Ask ve umut episode 1 with subtitles english

  • le mois dernier
00:18kızımın emekleri boşa gitmesin Allah'ım sen Zeynep'im nezutu kara çıkarma iyi olacak gönül iyi
00:27bak etme Zeynep hayalini kurdu üniversiteye girecek inşallah inşallah
00:31yok kalbim dayanamayacak benim
00:40abone ol
00:46It's here. Open it, quick!
00:48Come on, open it!
01:17Yigit, why isn't this page opening?
01:20Renew this page.
01:22Dad, it's locked.
01:24Everyone is busy, that's why it's locked.
01:26Honey, calm down.
01:28Calm down.
01:30Okay, okay, I'm calm.
01:32Look, you'll see, this time it worked.
01:34Right, dear?
01:38I hope so, I hope so.
01:42It's opened.
01:44I hope so.
01:50Özel Ulus University Law Faculty
01:52won the Fanburst!
02:06Well done!
02:08You did it, dear.
02:10You did it.
02:50But it was obvious.
02:52Where were you going to get this point?
02:54But dad...
02:56Wait a minute, wait a minute.
02:58Your sister won.
03:00AVM University
03:02Cafeteria Department.
03:04Look at me, look at me!
03:06Miss! Miss!
03:08Come here, Miss!
03:10Miss! Miss!
03:12I can't cry, I can't cry.
03:14Come on.
03:16Okay, okay, okay.
03:18I had a promise with Ethem.
03:20I said I'd throw 22 bells
03:22for this girl to win the university.
03:24I'll really do it.
03:26Come on, come on, come on.
03:28Come on, girl.
03:30Come on, come on.
03:32Come on, my dear.
03:34You're going to break my heart.
03:36The crazy girl of the neighborhood.
03:38If they say there's a wedding in the sky,
03:40the ladder will come out.
03:42I swear I'll get out.
03:46Come on.
03:48Come on.
03:50I did it, girl. I did it.
04:04My father must be watching us now, right?
04:08My father must be proud of me, too.
04:10Of course he does, doesn't he?
04:12I'm going to be a lawyer like he wants me to be.
04:14My daughter.
04:28Enough, mom!
04:30I'm sick of you!
04:32Shut up for once!
04:34I'm going to beat you up!
04:36Will you stop, Melis?
04:38Come here!
04:40Will you stop, Melis?
04:46Enough, Melis!
04:48You're attacking your sister in a place you should be ashamed of.
04:50Dad, didn't you hear what he said to me?
05:00Can you please calm down?
05:02Enough, Feraye!
05:06You made her like this.
05:10We sent her to the best schools in Istanbul.
05:12We taught her the best teachers.
05:14We looked her in the eye
05:16so she could study.
05:18The only thing she had to do
05:20was sit down and study.
05:22She didn't do that, either.
05:26Shame on you, Melis.
05:28Shame on you.
05:30You're really embarrassing me.
05:36I'm proud of you, dear.
05:38How could I have done it without you?
05:40I'm glad you're my mom.
05:42Don't cry anymore.
05:44I'm sick of it.
05:46I had no use for it.
05:48You couldn't take the exam for two years
05:50because you wanted to save money.
05:52Aren't you the one who said
05:54flowers don't bloom before time?
05:56Of course.
05:58You couldn't even go to the classroom.
06:00Enough, Gönül.
06:02You're making her sad, too.
06:04Don't cry.
06:06Okay, I won't cry.
06:08Mom, what are you going to do?
06:10You brought me here alone.
06:12I wish
06:14my dad could see me alone.
06:28I won.
06:30I got accepted to the National University of Law.
06:32What did you do?
06:36I can't believe it.
06:38I'll cook for her.
06:40I wonder what I should cook.
06:42Isn't it time yet?
06:46My dad says nothing else.
06:48Shame on her.
06:50Do you think it's easy
06:52to send her to school alone in Istanbul?
