The Rifleman S03E30

  • 2 months ago
The Rifleman S03E30


00:00I sure hate to see that scaffold up again.
00:16Right, son.
00:18Hanging somebody, even a killer like Warren Mugillon, is bad business.
00:24Sure is quiet.
00:29Folks don't want to be around till the hanging's over.
00:32Yeah, I see what you mean.
00:35Mark, you go buy your slate quick and get to school, huh?
00:38Yes, sir.
00:39Howdy, Lucas.
00:40Hello, Beasley.
00:41Oh, I'm mighty glad you're here.
00:42Yes, sir.
00:43I'm mighty glad.
01:01Is it just going to be the two of us?
01:02Well, the marshal says that two guards is enough, but I sure don't agree with him.
01:08Hanging Warren Mugillon is not like hanging an ordinary man.
01:10Well, I don't think there'll be any trouble.
01:12Well, just the same, I'm glad I wasn't on the jury.
01:15And being foreman like you was, well,
01:17no telling what that witch Dr. Paul of Wands will do.
01:21He don't hold with our laws.
01:22The Muggions don't hold with anybody's laws.
01:25That's why they're outcasts for their own tribe.
01:27Paul, I need another nickel.
01:30I made a mistake.
01:31The big slates cost $0.15.
01:32All right.
01:35Here, now, you hurry along.
01:36This is no place for you, Mark.
01:37All right.
02:13You, you, the tongue of death for my son.
02:19My tongue spoke for 12 men, a lawful jury.
02:23One tongue say die, you, Muggion's son never die.
02:29When moon is up there, he ride, he ride with moon.
02:34He come for you, Lucas McCain.
02:36When moon die, you'll die.
02:53Why, it's the Mescalero curse.
02:57He's put the Mescalero curse on you.
03:00The Rifleman, starring Chuck Connors.
03:27The Rifleman
03:57The Rifleman
04:02The Rifleman
04:07The Rifleman
04:12The Rifleman
04:17The Rifleman
04:22The Rifleman
04:32Patchy Burrell?
04:34Yeah, I found the disgrace of hanging.
04:37Thanks for helping me, Lucas.
04:39No thanks necessary, Micah.
04:52The Rifleman
04:57The Rifleman
05:02The Rifleman
05:07They're coming back, Pa.
05:10They're over there.
05:12I'll open.
05:13Wait, Shadow.
05:15Too fast. Wait, Shadow. Wait!
05:20What's the matter, son?
05:22Shadow's back, Pa.
05:23He's come to drink our trough just like he used to.
05:29Well, I could have sworn.
05:33I think you've been dreaming, Mark.
05:35Come on.
05:38But I heard him.
05:40Remember how Shadow used to come at night when it was quiet?
05:43Sure, but that was a year ago, Mark.
05:45A wild stallion doesn't usually come back once he's moved on to a new graze.
05:49You know that.
05:51Yeah, I guess it was a dream.
05:53Sure it was.
05:54Come on, get under the covers, son.
06:01When a person's without a curse on them, are they sure to die?
06:06There's no such thing as a curse, son, no matter what you've seen or heard.
06:09But Muggy owns a witch doctor.
06:11He's a man, son, just like anybody else.
06:14The only thing special about him is his hate.
06:16He's so full of it, he scares people.
06:19You mean it? He just threw that head at you to scare you?
06:24Fear and superstition, Mark, those are the weapons of hate.
06:27And they work sometimes if people aren't thinking straight.
06:30Remember how I showed you that head was nothing more than a few scraps of buffalo hide stuffed with grass?
06:36Well, fears are like that.
06:38You tear them apart and take a good close look at them and they're not scary anymore.
06:42But isn't a witch doctor supposed to be magic?
06:45There's plenty of magic in the world, son.
06:47Sun, moon, stars, growing things.
06:50Plenty of magic.
06:52But witch doctors don't make it.
06:55Yeah, I see what you mean.
06:57Good. Now you better get to sleep, son.
