The Block AU S20 Episode 7 - Guest Bedroom Week

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The Block AU Season 20 Episode 7


00:00Previously, Paige was up.
00:03Today's been a good day.
00:04It has been.
00:05And Paige was down.
00:06I'm probably not going to be here as of tomorrow,
00:09so if you guys are listening to this,
00:11I think you should actually start looking for replacements,
00:13because I'm dipping, I'm like out.
00:16And it was hate to the rescue.
00:18We're both heading out, let's road trip together.
00:20It just kind of hits you and you're like,
00:22I'm not an interior designer.
00:24Tonight, I've got a surprise for the contestants.
00:28This year, there's another twist.
00:30It's going to be fantastic.
00:32Body Corp.
00:34Christian and Mimi have plaster problems.
00:37See that?
00:38Building 101.
00:39That's out.
00:41The pressure continues to mount for Paige.
00:43Have you got a theme or a motif that you're going with?
00:46Everyone's just hounding me to find the name for my style.
00:50And it reaches boiling point for house one.
01:10What are you doing?
01:12We've had to do a couple of reconditions,
01:14because sleeping in the tent is just, you can't do it.
01:17It seems to be working.
01:19Yeah, it's getting rid of the bugs.
01:21It's always our solution.
01:23We've left the green room open.
01:24The green room's open.
01:26Green room it is.
01:32Not bad.
01:34Paige, what's optimal climate for you?
01:4123, mate.
01:43The worst thing is, this won't win us the show.
01:47But it'll win us a good night's sleep.
01:51I love you.
01:53I'd love to say that I was thinking about the people in Tent City,
01:56but I wasn't.
02:17Hey, good morning.
02:19Hey, Brad.
02:20Did you have a good night's sleep?
02:22I was sleeping in a tent.
02:26Not comfortable?
02:29It's all wet.
02:30It doesn't close properly.
02:35It's Friday of guest bedroom week,
02:37and after a mountain of effort by our blockheads,
02:40their rooms are finally coming together.
02:44Walls are up, the wardrobes are in,
02:46which means it's a day of prepping and sanding the room
02:49for a big night of painting ahead.
02:52Come Sunday's reveal, they'll be able to ditch Tent City
02:55for the creature comforts of a luxe guest bedroom.
03:00Well, except for the boys, who seem to already have one.
03:08Ricky had the heating on.
03:10I think he just turned it off.
03:12Oh, how was yesterday?
03:14Yeah, interesting.
03:18On the road with Paige.
03:20She needed a break from the block,
03:24so it was good to be able to take her out
03:27and take her mind off things and have a bit of a chat to her
03:30and hopefully steer her back in the right direction
03:35because she didn't seem too good.
03:37I just don't want to be here.
03:40I've pretty much made my mind up, to be honest.
03:42I'm dipping. I'm, like, out.
03:45Is she feeling better? Is she OK?
03:48I think so. I don't know. Did you ask her?
03:51I haven't seen her yet.
03:53I'm feeling great. I woke up feeling really good this morning.
03:57Nothing that a big sleep can't fix.
04:01I'd say around seven hours. Solid.
04:03I think I was more like eight, I reckon.
04:05Maybe eight. That's even better.
04:07It's going to be a good day.
04:08There's not much that we're going to smash it out,
04:11but I don't know.
04:12I just need to stop saying that on the block
04:14because every time I wake up saying,
04:16smooth sailing, something comes.
04:18And here it comes.
04:20You want to get the windows in?
04:27In here?
04:33Look, everyone's site's pretty clean,
04:35but House 1, Jessie and Paige's site, it is messy.
04:38There is piles of stuff everywhere.
04:41The reason we want a clean site is it's safe.
04:44Hey, Jessie?
04:46What the f*** is going on?
04:48We've got to get these windows in today.
04:50Yeah, sick.
04:51Quilly's here now.
04:53We don't really want to get this one in.
04:55If something falls on it, it's going to scratch the frame.
04:57A lot of mess, all that plaster.
04:59I'm not stupid, though. I wouldn't f*** with that, you know?
05:01It's a bit accidentally, like.
05:03Yeah, I understand.
05:04And then it's the frame ruined.
05:05I think someone's woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,
05:08to be honest.
05:09Jessie didn't take the news very well.
05:13We might have to shut the site down, really.
05:15This yesterday, I was out all day.
05:17We just need this clean.
05:18All right, well, let's stop talking and just f*** do it.
05:20Could be grumpy house, I think, today for House 1.
05:23They're just all princesses, that's all they are.
05:26I'm probably not even allowed to stack this here,
05:28because it's too high.
05:31I might be getting in trouble for leaning up there.
05:33It might be in the way, too messy.
05:35Stop it. You're being an actual arsehole this morning.
05:38I don't care anymore.
05:39Stop name-calling.
05:42I don't care, man.
05:43I'm just sick of dealing with little s*** here.
05:47Yeah, it's a dump, but we decided to sleep last night,
05:49and I'm glad we did.
05:50I feel so much better this morning.
05:52Like, Dan can come around and whatever.
05:55I don't really— I'll just get it done.
05:56It is what it is.
05:59Oh, f***.
06:01This f***ing house has sucked so much.
06:08Oh, wow.
06:16Oh, here she is.
06:27Good morning. How are you?
06:28Hey, Frankie.
