Special Report with Bret Baier 8/21/24 Full End Show | Fox Breaking News August 21 2024

  • last month
00:00three of the democratic national convention from the united center in
00:03chicago the program features old faces such as former president bill clinton
00:08and some new ones
00:09most notably tonight vice presidential nominee tim waltz
00:13but as democrats unite in chicago there is talk
00:17of a possible coalition building
00:19between former president donald trump
00:21and independent candidate robert f kennedy junior
00:25that could shake up this race
00:27we have fox team coverage peter ducey here on the convention floor looks at
00:30what the minnesota governor will try to accomplish
00:32on his big night
00:34but we begin with fox business correspondent grady trimble
00:37in ashborough north carolina where the republican nominee held his first
00:40outdoor events since the assassination attempt in july and grady
00:44you're able to pull him aside to ask him some questions
00:47about the breaking story tonight good evening
00:52we were bred and i think we broke it to former president trump and
00:55our latest polling suggests that the former president stands to gain more
01:00than vice president harris if rfk junior drops out of the race
01:04today he told us that he didn't welcome
01:07and rfk endorsement
01:10while you're out on stage there's reporting that rfk junior is going to
01:13drop out of the race by the end of this week
01:16have you spoken to him in the last twenty four hours
01:19i haven't but i respect him
01:20i've respected for a long time and i know where he's coming from and it's a
01:24little different philosophy very smart guy however and uh...
01:28i had heard he was thinking about it for a period of time but no i have not heard
01:32this what you're telling me he's going to be in arizona on friday would you
01:36have them on stage with the at your rally well i think i'm gonna be there on
01:39friday we have a big crowd
01:41i would always be honored to have been if he endorsed me what i'd be honored by
01:45that absolutely
01:49the former president also told fox he's been catching some of the dnc this week
01:54here's what he says to voters who may be watching too and thinking harris's views
01:59have become
02:00more moderate
02:02she's the greatest flip-flopper in history every single
02:06she's gonna ban
02:07fracking in pennsylvania but now she says she isn't but she will hundred
02:11she's gonna do all of these things that are going to destroy our country
02:15but she's flip-flopped on virtually every single thing she said
02:19and lived with for a whole
02:21long before her political life
02:23so she's going to go back to him and our country will be destroyed even if she
02:26doesn't our country will be literally destroyed by her
02:33there was bulletproof glass in front of and behind former president trump's
02:38podium while he was speaking today you noted brett that this event was the
02:42first outdoor event since that rally in butler pennsylvania that bulletproof
02:46glass is part of the new secret service protocols since the attempted
02:53alright grady thanks more on this with the panel
02:56we are just a few hours from the biggest speech of tim waltz's life the minnesota
03:00governor was something of a surprise pick
03:02for the vice presidential nomination and he has faced considerable criticism for
03:07his liberal policies and his exit from military service
03:11senior white house correspondent peter ducey has details that reaction to the
03:15of that possible trump kennedy alliance
03:18live from the convention floor good evening peter
03:20good evening brett yes i reached out to the dnc official who is in charge of
03:24third-party challengers to ask about this report that rfk jr is going to drop
03:29out and endorse trump as soon as friday and what i was told is
03:33desperate men do desperate things rfk jr was recruited by maga funded by
03:37maga and parroted maga talking points
03:40no one should be shocked to be formalized as his relationship in an
03:44to maintain relevance we
03:47don't think we're gonna hear much about
03:48kennedy tonight on stage but there's going to be plenty of talk
03:53about the clinton years
03:55as tim waltz scopes out the stage democrats believe his speech should be
03:59simple present himself as this authentic
04:02midwestern guy
04:05a pretty serious contrast
04:08to jd vance but his actual life story appears to be slightly different than
04:12the one the campaign is telling
04:14you had an anointed candidate
04:16a rushed uh... betting period
04:20that this stuff is starting to come out his his lies his misstatements
04:24uh... are are are catching up with them walls stories about his military record
04:28and his family's use of idea versus are you why a different artificial fertility
04:33have all been walked back or clarified
04:35on the personal issue
04:37uh... idea
04:38versus i see i
04:39mister waltz doesn't need to explain anything about his service and his love
04:44prominent democrats are already looking past the convention
04:47here's our motto
04:48seventy-six days
