When will Leeds have a new signing?

  • last month
When will Leeds have a new signing to speak of?
00:00Farka obviously believes they'll get they'll have to play one maximum two more games without new additions
00:06So he's saying that that he basically said today
00:10There won't be a new face in the squad on Friday night. I
00:13Didn't take that to mean we won't sign a player between 9 Friday night
00:17I just took that to mean we won't sign a player in time to play on Friday night because
00:23Obviously, they've got to be registered by a certain time. But also
00:27He's very very
00:30Pernickety about players training before they play, you know, even when a player knows the system inside out
00:37But he's coming back from a bit of a layoff. They have to have at least one
00:42Full training session with the team before he'll he'll stick them in and quite often
00:46They'll come back on the bench won't they instead of in the starting lineup?
00:50So we're not at the stage of the week where you could rule out a signing coming in and starting
00:56You could probably rule out a new signing coming in and being on the bench
01:00Unless unless they've been playing
01:03At their club up until last weekend. You also have to factor in I think they have to be registered by
01:10Thursday at lunchtime Thursday noon to be to be able to be in the matchday squad Friday night
01:17Yeah, and in order for them to be registered by Thursday noon, you have to have the deal completely done
01:23You know by then so we're that would be a new sign-in done within the next
01:3020 here he goes countdown
01:3219 18 hours something like that. Yeah about 19 hours
01:37So I just think I didn't take that I didn't take it that he was ruling out an imminent signing because there are some
01:42Rumblings that they're getting close to a target. I just took it that they wouldn't be in in time to play