06:29What about this?
06:30The pleasure.
06:31Thank you very, very much, my Fort Everest.
06:34Up she goes.
06:35You're joking.
06:37And it's carrying very precious cargo today.
06:39Oh, yeah. Hi, Miss.
06:41That's it.
06:42Well, Shel, we've had some ups and downs this week.
06:44We've had a lot of tears.
06:52You're going to be all right.
06:55Like, I'm fine with the pressure.
06:57I work well under pressure.
06:58How are you feeling?
06:59I'm feeling very, um...
07:04Like, throwing up.
07:05It's the second week.
07:07And, you know, we really probably need to nurture quite a few of them.
07:11A little bit of massaging.
07:13And, look, we've been here before.
07:14They haven't.
07:15We have.
07:16So, hopefully, we've got lots of wise words of wisdom.
07:17No, we don't.
07:19But it's one of those things that I think what we need to say today
07:23is just relax.
07:25And it'll happen.
07:27Maybe enjoy the process.
07:28Enjoy the process.
07:30We hope.
07:31We're going to kick off with last week's winners, Christian and Mimi.
07:34Big win too.
07:36All right.
07:37Christian and Mimi are hoping to continue their winning streak
07:39by presenting a guest bedroom which is located on the ground floor.
07:43It's next door to the bathroom that scored them $140,000 worth of prizes.
07:49Their bedroom features an off-centred quarter timber wall
07:53alongside an off-centred bedhead, mismatched lights
07:56and a large piece of artwork.
07:58Oh, here they are, working their little guts out.
08:01Good morning.
08:02How are you doing?
08:04How are you doing?
08:05Hi, good morning.
08:06It's nice to have you.
08:07Oh, huggy.
08:08Get your back off, champ.
08:10Hey, we're going to cuddle because we've had a dinner together.
08:13Yeah, I know, but just calm down.
08:15That's way too much.
08:17Congrats on the win.
08:19Must feel like a decade ago.
08:20Oh, it does.
08:21It really does.
08:22Quarter timber on the wall.
08:25Liking it.
08:26Love the quarter.
08:27Yeah, what's the idea with the inset on that?
08:29Oh, just for a bit of some layers, a bit of texture.
08:33And then the bed is offset in the room, is it?
08:35Yeah, so we've...
08:36It's not centred.
08:37The bed is centred.
08:38It's the bedhead that's offset.
08:40To the left.
08:42Well, that's an interesting...
08:44See, as a carpenter...
08:46I was just giving you the genius.
08:48Yeah, that's right.
08:49My skin is crawling.
08:53I like everything to be, like...
08:58When it's finished, it's going to be, like,
09:00I guess, imperfectly perfect, if that makes sense.
09:03So, like, everything sort of gets offset,
09:05but then once it all comes together,
09:07our vision's going to be, like, perfect.
09:10We're in the media.
09:12You had some press that was not favourable.
09:15Did you?
09:16And you haven't even started.
09:18Oh, my God.
09:19It's an article.
09:31The Purple Team from Adelaide are again going to be the main villains.
09:35Are you joking?
09:39There's two articles out about just me and you,
09:42and they've named us.
09:45They said that we're going to be, like, worse than Christine Baird.
09:50They've put my restaurant on both articles.
09:53What the hell?
09:55It's f***ed.
09:56It's f***ed.
09:59So, how are you doing after having read that?
10:02Um, we reacted complete opposite.
10:04I just had a laugh about it.
10:06I thought it was quite funny.
10:08But, yeah, maybe it was a little bit...
10:10Yeah, I was a bit upset because it was just a bit of a shock, I think.
10:13And I was like, oh, wow, it's article, and then it was, we're villains.
10:17And it's just the stuff they were saying,
10:19and I was like, wait, is this me?
10:21And then it got in my head.
10:23Uh, we are not villains.
10:26Don't believe everything that you read.
10:29I haven't stopped smiling the whole time since I've been here,
10:31so if anyone's a villain...
10:32I've seen you stop smiling.
10:34They made it up.
10:36That's the thing you've got to know.
10:37Yes, they do, they make everything up.
10:39I was addicted to Botox, according to the front page of the Woman's Weekly.
10:42It's true, it's true.
10:44Well, that was true.
10:45Well, it's not working.
10:49And don't read what people say.
10:51No, cos they don't know you.
10:52See, everyone absolutely loves me because I don't read anything.
10:56It's in my head.
10:58All right, we'd better move on.
11:00Thanks, guys.
11:01All the best for another lucky week.
11:04See you, guys.
11:05Thanks for coming.
11:06Definitely feeling better about it now,
11:07cos I don't have time to dwell on that.
11:09Just got to keep moving.
11:22It's guest bedroom week on the block,
11:24and today it's all about styling.
11:27Kylie in house four is taking on the judges' advice this week,
11:31toning down the black and going colourful.
11:34I actually really like this colour.
11:36The boys in house three are aiming for a modern coastal fit.
11:40So, that's your linen, so you can go and choose your paint colour.
11:42That's your side table.
11:44Lock shop, baby.
11:46Our spies, Christian and Mimi, are loving their new artwork.
11:50I think it will go with your beautiful timber detail in the room.
11:56That's so good.
11:58Hard for Paige in house one.
12:00She's still not exactly sure what her style is.
12:03Here to talk about window furnishings.