06:59Tom and Jake will be here in the morning to help with the roundup.
07:01There'll be plenty of work for all of us to do.
07:03Night, Pa.
07:05Night, son.
07:06Night, Pa.
07:07Night, son.
08:02He's dead.
08:03Anybody see who was riding that horse?
08:05It was Juan Mogollon, risen from the dead.
08:08It's the curse. It started.
08:11There's always three deaths.
08:13Somebody else will die before Lucas McCain's turn.
08:27When we finish this job for McCain,
08:29I'm going to rent me the best room in the hotel and sleep for a week.
08:34Yeah, well, right now you go check them stairs,
08:36because this is your four-hour shift.
08:40Back about midnight.
08:59Come on.
09:29Come on.
10:10Jake, what's the matter?
10:12What's wrong?
10:13No. No.
10:15I saw him.
10:17I saw him.
10:18Riding a black stallion.
10:20Close the eyes.
10:28Come on, Jake.
10:40McCain, open up, quick!
10:43Come on.
10:46Tom, what happened?
10:48Something's wrong with Jake.
10:49He says he's burning up.
10:51Well, let's get him inside.
10:58Right over here, Tom.
11:01Easy, Jack.
11:08Well, he's burning up all right.
11:10When did he start getting sick?
11:11I don't know.
11:12He was all right when I left him.
11:14He was supposed to take over for me about midnight.
11:16When I rode in, he was like this.
11:17You better go get the doc.
11:18Take a fresh horse, Tom.
11:19There he is.
11:20There he is.
11:21Easy, Jake.
11:22There he is.
11:23Burning eyes.
11:24A ghost.
11:26Hurry up, Tom.
11:27He's back.
11:30Think he'll make it, Pa?
11:31I hope so, son.
11:34He'll kill me.
11:35He'll kill me.
11:36Take it easy, Jake.
11:37Juan Magallon!
11:38Juan Magallon!
11:52He's dead, son.
12:06In all my years of practicing, I've never seen anything like it.
12:10Well, he was in bad pain, Doc.
12:12He sure appreciates you coming out anyway.
12:14Well, I wish I could explain it to you, Lucas, but I just can't.
12:17You know, the town's pretty edgy, Doc.
12:19Nothing scares folks as much as something they can't understand.
12:22Did you say he was seeing things before he died?
12:24Yeah, he thought somebody was coming at him.
12:27Well, gypsum weed can cause a man to have visions.
12:30And fits, too.
12:32Is that what the Indians call the trumpet flower?
12:34You think Jake got a hold of some of that?
12:36I don't know how.
12:37I never seen any around here.
12:38Have you, Lucas?
12:39No, I haven't, Doc.
12:40Then I've never gone looking for it.
12:42Well, I'm sorry I can't give you more to go on.
12:45Get up!
12:48What do you suppose happened to Jake?
12:52He's behind Jake's death.
12:53What I can't figure out is how.
12:56Lucas, Magallon was in town last night.
12:59Lobo, too.
13:01You sure?
13:02Made morons at midnight.
13:03They were coming out of the saloon.
13:05Now, even Magallon can't be two places at the same time.
13:09Come on.
13:39Come on.
14:10What's wrong, Mark?
14:11Well, he's coming. He's here.
14:12Don't go outside, Pa. He'll kill you.
14:14All right, son. I just want to see what it is.
14:16Well, it's a ghost. I saw him right out here.
14:19Well, it wasn't a dream this time, Pa.
14:25Well, whatever you saw, son, it's gone.
14:27You don't believe me?
14:28Oh, I believe you saw something. I'm just not sure what it was.
14:31But I did. I saw him right out...
14:32Mark, try and calm down, son. Maybe you can describe it for me.
14:38Well, it... It was a big horse.
14:40And a giant riding him.
14:42A giant with fire coming out of his eyes.
14:44A giant, huh?
14:45Now, tell me slowly, Mark. What color was the horse?
14:48I don't know. Lots of colors.
