El Señor de la Querencia - Capitulo 24

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00:00It was him.
00:10No! No! I didn't do it!
00:13I didn't do it! I'm innocent!
00:16No! I'm innocent, man!
00:21I didn't do it!
00:47What a terrible news.
00:49These roads are really dangerous.
00:51It's a tragedy, poor thing.
00:53No, it's horrible.
00:55First you, and now this.
00:59No, Leonor.
01:01No, don't compare me.
01:02I didn't even touch a single hair.
01:04And what did he do then?
01:06I taught him a lesson.
01:08That's what I did.
01:09And not only to her, but also to our son Luis Emelio.
01:11And how?
01:14That's it.
01:15Leonor, you don't understand.
01:17You know what?
01:19I'm not surprised at all by this tragedy that happened to poor Violeta.
01:24Why do you say that?
01:27Let's see, Violeta was looking for him in another way.
01:32No, listen to me.
01:33He was dragging Poncho Luis Emelio for a long time.
01:38And not only him.
01:41Me too.
01:42Oh, what are you saying?
01:43He insinuated to me many times, Leonor.
01:44Enough, enough.
01:45Many times.
01:46What are you saying?
01:47You think Violeta is a woman, but she's not.
01:51She's not.
01:52I know perfectly well how the Chinese are in this field.
01:55And since they were very little, they always go to the boss' daughters.
01:58Let's finish this conversation here, or we'll end up arguing.
02:00But why? We're talking, Leonor.
02:03I already told you I was going to change.
02:09I don't want to fight with you.
02:14You don't want to?
02:18Then prove it with facts.
02:22Let's see, what do you mean?
02:26Stop being so violent.
02:30Start treating your tenants better.
02:32I will do all that.
02:33Look, I'm going to reflect on that.
02:36I promise you.
02:38Come here.
02:39Give me a hug.
02:41That's it.
02:43A hug.
02:46A kiss.
02:48I'm going to show you that I can be the most peaceful man in the world.
03:03I want you to give me one reason
03:05so that I don't have to immediately tell my daddy what's going on.
03:08Mercedes, it's your turn.
03:11I don't know what to say because I'm embarrassed.
03:15I'm glad you're at least embarrassed.
03:17Sister, don't think this is a private family matter.
03:21I'm going to explain everything.
03:24I'm going to talk.
03:25Even if it's hard for me to do it, I'm going to do it.
03:27And what are you going to say?
03:29The truth.
03:30I'm waiting for it.
03:33Teresita, I know you know that my daughter is a special woman.
03:39The thing is that in Santiago this is already known,
03:41so at the time of talking about marriage...
03:45Let go of me.
03:46I'm not to blame for everything.
03:47I'm not responsible for this.
03:49Mercedes, that's enough.
03:51Sister, don't you think this conversation is getting very unpleasant?
03:55I'm sorry, Ignacio.
03:56But you still haven't answered me the most important thing.
03:58Let's see, what do you want to know, Teresita?
04:00What does the story of Lucrecia have to do with this secret relationship
04:02that you two are having?
04:03Oh, please.
04:04It's just that I'm too old to talk about it.
04:06No, no, no.
04:07Be brave.
04:08Tell him the truth, Teresita.
04:10Tell him how you feel about Ignacio.
04:12I'm not going to talk about my private life.
04:14It's mine.
04:15You're absolutely right, Mercedes.
04:17Sister, it doesn't correspond.
04:19Oh, no?
04:20Because, look, it seems absolutely horrible to me what you're doing.
04:24First this fake marriage and now this, Ignacio?
04:26You're having a secret relationship with your mother-in-law.
04:28How can you not see it?
04:29Enough, please.
04:30Let's see, sorry.
04:31And what are you going to do?
04:32Are you going to run and tell your father what you saw?
04:34Yes, look.
04:35I should.
04:36No, no, no.
04:37Little sister.
04:38Little sister, you know how our father is.
04:40If he finds out about this,
04:43I will have no choice but to leave the family.
04:56Excuse me.
04:59Did you send for me, Miss Eleanor?
05:03I want you to take these dresses to Violeta.
05:10Thank you very much, Miss Eleanor.
05:14Is she better?
05:16Yes, she's better.
05:20What a silly question I'm asking you.
05:22It must be so difficult to recover after something like this.
05:31Excuse me, are you talking to me about what happened in the barn?
05:36Don't you know what I'm talking about?