12:06Yes, I am, for our bedroom numero uno.
12:10Love it.
12:11Well, before we start,
12:13do you have a theme or a motif that you're going with?
12:17So...'s very hard to label,
12:22cos I don't think I know the right words.
12:25Um, I cannot put a name on style.
12:29I'm not an interior designer.
12:32I struggle with labelling my style.
12:37I can't tell anyone what I like because I don't know the words.
12:41So it's a charcoal grey.
12:43That's kind of it.
12:45I'm still sussing out beds and things, but...
12:51I'm finding the styling very challenging.
12:54And without sounding like an arsehole,
12:57everything that's available on Blockbox is just...
13:01I don't like it.
13:03I mean, I would rather sleep on rocks than sleep
13:06and put a linen quilt on my bed.
13:08I can't stand linen.
13:12Everything is rattan.
13:15The judges want something Instagrammable,
13:18but that is, like, so five years ago and very cringey to me,
13:22so I'm not...
13:24I'm struggling to find anything that's not cringe.
13:28So what style do you like?
13:30Like, anything but that.
13:32We know what our style is, we just don't know what it's called.
13:35Everyone's just hounding me to find the name for my style.
13:38I don't know it.
13:39But is there a particular colour you're gravitating towards?
13:43You like green?
13:46But it just sounds dumb.
13:47What's your style?
13:49You gravitate towards green style of design.
13:53You like green.
13:54But I don't.
13:55My whole house at home is blue.
13:57So you like green or you don't like green?
14:00All right, we'll leave it for now.
14:02Thanks, Harry.
14:03Thanks, Ryan.
14:10All righty-o.
14:11On with our walk-arounds.
14:13Shell, these guys are back together again.
14:17Hayden's here.
14:18Oh, I haven't met the man, the mint, yet.
14:21I know.
14:22Oh, boys.
14:25Scotty, Shelly.
14:26The man, the mint.
14:28It's lovely to meet you.
14:29I haven't met you yet.
14:30The other half of the team.
14:34Thanks, Hayden, appreciate it.
14:35How is Matilda doing this week?
14:36She's doing really well.
14:37Yep, settling in.
14:39Sparkle in your eyes.
14:40And me.
14:41Yeah, g'day, Ricky.
14:42Oh, hi.
14:43This is exciting.
14:44I've got nothing here, Shell.
14:47Come on, Ricky.
14:48Come on, mate.
14:49Thanks for acknowledging me.
14:50No problem.
14:51I acknowledge your hard work from last week.
14:53He did put in a...
14:54He slogged it out.
14:55Yep, sure did.
14:56It was my first time meeting Shelly,
14:58because I was away last week.
15:00I'll never forget meeting Shelly for the first time.
15:02Me either.
15:03No, Shelly is stunning.
15:07I may or may not have had a crush on her,
15:09and I still do.
15:11But who wouldn't?
15:12It's Shelly.
15:18She's going to say this and be like,
15:20what a freak.
15:21What an idiot.
15:22Well, welcome back.
15:24How does it feel to be on the block?
15:25Yeah, good to be back.
15:26It's really interesting.
15:27I know, Ricky, you took the judges' comments hard.
15:29I did.
15:30But have you had a look at your bathroom?
15:32I'm pretty happy with it.
15:33Like, did you actually think you were going to win?
15:35Yeah, absolutely I did.
15:36You did?
15:41To be fair, I finished my painting at about 4,
15:435 o'clock in the morning.
15:45So as my eyes were looking at each other,
15:47and I turned the lights on, I was like, yes,
15:49this is a winning bathroom.
15:50This is a winning bathroom.
15:51So tell me about this room, because we've got a telly in here.
15:55Because this must be a second lounge or something,
15:57or what is it?
15:58No, no.
15:59Teenager bathroom.
16:00Teenager's room.
16:01Teenager's room, being knocked together by the plumber
16:04and IT manager, can be found down the hall
16:07from last week's bathroom.
16:09It features a bunk bed, TV with a gaming station,
16:12and on their wardrobe, an interactive animal world map.
16:17This is a piece that Anne Thomas designed.
16:20It took him three years to make.
16:22Every animal in the world on it.
16:25I think.
16:26It's never been put on a wall.
16:28It's never been put on a wall before.
16:30It's taken him three years to put together.
16:32So we're going to be the first to.
16:34And it comes with a little interactive book.
16:36So you find the animal on the wall,
16:39and then you've got a little book that you match it to.
16:41It's like a Where's Wally for the red panda.
16:43Spot on.
16:44I've already got this at my place.
16:46I got it three years ago.
16:49I think they were pretty intrigued with the wallpaper,
16:51being a massive piece of artwork.
16:53It's taken quite a while to put together.
16:55Yeah, but there was no comments like, that's amazing.
16:58Scotty did say he had one at his house.
17:01I reckon he was taking the piece.
17:02He might have been.
17:04All right, come on, Shell.
17:05We're getting out of here.
17:06We have to go.
17:07See you soon.
17:08All right.
17:09Thanks, Shell.
17:10Thanks, Scotty.
17:11Coming up, Dan finds a flaw in House 5.
17:14I don't know if it's an illusion,
17:16or if that Boeing's just bulkhead.
17:19As soon as he walks in, he's like.
17:22That's a howl.
17:23It's a David Bowie bowl.
