The Rifleman S03E33

  • 2 months ago
The Rifleman S03E33


00:00There you go, Stark.
00:17One for you, one for me.
00:19Makes it nice and even.
00:21Spicer, listen to me.
00:22I didn't mean it, you know that.
00:23I was only kidding.
00:24Yeah, yeah, it was a joke, that's all.
00:27Sure it was.
00:28You say a lot of funny things.
00:30Yeah, that's right.
00:31Only saying you was better than me,
00:32saying you could take me, that wasn't very funny.
00:33The boys here didn't think it was so funny, either.
00:34You ready?
00:36Spicer, please.
00:50Spicer, let me see.
01:07If I'd come in closer, you wouldn't have the mouth.
01:15He done this to me.
01:18He marked me.
01:19Cut it out! Cut it out!
01:21He's dead, can't you see he's dead? He can't do nothing.
01:24North Fork's up ahead. You need a drink, come on.
01:44The Rifleman!
01:50Starring Chuck Connors.
02:15I got it.
02:19Ben, where's Micah?
02:21Well, he ain't here, Lucas. He left me to look after things.
02:25Who's that?
02:26I don't know. We figured him out from the range about sundown.
02:28You better help me get him over to the doc, huh?
02:30Well, the doc ain't here neither. Him and Micah went together.
02:32In fact, the whole town's out there.
02:34Now where?
02:35In Jonah's place. They're having a barn-raising and buck supper.
02:38Ben, go after him, will you? Tell him it's an emergency.
02:42All right.
02:44Lucas, it's better than an hour's ride out there.
02:46Just do the best you can.
02:49All right.
03:05Sodbuster just hauled Stark's body up to the Marshal's office.
03:08Somebody would have found him sooner or later.
03:10Yeah, but that deputy across the street rode out burning leather.
03:13Could be he's going for the Marshal after that barn-raising they're having.
03:17Can I ask some questions?
03:18Let him. You know anything?
03:23I ain't through drinking yet.
03:24Bartender, give me another bottle.
03:40Son, go out and get that blanket in the wagon, will you?
03:42All right.
03:52You. Is someone hurt?
03:57How bad?
04:00I think he might be dying.
04:02Well, what's the doctor say?
04:04He's not here.
04:07He's not here?
04:08He's not here.
04:09He's not here.
04:10He's not here.
04:11He's not here.
04:12He's not here.
04:13He's not here.
04:14He's not here.
04:15He's not here.
04:30Put the paper down.
04:32Oh. What is it, Vicky?
04:34There's a man that's been hurt pretty bad.
04:36They just took him into the doctor's office.
04:39That's so.
04:41Daddy, you don't understand.
04:43The doctor's not there.
04:46Well, in that case, maybe we'd better have a look.
04:49Let's hurry.
04:58Bullet's in there pretty deep.
05:01Best thing we can do is make him comfortable
05:02till Doc Burrage gets here.
05:09What are you looking at?
05:17Hello, young man.
05:19My daughter tells me somebody's been hurt.
05:21I'm a doctor.
05:22Well, come on in.
05:24He's a doctor, Pa.
05:25I understand.
05:26Your doctor is
05:35Simon Battle.
05:36Licky, my bag's in the hotel room.
05:38Go get it, will you?
05:41Don't worry, son.
05:42Come on across.
05:44You may come in.
05:46Markie, please.
05:49Yes, Debbie.
05:51Markie, you better go help her.
05:57Yes, Pa.
06:03What are you doing here?
06:05I might ask you the same thing.
06:07I live here.
06:09I didn't know.
06:10We were just stopping for the night.
06:13I thought you were dead.
06:15A lot of people have thought that, you in particular.
06:19What do you think you're doing?
06:22Get out of here, battle.
06:24McCain, this man is bleeding to death.
06:26You're no worse doctor than I am.
06:32Be careful, McCain.
06:34It'll be just like it was 10 years ago,
06:36a fast gun against a fast rifle.
06:38Only I guarantee the outcome will be different this time.
06:41What happened changed, hadn't you, battle?
06:44Only I'm a doctor now.
06:45And since you're in no position to argue about it,
06:47I suggest you take me at my word and do what you can to help.
06:58Get a towel and some water.
07:01You want this man to die, or don't you care?
07:11You put a bullet in me once, McCain.
07:29I've had 10 years to think about it.
07:3410 years when you thought I was dead.
07:37I could have come after you, but I didn't.
07:41I was too busy to waste my time.
07:44But I'll tell you this.
07:45I wasn't afraid of you then, and I'm not afraid of you now.
07:49I heard that you settled down.