05:43If your sister comes to talk, we are lost.
05:46I trust Teresita's criteria.
05:48But why did you have to tell him, Ignacio? Why?
05:50Well, you have to assume. Sooner or later he will know.
05:52No, he didn't have to know this.
05:54He never had to know.
05:55Let's see, let's see.
05:57Mercedes, your duty is to talk to Lucrecia.
05:59I'm starting to believe that woman is out of her mind.
06:02No, no.
06:03The issue is that she insists on behaving like a spoiled girl.
06:07Well, she has to find a way to control her then.
06:10It's like she's enjoying the scandal.
06:13It's like she's not afraid to scare the world, you know?
06:27I'm going to talk to my sister.
06:30I promise you that my father won't know anything.
06:34Ignacio, we have to avoid the scandal.
06:37What if we can't?
06:41If we can't...
06:46You and I would have to stop seeing each other.
06:51So you and I couldn't have a relationship?
07:06Why didn't you tell me anything, little bird of my soul?
07:09I'm your mother.
07:16I'm so ashamed to talk about that, Mom.
07:19But anyway, you should have told me first.
07:24I didn't tell Aunt Herminia or anyone else.
07:26But why?
07:29You trust that witch more than me.
07:33I didn't want to see her suffer, Mom.
07:37I'm sorry.
07:47Tell me one thing.
07:52Are you sure
07:54that it was that witch who did that to you?
07:57That it wasn't another man?
08:01It was him.
08:04Don't lie to me anymore, Violeta.
08:08Are you sure it was that man who did it to you?
08:14I swear, Mom.
08:17I swear on the most sacred thing.
08:19I swear.
08:22Hug me, please.
08:43Where are you?
08:46You told me to take care of you.
08:49You told me to be here with you.
08:51You told me why you didn't take care of my little girl, Manuel.
08:53Why didn't you take care of her?
08:56Why didn't you take care of her?
08:58What are you doing to her?
09:01Let me go.
09:02Let me go.
09:03Let me go.
09:11She was my little girl.
09:14My little girl.
09:18She was an innocent girl.
09:21She didn't know anything about life, Manuel.
09:30That bitch is going to pay.
09:32I swear she's going to pay.
09:42Where is she?
09:47We've got her under surveillance.
09:48Where is she?
09:50Where is she?
09:51I want to see her face.
09:52Where is she?
09:53Maria, I don't have a good idea.
09:54Take me away, Manuel!
09:55Take me away!
09:57Take me away!
10:06So she was opening her mouth.
10:09I didn't say anything, boss.
10:11Excuse me.
10:15Why does Luis Emilio know?
10:19Do you think I'm stupid?
10:21No, boss.
10:27He talked to me.
10:29I didn't tell him.
10:37I hope the only person who knows the truth is Luis Emilio.
10:41Luis Emilio.
10:44So far, ma'am, Leonor thinks it was someone else.
10:49She did very well.
10:51Very well.
10:53She did very well.
10:56She did very well.
11:05Don't treat me like that, please, boss.
11:07Then you have to keep the secret.
11:12It's good for you because if you do, I'll be good to you.
11:19Very good.
11:21Yes, boss.
11:24And why do you get like this?
11:27Why do you get like this?
11:30Are you afraid of me?
11:34Don't be afraid of me, okay?
11:37I'm never going to do anything you don't want.
11:43Because what happened the other day,
11:47you wanted it to happen.
12:27I want to see his face.
12:36I want to see his face.
12:42I'm innocent, man.
12:44I haven't done anything, I swear.
12:48I haven't done anything, man.
12:49I'm innocent.
12:50Did you see the bastard?
12:54What did you say?
12:56Who was my daughter?
12:57Who was my daughter?
12:58Hey, hey.
12:59Let go of me.
13:00This doesn't look good, Maria.
13:04I told you it doesn't look good.
13:13Promise me
13:15that you will hand him over to the authorities
13:18to kill this animal.
13:26I promise you.
13:36I promise you.
13:59What are you doing here?
14:00Leave me alone.
14:07Why didn't you ask me to take you out for a walk?
14:11I have no intention of doing it.
14:15I was crying.
14:19What do you care?
14:23What happened to you?
14:27Don't take liberties with me, Buenaventura.
14:30Leave me alone, will you?
14:33Don't get like that.
14:35Look, I can get like I want.
14:37And I don't have to explain myself to you.
14:40Well, if you don't have to explain yourself to me,
14:42then why...