17:24Building 101, you don't want a Boeing bulkhead.
17:26Christian, you're fired.
17:28And the pressure is too much for Jessie and Paige.
17:31I'm sick of wasting time.
17:33It's all we're doing, wasting time.
17:47Time for Shelly and I to continue taking a sticky peak
17:50at the contestants' bedrooms.
17:52Next stop is House 4.
17:56Parents Kylie and Brad have had a tough time
17:58after some bad feedback at last week's judging.
18:02The only thing that I like about this room is the skylight,
18:05because when I'm looking up,
18:07I don't have to see anything else in this room.
18:10It's all right, it's week one.
18:14Well, hello.
18:16Oh, hello.
18:18Look at this.
18:19How are you?
18:20The hairdresser and Sparky are doing a guest bedroom.
18:23They're steering away from their love of all black this week
18:26by incorporating a peach-coloured plaster bedhead,
18:29colourful accessories and a black Kingsman wardrobe.
18:33But before we get to that...
18:35How are you going as a couple?
18:37Oh, look, it's the rollercoaster.
18:39OK, so you've got four kids, right?
18:43You know stressful times.
18:45You know that you're going to have differing of opinion.
18:48Yeah, it's just how you...
18:49Complete polar opposites, Brad and I.
18:51And we've never spent this much time together.
18:53We have.
18:55Not really.
18:56On holiday.
18:57Not like this.
18:58Brad and I work six days a week, so we spend a Sunday together,
19:01and we're normally doing chores, groceries,
19:03running around like crazy people,
19:05and it's really not spending time together.
19:07So even the drive when we were picking out the kitchen,
19:09I was like, oh, we get to spend time together.
19:11Aren't we running around like crazy people?
19:13Yeah, we are.
19:14We are still running around like crazy people.
19:16Absolutely running around like crazy people.
19:18The first question I was going to ask is,
19:20are we taking on board the judges' feedback
19:22or are we moving in our own direction?
19:24Well, look, I've taken it on.
19:26I've scaled back compared to where I was first at.
19:30This is heavy.
19:31This is dark.
19:32If they continue this theme throughout the other rooms,
19:35this is going to be possibly the biggest disaster
19:39we've seen in 20 seasons.
19:41So I'm trying to scale back,
19:43and then we're softening with the floor colouring.
19:46Because if I had my way, I'd be black.
19:49Well, see, I don't mind. I don't mind that.
19:51No, you can't have a black bedroom.
19:54Remember, you might have that at your place,
19:56but we're selling this joint.
19:58So people, that polarises the buyer.
20:02Not if you get it right. It doesn't at all.
20:04People go, wow, that's something I haven't seen before.
20:06No-one wants a black bedroom.
20:07No-one wants a black bedroom.
20:08They haven't seen it yet, so how do they know?
20:10Black can be beautiful.
20:12Black can be very sophisticated.
20:14And black can also be very island beachy.
20:17And so you've got to go with your gut.
20:19Yeah, I think so.
20:20And again, the judges are looking at one room.
20:22They're going, oh, how is this going to work down here?
20:25Now you've got to prove to them that it is going to work,
20:28and it is considered throughout the home,
20:30and I have not just done that on a random whim.
20:33This is what I'm going to tie throughout the home.
20:35So you're backing yourself, and I think you've got to give it a go.
20:39I do need to back it, because if I start changing it now,
20:41I'm going to get completely lost,
20:43and I'll end up with...
20:45It just won't have any flow to it.
20:47She's got to back herself,
20:49and sometimes she gets beaten around and questions it a bit.
20:52You've got a vision. You've got to stick with it.
20:56So now I'm second-guessing everything.
20:58Because I am, I'm just doing something
21:00that I feel like the judges may like,
21:02but it's not really...
21:03What you want.
21:04What I want.
21:06While Carly questions her entire room,
21:09offside Paige has been shopping,
21:11having finally found some starling inspiration.
21:15Let's hit the road.
21:17There's so many birds here.
21:21So many birds.
21:24You know?
21:41I'm really happy.
21:42The duck was a pivot.
21:46I loved the duck. I fell in love with the duck.
21:49That's cool, eh?
21:51It's really funny,
21:52because it's not something I would ever choose.
21:55But I love it.
21:56I love it. It's really weird.
21:58Like, I don't know.
21:59I actually really, really love this.
22:01It's very funny because it's not a piece
22:03that I would usually gravitate to,
22:05but I saw it, and I saw my whole life in it.
22:11I saw the room. I saw the house.
22:13I saw everything. I saw Phillip Island.
22:17I f***ing love it.
22:20So special. So special.
22:22I'm showing everyone my duck.
22:24I'm like, go have a look. It's in there.
22:26Have a little peek. Have a little peek.
22:28Do you want to get a picture of me and my duck?
22:37So we almost finished all the hard part
22:40in terms of the construction of the room.
22:42Now it's just about the execution and painting
22:45and sanding and all that sort of stuff.
22:47So feeling good.
22:56I don't know if it's an illusion
22:58or if that's Boeing's bulkhead.
23:01As soon as he walks in, he's like,
23:03that's our Sir David Bowie ball.
23:09Oh yeah. See that?
23:12Three mil gap.
23:13Building 101, you don't want a Boeing bulkhead.
23:15Ground control to major Tom.
23:18There's no bow.