06:54Tell your dad.
06:56Don't tell me.
06:58Don't make me quiet.
07:02Her dad is not dead yet.
07:04He's a lawyer. He's rich.
07:06He has a lot of employees.
07:08Isn't it enough?
07:10Let him support his daughter.
07:12How can I face him after all these years?
07:14How can I tell him
07:16I've been hiding my daughter from him for years?
07:20God forbid.
07:22Forget it.
07:24I'll cook for my daughter.
07:26I'll do it
07:28as I've done so far.
07:343,243,425 people took the exam.
07:3686% of the candidates
07:38went to university.
07:40My sister is in the 14%.
07:42I don't think it's bad at all.
07:44Look at me.
07:46Don't push your luck.
07:48We'll see you, Yigit.
07:50We'll see you in two years.
07:54Yes, Melis.
07:58Was our effort in vain?
08:02What do those who can't have
08:04half of what they have
08:08What about you?
08:16I don't have to say anything.
08:18Since I'm embarrassing you,
08:20don't look at me like that.
08:22Since I'm embarrassing you,
08:24don't look at me like that.
08:28I'm not done yet.
08:30Calm down.
08:32It's all because of you.
08:36I'm sorry, Melis.
08:38Kuzey, you're a witness.
08:40We send her to the best schools.
08:42We do our best to make her successful.
08:44She's a shepherd.
08:46She's getting a degree.
08:48Our daughter will be successful.
08:50Look at what she's doing.
08:52That's enough, honey.
08:54Please calm down.
08:56If she doesn't win,
08:58the world will end.
09:00She'll work for the next two years.
09:02Look, Bülent.
09:04The girl in your dream may not have a child.
09:06But she's your only daughter.
09:08Every person has a different
09:10talent and capacity.
09:12You know that best.
09:32We lost in the exam.
09:34Let's win in love.
09:40How are you, dear?
09:42Are you okay?
09:44I'm not, mom.
09:46I'm not okay.
09:48Come here.
09:58My daughter.
10:02I'm making pita bread.
10:04It's hot.
10:06You're great, mom.
10:08Are you going to the cafe?
10:12I have to talk to Sevilla.
10:14We're Istanbul travelers now.
10:28I'll make you a popora in the evening.
10:30You're great.
10:32I'm leaving.
10:40Mr. Haldun.
10:42Mr. Haldun.
10:48I have to leave.
10:50I told the accountant last week.
10:54Can I get the money today?
11:04Okay, Mr. Haldun.
11:06Have a nice day.
11:08Why home?
11:10Why home?
11:12Did the company go bankrupt?
11:14He's sick.
11:16That's why.
11:18Give me my money.
11:20He's been using his savings for months.
11:22Why are you begging him
11:24when you want what's rightfully yours?
11:26He's going to pay.
11:28I don't want anything to go wrong.
11:30We're going to keep the house.
11:32The girl's going to have a lot of expenses.
11:34I have to get that money for Zeynep.
11:36You're right.
11:38I hope you don't have any money left.
11:40Will you come with me?
11:42Of course.
11:44I won't leave you alone.
11:50I worked so hard, mom.
11:52You know that.
11:54Maybe I moved the lights when I was signaling.
11:56My dad didn't listen to me at all.
11:58Okay, sister.
12:00Don't cry.
12:02What did you do downstairs?
12:04I did it to soften the atmosphere.
12:06It didn't soften.
12:08I'm sorry.
12:10Your dad wants you to be successful.
12:12He doesn't want you to be sad.
12:14Okay, mom.
12:16What did I do to deserve this?
12:18I was embarrassing my dad.
12:20Don't get into the drama.
12:22Am I wrong, brother?
12:24Leave these aside.
12:26The important thing is
12:28to learn from what you've been through.
12:30You know how much we love you, right?
12:32Come on, pull yourself together.
12:34Okay, don't cry anymore.
