Red Sox do enough at Deadline. Are you optimistic?

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Red Sox do enough at Deadline. Are you optimistic?
00:00Knows that it is important that they win right now
00:04Wiggy not next week right not in early September, which is right around the corner
00:10But right now in this series and they got it done. Thanks in the large part to Jaron Duran last night
00:15So you're optimistic. I can't remember. I know you got a bag of merch. So from time to time, you're very optimistic
00:23They're a good
00:25Baseball team like he said that scrappy and they compete and it's gonna if you look at them
00:31They struggled so much after the all-star break now
00:34It's just in a position where when you watch them, it's gonna be they're gonna
00:39They're gonna be teasing us all the way
00:43Until the end of the season the question is the one that we that we're gonna ask is do they leave us hanging or?
00:49Do they do just enough to make sure they get in and give us some juice to say, all right, it's the postseason
00:55Let's see what you can are you saying? The Red Sox final push is like shines foot photo on the beach. Just teasing us
01:02That would be yeah chimes feet ain't teasing. Nobody look like we're ready to move on from that. They're like that girl
01:08It's like, oh, maybe I get lucky after the dance
01:10She gave me she was showing me some love on the dance floor and then you get back and she's like, yeah
01:15No, I gotta go. I'm tired
01:17Yeah, my parents are home I don't know what they did at the deadline in retrospect is
01:26Insufficient. It's yeah, it's kind of it's like
01:30trickery, it's like
01:32You you you knew that you needed to address pitching you knew
01:37You know, you would have you would have loved to see them truly address
01:43Starter role and they didn't really you got a guy that was DFA by somebody else
01:48So I and then you were gonna you know, you're hoping that you're doing something bullpen wise that is gonna allow you
01:54At least when your offense gets you a lead to hold on and when when the baseball games and so everybody like the wolves
02:03Garcia move
02:05Everybody like that everybody that that lat everybody was like, oh, he's a good setup guy. Everybody was on I think you asked the question
02:14When it was for Paxton, what did you would you like to see him return right and everybody like that?
02:20I think we're just like we can like things in a moment. We can say in hindsight
02:24They didn't do enough it both can be true
02:27We could have been wrong in the moment thinking they did enough but in hindsight, they didn't do enough it no in hindsight
02:34see, I think now you're straddling the fence because you either got to say they didn't do enough or
02:41They did what they were supposed to do what you asked for and they did it now
02:45They're just not performing up to the level that you was expecting after they made these acquisitions
02:51You can't go on both sides of the fence go like, of course you can we don't run the baseball operation
02:56We can say I'm happy. They did something. I'm happy. They extended. So so what would you give?
03:01My man Craig as far as a grade for the trade deadline see
03:07Yeah, I I mean, maybe maybe a B-minus. I mean, I I
03:14I will wait I will anxiously await to see how it plays out
03:18I just think that they did they went to the dollar store now. I
03:23We I agree with you. Mm-hmm that
03:26Not only us but Red Sox fans are saying, please just do something you go back to that period of time
03:33Yep, they were winning more than they were losing
03:35Mm-hmm, so Red Sox fans said please add and they did and they added but they went to the dollar store
03:41Oh, and they and they also at the same time virtually the same time
03:46Announced that they had re-signed Alex Cora
03:49It's a way to get you to look at that and to to look at the shiny new object
03:54To look at the shiny new object, which is a three-year deal for Alex Cora. And so that's what you wanted though
04:00Yes, right. Yeah, I mean you it's like but there's no flash
04:04There was no flash which I think Red Sox fans are yearning for they wanted it
04:09They wanted acquisitions, but they wanted it to be somebody that is like who right and that's what I mean
04:14We need baseball Brett for that. Like who was the flash that you would have been like, all right, great job
04:19I don't know. You brought up a few big names
04:22Over again, yeah big-name bats, but we're talking about I think but I think
04:26The issue I think if they had added a big-name bat people would be less concerned or upset about the you know
04:33Lackluster of the pitching staff that they had right
04:35But if the reason you're losing games is because of your bullpen a you know, well, how do you print?
04:41How do you protect yourself against a bad bullpen? Oh, you got cast this back you get better starting pitching
04:47So you don't need as much of your bullpen to pick on those games
04:49They've had the worst era in baseball since the the trade deadline, right?
04:53So maybe you trade for Jack Flaherty who went to the Dodgers, right?