23:20Honestly, that's the first thing I could see
23:22when I walked, when I looked through that doorway.
23:24You've got a good eye.
23:26Well, that's my job.
23:28He held a straight edge onto it and it was like...
23:33That one. It was tiny.
23:35Is that illegal, Dan?
23:37Structurally, structurally there's nothing wrong with it,
23:39but you just see it. That's the only problem.
23:41If it's not illegal, then I'm okay with it.
23:43Illegal is not the word.
23:45Maybe we just go with it and make it even more Bowie.
23:49That was the thing. It's a curve. There's a curve now.
23:54Should have done that.
23:56I've always put a photo of David Bowie on there.
23:59In honour of, like a plaque or something.
24:02Like a plaque.
24:05Can't we put putty on it?
24:09That'd be a lot of putty.
24:10That's illegal.
24:12That's a lot of putty.
24:14Just trying to build a multi-million dollar house.
24:16I hope the judges don't see it.
24:19Who do we need to fire?
24:21No one.
24:23Who do we need to fire?
24:25Christian, you're fired.
24:34We're midway through our walkarounds
24:36for Guest Bedroom Week on Killam Island.
24:38Cheryl, this is the guys from Hyperwave.
24:41Because, of course, we need good internet here on the island.
24:44Chris! How are you, mate?
24:46G'day, Scotty. How are you, mate?
24:47Great to see Shelley.
24:48G'day. Lovely to meet you.
24:50Chris saved us a gizmo because we're a bit remote there.
24:53Now we're on the island.
24:55Our teams need great, super-fast internet.
24:58A shop and Hyperwave has turned up here.
25:01We're getting incredible internet for them to do all that.
25:04Of course, we don't want them to drive to town all the time for two hours.
25:07A lot of online ordering.
25:09I mean, what sort of speed are you delivering for us, Chris?
25:12Aiming for about 500 megabits at the moment.
25:14Oh, jeez, look at it go.
25:15Wow. That's incredible.
25:17That is incredible.
25:18And in house two,
25:20Courtney is burning up every bit of the megabyte goodness.
25:27Oh, hello.
25:30Look at her tippity-tap-tap on the computer already.
25:33How are you guys?
25:34Really good. How are you?
25:35Married couple Courtney and Grant
25:37have decided to present their guest bedroom as a kids' room this week.
25:41Their room includes striped wallpaper,
25:43an arch wall acting as a bedhead,
25:45and a desk area within their wardrobe.
25:48Is that a miniature?
25:49I was about to say.
25:50Is that a stool for ants?
25:51I'm not having a good time.
25:53I did get a stool for ants.
25:55Courtney's stylish, not practical, so she doesn't look at sizes.
25:58I didn't look at sizing.
25:59I just ordered it really quickly.
26:00I've ordered two of them.
26:01They aren't supposed to be kids' stools,
26:03and I'm going to have two next to each other,
26:05and this is just way too small.
26:08I'd be putting it in my bathroom and using it to shave my legs.
26:11To shave your legs.
26:12That's what I would do with that.
26:14What else have you got?
26:15So we're doing a kids' bedroom, so under 10.
26:18We've got the arch, which is going to be like a pistachio green.
26:21The arch is awesome.
26:23So sort of a reverse bedhead, if that makes sense.
26:27Two single beds coming out of the arch.
26:29We're trying to get as much sleeping in this bedroom as possible.
26:34It's a holiday home, kid wants to bring their friend,
26:37want to take them on a holiday or whatever.
26:39Or if there's a couple of kids in the family, they can share
26:41because it's only a holiday home.
26:44I'm assuming you're tapping on there about your budget, are you?
26:47No, I actually was doing my little look and feel.
26:51We have an issue.
26:52We have a problem with your budget.
26:54What happened?
26:56Well, you spent on your bathroom $33,000.
27:02And the rest?
27:03Isn't there more?
27:04No, that's just cash.
27:06We gave you $20,000.
27:07But you're $13,000 over.
27:09You can't do this.
27:11We didn't intend to do it.
27:13But, I mean, the fact that you're saying you didn't intend to do it
27:16means you weren't looking at it.
27:17So basically there was a few issues.
27:20Which then pushed out, so our tilers were waiting around,
27:23our plasters were waiting around.
27:24So their bills were high in relation to what was happening.
27:28It's really not our problem that we're over in labour.
27:31It is our problem.
27:32No, hold on.
27:33It comes down to it being.
27:34Cut, and that's the show.
27:35It's not our problem that we're over in labour.
27:39Historically, and I've done this a lot,
27:42you'll run out of coin in about week six.
27:45I'm just giving you a friendly push to say don't do that again.
27:52Our budget talk was like getting a lecture from my dad.
27:57Which I used to get a lot when I was younger.
28:00You guys as a couple are fantastic, right?
28:02I love you.
28:03But you're bluers, aren't you?
28:05You're blue a bit.
28:06I love that.
28:07Do they?
28:08You have a Barney.
28:09Shut up!
28:10You're in a mood.
28:11You're in a mood.
28:12You're in a mood.
28:13You're in a mood.
28:14Stop being a hot-headed pest.
28:15You're like an angry little gremlin.
28:20I only feel so much better.
28:21How does this love language work?
28:23It's very weird.
28:24Nobody really understands it.
28:26Well, we think, oh, well, they're getting divorced.