12:36Come here.
12:38Mom, I didn't deserve this.
12:40I moved the lights.
12:42Why doesn't my dad understand me?
13:04Why doesn't my dad understand me?
13:26Oh, my beautiful daughter.
13:28You don't understand me at all.
13:30You don't understand me at all.
13:34You don't understand me at all.
14:04I don't understand.
14:34I'm sorry.
14:36I'm sorry.
14:38I'm sorry.
14:40I'm sorry.
14:42I'm sorry.
14:44I'm sorry.
14:46I'm sorry.
14:48I'm sorry.
14:50I'm sorry.
14:52I'm sorry.
14:54I'm sorry.
14:56I'm sorry.
14:58I'm sorry.
15:00I'm sorry.
15:02I'm sorry.
15:04I'm sorry.
15:06I'm sorry.
15:08I'm sorry.
15:10I'm sorry.
15:12I'm sorry.
15:14I'm sorry.
15:16I'm sorry.
15:18I'm sorry.
15:20I'm sorry.
15:22I'm sorry.
15:24I'm sorry.
15:26I'm sorry.
15:28I'm sorry.
15:30We'll have a baby.
15:32He'll know. He'll witness.
15:36We'll have a few kids.
15:56The girl is crying. Talk to her.
15:58I told her what I was going to tell her.
16:00Don't do that.
16:02At least let her go out a little.
16:06Until she comes to her senses, Feraye will not leave her room.
16:26Say hello to Ege.
16:28Look at me.
16:46Wait for me outside.
16:48I'll come with you.
16:50He can't be so brave at home.
16:52He cried.
16:54Wait here. He was sick.
16:56His voice was very bad.
16:58God punished him.
17:00Sickness is not an obstacle to perversion.
17:02How did he squeeze you in his room before?
17:04Okay, don't show up.
17:06Let's go.
17:20Let it go.
17:22Don't work today.
17:24I'll miss here.
17:26Let me enjoy my last day.
17:28How can I find someone like you?
17:30You'll find. Don't worry.
17:34Congratulations, Zeynep.
17:36Come here.
17:40You did a great job.
17:44I can't believe it.
17:46Is it all for me?
17:50Sister Sevla made it all for you.
17:52It's beautiful.
17:54What is the 5th in Turkey?
17:58Zeynep, this is our gift.
18:00What did you think?
18:02What did you think?
18:04Open it.
18:10It's beautiful.
18:12I wish you could make fair decisions all your life.
18:16You are great.
18:18This statue will always be in front of my eyes.
18:20I will never forget you.
18:22I will never forget you.
18:30Okay, sister.
18:32I got their notes.
18:34I'll get to the office as soon as possible.
18:36Long live, Kuzey.
18:38All the burden of the office is yours.
18:40It's a pleasure for me.
18:42It's good that Kuzey is here.
18:44Otherwise, it was obvious that ours would not be lawyers.
18:46Don't say that, dad.
18:48Early execution.
18:50I hope so.
18:52I'm going to the office.
18:54Okay, uncle.
18:56See you at the office.
18:58Okay, good luck.
19:00Where is Melis?
19:02What are you going to say?
19:04I will remind her that she is punished.
19:06Dad, I'll tell her. You go.
19:08Melis will come down.
19:12Melis is here.
19:14My sister is gone.
19:20Hello, Luis.
19:50How are you?
20:04Ms. Nilüfer.
20:06We can only see your beautiful face
20:08when there is a matter to take and give.
20:10How are you
20:12by the way?
20:16You said you were sick.
20:18But you are fine.
20:20I'll go now.
20:24I'm sick.
20:26But I'm sick of you.
20:28Take your hand off.
20:30I came here to get my right.
20:32But what do people like you understand?
20:34Look at me.
20:36We understand you,
20:38but you don't understand us.
20:40I love you.
20:42Do you understand?
20:44Say yes to me.