04:50no sleep no real explanation about how or why vice president harris is taking
04:55more moderate positions on every progressive idea she had in twenty
04:58nineteen so far it's been staffed and surrogates trying to explain the
05:03evolutions so far we've not heard a ton of specifics
05:06from democrats
05:08vice president harris is
05:10uh... evolution on the issues over time
05:13it's not a problem
05:14you shocked at a convention you're not hearing a lot of specifics
05:17it's been a month
05:18when she took over a month
05:20so i plenty of time to sort of map out
05:22more nuance more detail and i think that will begin on thursday night
05:27as the dnc goes on there is less and less talk about the president
05:31joe biden
05:32we know that he invites president harris are in contact because they had a private
05:36call with benjamin netanyahu today
05:38but it seems like
05:40convention planners would rather keep the program more focused on the
05:43accomplishments of
05:46democratic presidents
05:49you know what peter this is night three you've been down on the floor you've
05:52seen a lot there uh... over the past few nights
05:55what do you expect for tonight obviously it is the big rollout for ten walls but
05:59also for president clinton
06:03there are plenty of folks here everybody had their first convention sometime
06:08right and so there are a lot of folks here who would have been uh... in oh
06:12eight-year-old mom and myself
06:14and in two ninety-two
06:16uh... for clinton so
06:18i don't know that
06:21including tim walz is going to get the applause that the
06:24hometown heroes to democrats brock obama and michelle obama got last night
06:29especially because even for the people in this room
06:32they don't know a lot about ten walls and if anybody's gonna know about ten
06:37walls it would be democratic convention
06:40delegates so we would expect
06:42same as the last couple nights people will be paying attention to the entire
06:46program as opposed to looking on their phones are playing the word all while
06:49they wait for the keynote
06:51uh... we do
06:52we do expect
06:56it's going to be a learning experience a night to learn about
06:59the possible next vice president right there you go on night to learn peter
07:03do see on the convention floor peter thanks
07:05well reports of a robust jobs market during the last year have apparently
07:12some say greatly exaggerated were learning tonight that the economy
07:15actually added
07:17more than
07:18eight hundred thousand
07:21jobs that originally reported eight hundred thousand fewer that is a
07:25big revision
07:27stocks were off the doubt gained fifty six the s and p five hundred finish
07:30ahead twenty four the nasdaq jumped one oh two
07:33but about that revision edward lawrence of fox business joins us now from
07:37jackson hole wyoming
07:39to tell us what all this means screening adler
07:42and good evening bradley and jackson all this is where the jackson all federal
07:45reserve symposium will start tomorrow here in jackson oh wyoming we expect to
07:50federal reserve chairman drone pals strategy for fighting inflation but
07:54the fed members here today are talking about
07:56that benchmark revision moved down
07:58eight hundred and eighteen thousand job now this is
08:01a preliminary number the final number
08:03will come out in february as they crunch things but this would mark
08:06the second largest revision down in the past fifteen years since two thousand
08:11nine no means the economy
08:13average sixty eight thousand jobs less per month
08:16than what was reported over the past year now the chairman for the council
08:19economic advisers jaren bernstein with the white house line
08:22that this preliminary estimate doesn't change the fact
08:26that the jobs recovery has been and remains historically strong
08:29well connoisseur and former economic adviser to a former president trump
08:33steve moore
08:34sees it differently
08:37that means that the uh... american economy is performed a lot more a lot
08:42then we have been saying for the last couple years so i just don't think
08:46there's something wrong
08:47in this modern age the way that they're calculating the jobs
08:53now this revision basically locks in the fact that there'll be an interest
08:56rate cut in september
08:57the federal reserve is indicating in their minutes out today
09:00that there will be another rate cut either in november or december
09:04and i will depend is what meeting that'll happen with the data of the jobs
09:07reports and inflation reports
09:09coming in for the rest of the year brett
09:11and that would be really quickly is it did that news somehow
09:15make the market think that it was more likely that there's going to be a cut
09:20what it what it did is it solidified that but the markets that had priced in
09:24markets didn't really believe
09:26the jobs reports that we were seeing over the course of this year and this is
09:30that those jobs reports were a little bit overstated
09:33so the markets are really priced in
09:35the fact that this is sort of a a non-event almost in the fact that they
09:38didn't believe