14:44why are you telling Miss Leonor that you're in love with me?
14:49I already told you that was a lie.
14:53I could never fall in love with a man like you.
15:00Well, then I'm not dragging my feet.
15:03Why don't you worry about your daughter's embarrassment?
15:09About what?
15:12I heard her nun and Herminia talking.
15:16They were both crying and saying that a man had raped her.
15:21You should worry about that.
15:36Why did he do it?
15:38Why did what?
15:39You were the only one who knew.
15:42You were the only one who knew that Mr. José Luis had raped me.
15:45Violeta, please let me explain.
15:47I have my reasons.
15:48How could you tell Mr. Luis, Emilio?
15:50Did the young man talk to you?
15:52He went straight to talk to the boss.
15:55Now think.
15:56Mr. José Luis thinks that I was the one who told him.
15:59Mr. José Luis thinks that I was the one who told him.
16:04I'm sorry.
16:05It was no harm done.
16:06Pia, shut up!
16:10Do me a favor, will you?
16:13Shut up.
16:15And stop talking nonsense.
16:18Violeta, don't get like that.
16:21Now Mr. Luis and Emilio know that I'm a whore.
16:26Do you know what that is?
16:30Now he will never notice me.
16:35I'm sorry.
16:36Violeta, forgive me.
16:51Mom, where were you?
16:54Did you go out for a walk?
16:55Because I looked for you and I couldn't find you.
16:58Yes, I went out for a walk.
17:00I needed to clear my head.
17:03Do you want lemonade?
17:05Why should I clear my head?
17:07Is it still bad because of what happened between Papacito and Leontina?
17:11A little.
17:14How are you? Tell me.
17:16How do you feel?
17:21I was thinking that it would be good if you distracted a little, Teresita.
17:25I mean, apart from the embroidery and all that,
17:29Juan Cristobal, Leon, Luis Emilio's friend,
17:33told me that he might come to see us one of these days, right?
17:37Yes, of course.
17:38Juan Cristobal?
17:39What a horror!
17:40That young man seems to me to be the most boring thing that can exist.
17:42That I don't put a foot in this house, Luis Emilio!
17:44Teresita, Juan Cristobal is a serious man, but he is not boring.
17:47I wouldn't introduce him to a whore like me.
17:49No, if you think I'm going to look at your friend, you're very wrong, I'm sorry.
17:53It was an opportunity, Teresita.
17:55What plan is this, mommy?
17:56There is no plan.
17:57A friend of Luis Emilio is just going to come,
18:00and it's always good, it seems to me, to meet new people.
18:04No, thank you.
18:05I'm fed up with those I already know.
18:07I want to go for a walk with Violeta, can I?
18:12No, don't bother her, she's still very affected.
18:15Affected? Why?
18:21Today I found out that a stranger took advantage of her.
18:28Imagine, he lost his innocence in the most frustrating way.
18:47How is the girl?
18:56Well, they already told me what happened to her.
19:03And you?
19:05I don't know.
19:07I don't know either.
19:08I don't know either.
19:10I don't know either.
19:12I don't know either.
19:14I don't know either.
19:16I promised I would take care of her, Maria.
19:25If anyone did anything to her, I would take care of her.
19:36My little girl.
19:38Calm down, calm down.
19:41Don't worry, the girl is fine.
19:44My little girl.
19:46Calm down, calm down.
19:58Where is she?
20:01She's not here.
20:05Where is Maria?
20:07She went out.
20:09The girl needs to distract herself too.
20:11How can she go out?
20:13Do you want something bad to happen to her again?
20:14Calm down.
20:16Manuel and his man have already caught the culprit.
20:23Did they catch him?
20:27And Violeta recognized him.
20:30Where did they throw that shit?
20:32In Manuel's house.
20:39Kill that shit!
20:46Excuse me.
20:47What are you doing here, Teresa?
20:48Manuel, if I'm here, it's just because I came to accompany Violeta, who is very nervous.
20:53What happened?
20:54I have to talk to you.
20:55Okay, but calm down.
20:56What happened?
20:58It's about the man they have tied up out there.
21:04What was that?
21:07What was that?
21:16I still can't believe that happened to Violeta, brother.
21:21It's horrible, Ignacio.
21:26You know her well.
21:28How is she?
21:31How is she going to be?
21:34Terrible, Ignacio.
21:37She doesn't want anything to do with anyone.