14:50What color, son? Red? Purple? Black?
14:54Black. That's it.
14:56It was a big black horse.
14:58What else? What about his mane?
15:00Think about it calmly.
15:02Well, his mane was black, too, and...
15:07And long.
15:09Real long.
15:11And when he... When he runs, it stands out.
15:15And he raises his front legs real high when he's running.
15:18Just like Shadow used to.
15:20Anything else?
15:23He has a white spot between his eyes and...
15:27And a halter.
15:29A halter with a broken rope, boy, it was Shadow. It was!
15:33I think you're right, son.
15:35It means he was caught in a tie and broke loose somehow.
15:38You didn't see a ghost, Mark. You saw a horse in trouble.
15:42But Shadow's wild. How could anybody ride him?
15:45Well, I don't know.
15:47Let's turn in now. We'll talk about it in the morning.
15:50Yes, sir.
16:00How come you're taking the mare, Pa?
16:02She's always kind of skittish when she's alone.
16:04I know, son, but she used to run with Shadow's herd.
16:06I'm hoping she'll lead me to him, or vice versa.
16:10I heard a drum last night, Pa, real late.
16:14I heard it, too, son.
16:16It's part of the Mescalero funeral ceremony.
16:18I don't know what it is, but I heard it.
16:20I don't know what it is, but I heard it.
16:22I don't know what it is, but I heard it.
16:24I don't know what it is, but I heard it.
16:26I don't know what it is, but I heard it.
16:28It's part of the funeral ceremony.
16:30Last night at the full moon, the Indians cremate their dead.
16:34Please don't go into Twin Peaks alone, Pa.
16:37All the kids say it's Indian medicine country.
16:39It's Shadow's country, too.
16:41And it was Shadow who paid us a call last night.
16:44But the...
16:46The one who's riding him wants to kill you, Pa.
16:48And whoever it is, he knows Twin Peaks country better than anyone.
16:53If Micah knew, he'd send a posse along with you.
16:56I guess he'd raise the dust of the show for Miles, son.
16:58Now, the best way to track a wild stallion is quietly and alone.
17:04I'd be quiet.
17:06You have to be in school, son.
17:09I could make up whatever I miss.
17:12I want you to stay with Lily.
17:14Now, stop fretting. I'll be back by tomorrow night.
17:19I promise you, Mark, there's nothing to worry about.
17:26Come on.
17:56Come on.
18:27You hear something, girl?
18:30He's up there, isn't he?
18:32Well, you know this place better than I do.
18:35Here's one trail you can pick for both of us.
18:38Let's find him.
18:56Come on.
19:27Come on.
19:45Easy now.
19:49Easy, easy, easy.
19:57Come on.
20:07Jimson weed.
20:12Whoa, whoa, whoa.
20:26Whoa, whoa, whoa.
20:56Come on.
21:27Come on.
21:40Easy, boy.
21:41Easy, boy.
21:45Easy, boy.
21:47Easy, easy, easy, boy.
21:52Come on.
21:56Come on, boy.
22:27Well, I didn't expect to see you so soon, Maguillon.
22:33So that weed did have something to do with Jake's death, huh?
22:36You drugged him, frightened him to death, and then rode to town.
22:39Lucas McCain, think like eagle.
22:42Leave trail like ox.
22:44Moon dies tonight, Lucas McCain.
22:56No, no.
23:55Mescalero Apaches can do almost anything with a horse.
23:58Torment them or train them.
23:59Roping a dummy to a wild stallion is a trick they've used for years.
24:03In the early days, they did it to scare the settlers.
24:05Maguillon and Lobo used it to kill.
24:11I've never seen rocks like these before.
24:13Oh, you find them in mines and caves.
24:15There's a lot of them around Twin Peaks.
24:18I wonder what makes them shine.
24:20Oh, one thing is for sure, son.
24:23It's not a ghost.
24:25Oh, I know that now, pa.
24:27For sure.
24:29Of course, I, uh...
24:31I don't have to tell that to my school friends.