Will the Red Sox add at the trade deadline?

  • 2 months ago
With the MLB trade deadline fast approaching, how confident should fans be that the Red Sox will add to their team?
00:00I'm right in the high of the core extension. Yeah, I remain confident
00:03I remain confident in the face of your dumpster diving like you're the
00:09Charles Manson family going out and picking up other people's stuff off the scrapheap like your day old bananas
00:15In spite of that like I don't hate James Paxton. It's just not a real move. It's not a real move at all
00:21You saw an opportunity. It's Friday. There are several days to go
00:25I think that they'll go out and get a real right-handed bat
00:29I think they'll go out and get some reliever help for the bullpen
00:33But this doesn't count like I'm with you our cam picking up Paxton and
00:39Giving up a 17 year old who's barely been in the system. It doesn't this doesn't mean anything
00:44It's just hopefully it's them just looking at an opportunity and going well can't hurt to have some
00:49Insurance some depth here from another team that doesn't want one man's trash is another man's treasure
00:55But that they're doing that on Friday, I'm like, okay, you know, there's still several days to go
00:59I believe Craig Breslau and maybe that makes me an idiot
01:03But if that's the reason I'm an idiot then I'll take it
01:06I believe Craig Breslau when he says that he's gonna go out and try to improve the team
01:11Does James Paxton improve the team? I don't think so in a meaningful way like he's depth
01:16He's insurance. And so I expect more and I remain confident as the Yankees fans roll into town
01:24See him that we're gonna be taken back. You know, we're gonna be taken back ten years
01:28This is gonna be the return to the Red Sox that we used to know
01:33I love that take in fact, if I may when you two are gone
01:37I sat here and argued for four hours with your boy Jonesy about everything
01:42so it feels great right out of the gate here to agree word-for-word with mega because
01:48Listen, let's let's stay where you left it for a second. Let's take it back to yesteryear
01:53Where it was Red Sox where it was Yankees where it was an arms race in
01:58MLB particularly in the American League and whoever won it won the damn World Series, right?
02:05Fast forward to present day. I mean I'm looking today. This arose arena move by the Mariners
02:12That's an arms race move. That's a team that needs offense
02:15So what do they do before the trade deadline mind you they go get a big piece a big name
02:22Someone who can help them where they are weak to win a winnable
02:27American League that team has pitching they need offense. They need bats and I just look at this
02:32Paxton we understand is a move. I don't think it makes them worse
02:37It doesn't hurt them, but I agree with Mago that it doesn't necessarily
02:42Move the needle either. You're going to need more if you're telling me it's Paxton and
02:47dot dot dot
02:49Cool if you're telling me Paxton's the move it ain't getting it done. I agree with that. How confident are you confident or skeptical?
02:56I'm confident, but I need more than this. Okay? Why are you confident?
03:00I'm confident because I don't believe they're done quite frankly
03:03I think the Cora move signals to me because that's the last shoe to drop. I didn't see that coming
03:09I'll be honest even when the reports came out that theory they were negotiating and all that. I didn't believe it would get done
03:15I just thought hey this team has played well enough that this team will make some moves at the deadline
03:22What moves we'll see?
03:23To try and improve to try and go for it in the American League and then Cora is going to walk out of our lives
03:29At the end of the season the fact that they got the deal done with him signals to me that they are
03:35Acknowledging they meaning front office ownership that yeah, the American League is winnable. Yeah, we are in the thick of it
03:41Let's go ahead lock this guy up for the future in Alex Cora and
03:46Let's go add to this team and go for it at the deadline, which I still believe they're gonna do
03:51I just think the Paxton move is a move of many more to come and hopefully bigger ones. Okay, so you're confident
03:57Yes, I'm confident Megos confidence. I'm confident. I
04:01Traded for Paxton. I like that. They did this. I think this is a act of good faith
04:06I don't think it's all they're gonna do
04:07Who they give up one of their Dominican summer league players like I don't even give up an actual minor leaguer
04:11So like this was just okay. We'll grab this guy. We have some familiarity. He doesn't suck
04:17By the way, he's been bad the last two months, right? I'll agree with you there
04:20But the first two months of the season he was five and over the three to nine era
04:24He's been good at points this year, and I just think that completely writing him off like he's some garbage pitcher. It's just wrong
04:30I mean, it's just wrong statistically. He's not been that he's not been good in June in July
04:34I will admit and maybe this will end up being a bad move. It blows up in the Red Sox face
04:37You didn't give up anything for him and he doesn't cost that much and if he really really sucks you cut him loose
04:42I mean, what do you know like that's what happens
04:44Sometimes you make you take risks like that with people who you're familiar with and they are familiar with Paxton
04:49He wasn't bad. Is it a risk though? Does it represent any risk? I don't think so
04:52I mean, yeah, so I don't know why I look I would just say just really quick that I agree with Travis
04:59And I don't know if you would agree with this. It's not a real move
05:03Right, it's no risk. You barely gave up anything. Yeah, it's a known guy. You know who he is
05:09You probably know the worst sides of him and the best sides of him and you're bringing him in basically just because he was out
05:14There yeah, he had been dangled out there just to hung out to dry for a couple days now
05:19It's not a move that I feel like is going to make huge waves and it's not the kind of impact move
05:24I think we were all hoping for of course, but it's starting pitching depth
05:28I mean, that's not nothing even if it's a guy at the back end of the rotation. That's not nothing a fifth starter is
05:33Important to have when you only have four and Cooper Criswell or you know, Tanner
05:37How can Pavetta these guys are all getting knocked around lately?
05:39I'm okay with seeing a little bit more diversity in the starting rotation the way things have looked since the all-star break either way
05:45I want another move at starting pitching forget about right-handed bats late inning reliever all that other stuff
05:50I don't think you can be done here at starting pitching, but we all agree that we're all confident
05:55We all believe in Greg Breslow
05:56We all believe in the Red Sox and that they're not lying to our faces when they say that we're buying at the deadline