20:46You are my sultan.
20:48You are the woman of my house.
20:50Be my sultan.
20:52What kind of a man are you?
20:54You are married.
20:56Say yes.
20:58I will divorce that woman.
21:00And I will save my daughter's life.
21:02Don't mention my daughter's name.
21:04I don't want your money.
21:06Get out.
21:08I will divorce you.
21:10Get out.
21:14I love you.
21:22What did you do?
21:28I will burn you and your daughter.
21:30Don't mention my daughter's name.
21:32Get out.
21:38I will kill you in prison.
21:40I will kill you.
21:42Get out.
22:02Get out.
22:08Where were you?
22:10I was calling the police.
22:12Don't call the police.
22:14What happened?
22:16What is that blood?
22:20I killed him.
22:22I killed him.
22:24I am a murderer.
22:28We will go to Istanbul with my mother.
22:30I can't wait.
22:32I wish my mother would come with me.
22:36It is hard to live in Istanbul.
22:40We will work together.
22:44I am not afraid of anything.
22:46My mother has always found a solution.
22:48We will work together.
22:50I hope so.
23:00What is going on?
23:16Come here.
23:18Where are you?
23:20We are waiting for you.
23:34Come here.
23:38Don't bother me.
23:40Enjoy yourself.
23:42Maybe your love is one of these girls.
23:48How can you know that without trying?
23:50If love was something to be found by trying,
23:52you wouldn't be looking for it.
23:54Where are you?
23:56They will miss us if you don't come soon.
24:00Girls are waiting for you.
24:02Don't worry.
24:18How are you?
24:20I am fine.
24:24There is a garbage can.
24:26Put your garbage there.
24:36The one who kidnapped the girl is here.
24:40You gathered the girls here again.
24:42Ms. Melisa.
24:44You are in good shape.
24:46I am so nervous.
24:48Go away.
24:50Since you are here,
24:52we will all cry.
24:54Arda, can you go away?
25:08Take off your apron.
25:12No buts.
25:14You are fired from now on.
25:16This is your compensation.
25:22This is too much.
25:26This is your right.
25:28Call me if you are bored.
25:30Of course.
25:38We are having a party for you tonight.
25:40Don't be late.
25:58For you.
26:10For me?
26:12These are for you.
26:14They are beautiful.
26:16White papatia.
26:18It means innocence and eternal love.
26:20You got the right person.
26:28What happened?
26:30Please tell me.
26:32I killed him.
26:34I killed him.
26:36I killed him.
26:38Calm down.
26:40He came to me.
26:42He threatened me with his daughter.
26:44I stabbed him.
26:46I don't know how I did that.
26:48What am I going to tell Zeynep?
26:50What am I going to do?
26:52I ruined everything.
26:54Are you sure?
26:58He was bleeding.
27:00He was lying motionless.
27:02I will go and surrender.
27:06What is your fault?
27:08I am a witness.
27:10Zeynep worked so hard.
27:14You don't have to know.
27:16I can't drag her into this.
27:28I love you.
27:30I can't bear it.
27:32I love you.
27:34I love you.
27:36I love you.
27:38I love you.
27:40I love you.
27:50Are you okay?
27:52Yes, I am okay.
27:54Who brought these flowers?
27:56What difficulties did Sırma face?
28:00Uncle, people grow when they face difficulties.
28:05When they face obstacles, they struggle to overcome them.
28:09Melis has never faced any difficulties, nor has she ever faced any obstacles.
28:14So you're saying it's because of your face.
28:17No, of course I'm not saying that.
28:19I just gave her some time.
28:21I gave her permission to follow her dreams.
28:23Maybe your dreams aren't the same as Melis's.
28:29You're right.
28:32Thank you, Uncle.
28:34The meeting is about to start. I'll go and talk to you.
28:37Okay, good luck.
28:43Everyone at home is so rude to me.
28:46Especially my dad.
