• 4 months ago
يختلف دماغ الشخص الطبيعي عن المصاب بالزهايمر وأكثر المناطق المتاثرة بالمرض هى الحصين


00:00This doctor will now show us the difference in size between two brains of two people who are the same age, but one is healthy and the other is suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
00:10This disease is one of the main causes of dementia.
00:13In certain mechanisms, the nerve cells are damaged and die.
00:17This causes the size of the brain to decrease or decrease.
00:21This is approximately the third size.
00:23We will take a look at the brain from the inside.
00:25We will also see the Hussain region, which plays an important role in memory.
00:29We will also see how the other areas of the brain decrease.
00:31See the difference.