09:39the numbers they were seeing but going forward now if the number is even less
09:43that's going to cause of some problems for investors
09:46ever laurence and jackson hole wyoming ever thanks
09:50spaniel let's talk about expectations for tonight
09:52state of the race in the importance of pennsylvania being
09:55in the hunt for
09:57uh... the election joining us tonight
09:59pennsylvania governor josh shapiro governor thanks for the things that i
10:03think that's where i lost my voice last night he impressed at the time that you
10:06do boxing to and i'll tell you what maybe that'll be another career that's
10:09really good
10:11any piece of you
10:13that wants to be delivering this speech tonight
10:15dom excited for tim walz i'm excited for kamala harris
10:18she made the exact right pickin
10:20i'm looking forward to supporting the ticket
10:23listen you just heard that report about the jobs
10:25uh... and the revision
10:27you know and and republicans
10:29jump on this and say this is an example of an economy that is not as good
10:35is being portrayed
10:36there's a lot of enthusiasm in this room
10:39but what about the economy from pennsylvania standpoint and where you
10:42see it heading into this election
10:44but i think all the indicators are up right the sense that there's more jobs
10:47being created under joe biden than there was under
10:50donald trump i'd get though that
10:53there's still people who are struggling
10:54there's still people we need help it's one of the reasons why
10:57in pennsylvania cut taxes multiple times
11:00for seniors for families for small businesses
11:03and it's one of the reasons why kamala harris was in beaver county a rural
11:07outside pittsburgh the other day talking about the economy talking about
11:11reducing costs on family
11:13so while i think we've made real progress under the biden harris
11:17and no one can take that away and no one can
11:19redefine that as much as donald trump might try
11:22the reality is we still got a lot of work to do
11:24that's why we have elections
11:25and that's why we move forward as a nation
11:27to continue to make progress so i want to talk about that delicate dance that
11:31i'm hearing here some people are hearing here the obama's last night some of the
11:35things they said in there
11:36well-received speeches take a listen
11:39america's ready for a new chapter
11:42america's ready for a better story
11:46we are ready for a president
11:48kamala harris
11:50a familiar feeling that's been buried
11:53too deep for far too long
11:56it's the contagious power of hope
12:00we heard a lot of hope and change but i mean
12:02we have three and a half years of a biden harris administration
12:06so that message of change and a new thing
12:10is that just
12:11overlooking the biden harris three and a half years
12:14i don't think so let's examine the record okay we're producing
12:17more energy in this nation
12:19than ever before
12:21we are beating china for the first time
12:23in a whole lot of years
12:25more people want to work in america this morning
12:28than at any time in our nation's history
12:31we've made progress brett
12:32we've got a ways to go we've got more work to do
12:35and as kamala harris continues her campaign
12:37she'll continue to lay out
12:39that vision for not just hope
12:42but meaningful change for people but is it a delicate dance to say
12:45we need this is hope this is something change even though you have a
12:49democratic president who
12:51kind of was pushed out on
12:52over the past weeks
12:53i would respectfully understand that many people in your party even said
12:57that uh... and i mean this respectfully brett of course
12:59look i i think what joe biden did
13:01was really patriotic
13:03he understood that
13:05in every chapter of our american story
13:08americans have
13:09written those chapters and then pass the marker
13:11to the next generation to continue that work
13:14he did that here in passing the torch to kamala harris
13:17passing the marker if you will to kamala harris
13:19to write that next chapter
13:21so i respectfully disagree i think what he did was really patriotic
13:24let me ask you about energy you mentioned that pennsylvania that's a big
13:29how big a deal is fracking in pennsylvania
13:31listen i'm an all the above energy governor
13:33we recognize that
13:35we've been
13:36giants in the energy sector in pennsylvania we are a net energy
13:40exporter that puts people to work it puts food on the table it helps union
13:44trades people go to work every morning and make a wonderful wage we have to
13:49continue that progress
13:51kamala harris heard that
13:53her role in saying natural gas is going to play a role
13:57in the energy economy in our overall economy i think was really welcome
14:02information welcome news for the good people of pennsylvania but just to be
14:04clear she hasn't said that her campaign put out a statement
14:09this is her and
14:10twenty nineteen
14:13will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day
14:18in office there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking
14:22she's gonna ban