07:57I didn't believe it.
08:00I still don't.
08:02There should be some bandages and alcohol in those cabinets.
08:07Thank you, Vicki.
08:19You can go back to the hotel now.
08:20But can't I help?
08:23Not this time.
08:25Mark, take the young lady to supper.
08:30They've got real good apple pie.
08:33All right.
08:38The alcohol, please.
08:39Here it is.
08:40This ought to be enough to ride on.
08:47What's the matter?
08:48That buckboard over there.
08:49It's the one the sodbuster hauled Stark's body in.
08:51Oh, so what?
08:52What's it do in front of the doc's office?
08:54A cow like this?
08:55I don't know.
08:56I don't know.
08:57I don't know.
08:58I don't know.
08:59I don't know.
09:00I don't know.
09:01I don't know.
09:02I don't know.
09:03I don't know.
09:04I don't know.
09:05I don't know.
09:06A cow like this?
09:07The doc's most likely the undertaker too.
09:11Maybe they're fixing him up real pretty to bury him.
09:13I'm going to take a look.
09:37What's the matter, Stace?
09:43Stark ain't dead.
09:44Doc's over there trying to patch him up right now.
09:46Ah, you're drunk.
09:47I'm telling you he ain't.
09:48I saw him myself.
09:51Well, he better be dead.
09:53He ain't.
09:54I'll fix him good and proper this time.
09:57Him and anybody that tries to save him.
10:07It's always surprised me that something
10:09so small could do so much.
10:12I've seen men trampled by cattle, thrown, every bone
10:15in their body broken.
10:16You'd live.
10:18Well, one lead slug, barely an ounce.
10:21You've put enough slugs into people not to be surprised.
10:25You're still harping back to the past, McCain.
10:27You're kidding no one but yourself,
10:29if you think I'm kidding.
10:30I'm not kidding.
10:31I'm not kidding.
10:32I'm not kidding.
10:33Another pass, McCain.
10:34You're kidding no one but yourself,
10:36if you think it's been forgotten.
10:39Another compress.
10:45Has your pass been forgotten?
10:47I blew it down.
10:49That's what I'm trying to do.
10:52Only it's not easy.
10:54You expect it to be, a reputation you had?
10:57I see you're still wearing that gun.
10:59And you still carry that rifle.
11:01I use that rifle only when I have to.
11:03So when you're finished your battle,
11:05you get on your horse and ride, and don't ever come back.
11:09This man's life is still in danger, McCain.
11:11I've got an obligation.
11:13When I'm through, you say that again.
11:22He alive?
11:25Yeah, he is alive.
11:28What do you want?
11:29I'm not talking to you, sodbuster.
11:32Doc, you're making a mistake.
11:34That man don't want to live.
11:38He didn't hear me, Doc.
11:39I said you let him die.
11:42No man got a right to live, after doing this to me.
11:46You shoot him?
11:49Maybe not.
11:50What's the answer, Doc?
11:53If I can possibly save this man's life, I'm going to do it.
11:57If you'd like, I'll look at your face.
11:59You save him, you won't be looking at nothing,
12:01because you'll be dead.
12:05You said all you're going to say, mister.
12:07Now back on out that door.
12:09Both of you.
12:10I'm going, but I ain't going far.
12:12I'll be right out in the street waiting for you.
12:14Leave it.
12:16Remember what I said.
12:18You save him, I'll kill you, Doc.
12:20Him, and you, and you.
12:25Who are they?
12:27They're riding the Lobo band.
12:29Still killing their own?
12:32Why not?
12:33They take half the two-bit gunmen in the territory.
12:36Drunks, outlaws thrown together on one ranch.
12:39What do you expect?
12:41Did you ever work for Lobo?
12:45I thought about it once.
12:47So did I.
12:51We're wasting time in this man's life.
12:53How about it?
12:54Is he going to live?
12:55I don't know yet.
12:57I think there's four of them out there.
13:02Let's use any cat gut.
13:12So anyhow, after Mom died, we moved to Chicago.
13:15That's where Daddy studied medicine.
13:17You ever been to Chicago?
13:23Oh, no.
13:25I don't guess we've been much of any place.
13:28We used to live in a little town in Oklahoma,
13:30though, until my mother died.
13:32Then Pa came out here.
13:41You know, there are half a million people in Chicago.
13:44Half a million?
13:45What do they all do?
13:47Same as here.
13:48Bookkeepers, doctors, bankers.
13:51Well, I'd think that your Pa would want to stay back
13:53there with all those people.
13:55I mean, being a doctor and all.
13:57Well, no.
13:58I think they made him uncomfortable.
