The Rifleman S03E29

  • 2 months ago
The Rifleman S03E29


00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, or events, or events, or events is purely coincidental.
00:27Alright, Paul.
00:57It's alright, son. You be quiet.
01:08Okay, let's get out of here.
01:09You're getting bloodshy, aren't you? What's the rush?
01:12It'll be months before anybody finds us.
01:14Look, this time we're going to travel slow and easy, ladies and gentlemen.
01:18We don't want to get across the border too tired to enjoy ourselves.
01:21¡Muchas gracias, amigos! ¡Adiós!
01:36I'd say there were two of them, huh, son?
01:38They took our horses and supplies.
01:41How are we going to get you to a doctor?
01:44Look, you better take it easy, Paul. You're still bleeding.
01:47Yeah. Come on, see if you can get me some water, huh?
01:53I already looked. There isn't any.
02:00Well, the nearest place I can think of is the Mariah Ranch.
02:05We can make it there on foot.
02:07Come on, son. Come on.
02:16If somebody asks you to do something wrong and you don't do it,
02:19can you still be blamed for it?
02:23What do you get at, son?
02:26The older man.
02:29He was supposed to kill us and didn't. He even helped me fix your head.
02:33A lot just because a man does one good deed doesn't excuse all the bad in his past.
02:39Come on, let's get started.
02:46What about you?
02:48We'll send somebody back to bury him, son.
03:02Come on.
03:16Hey, Paul, there's a campfire down there.
03:19Look, maybe we can get some help. Borrow some horses.
03:22Wait a minute, son.
03:24You better take it easy. Find out who they are first.
03:32Who's it?
04:16Tosh, you're going over there.
04:21Your friend got to.
04:24What's going on?
04:26We got company.
04:28Bet you got company.
04:33Double-cross him.
04:41All right.
04:42If you try that again, I'm going to save the marshal and trouble a hole in your trial.
04:45That goes for you too.
04:46Now get over here.
04:48Get over here!
04:50From now on,
04:52I'm going to keep you two together like Siamese twins till we get to town.
04:55You understand that?
04:57Now tie his hands.
05:03Hey, Andy.
05:05You ought to cotton up to that kid.
05:08He got us into this mess.
05:10Maybe he can help get us out.
05:14The kid fancies you for saving their hides.
05:17Get close to him.
05:19Make him feel sorry for you.
05:24You know,
05:26I don't know if I can do it.
05:28I don't know if I can do it.
05:30Hey, kid.
05:31How about some coffee?
05:33Give him some coffee, son.
05:35But don't get too close.
05:53You sure make good coffee.
05:55Pa taught me.
05:56And Ma?
05:59I had a boy once.
06:01How old is he?
06:03Oh, last time I seen him, he was about your age, but he's a full grown man now.
06:08Where is he now?
06:09In the east.
06:11Aren't you ever going to try and look him up or anything?
06:16What would a big city doctor that lives in a fine brownstone home
06:21get a fancy carriage and a couple of high stepping horses?
06:24What do you want with a fellow like me, son?
06:32It's kind of hard to drink coffee with your hands tied, son.
06:36Will you give me a hand?
06:41Any of that coffee left?
06:49I told you not to get too close, son.
06:51I told you not to get too close, son.
06:54I'm sorry, Pa.
06:56Well, it's time to break camp.
06:59You get the horses ready.
07:10Take the right fork.
07:13Look, fella.
07:15Why don't you let us take the border trail?
07:17Like a ridge.
07:18Shut up!
07:19Not going to hang for any of your killings.
07:21Look at that pack animal there.
07:23There's a fortune in gold dust.
07:25More he'll never make in your life as a dirt grubbing farmer.
07:29Help you send that boy to school.
07:31Help you send him to the best schools in the east.
07:35All you have to do is cut us loose
07:37and we'll go across the border and we won't come back.
07:39I give you my word.
07:41You're finished.
07:45You stupid fool.
07:47You ought to know you can't make a deal with his kind.
07:49You kill the old man and I'm not going to die for it.
07:52He's going to die, not us.
07:55Look at him.
07:57Can't you see every mile is bringing him closer to the breaking point?
08:00Two more days of riding.
08:02Nights with no sleep.
08:04He's got to make a slip.
08:06That's what I'm waiting for, farmer.
08:08Just one slip.
08:10A nod.
08:12And I promise you, you won't live to see another day.
08:15The right fork.
08:34Hands behind your back.
08:42You're a farmer, ain't you?
08:44I raise cattle.
08:47Same thing.
08:48Work by the sweat of your brow.
08:51That's for honest suckers.
08:55My old man was an honest sucker.
08:57Slave from sunup to sundown seven days a week.
09:02You know what it reaped them, farmer?
09:04Reaped them a fine harvest of drought.
09:08Then he died.
09:12Cattle raising and dirt grubbing.
09:14That's how fools only got the guts to take what they want.
09:24An honest man doesn't get yanked into the next world by a rope necklace, mister.
09:29Oh, come on, farmer.
09:31They made a rope big enough for me.
09:34That remains to be seen.
09:38All right, son.
09:40Cover him up.
09:43All right.
10:08I'm sorry.
10:10Your bruise is looking mighty ugly, Paul.