28:28Yeah, yeah.
28:29They think it's on the rocks, basically, every day.
28:31My parents are like, are you guys okay?
28:32Like, why are you fighting so much?
28:33I'm like, it's just how we are.
28:35Oh, is that right?
28:36Your parents say that?
28:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:38So we don't need to worry.
28:39This is normal.
28:40No, this is normal.
28:41Okay, I can relax.
28:43Don't worry.
28:44We don't need any counselling just yet.
28:45No, no.
28:46I'll let you know.
28:47No, it's all right.
28:48I just, I walk in and I hear you scream.
28:49I go, ah!
28:50And I back out.
28:53I mean, but I don't call it a fight.
28:54It's a bicker.
28:55It's a love language.
28:56It's just how we, like, get along.
28:57Like, we're more mates than romantic people.
29:02Yeah, like...
29:03Hope you don't sleep with your mates.
29:19Everyone is just telling me to stick to my guns.
29:21What did I envision?
29:23And the only reason I was going away from it
29:25is I was just trying to please the judges.
29:27I'm changing the artwork.
29:29That's the main one.
29:30Changing the colour of the paint to black and white.
29:34And then just accessorising, just in monochrome.
29:38Do you love how crazy I am?
29:40Now having changed her mind again,
29:42Kylie's ditching the peach wall at colourful artwork
29:45and going back to black.
29:48All right, so back to minor ten.
29:50The black paint.
29:54Me again.
29:55I need some more black paint.
30:01The shade last time was the wrong shade.
30:03Wrong shade of black.
30:10Look, the right shade of black's really hard.
30:12We've got black caviar.
30:14Not black enough.
30:15Not black enough.
30:16Probably bluish greys for you.
30:18Yeah, too grey.
30:19Too blue in this domino.
30:20Too blue, yes.
30:22Yeah, and see, they're all too light.
30:25I can't be the only one wanting just black.
30:28I don't want purple undertone, no blue undertone.
30:30I just want black that tastes like real black.
30:34Black that tastes like real black.
30:36Maybe I've got like a black heart, like a sad person.
30:39Maybe I'm like emo.
30:43So that's going to be the blackest black.
30:44That'll be our blackest black.
30:4675% happy with that choice.
30:50That's why I'm only getting four litres of it.
30:52That's why I said I'll be back if it's not the right black.
30:55I'll be back tomorrow.
30:57Excellent, I'll look forward to it.
30:59I'll just be doing a mercy dash tomorrow to get rug,
31:02linens, cushions.
31:04I changed my art.
31:05Maybe pendants or lamps.
31:07It's basically anything I can think of.
31:09I'll be back tomorrow.
31:10I'll be back tomorrow.
31:11I'll be back tomorrow.
31:12I'll be back tomorrow.
31:13I've just been thinking about maybe pendants or lamps.
31:17It's basically everything but...
31:20Everything but...
31:21A bed.
31:23Well, true, but it probably will change still.
31:33It's Guest Bedroom week in Season 20 of The Block,
31:36the biggest, hardest game on television.
31:38OK. Maybe for some. I'm going to cheeky lunch break. I was just really hungry.
31:47So, these guys have had a really tough, I'm not going to say week, I'm going to say, like,
31:53stay in the block. Yeah. Oh, no. It's been very much a rollercoaster. Let's see if we
31:58can help at all. Oh, we've got lights on already. Hello. Hi, Scotty. Hello. How are you? I'm
32:06good. We're hugging. Sorry if I'm a bit dusty. Oh, don't be crazy. How are you? I'm good.
32:11I'm well, thank you. Hello, Paige. I got hugs in house five, so I just wanted hugs in this
32:16one. Hugs all round. We need it. You feeling it? Scotty did tell me it's been a really rough
32:22ride. It's been crazy so far. We're on a rollercoaster of emotions at the moment, aren't we? Yeah.
32:28I mean, I had a great first week. I was so happy, feeling good. I think I crashed a bit
32:33yesterday. I'm feeling the effects of no sleep at the moment. That's okay. You're allowed
32:38to have crappy days. Yeah. You know, the world isn't always roses, and you're allowed to
32:42feel like this is really, really hard. Yeah. Because it is. It's damn hard. It definitely
32:47is, yeah. I know, Paige, that you're struggling with your design style. Yeah, I really did.
32:52I struggled in this room in particular. This one, I was just hitting and missing with the
32:57things that I was buying. We're, I guess, struggling with ideas of how to create, I
33:04guess, rooms. Yeah. Bedrooms, especially. Bedrooms are just my hardest point, I think,
33:10because they're just a square box. You've just got to trust yourselves and run with
33:14your gut and just do it. It doesn't matter if you get bad feedback, because you just
33:18do it, and what you're doing is the end game, is building a house to sell at the end. Hopefully
33:24you win along the way as well. Yeah. But you've just got to get in there and not worry
33:30too much about the process. Yeah. You've just got to relax. It's the block, it's hard, and
33:37just do it. Yeah. Do you regret coming here? No. No, definitely not. You love it? Yeah,
33:42love it. 100% then, get into it. Yeah. Jessie and Paige are also doing a guest bedroom,
33:49which is located here. It will feature wainscoting, striped linen, grafico wallpaper, and they're
33:55going to put that duck print here between the wall sconces. Are you doing skirting boards?