14:23fracking in pennsylvania but now she says she isn't but she will a hundred
14:28so political says trump's false claims about fracking bans are obvious attempt
14:32to distract uh... from his own plans to enrich oil and gas executives expense
14:36of the middle class
14:37the harris campaign said in a statement
14:39she would not ban fracking campaign spokesman said
14:42in a follow-up email to political so
14:44there is criticism
14:46you know obviously on the republican side but there are some democrats who
14:49there needs to be a little bit more meat on the bone here policy-wise to refute
14:53some of the things she campaigned on
14:55in twenty nineteen do you agree with that
14:58here's what i will say i'm not getting into the semantics whether
15:01kamala harris said at the campaign said they make clear what their platform is
15:05five years later
15:06kamala harris said
15:07i've heard from the good people of pennsylvania
15:09i've heard from others
15:11and i want to make sure natural gas is part
15:13of our energy economy
15:15going forward not i think she's been our nominee for about thirty days or so
15:18brett i'm sure she's going to continue to flesh out her views on energy her
15:23views on the economy but what she said about natural gas i think it's something
15:27that's going to put all whole lot of people to work
15:29in pennsylvania protect a whole lot of union trade jobs and something for me
15:34and all the above energy governor was really welcome this last thing do you
15:37think that the israel hamas situation is a divider to this party
15:42uh... senator federman's not here he's been very outspoken in your state about
15:47do you think it is dividing the party
15:51i'm not going to duck your question but if i may i'd like to kind of respectfully
15:55reframe it and i respectfully allow you to do whatever you want to come back and
15:58get on that
16:00i think it's really hard
16:02to look at his situation
16:04we had twelve hundred
16:05dead folks in israel
16:07over two hundred hostages including american hostages
16:10taken on october seventh from a music festival from a kibbutz
16:14and thousands of people in gaza
16:17who have been killed
16:19communities destroyed
16:20there is real carnage
16:22there is real tragedy
16:24and it's really hard to sort of think about how that carnage how that tragedy
16:28impacts politics
16:29people have strong feelings on both sides you know i have strong feelings
16:33as well but i i think what the democratic party does is
16:36it understands the suffering on all sides of this
16:39and wants to see an end to the war and a return of these hostages and
16:43maybe maybe just maybe a pathway
16:45towards some peace so
16:47i'm not thinking about this through a political prism i understand why you're
16:50asking the question
16:51what i hear from most democrats is
16:53really common sense stuff
16:54let's bring those hostages home
16:56let's end
16:57the violence that we're seeing
16:59and let's try and see if we can move forward
17:01with some peace those hostage families are here
17:03i've spent time with them tonight and they went to the rnc as well and we've
17:07had them on the air a bunch
17:08they're incredibly brave they really are
17:10and we cannot forget these hostages
17:13israeli american multinationals
17:15they must be brought
17:17home brent i know president biden is working on that
17:20i know vice president harris is working on that
17:22and i think keeping the political rhetoric out of that is probably the best way
17:26to bring them home
17:27we need to talk to the people outside too
17:29uh... governor shapiro we really appreciate your time thank you brett
17:31thanks for coming in
17:33all right here's some other headlines tonight hunter biden heading to trial
17:36two weeks from tomorrow allegedly failing to pay approximately one point
17:40million dollars in taxes federal prosecutors say
17:42spent money on clothes beauty projects and women instead of his overseas
17:46business deals
17:47uh... expected to be part of this large trial president biden previously said he
17:50would not pardon his son
17:52or commute his sense
17:53the secret service says it is reviewing new video showing thomas matthew crooks
17:58casually walking through a crowd in butler pennsylvania nearly two hours
18:02he opened fire on former president trump the clip was released
18:05by a clothing company it shows crooks dressed in shorts and a
18:08uh... t-shirt walking past a line of vendors selling trump merchandise
18:13the white house says uh... president biden vice president harris spoke with
18:16israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu today
18:18meanwhile key mediator egypt
18:21expressing skepticism about the proposal meant to bridge gaps in ceasefire talks
18:25negotiations are expected to resume tomorrow in cairo
18:28that's not the economy is the top issue for democrats this cycle
18:32we will see how that is affecting people here
18:35in illinois and later we go outside the united center to check on the protests
18:39of another violent leg tuesday it's a busy week for law enforcement speaking
