Employers value soft skills 'more than grades or qualifications', jobs expert says

  • 2 months ago
We chat to Indeed’s UK head of talent intelligence, Danny Stacy, on what employers are looking for.


00:00Hello, I'm Danny Stacey and I lead the Talent Intelligence team at Indeed.
00:04Now with A-Level and BTEC results now out, a lot of students are reflecting on what those grades
00:09mean for their future careers. Our new research at Indeed shows top grades don't guarantee top jobs
00:15as more than two-thirds of employers say they value soft skills over educational qualifications
00:20when hiring. Now while 58% of employers do consider A-Level or BTEC results during the hiring process,
00:27only 15% of people believe those results actually help them secure their job.
00:32In fact, nearly a third of employees have never even been asked to provide their results
00:37when applying for a position. I think it's worth noting that people with higher grades,
00:41those with A-stars and A's, report greater job satisfaction, that's around 75%. However,
00:48only 9% believe that better grades would have significantly improved their career prospects
00:53or earning potential. I think what stands out from the research is the emphasis on the
00:57practical skills that A-Levels and BTECs help develop like writing and problem solving,
01:03time management. These are skills that 42% of workers say are important to their jobs today
01:09and employers clearly value them. So as you reflect on your results, keep in mind that while
01:15grades are part of the equation, they are not the whole story. Employers are increasingly looking
01:20for skills and attitudes that go beyond academic performance. There's plenty of
01:25opportunities out there, regardless of your grades.