14:00Daddy says a man has to have room to stretch.
14:03I sure hated to leave, but, well, Daddy was right.
14:07He said that he felt his services were needed more out here.
14:10And you know, we went through some towns that didn't even
14:13have a doctor, like Lone Pine.
14:15Lone Pine?
14:16That's where we're going.
14:17It's over in the Arizona Territory,
14:19in the Gila Mountains.
14:22It's Spanish.
14:23You say Gila, not Gila.
14:27Well, that's where we're going, anyhow.
14:29You know, Daddy's going to be the only doctor
14:31in 200 miles around.
14:33You think he'll like it?
14:34I hope so.
14:35I don't remember much about any of this country.
14:37We left 10 years ago when I was only six.
14:40Only six?
14:43Then that means that you're at least 16 now.
14:4816 now?
14:49Next birthday.
14:51How old are you, Mark?
14:56How old did you say?
14:59You want some pie?
15:00I'll order it.
15:03Are you sure you have enough money, though?
15:05Oh, sure.
15:07Sure, I'm sure.
15:14You have any trouble raising a boy in this kind of country?
15:18Oh, no more than usual.
15:20Boys are boys, you know.
15:22Are they?
15:24What about his friends?
15:25He's got enough.
15:27Oh, uh, I mean, what are they like?
15:31Well, some are a little rougher than others, I guess.
15:37You worried about the girl?
15:41Hand me those scissors.
15:44The scissors.
15:48If Stark dies, are we going to leave?
15:53Not until I settle things with that sodbuster.
15:55Yeah, but you said that...
15:56I know what I said.
15:57That's it.
15:58That holster, did you see it?
16:00What are you talking about?
16:03That big silver B on that holster that Doc was wearing.
16:06I've seen it before a long time ago, and there's a...
16:11Simon's in it.
16:13Who's this battle?
16:14Gunfighter, Oklahoma Territory.
16:15Disappeared about 10 years ago.
16:16Simon Battle, yeah.
16:18I heard he was more than good.
16:21Maybe that'll make up for this.
16:24I'd like to get me a gunfighter like that.
16:26Sort of give me something to go on.
16:28Spicer, listen to me.
16:29Battle was good.
16:3010 years, you say, huh?
16:32No man puts his gun down for 10 years and comes back good.
16:36I'm getting tired of waiting.
16:38I'm tired of waiting.
16:40Hey, Doc.
16:41How you coming?
16:43Keeping him alive, Doc?
16:45You know something?
16:46I changed my mind.
16:47You hear me?
16:48You too, sodbuster.
16:50I changed my mind.
16:51I want you to keep him alive.
16:54The boys here say that Doc's name's Simon Battle.
16:57He's a real good boy with a gun.
17:00Will you keep old Stark alive so as I can find out?
17:04Yeah, I'm going to stay here till you come back.
17:08Yeah, I'm going to stay here till you come out.
17:10And then I'm going to kill you, Simon Battle.
17:12Come on.
17:16Well, what's it look like?
17:17Bleeding stopped.
17:18His pulse is good.
17:23Pa, we heard him.
17:25He didn't mean what he said.
17:27I'm afraid he did, Vicki.
17:30Can't you do something?
17:33Vicki, listen to me.
17:36You remember when your mother passed away?
17:38Do you remember?
17:39Yes, I remember very well what you said,
17:41that you were going to change.
17:43I have, Vicki.
17:44But for this?
17:46I'm not going to let you.
17:48You've got to stop them.
17:49Vicki, listen.
17:50No, you listen.
17:53My father was in a gunfight once.
17:56He was shot and he almost died.
17:58A lot of people thought he had.
18:00But my mother nursed him day and night for weeks.
18:04She wore herself out trying to keep him alive
18:06because there was no doctor anywhere.
18:09He lived.
18:11But she was so tired and so weak that she got the fever.
18:18We did what we could, but there was nothing we could do
18:21because there was no doctor.
18:25So he promised her then.
18:27He promised her the very last thing she ever heard was.
18:34I promised her I'd become a doctor,
18:37start helping people, instead of being what I was.
18:43But you are a doctor now and you're going to stay one.
18:46Don't go out there.
18:48Come on, Doc.
18:49What are you waiting for?
18:51Old Stark still alive?
18:54You afraid to come out?
18:56I'm talking to you too, sodbuster.
19:00Washington should be back soon.
19:08We're still waiting.
19:31Come on, Doc.
19:33You'll make us come in after you.
19:39You've got a patient to take care of.
19:45Vicki, those men want to kill me because I saved this man's life.