18:43of law enforcement
18:44check this out
18:46or police headquarters in downtown chicago this
18:49is the nation's second largest police force
18:52more than twelve thousand police officers work here
18:56and this week
18:57there are dozens of other agencies from around the country
19:00helping out to secure convention sites
19:03three hundred police officers from milwaukee and downstate illinois
19:07two hundred fifty members of the illinois national guard have been
19:09activated too but
19:11governor jb pritzker insists they're on standby
19:15all trained in crowd control many currently stationed here
19:19at police headquarters next we'll show you how crime affects businesses here in
19:24also examine why taxes are so high
19:27in chicago in illinois and what that means
19:30all that was born in the united center for the dnc we continue to look
19:34this week at top issues
19:36to democratic voters the economy was the number one factor in our recent fox news
19:40for democrats and republicans
19:42tonight we take a look at that issue how the economy has been affected by crime
19:47especially here
19:48and what that means to voters in illinois
19:52donald trump wants new tax on imported goods
19:55food gas clothing and more speakers at the democratic national convention have
19:59been detailing the party's tax platform we believe we have to build an economy
20:05that grows the middle class addressing delegates in a city and a state
20:10where voters face some of the highest taxes in the country democrats want to
20:14cut taxes for everyday people illinois has the seventh highest state and local
20:19tax burden in the nation
20:21part of that comes from property taxes illinois has the second highest property
20:26taxes in the country
20:29relatively how high are those taxes
20:32you could think of illinois property taxes like a second mortgage the average
20:35property tax rate in the united states is just over point nine percent
20:39in illinois
20:40the average rate is double that
20:42and in the chicago area
20:44that number is even higher
20:45where's all that money going
20:48that comes from those high taxes
20:50uh... high gas taxes all these taxes you're talking about that money more than
20:54any other state
20:55goes to yesterday's promises for yesterday's government
20:58and that's debt
20:59it goes to a black hole of debt and until lawmakers get serious about
21:02addressing our debt crisis it will increasingly go to debt illinois also
21:06has the second highest gas tax
21:08behind california
21:10charging consumers an additional forty seven cents per gallon
21:14sales taxes are also higher than all but six states
21:18and illinois
21:19has separate
21:20excise taxes
21:22that add up to more than one thousand dollars annually per person explain
21:26what's an excise tax and what are some additional taxes people in
21:31illinois face that maybe other states don't have to face illinois has the
21:35highest sales tax that's an excise tax in the nation we're in the city of
21:38chicago has the highest sales tax
21:41of any big city in the u.s. so if you go down to walgreens
21:44you buy an umbrella
21:46that's getting taxed at over ten percent on that just one percent purchase yes
21:49people in illinois face taxes on beer wine and liquor
21:53sports betting is taxed from twenty to forty percent depending on the
21:57operators revenues
21:58and wireless service taxes are the highest in the country
22:02nearly thirty four percent
22:04there are also taxes on utilities tobacco and cannabis has inflation
22:08impacted taxes here
22:10has there been
22:11kind of a re-analysis because of inflation here's the trick that was
22:17lori lightfoot in the city of chicago
22:19tied property tax increases to inflation
22:22increasing property taxes unless lawmakers say no
22:26same with the gas tax so by tying it to inflation
22:29families they don't get a break they actually get less because their money is
22:32worth less
22:33but the city in the state they do not get a break they they they get their
22:37money because they tied to inflation
22:39when you say tied to inflation so inflation goes up and what happens
22:42taxes go up with them inflation affect you
22:46inflation impacts everybody it's a trade off either you're going to go to a cubs
22:49game or you're going to pay for groceries julius merga is a part owner at
22:53sports world chicago near wrigley field when you hear something like price
22:58as a possible idea what do you what do you think it's impossible to control
23:02they may claim that they can but i don't
23:04it's impossible because there's too many things along the way there's too many
23:08factors in there you got the drivers you got the workers you got the packers you
23:11have you know there's a
23:13very large logistical
23:15planning for it so
23:17when they say price control
23:19there is no control prices are the only thing that has changed crime has also
23:24been a factor around merga's store brazen they feel more emboldened they feel like
23:28they can get away with a lot more stuff
23:29you were saying around here there's a