28:48I'm embarrassing him.
28:50It was obvious that it would be like that, Melis.
28:51You didn't work at all.
28:53What were you waiting for?
28:55You didn't even come to us.
28:58You broke our hearts.
29:00I think he broke yours.
29:02They all broke up when Ege didn't face it.
29:04You know you won't give up trying, right Melis?
29:07I'm going to find a girl for Ege.
29:09And there are a lot of new girls coming to school this year.
29:13Look, the dream at the university has been shared.
29:16Turkey's fifth is coming to us.
29:18It's the cow's milk.
29:20It's something with puffy eyes.
29:22You're right.
29:26Would you look at that beauty?
29:28Arda, go away. We're talking here.
29:41Never give up chasing your dreams.
29:43Never give up chasing your dreams.
30:14This watch was your father's, daughter.
30:17Your father used to say that the most important thing in life is time.
30:21Everything comes back, but time doesn't come.
30:25Keep this in mind.
30:27Whenever you get tired,
30:29get depressed,
30:31feel like you're going to give up,
30:33look at this watch.
30:38I'm sorry.
30:40I'm sorry.
30:42I won't waste my time, mom.
30:46I'll be like my father. I promise.
30:51You kept your promise, dad.
30:53I wish you were with me.
31:11I'm sorry.
31:20What will happen if I win anyway?
31:23I'll be unhappy.
31:25I don't want to study law.
31:30What do you want, Melis?
31:34I'm going to be a fashion designer.
31:38Did you apply for ESF?
31:39I've never thought of participating in any promotion programs.
31:42What are you saying, Ege?
31:44What am I saying?
31:46You don't know the best fashion schools in the world.
31:48How do you want to be a fashion designer, Melis?
31:50How should I know?
31:52My daughter, you are the luckiest person in the world.
31:55You have a father like Uncle Bülent.
31:57He does everything for you.
31:59What else do you want?
32:01Everyone is coming after me anyway.
32:03And you started to give advice.
32:05Okay, okay, come here.
32:07I'm talking to you to come to your senses.
32:10Decide what you want.
32:12Talk to your father.
32:14Have a purpose.
32:18Come on, let's eat something.
32:23Zeynep is here.
32:25You play with her.
32:27Okay, come on.
32:37Zeyno, what did you do, dear?
32:39What can I do?
32:41What did your friends do? Did they win?
32:43Well, everyone settled somewhere.
32:45Oh, that's nice.
32:47What did you do? Where were you?
32:49Where's my mom?
32:51She's stuck, she ran to the toilet.
32:55God, what did I do?
32:57What did I do?
32:59What did I do?
33:01What did I do?
33:03What did I do?
33:04What did I do?
33:06Will Zeynep be without a mother?
33:12What did I do?
33:14What did I do?
33:16What did I do?
33:19What did I do?
33:27What did I do?
33:34I'm going to the bathroom.
33:37Oh, welcome, son.
33:39Welcome, dad.
33:41Welcome, honey.
33:42Hello, honey.
33:43Enjoy your meal.
33:45Are you in, matchmaker?
33:46I'm in.
33:47I'm in.
33:48I'm in.
33:49I'm in.
33:50I'm in.
33:51I'm in.
33:52I'm in.
33:53I'm in.
33:54I'm in.
33:55I'm in.
33:56I'm in.
33:57I'm in.
33:58I'm in.
33:59I'm in.
34:00I'm in.
34:01I'm in.
34:02I'm in.
34:03I'm in.
34:05I could never see that coming.
34:06Yes, I can.
34:07I am in.
34:08I'm in
34:10That's amazing.
34:11Yes, I can dance too.
34:12Yes, I can dance.
34:13Yes, I am.
34:14I'm in.
34:15Come on, baby.
34:17Eat yours.
34:18It is for you, mom.
34:20I should learn your dance form.
34:21Come on, let's dance.
34:22A little rustling.
