've got to pick up our dress shirts tonight.
16:06Oh, I can do that tomorrow.
16:07We won't need them until Sunday.
16:09Tomorrow you wanted a ride out to the North Range with me,
16:12Oh, that's right, I forgot.
16:14You'd forget your head if it wasn't fixed on real good.
16:18Mr. Wang, she's going to make things a lot easier for us,
16:20huh, son?
16:22You know something, Pa?
16:24I think Mr. Fergus would have really used that gun on Mr.
16:27Wang if you hadn't have showed up.
16:29Vince Fergus talks big, Mark.
16:31He was just trying to scare Mr. Wang, gee, that's all.
16:34Don't forget behind the ears, boy.
16:41I don't understand why Mr. Fergus
16:43doesn't like Mr. Wang in the first place.
16:46Well, Mark, there are just some people in this world who
16:49think they're better than others.
16:51Well, the good book says everybody's just the same.
16:53It doesn't matter who you are.
16:55If you believe that, you'll be all right.
16:57It's the truth.
16:59Well, if everybody's supposed to be just the same,
17:01how come we're not?
17:03What do you mean?
17:04Well, how come some people are like Mr.
17:07Wang and others, well, like us?
17:10How come there's so many different kinds of people?
17:12Well, son, you ask a question like that,
17:14it's like asking, why isn't every day the same?
17:17Some days the sun shines, other days it rains.
17:19But it's still a day.
17:21I think the good Lord thought about that when he made the
17:24world and all the people in it.
17:26And you know what else I think?
17:29I think he kind of figured that we'd get tired of each other
17:33if we all look the same.
17:34You mean on the outside?
17:36That's right, son, on the outside.
17:38On the inside, there's no difference.
17:40I think I understand now, Pa.
17:42I know you do, son.
17:44Of course, Lee still does need a haircut.
17:47You don't see any boy his size trying to give him one,
17:49do you?
17:52That shirt needs a trip to Mr. Wang's cheese.
17:54You put on a clean one.
17:55Then we'll ride over there.
17:56All right.
18:11We are fortunate, Father, to have such good water.
18:14It is very clear and clean.
18:16The secret of clean laundry is to start with clean water.
18:22Go to sleep, my son.
18:24When we are finished, Father.
18:29I am glad we are staying in North Fork.
18:33I am not.
18:34What begins badly usually ends badly.
18:37We cannot always run, Father.
18:39The road will soon end.
18:41We must go on.
18:43I am glad we are staying in North Fork.
18:46I am not.
18:47What begins badly usually ends badly.
18:50We cannot always run, Father.
18:52The road will soon end.
18:54It is better we stay here and face the trouble.
18:57Such wisdom from one so young makes me very proud.
19:01Then we'll stay a long time?
19:04Yes, a long time.
19:07It is good that we settle down where we have
19:09a friend like Mr. McCain.
19:11Two friends.
19:12Don't forget Mark.
19:13Yes, Mark.
19:15My father told me when I was a little boy like you
19:18that the value of friendship is far greater
19:21than all the treasures in the world.
19:23Do you believe that, son?
19:25I know it is good to have a friend, my father,
19:28even if he is so different.
19:31How do you mean?
19:33In English, it is difficult to say,
19:35but my father told me that the value of friendship
19:39is far greater than all the treasures in the world.
19:43It is difficult to say, but the way he wears his hair
19:47and his eyes, they slant so funny.
19:51But eyes are made to see with, not look at.
19:54And it is good that all faces are different.
19:57Then we don't get tired of looking at each other.
20:06What is it?
20:08Who is there?
20:10Perhaps it's only the horse.
20:12Yes, perhaps the horse.
20:27I told you, didn't I?
20:29But you wouldn't listen.
20:31Well, now you're going to get it good.
20:33Let's proceed with the ceremony.
20:39Hey, Vincent, it ain't quite dry.
20:42I told you.
20:43I told you, didn't I?
20:45Told you to quit town, leave.
20:47Told you I didn't like your kind, didn't I?
20:54Hey, kid.
20:56Get out of here, kid.
21:03Shut up!
21:12Hey, Alice.
21:13Get him off me.
21:14Get him off me.
21:15Get him off me.
21:16Get him off me.
21:21Get him off me.
21:22Get him off me.
21:24You all right, Vince?
21:26That charter boy like you broke my neck.
21:29I'm going to fix you good, charter boy.
21:31I want to fix you real good.
21:33Go away.
21:34Leave us alone.
21:35You've done enough.
21:36You've taken my home.
21:37What more do you want?
21:40What more do you want?
21:41He's just trying to prove what a big man he is.
21:44All right, drop your guns, both of you.
21:48This ain't none of your business, McCain.
21:50You made it my business.
21:51That's my laundry.
21:52Lee, come over here.
21:58Keep him away from me.
22:25You sure can fight, Pop.
22:29The laundry business is very bad.
22:32Well, now, Mr. Weinchee, I'm not so sure about that.
22:36Not when you've got a real good helper.
22:40Go on, clean it up, all of it.
22:42Oh, now listen here, McCain.
22:43Clean it up.
22:44But be careful of what's left of my shirts.
22:59Look at this, Micah.
23:04Stop right there, folks.
23:15You know, you were lucky the circuit judge just
23:17told you to get out of the territory
23:18instead of giving you a jail sentence.
23:20Where are you headed?
23:21Well, now, I'm just glad to be leaving this crummy town.
23:26And it's crummy people.
23:28Folks are the same everywhere, Fergus.
23:30You and your boy have a lot to learn about getting
23:32along with other people.
23:33You better keep that in mind.
23:48You all right?
23:52But now, you just look like everyone else.
23:54Sure, I'm there again.
23:57Hey, Pa!
24:00Come here, quick!
24:09Lee, Wang.
24:11Look at Wang Lee.
24:16Well, I like that.
24:21Like father, like son.
24:23Now we are home.
25:19THE END