34:01Yeah, so the plan is we're going to have kind of like my skirting boards, and I'm going
34:05to create like a bit of like timber paneling look, and then above that we're having wallpaper.
34:10Okay. Yeah. Well, that'll save you some painting. Yes, it will. It's a charcoal colour. Oh,
34:15that's cute. Yeah. It's a linen texture as well. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty. There's
34:20going to be a lot of texture in here. And I think we're just, we'll find our feet with
34:24I guess like design ideas and how to, I guess, style our room, like still questioning what
34:29looks best and like with wallpaper and what timber panelling and ideas, and we're still
34:35just finding our feet on using the right, I guess, materials. I was listening to the
34:40I was listening to the judging on Sunday, and Marty loves it, Shana hates it, Darren
34:44sits in the middle. So this week, it'll be Darren loves it, Shana hates it, and Marty's
34:47going to sit in the middle. Yeah. No, man. Yeah, you never know. I've got a great wardrobe.
34:51I've got a door. I've got some lighting. Happy. I'm on holiday. Who cares? Yeah. Yeah. You
34:56know why? I love it. You're swearing in like a potty mouth. I'm sorry. I know, I'm sorry.
35:00She's got a potty mouth. It's absolutely outrageous. I've been on holiday since the auctions, and
35:05I've been on my own building site, and there's a lot of swearing. She rubs up on you, doesn't
35:09she? She rubs up on Gordon Ramsay's mistress. I'm sorry. I apologise. Sorry. I apologise.
35:15All right, chill. Yeah. And enjoy. I think that's probably the best advice I needed is
35:20don't worry, just chill. I feel like there's been a, like a, I guess a weight lifts off
35:24my shoulders, like, and all it takes sometimes is a little bit of advice, just sort of how
35:29to be and how to act and how to kind of, when there's things out of your control, just roll
35:34with it. Just relax. Come on, Cheryl, let's go. Thank you so much, guys. It's lovely to
35:39see you. I know. It's wonderful for a Friday.
35:54Now that the walkarounds are done and dusted for another week, I've got one more surprise
35:59for our blockheads that will hopefully lift morale.
36:07Where's that come from? Is that next door?
36:11I thought the site was burning down.
36:13We just see this orange smoke in our garage, and I was like, OK, we're getting gassed out.
36:18This is how we die.
36:21We followed the smoke. Like, we didn't know what was going on. It was Scotty. Scotty Camp.
36:27Come on. That's Scotty. I didn't know you were a football hooligan.
36:41When is he going to run out?
36:45Oh, there he goes. Right, let's go.
36:47This is the green room, where the contestants can relax after judging.
36:52And there's been a hidden surprise in here since day one.
36:58Now, while you guys have been lounging around here for the last week, I think there is something
37:03that you've failed to notice. Amongst all our pictures of contestants past, there's
37:09some photos of Chell and yours truly up there as well. It's not there because we wanted
37:16to show you how much of a good-looking bunch we are, or Chell is. Not me, certainly.
37:21There is something behind these that you are absolutely going to love.
37:29Ready? Yes.
37:33I haven't changed a bit.
37:35I haven't changed a bit.
37:43The High Pages leader is back.
37:47But this year, with a twist.
37:51There's another one there. Two.
37:59Surely these guys didn't get one.
38:01They did. I can't believe it.
38:05This year, the High Pages leader has been assigned to a particular room.
38:11And it's the room that we've decided where we think that you guys need the most help.
38:18And the rooms our offer grabs were the backyard, the front yard, rumpus, living, dining and kitchen.
38:26So there's five different levers for the five hardest rooms.
38:31And each team can only pull one.
38:35Plasterers, carpenters, landscapers, High Pages has it all.
38:40Now, the High Pages leader will give you 10,000 bucks worth of trusted traders.
38:48But this year, there's another twist.
38:50High Pages are also going to give you 5,000 bucks cash to buy something nice for that specific room that you're doing that week.
38:58If you pull the lever.
39:02The question is, which team is going to pull which lever on what week?
39:08Well, that is the other twist. That's all up to you guys.
39:12You've got to work that out.
39:14It's going to be fantastic.
39:16There's definitely some very competitive contestants here in this series.
39:21Everyone's pretty friendly now.
39:23And I don't know how long that's going to last.
39:26Now, while we're here, we need to update the All-Star Wall.
39:29Because if you win a room on this season of The Block, you get to join the All-Star Wall.
39:37So, it's time.
39:38And for Christian and Mimi to go up.
39:43How good!
39:45See you later.
39:46Back to work.
39:47We'll take the backyard one.
39:48Yeah, so will we.
39:50I think we all wanted backyard.
40:08The backyard?
40:09Everyone wanted landscaping.
40:11I think that, you know, friendships, the early friendships that have been formed, will most likely be tested.
40:19Will cracks form?
40:20He's a little song I wrote.
40:21Might want to sing it note for note.
40:22Don't worry.
40:23You love me.
40:24F***ing lucky I do.
40:25Be happy.
40:26Give me a kiss on the cheek.
40:28You're like, ew.
40:50We got a really good apprentice.
40:53He turned 18 today.
40:54Absolute gem.
40:55He's a crackin', he's a really crackin' kid.
40:57Have we got anything we can give Mitch?
40:59His birthday.
