How to balance studies with social time? || Acharya Prashant, at RVCE Bangalore (2022)

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Video Information: 12.09.22, RVCE, Bangalore

How can I make sure I have enough time for both studying and hanging out with friends?
Is it okay to take breaks from studying to socialize?
How do I decide when it's time to study and when it's time to socialize?
Can you give me tips for balancing schoolwork and spending time with friends?
What are the consequences of only focusing on studying and not making time for friends?
Are there any easy tricks for managing my time between studying and socializing?
How do I explain to my friends that I need to study sometimes without hurting their feelings?
What can I do to avoid feeling stressed about not having enough time for both studying and socializing?
Are there any apps or tools that can help me keep track of my study and social time?
Will finding a good balance between studying and socializing help me do better in school and feel happier overall?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Namaste ji. So, my question I think is something that a lot of students face. So, like you
00:10said, the purpose of human life is to strive for excellence. But right now, I am trying
00:16my best to strive for that excellence, like to become a very good engineer. But for this,
00:23of course, you need to dedicate a lot of personal time as well. But when you dedicate a lot
00:28of personal time towards this goal of excellence, you also lose out on a lot of social time,
00:34like time for you to hang out with friends and have fun. So, how would you ideally be
00:40able to balance it? Because until now, every time I have achieved my excellence in anything,
00:46it has always been by me shutting the door and just sitting all alone in my room or wherever
00:51and just working. So, that is not really sustainable if you want to have long-term friendships
00:58and all. So, how would you suggest to balance all of this?
01:02No, that is a concept that these two are mutually exclusive things, studies and friendships
01:11and that these two ought to be balanced and that friendships cannot be sustained if one
01:17is too immersed in his studies. All this is a concept that you have absorbed from somewhere.
01:25Why can't you have friends who have fun with books? So, you are there and the friend is
01:31there and both of them are, both of you are hanging out with books. How are these two
01:43things mutually exclusive? That it's either books or friends. Why can't it be friends
01:49with books or books with friends? Why can't you find friends in books? Why can't you
01:55have friends who are books in themselves? Even if you are not carrying books, that friend
02:02is a living, walking book. Why can't you have friends of that nature? The problem is an
02:08internal fragmentation. One part of you wants to learn mathematics. One part of you wants
02:19to go into the bare and honest facts that science has to offer and science is very honest.
02:29The other part of you wants to have friends who just entertain you with lot of falseness
02:34and nonsense and you do not realize that these two cannot go together. The mind that wants
02:44to go into the reality of things via the scientific method, how can that same mind
02:51opt to have fun with someone who is cracking bad jokes that mean nothing and even expects
02:59you to laugh? But we want to have these two and that we call as work-life balance. Can
03:06we have both of these? Why do you want to have both of these? Have the one thing that
03:11is really really precious, no? Do you want to have a flight and a train ticket and balance
03:18the two? One leg in the flight, one in the train. If you want to reach your destination,
03:27you need to have only one and if you have two then there is a problem. You will reach nowhere.
03:35You have the right flight for the right destination and have your friend in the flight. If you
03:43have a friend who has a different flight to catch to a different destination, then you
03:48either drop the friend or the flight. These two cannot go together. Nothing of balance
03:56would work here. Drop this word balance from your mind totally. Totally. Balance simply
04:06means fragmentation, division. This is to be done, this is to be done and I am balancing
04:11both of these. Which basically means that you can never be completely into either of
04:16these. Otherwise, why do you need to balance? Joy lies in absolute immersion, not in balancing.
04:27Joy lies in totality, not in incompleteness and all forms of balancing are incompleteness.
04:32Are they not? 50% this, 50% that or 90% this, 90% that. Be it 50 or 90, both are incomplete.
04:41Whereas joy lies in absolute 100%. If you cannot be dedicated 100% to the one thing in life,
04:52life, I repeat, is not worth living. Balance is not something good. You know, where does
04:59this concept of balance come from? You want me to tell you? This comes from the point of
05:08industrial revolution. Now, industrial revolution threw up a lot of jobs that were inherently
05:16soul-sapping. So, for example, in a factory, you are just standing by an assembly line
05:24and inspecting goods as they pass by. And what's your job 8 hours of the day? To keep
05:31looking at goods and if one of them is not proper, then you pull it out. Right? Now,
05:37this kind of job is something no sane man can live with. It will kill you. Maybe you
05:43can do it for 2 days, 4 days, a month. But if you are told to do it for 20 years, how
05:48will you live? So, the concept of work-life balance came in. They said, fine, you do this,
05:53we'll pay you enough and then you go and have fun in the house. So, there will be work-life
05:58balance and then you can console yourself. You can say, alright, I tortured myself for
06:038 hours in the job, but in return of that, I got some money and using that money, I bought
06:09a vacation. And in the vacation, I had fun. So, see, there was a balance. There was torture
06:14and then there was fun and they were balanced. Don't let this happen to you. Don't live a
06:20balanced life. Not at all. Live an outrageous life. You understand outrageous? Live a totally
06:29unbalanced life. Unbalanced means only one side is present, the other side is totally
06:34absent and that one side has to be so absolute that it contains all the sides. That one side
06:42is not partial then. That one side in itself is the absolute then. Just get into the one
06:49thing worth loving in life. Choose the right road for yourself and if while walking down
06:56that road, you meet great friends, no problem enlisting them. But you cannot have friends
07:05who have chosen a different road. Especially when you are choosing a life partner. Please
07:10be very cautious. If there is one thing you love in life and you have a life partner whose
07:18ways are totally different, you will find yourself torn, split. Remember, one leg in
07:25the flight, one leg in the train. That kind of life you will live for 50 years. Don't
07:30let that happen. Have one central theme in life and everything else should be around
07:36that theme. You cannot have two themes in life and balance them. Okay?