04:56But if you if you're in three starts is on 16 innings giving up, you know, six earn runs nothing or 18 innings
05:02Nothing great, but better than what you've been having
05:04Right, but if your issue has if your issue is like your bullpen and you're starting pitching has been good enough where you've had leads
05:10and you say well how many games have they lost where they were leading by a run or two after the fifth or sixth inning and
05:19Can't really blame that on the status, right? Oh, I know you blame it on the players
05:23Yeah, I think which is you have guys on this team young guys on this team who have definitely
05:33expectation wise this season
05:35So I find it hard to blame the players like you had an entire offseason
05:40mm-hmm where you could have gone and spent big and
05:45You know, I you know
05:48You really didn't I
05:50you know, so
05:52But the players have shown us that they can play like the players have players in general
05:56Have played above what you thought they were going to play the young guys at least so then the expectation is higher for them moving
06:04Forward, so I just think that them losing steam at the end of the season. You're an MLB player
06:09You know how long the season is, you know, how many games there are?
06:12It can't happen three years in a row and it just be a coincidence
06:16Right, I think the players that you added were was solid players
06:21It was what you were looking to add. They just haven't performed. Well
06:26Here right and so it's not on the front office. You went out and got guys that you
06:33Would think okay, they could help your team, but they're just not performing. Well
06:38So I think that's the thing. I don't criticize the front office for that
06:42I criticize the players and to some pot the
06:46Managers and the coaches for maybe not being able to get the best out of those players for whatever
06:52Reason reasons though those might be
06:55So you're saying when you look at what grade do you give them at the deadline wiggy? I gave him a B
07:01Easy greater. I thought they added multiple pitches who've stunk
07:07They've they've not played well here, but that's on the players. Yes, so you look at Garcia or you look at
07:14Sims or whatever those wait, what a way to do this if the players play well, it goes to Breslau if they play bad
07:20No, no, no, I wouldn't I'm trying to get to it. No, because I was right credit for getting guys
07:28But if they don't perform, it's on the player. Yeah, but if they if they perform, well, I'd still give the player credit
07:34You can't if they didn't do anything Curtis you would have complained they didn't really do anything. They didn't trade a
07:42Anybody? Okay. What's your complaint? They didn't trade a Jack Flaherty. I
07:47Would have traded for Nathan of Aldi boom. Boom. All right, and then you get better starting pitchers
07:53So I think Tanner Houk is about to hit a limit of some kind Ken and I were talking about this
07:57He follows this more closely than I do
07:59But maybe you're able to not rely on Tanner Houk to start if he's closing in on an innings limit and then he becomes your
08:077-8 guy out of the pen a la Daniel Bard in oh seven. Oh wait with the socks
08:11So you're able to who's that Santa Hawk? Yeah, but he you've what he don't want to be a bullpen guys
08:17He's right, but he has to he has to protect his arm
08:20It's for his own interest that they're gonna have an innings limit. So his shoulder does not damage
08:25That's why they that's why he only goes what five minutes he only had 90 pitches than his last start
08:30So instead of having them start going 90 pitches you have them out of the pen like they did last year
08:35This is Bob morning, Bob
08:39Hey, good morning guys quick thought along the Red Sox here
08:43Which I think we need to all pay attention to everybody got real excited right before the all-star break trading deadline playing great
08:50We've got to remember if you look at the schedule at that point in time
08:53They were really taking advantage of a week schedule. They weren't playing high-quality teams
08:58The schedule flips to post all-star break and look who they came out of having to play out of that all-star break
09:05Statistically the Red Sox had the hardest had the hardest schedule in Major League Baseball
09:10Post all-star break. I know they didn't do enough but the level of competition they faced has gone up dramatically
09:16And that's what's really causing the issues is that they're a good team not a great team
09:21But the teams are playing right now are great teams
09:24Yeah, so yeah, I think we got to remember that they are playing good baseball teams right now when their schedule is very difficult
09:32but I don't
09:33See, we're having the discussion on
09:36Do we feel like because the question was before the trade deadline what we saw the past few years
09:42Where they were basically inactive not doing anything. Well, okay, but this happens this thing
09:49Yep, which we are witnessing. Unfortunately right now has happened. Mm-hmm in August
09:56Yep with this baseball team. Yep for the last four years minus one, right?
10:03So the question becomes why and and you can blame it on the players if you want
10:08Uh-huh, but you can also look at it and go you are not roster wise
10:13Giving them enough
10:15Talent to get over the hump when it comes to this post all-star break August period I would
10:23Yeah, I would agree which I would agree with you on that the past two years or last year and the year before
10:29But this year I felt like they gave you enough players
10:32You just continue to struggle and part of that could be your your schedule is very difficult