19:52If I don't stand up and defend what I am,
19:55then it's all been in vain.
20:01Watch his pulse and respiration.
20:04Try and keep him quiet.
20:17Can I buy you a steak later on?
20:20I think I'd better go.
20:22I'll see you later, Doc.
20:23See you later.
20:30I guess I'd like that.
20:38He's alive.
20:44Stay close.
21:00Stay close.
21:19He's mine.
21:27Put it away.
21:31I'm going to give you a chance to live, sonny boy.
21:34Put it away.
21:50You satisfied?
21:58Well, I'm not.
22:01You satisfied?
22:03Well, I'm not.
22:04Well, I'm not.
22:05Well, I'm not.
22:06Well, I'm not.
22:07Well, I'm not.
22:08Well, I'm not.
22:09Well, I'm not.
22:10Well, I'm not.
22:11Well, I'm not.
22:12Well, I'm not.
22:13Well, I'm not.
22:14Well, I'm not.
22:15Well, I'm not.
22:16Well, I'm not.
22:17Well, I'm not.
22:18Well, I'm not.
22:19Well, I'm not.
22:20Well, I'm not.
22:21Well, I'm not.
22:22Well, I'm not.
22:23Well, I'm not.
22:24Well, I'm not.
22:25Well, I'm not.
22:26Well, I'm not.
22:27Well, I'm not.
22:28Well, I'm not.
22:29Well, I'm not.
22:30Well, I'm not.
22:31Well, I'm not.
22:32Well, I'm not.
22:33Well, I'm not.
22:34Well, I'm not.
22:35Well, I'm not.
22:36Well, I'm not.
22:37Well, I'm not.
22:38Well, I'm not.
22:39Well, I'm not.
22:40Well, I'm not.
22:41Well, I'm not.
22:42Well, I'm not.
22:43Well, I'm not.
22:44Well, I'm not.
22:45Well, I'm not.
22:46Well, I'm not.
22:47Well, I'm not.
22:48Well, I'm not.
22:49Well, I'm not.
22:50Well, I'm not.
22:51Well, I'm not.
22:52Well, I'm not.
22:53Well, I'm not.
22:54Well, I'm not.
22:55Well, I'm not.
22:57It's all over.
23:19You're right, Vicki.
23:20I'd like to know how you and your father are getting
23:22along over there in Lone Pine.
23:23I will, Mr. McCain.
23:25All right to you, too, Mark.
23:30Battle, I was wrong.
23:36That makes two of us.
23:38Good luck, Doc.
23:43Thank you, Lucas.
23:56Kind of makes life seem worthwhile, doesn't it?
23:59Yeah, it sure does, son.
24:03What's the matter?
24:05That Vicki.
24:06Why does she have to be almost 16?
24:09Well, son, now, look.
24:10Don't say it, Pa.
24:11I know.
24:17I'm sorry.
24:18I'm sorry.
24:19I'm sorry.
24:20I'm sorry.
24:21I'm sorry.
24:22I'm sorry.
24:23I'm sorry.
24:24I'm sorry.
24:25I'm sorry.
24:26I'm sorry.
24:27I'm sorry.
24:28I'm sorry.
24:29I'm sorry.
24:30I'm sorry.
24:31I'm sorry.
24:32I'm sorry.
24:33I'm sorry.
24:34I'm sorry.
24:35I'm sorry.
24:36I'm sorry.
24:37I'm sorry.
24:38I'm sorry.
24:39I'm sorry.
24:40I'm sorry.
24:41I'm sorry.
24:42I'm sorry.
24:43I'm sorry.
24:44I'm sorry.
24:45I'm sorry.
24:46I'm sorry.
24:47I'm sorry.
24:48I'm sorry.
24:49I'm sorry.
24:50I'm sorry.
24:51I'm sorry.
24:52I'm sorry.
24:53I'm sorry.
24:54I'm sorry.
24:55I'm sorry.
24:56I'm sorry.
24:57I'm sorry.
24:58I'm sorry.
24:59I'm sorry.
25:00I'm sorry.
25:01I'm sorry.
25:02I'm sorry.
25:03I'm sorry.
25:04I'm sorry.
25:05I'm sorry.
25:06I'm sorry.
25:07I'm sorry.
25:08I'm sorry.
25:09I'm sorry.
25:10I'm sorry.
25:11I'm sorry.
25:12I'm sorry.
25:13I'm sorry.
25:14I'm sorry.
25:15I'm sorry.
25:16I'm sorry.
25:17I'm sorry.
25:18I'm sorry.
25:19I'm sorry.
25:20I'm sorry.
25:21I'm sorry.