23:31people are doing different things like pulling up to ATMs so one of the bigger
23:35issues that we're starting to have in this area is
23:38uh... they're starting to
23:40pull you up at gunpoint
23:41take you in the car drive around
23:44take your ATM card
23:45hit up as much cash stations as they can
23:48and then they'll just drop you off as long as you comply
23:50they'll let you go so it's changed
23:52has changed burglaries invaded battery increased by eleven percent
23:56while crime overall has fallen eleven percent from last year across the city
24:01when compared to two years ago
24:03incidents have increased by twenty one percent
24:05and when it comes to three years ago
24:07crime is up sixty three percent is in the city thing is it a culture thing
24:12what it what do you think uh... i think that it has a few factors that have come
24:16into play they feel that they can
24:18get away with a lot more stuff the way that the policies have changed
24:22and they feel that they're entitled to certain things that they're able to do
24:24that they couldn't do before
24:27up next former clinton commerce secretary former chief of staff
24:30president obama chicago's own
24:32the tv network has called this race
24:35for governor bush
24:37it now appears
24:39it now appears that their call was premature this race has come down
24:44to the state of florida
24:46without being certain of the results in florida
24:50we simply cannot be certain of the results
24:54of this national election
24:57i remember that well i was in that crowd our next guest is part of
25:01chicago political royalty he's the son of an iconic mayor the brother of
25:05william daley is former chief of staff to president obama he was also
25:10commerce secretary
25:11under president bill clinton who is speaking tonight mister secretary
25:15thanks for coming
25:16thank you for having me you remember that nashville moment i do remember that it brings back some good
25:20memories and some uh...
25:21uh... difficult memories that led to forty days and forty nights of tallahassee
25:25coverage for me so i remember that well
25:28listen this is a big thing for chicago it's a big thing for illinois what do
25:31you take away from this so far for democrats
25:35well so far it's been a tremendous success because there's unity
25:39there's no difficulties on the floor or in the hall even outside in the street
25:44yes there are demonstrators but there's not a sense of
25:47of an emergency or some sort of great crisis so i think for the democrats
25:52that this is all you want to get out of the convention is a positive forward
25:56feel and and a good feeling for all the activists who are here and that's what
26:00makes up a convention delegate you know i talked to governor shapiro about
26:04some of the criticism that there's not a lot of policy
26:08meat on the bone as of yet uh... from this ticket
26:11understanding it's only been a few weeks
26:14how do you see that
26:15that's what a campaign's about now this is a shortened campaign obviously
26:20the vice president has been part of an administration so there's a lot
26:23that she has to talk about or defend
26:26in essence because of the administration of the last four years
26:28on the other hand she has the opportunity in a short period to lay out some
26:33some places where she may differ with the president or she may have a different
26:37feeling about it
26:38but my sense is
26:40because this is so short and we've never seen this
26:44at least in my lifetime
26:46it's going to be a difficult campaign for her to carve her own sort of who she is
26:53at the same time you've got the president there and she is vice president and god only knows what may happen in the next seventy days
27:00one of the plans that we did here is an economic plan that included uh... something that people
27:04called pretty cool uh...
27:06Mr. Secretary there is this development about uh...
27:09another legendary family uh... the kennedys uh... r.f. kennedy jr. considering
27:14getting out of this race the headlines he could get out of the race and back
27:18trump uh... kamala harris' chances of winning the election slide as r.f.k. jr.
27:23might drop out election betting markets swing towards trump as r.f.k. jr. moles
27:28dropping out what do you make of uh... the possibility of that affecting the
27:32election knowing
27:33as you know little pieces
27:35uh... of percentages mean a lot in a lot of different states
27:40it's hard to believe
27:41that a kennedy would take a step
27:44he has not shown a lot of support anywhere and i think there are a lot of people who
27:49probably have expressed support for him were because he was not biden or trump
27:54so it's not as though all his supporters are going to walk over and go with president trump
27:58so it's just it's it's sad because people predicted for a long time that his candidacy was kind of a fluke
28:16when we look at
28:18i'm going to get you
28:42i'm going to get you
28:46did you have one
29:38Good how?
30:08I'm gonna get
30:18I'm gonna get
30:28I'm gonna get
30:38I'm gonna get
30:48I'm gonna get
30:58I'm gonna get
31:08I'm gonna get
31:18I'm gonna get