41:04The most important thing when you've got guys that are working OT pretty much every day,
41:08you really want to make sure that they enjoy it as much as they can.
41:11Happy birthday, mate.
41:12Thanks, mate.
41:13It wouldn't be an 18th birthday unless you got a slab.
41:17One of the best beers going around, mate.
41:20From Aldi.
41:21Happy birthday to you.
41:24Happy birthday to you.
41:27Happy birthday, dear Mitchie.
41:30Happy birthday to you.
41:32Might have got a couple of Ricky inspirational speeches.
41:35Make sure you only drink six this weekend,
41:37because then he really actually needs you next week.
41:39So drink them responsibly, and come back ready to go next week.
41:43And drive safe.
41:44Drive safe.
41:45Well, man.
41:46Thanks, mate.
41:47No worries.
41:48Take it easy.
41:49Have a good one.
41:50Pleasure, mate.
41:51We'll be having Christmas this year together, probably.
41:52Now we're out of beers.
41:53We just gave away our last slab.
41:55Back to Aldi.
41:58The room is definitely starting to take shape.
42:01We have to sand.
42:02I did it by hand.
42:03We shouldn't use the machine.
42:07Mimi, they made this for a reason, and it's to make your life easier.
42:13It's to make my life harder.
42:14You don't have to use your...
42:16Save your arm strength for painting tonight.
42:18Christian, don't worry.
42:19I got this.
42:26Left to do is painting.
42:28Peach is no longer.
42:29And then Brad said, how are we going to go if we paint over the peach
42:32and then we want to bring the peach back?
42:35Stranger things have happened.
42:36I'm going to commit to the black.
42:40We haven't got actually too much standing left to go.
42:42We've got the heated cranking in our room to help dry the last of the plaster.
42:46That's 60 degrees in there while we're sanding.
42:48Minimum 60.
42:50It is like a sword of rice here, brother.
42:53Oh my God, it is warm.
42:57Got to get the painting done.
42:58We can sleep tomorrow.
42:59Styling tomorrow night and cleaning tomorrow night.
43:02Trades tomorrow.
43:03My mind's never clear.
43:04There are a thousand things going on in it.
43:06Sometimes you inspire me.
43:07I have nothing in my mind.
43:08Just a monkey going...
43:13The block is stressful.
43:16We're very sleep deprived.
43:17We're under a lot of pressure.
43:19But like with Jesse, we're going well.
43:21And then sometimes we're not.
43:27You're just annoying to talk to sometimes.
43:32Straight up, like you can just get so rigid and like a bit rude.
43:41I didn't know the paneling would be this thick.
43:44I just thought it was dumb.
43:46You didn't really tell me if you wanted it skinny or I just kind of went with what I thought.
43:50But you never asked me.
43:51You never...
43:52That's the thing.
43:53Okay, well let's think of a solution now because we're not...
43:56There's no point.
43:59That day, I'm the one who's carrying all the...
44:04I'm carrying a lot of the weight and the pressure.
44:08I'm carrying a lot of the weight and the pressure because I'm on the phone.
44:11I'm making decisions.
44:12I'm like...
44:13My mind is...
44:14Making decisions.
44:15I was right there with you.
44:16My mind is in 15 places at once.
44:17And I think it just got a little bit too much that day.
44:20And there's a clear flashback to week one.
44:24And it was running smoothly.
44:28And you could just see it just going very quickly once again.
44:35And it was becoming like, oh, here we go.
44:37Not again.
44:42I feel as you just continuously brush past me.
44:48You said it last week.
44:50You just choose not to talk to me.
44:57Okay, fine.
45:01Absolute shock.
45:02So you can do the same thing next week.
45:03Well, it's like a...
45:04Wasting time.
45:06It's all we're doing, wasting time.
45:09Can we just, like, get on with it, please?
45:11I'm sorry we didn't talk about it more, alright?
45:14Sorry for yelling.
45:15I'm just frustrated because it's like...
45:17We're just going backwards again.
45:23Yeah, well, what was that?
45:25I actually have no idea.
45:27I genuinely have no idea.
45:30He was yelling at me about wasting time
45:32when no one was wasting time but himself.
45:36Very out of character.
45:41Just weird.
45:43It actually didn't need to be that hard.
45:45Things don't need to be this hard.
45:52A lot.
46:00Hello, Scotty.
46:04This is a winning room.
46:06Love it.
46:07...are the Sunday night bedroom reveals.
46:09This is a winner.
46:10I've got a winning room in front of me.
46:12Just feel in the waters.
46:13He said the same thing to everyone.
46:15Bloody Scotty.
46:16Dreams are made of...
46:21I can imagine my daughter looking at this and going,
46:23Oh, my God.
46:24Oh, my God.
46:25Oh, my God.
46:26Oh, my God.
46:27Oh, my God.
46:28I can imagine my daughters running in here.
46:30The 3D bed.
46:32I just want to jump into this bed.
46:34To the wildest bedroom wall you'll ever see.
46:38These guys are going to be extremely hard to beat.
46:40Marty said that last year and that term came last.
46:43Who creates a bedroom paradise?
46:46Look at me touching stuff again.
46:48I just, I can't help it.
46:50And who cooks a Sunday roasting?
46:54The corn at Ricky's Roasting,
46:56with a nice side of Potato H.
46:58Extra cheesy.
47:00It's going to be delicious.