21:42And what are they going to do with the culprit?
21:47I don't know.
21:51Well, I hope that man rots in hell.
21:56Listen to me carefully.
21:58The men who do that have no forgiveness from God.
22:08I have to tell you something.
22:14The man they took prisoner is innocent.
22:19Or at least it has nothing to do with what happened to Violeta.
22:27But how do you know that?
22:37Because it was our father who did that to her.
22:53Are you sure of what you're saying?
22:59Violeta is not going to say anything.
23:02Are you afraid that our father took retaliation against his family?
23:09No, you must be wrong, brother. That's not possible.
23:14It must be a mistake.
23:16Brother, no one can find out about this.
23:19Especially now that our parents are trying to fix their marriage.
23:24But what's going to happen to the innocent man?
23:36Violeta, quickly.
23:38No, no.
23:40Wait, wait.
23:44Man, put the gun down.
23:47Look at me, put the gun down.
23:50Get him up.
23:52Get him up, fuck!
23:54No, man!
23:56Put the gun down.
24:01Put the gun down.
24:13Not like this, man.
24:16What do I do now?
24:19Do I have to turn you over to the authorities?
24:23Do whatever you want, Manuel.
24:27I'm going to avenge my daughter.
24:43It can't be.
24:45Calm down.
24:47It was my fault.
24:49It was my fault, miss.
24:51None of this would be happening if it weren't for me.
24:54That man wouldn't have died.
24:56Calm down, it's not your fault.
24:58You are the victim.
24:59Yes, I am.
25:03Dad, you were wrong.
25:06I wasn't wrong, miss.
25:08Give him more bullets.
25:15Let's go.
25:17Good adventure.
25:19Don't tell anyone you saw me here.
25:21If I came, it was to accompany your daughter.
25:24I'm not going to tell anyone, Teresita.
25:26Thank you for accompanying my daughter.
25:29Excuse me.
25:33Let's go.
25:55Give that bastard what he deserves.
26:26You're right, Mom.
26:28I don't care about the scandal.
26:30You know what?
26:32My worst nightmare would be for everyone to find out that you are a...
26:35What? That I like women?
26:37Lucrecia, please, lower your voice.
26:39If it were up to me, I would scream it out loud.
26:41That's not going to happen.
26:43That's impossible.
26:45For that, we would have to go live, I don't know, on the moon.
26:47You know what?
26:49I'm tired of your exaggerations.
26:51So take a deep breath.
26:52I'm tired of your exaggerations.
26:54So take a decision.
26:57You are not going to be the mother of my child.
27:01Are you going to be?
27:05Herminia is going to be.
27:15Something terrible happened.
27:17What happened?
27:19I saw how they killed the man who raped Violeta.
27:24In Manuel's house.
27:26What were you doing there?
27:28Didn't you go to school?
27:30I was thinking the same thing about you.
27:33What are you talking about, Teresita?
27:35Apparently, you were there too.
27:39I found your handkerchief on the floor.
27:51What happened, Violeta?
27:56I can't take it anymore, Mommy.
27:59Come on, come on, come on.
28:01It's okay, it's okay.
28:07Calm down.
28:09Calm down, look.
28:11I can't take it anymore, Mommy.
28:13I know.
28:15Calm down.
28:17Calm down.
28:18I can't take it anymore, Mommy.
28:20I know.
28:22I assure you
28:24that with the passage of time,
28:26all this will no longer be more than a bad memory.
28:31Have you forgotten the first time
28:34that Don José Luis touched you?
28:39I have done everything I can to continue living.
28:44But live in peace, Mommy.
28:52You are a beautiful girl.
28:57And I'm sure
28:59that God will send you a man
29:01who will love you.
29:03Mommy, who will be interested in a woman like me?
29:05Violeta, Violeta, look at me.
29:07You have a whole life ahead of you.
29:10But what good is that to me, Mommy?
29:14My God is going to punish me.
29:16No, no, no, no.
29:18Don't say that.
29:22I did something horrible, Mommy.
29:24How horrible?
29:31That man,
29:34the one who died,
29:40he didn't touch me, Mommy.
29:43He didn't do anything to me.
29:49My daddy went to Uncle Manuel's house
29:53and shot the man
29:56they had arrested.
30:01But he didn't do anything, Mommy.
30:08It was Don José Luis.
30:13The boss brought me and he didn't
30:14The boss brought me and he didn't
30:18The boss didn't