34:25Overall we are in the top 25.
34:32It's okay if I don't go.
34:34You've already prepared.
34:36No way!
34:38Who knows when you'll meet your friends again.
34:40This is your success.
34:42You'll go.
34:44Besides, we couldn't cook anything
34:46when we were called from work.
34:48Right, Fusun?
34:50Yes, yes.
34:52Why don't you come with us then?
34:54No, I'm too tired.
34:56I'm going to sleep.
34:58I'm going to sleep.
35:00No, no.
35:02I'm too tired.
35:04You go, Eylan.
35:06You deserve the best of everything.
35:08My dear daughter.
35:16Then I'll go and iron my dress.
35:18What are we going to do?
35:20I don't know.
35:24Okay, Kuzey.
35:26Okay, I'm here.
35:28I'm running away.
35:30See you.
35:32See you.
35:48Dude, look.
36:00I'm writing here.
36:02I'm in love with you.
36:04Don't say that.
36:06Melis and I are childhood friends.
36:08It may be so for you.
36:10But not for her.
36:12Why not?
36:14She's a beautiful girl.
36:16She has a good sense of humor.
36:18I'm saying she's my friend.
36:22Then tell me what you want.
36:24I'll find a girl for you.
36:26Don't look at me like that.
36:30Look, I'm thinking.
36:32What can you want?
36:34I want a beautiful girl.
36:36I want a pretty girl.
36:38I want someone I can be quiet with.
36:42Wait a minute.
36:44Be quiet?
36:46These are not things you can understand.
36:48So let's close this issue.
36:50Don't bring girls here all the time.
36:52Okay, I understand now.
36:54That's why they're after you, right?
36:56You're running away, they're chasing you.
36:58The girl you can be quiet with is not among them.
37:00Let me tell you that.
37:02How do you know them?
37:04Tell them a thousand times.
37:06I'm not looking here anyway.
37:14Gönül, are you sure?
37:18What if the girl finds out?
37:20I have no choice.
37:22Zeynep must not leave the house before the police arrive.
37:34You look beautiful.
37:36You go.
37:38You help Ms. Sevda.
37:40Actually, you're alone at home like this.
37:42Let me rest a little.
37:44Go, my girl.
37:46You're a university student now.
37:48You're not a child.
37:50Don't think about me all the time.
37:52Let me look at my life now.
37:54Mom, you never talked like this.
37:58I'm becoming a mother of a lawyer.
38:00Let me change now.
38:04Come here.
38:12Go now.
38:14Don't worry about me.
38:28It's none of our business.
38:30Let's go.
38:42Let's go.
39:12Let's go.
39:42Let's go.
40:04We couldn't talk on the phone in the car.
40:06There are some things I need to tell you.
40:08I don't know, Kuzey.
40:14Social media.
40:16These bags don't make you Melis.
40:18They make you stand against life.
40:20Your goals.
40:22Do you listen to me?
40:24You have to make a decision now.
40:26Time flies.
40:28What happened?
40:30I broke my nail.
40:32Who am I talking to, Melis?
40:34I just did it.
40:40Come on.
40:42Give me the basket.
40:44Don't you support me?
40:46I support the audience.
40:48I support you.
40:50Give it to me.
40:52This basket is for my beautiful daughter.
40:58My dear dad.
41:00Well done, uncle.
41:02Welcome, Kuzey.
41:04Thank you, aunt.
41:06This game is over.
41:08It's not easy to beat us.
41:10Kuzey should come to you.
41:12The actor is different.
41:16Give it to me.
41:18Give it to me.
41:24Dad, I'm sorry.
41:26It doesn't matter.
41:28I bought these for you.
41:30For me? What did you buy?
41:32This is not the important thing.
41:34It's time.
41:36It's for you to remember.
41:38If you are unhappy in life,
41:40the only thing that doesn't come back
41:42is remembering that it's time.
