• 3 months ago
Sox Swoon? Red Sox drop a 4th in a row, after losing to the Rockies in the 12th inning. Time to panic? Is Casas returning soon?
00:00Once again, the Red Sox, unfortunately, unable to hold a lead in extra innings, and I think
00:06I don't want, the Red Sox ownership should not have an excuse to not buy for this team
00:10because clearly, if anything, these last couple games are showing you exactly what you do need to go out
00:15and acquire in order to help this team win. Like, the bats are clearly here, you're scoring runs,
00:19you're giving yourselves a lead in extra innings, not once, but twice in this game,
00:24and you're simply unable to hold on to that lead. Go acquire some pitching help, especially bullpen
00:28arms. Your bullpen clearly just hasn't been deep enough the last couple times. This is the second
00:34extra innings game you've lost where you've had a lead in extra innings because you had one against
00:40the Dodgers and now one with the Rockies. This team clearly can hit the ball. They just need a
00:45little bit of help in the bullpen. Go get it for them, please. Like, do it now. Don't wait. No need
00:49to wait. Just go do it right now. Shyam, we're logical, so that's the way we look at it. We're
00:54not looking for an excuse to not spend money. That's what the Red Sox ownership group is as
01:02far as I'm concerned. So my fear is, and I'm terrified about it, that they continue to lose
01:09these games more than they win them in the lead up to the deadline next week, and that gives them
01:16the perfect excuse to say, you know what, we're going to hang on to our prospects. We got some
01:20young guys who came up and played well. We're getting Tristan Kassas back next week.
01:25By the way, did you see the bad news on Kassas? Well, I thought you were saying he was 100%
01:30Alex Goresetter. No, he was playing. He did some soft toss. I saw a story on Sunday that,
01:36or yesterday, that said that he's maybe not back till September. Oh, really? That there was a
01:40setback. Ken, am I right on that? Somewhat. Okay, bad news for him, yeah. What, Ken, bad news,
01:46thumb down, or Curtis is wrong, or numbnuts is incorrect? It's kind of like a 50-50.
01:52Right, that was the perfect Ken. Totally down the middle. How am I factually wrong?
01:59Anyway, he's not coming back anytime soon. You did interrupt Ken's breakfast, so.
02:03That is true. Cora said close to 100% and CJ Turner currently doing front flips.
02:08Yeah, he's close to 100%. I saw that last night. There was a story in the Boston Globe over the
02:13weekend that said he's not coming back anytime soon. He had a setback. Final story. Well, anyway.