10:13It's all right, Mark.
10:15So you don't want me to put another bandage on it?
10:18You turn in and get some sleep.
10:20Well, you're the one who needs it, Paul.
10:22I already took a nap during the day.
10:29Good night, farmer.
10:37I'll make a deal with you, son.
10:39You watch them for 10 or 15 minutes.
10:41And I'll shut my eyes.
10:43You can sit right over there, all right?
10:48If one of them budges, you wake me.
10:52You understand?
10:54All right.
11:11Good night.
11:41Good night.
12:11Good night.
12:49All right, you go on back there.
12:50Go on.
12:52I'm sorry, Paul.
12:53I didn't mean for him to sleep.
12:54It's all right, son.
12:56You better go and get some sleep now, huh?
13:02All right, mister.
13:04You lie down on your stomach.
13:06Go on.
13:08And put your hands on your back.
13:12Go on.
13:38Good morning, son.
13:40Good morning, Paul.
13:41How are you feeling?
13:42Oh, I'm fine, son.
13:44Listen, I've been thinking it might be a good idea for you to ride on by yourself.
13:48And leave you alone with those two?
13:50You think I can't handle them?
13:52Sure, Paul.
13:53If you weren't hurt and tired and...
13:54Oh, you quit worrying.
13:55I'm all right, son.
13:56But if you ride on by yourself, you save time.
13:58You can reach the Maran Ranch by nightfall.
14:00Get some help and be back by dawn.
14:03Save a whole day.
14:07All right.
14:08Ride hard.
14:19Do I have to, Paul?
14:21It's the way I want it, son.
14:31The kid.
14:34He didn't just send that kid off for help.
14:35What do you mean?
14:36That sodbuster.
14:38He knows he can't last.
14:40That's why he sent the kid off.
14:42He's saving his life.
14:46He's gonna crack.
14:48I know he is.
14:50By the time that kid comes back,
14:52we'll be on our way to the border.
15:01We're about to move.
15:02We're on the way to the city.
15:03We're about to move.
15:04We're hungry.
15:05We're gonna starve here.
15:14You don't feel too steady, are you, Farmer?
15:24Why don't you just lie down and die, Farmer?
15:27You ain't gonna make it nowhere.
15:34What are you gonna do now?
15:54What'd you do that for?
15:56That's just a waste of good guns, Farmer.
15:58But it don't make no difference.
16:00We'll have that fancy rifle of yours soon.
16:01We'll have that fancy rifle of yours soon.
16:32Come on, come on, untie me.
16:34Come on, come on, untie me.
17:22I told you, sodbuster.
17:29Here's some jerky.
17:32See if it'll stop this.
17:36You can't do us any harm.
17:38Come on over here and untie me,
17:39and let's get out of here.
17:44You know what?
17:46You ought to wear your collar turned around.
17:52Going around saving lives.
17:55Twice in two days, too.
17:59Look, I can do that.
18:00You can untie my hands,
18:01and go get the horses ready.
18:06Come on, untie my hands here, Jacks.
18:10What are you doing?
18:11Put the rifle down.
18:13I don't need a gun-shy partner
18:14to help me spend the loot
18:15packed in that saddlebag.
18:19Now, wait a minute.
18:22Come on.
18:23There you go, partner.
18:26There's enough there for both of us, Jacks.
18:28It ain't only the dust stand.
18:31Please don't do that.
18:33I'll tell you what.
18:34Let's have some fun, Andy.
18:36I mean, I don't want to shoot a standing duck.
18:38I'll let you make a run for it.
18:40Oh, take my shirt.
18:41Take the horses.
18:42Take everything.
18:43But you don't have to shoot.
18:44You can have it all.
18:46Come on, Andy, run.
18:47I'll give you a chance to run.
18:48If you make it, you're free.
18:50I can't run.
18:51I can't run with my hands tied.
18:53Andy, go on, run!
18:57Run, Andy!
19:12No, Pa!
19:15One took off into the brush.
19:31I'm glad you got here in time, Sonny.
19:47As soon as we get that head fixed up,
19:48we'll make a travoy and take you home in style.
19:50Thanks, Barack.
19:52You know, I bet your friend out there,
19:54if he had a second chance,
19:55he'd check to see if that barrel was clear.
19:57Looks like it stopped up.
19:59It's your rifle.
20:00How'd that happen?
20:02Well, uh,
20:03let's say I just got careless, Barack.
20:13Well, what'll they do to him, Pa?
20:16I don't know, Son.
20:18It's still gonna be up to a judge and jury.
20:28Ho, ho, ho!
20:30Starting December 23rd,
20:32you're invited to Hallmark for the Holidays.
20:35I can't wait to see it.
20:37For three full days of holiday movies.
20:40Hello and welcome.
20:41The best.
20:42What the hell are you doing in here?
20:43Buying donuts.
20:44Well, thank you very much.
20:45And brightest holiday event of the year.
20:47It's for you.
20:48It's showtime!
20:49The Hallmark Channel Holiday Film Festival.
20:51All day Monday.
20:52Only on the Hallmark Channel.
20:54All day Monday.
20:55Only on the Hallmark Channel.
20:57Make it Hallmark for the Holidays.
20:59Ho, ho, ho!