41:44Thank you, dad.
41:46What is this?
41:48A tablet?
41:50A notebook.
41:52Write your dreams and expectations
41:54in this notebook.
41:56Write your expectations in this notebook.
41:58Write your expectations in this notebook.
42:00Write your expectations in this notebook.
42:02Write your expectations in this notebook.
42:04Maybe it will help you.
42:06Maybe it will help you.
42:08Thank you, dad.
42:10Does it still embarrass you?
42:12It doesn't matter.
42:14You said it when you were angry.
42:16It doesn't matter.
42:18You are my most beautiful daughter.
42:20You are my most beautiful daughter.
42:22My beautiful daughter.
42:30My beautiful daughter.
42:32My beautiful daughter.
42:34My beautiful daughter.
42:36My beautiful daughter.
42:38My beautiful daughter.
42:40My beautiful daughter.
42:42My beautiful daughter.
42:44My beautiful daughter.
42:46My beautiful daughter.
42:48My beautiful daughter.
42:50My beautiful daughter.
42:52My beautiful daughter.
42:54My beautiful daughter.
42:56My beautiful daughter.
42:58My beautiful daughter.
43:00My beautiful daughter.
43:02My beautiful daughter.
43:04My beautiful daughter.
43:06My beautiful daughter.
43:08My beautiful daughter.
43:10My beautiful daughter.
43:12My beautiful daughter.
43:14My beautiful daughter.
43:16My beautiful daughter.
43:18My beautiful daughter.
43:20My beautiful daughter.
43:22My beautiful daughter.
43:24My beautiful daughter.
43:26My beautiful daughter.
43:28My beautiful daughter.
43:30My beautiful daughter.
43:32My beautiful daughter.
43:34My beautiful daughter.
43:36My beautiful daughter.
43:38My beautiful daughter.
43:40My beautiful daughter.
43:42My beautiful daughter.
43:44My beautiful daughter.
43:46My beautiful daughter.
43:48My beautiful daughter.
43:50My beautiful daughter.
43:52My beautiful daughter.
43:54My beautiful daughter.
43:56My beautiful daughter.
43:58My beautiful daughter.
44:00My beautiful daughter.
44:02My beautiful daughter.
44:04My beautiful daughter.
44:06My beautiful daughter.
44:08My beautiful daughter.
44:10My beautiful daughter.
44:12My beautiful daughter.
44:14My beautiful daughter.
44:16My beautiful daughter.
44:18My beautiful daughter.
44:20My beautiful daughter.
44:22My beautiful daughter.
44:24My beautiful daughter.
44:26My beautiful daughter.
44:28My beautiful daughter.
44:30My beautiful daughter.
44:32My beautiful daughter.
44:34My beautiful daughter.
44:36My beautiful daughter.
44:38My beautiful daughter.
44:40My beautiful daughter.
44:42My beautiful daughter.
44:44My beautiful daughter.
44:46My beautiful daughter.
44:48My beautiful daughter.
44:50My beautiful daughter.
45:14That's enough.
45:22For what?
45:24For forgiving Melisa.
45:26For trying to understand her.
45:28I want her to be fine.
45:32I want all of us to be fine.
45:34I know.
45:40Let's never let anything happen to our family.
46:36You have the right to call only one person.
46:38Okay. Thank you.
48:02Who is this?
48:06Bülent, it's me.
48:1520 years later.
48:17And you cannot call me at this hour.
48:19It's pointless.
48:21I'm hanging up.
48:23Please don't hang up.
48:25It's not for myself.
48:30It's for your daughter.
48:34Your daughter?
48:38I called for our daughter.
48:40I believe you.
48:42I called for our daughter.
49:01She needs you, Mülent.
49:05I don't want anything for myself.
49:07I just want to take care of our daughter.
49:37I love you.
50:07I love you, too.
50:37I love you, too.
51:07I love you, too.
51:37I love you, too.
