• last year
The film "Nel sole" is a 1967 Italian "musicarello" directed by Aldo Grimaldi. It features Al Bano as Carlo Carrera and Romina Power as Lorena Vivaldi. The storyline revolves around Carlo, a poor youth working to pay for his studies, who falls in love with Lorena, a wealthy girl. The film portrays Carlo pretending to be a tycoon with the help of two friends, a butler, and a chauffeur. "Nel sole" is considered a cult classic in Italy and is known for its romantic and musical elements.


00:01:31E la ragazza che va bene a me
00:01:36Il giorno che non ho più di un bottone
00:01:40Mi prenderà e con giù la maschera
00:01:43Con giù la maschera
00:01:45Con giù la maschera
00:02:01Ci sarà solo il vento
00:02:06Che me lo asciugherà
00:02:11Ho solo cose che non valgono niente
00:02:16Ma sono le più importanti alla mia età
00:02:21Mi cerco un po' d'amore fra la gente
00:02:24Solo che la gente non mi
00:02:28Solo che la gente non mi capirà
00:02:35Solo che la gente non mi capirà
00:02:42No, no, no, no
00:02:45Non mi capirà
00:02:51Non mi capirà
00:02:58Le opere di Antonio Canova si dividono in tre gruppi
00:03:01Il gruppo mitologico, il gruppo dei ritratti
00:03:04e il gruppo dei monumenti funebri, facendo le corna
00:03:08Il Canova, beato lui, è stato un entusiasta della bellezza classica e della vita
00:03:14Se invece dello scultore avesse fatto il professore
00:03:17tutto questo entusiasmo non gli veniva di sicuro, eh?
00:03:20In primis perché la vita gli sarebbe stata amareggiata ogni 27 del mese
00:03:24nel vedersi consegnare uno stipendio miserello, miserello
00:03:27come si conviene ad ogni buon statale che non si rispetti
00:03:30e secondariamente perché avrebbe dovuto combattere tutti i giorni
00:03:33con trenta diavoloni impuniti e bugiardi come voi
00:03:36che fingono di ascoltare le lezioni e pensano agli affaracci loro
00:03:40Dico bene?
00:03:41Comunque, se qualcuno vuole gentilmente chiudere le tende
00:03:45vi proietterò le principali opere del gruppo mitologico e dei ritratti
00:03:50in cui, essendo questo Canova, come già detto, entusiasta della bellezza
00:03:54abbondano ovviamente i nudi
00:03:57Ragazzi maschi, fatti chiari, eh?
00:03:59Al primo commento sonoro lascio il gruppo mitologico
00:04:02e passo immediatamente al gruppo dei monumenti funebri
00:04:05sempre facendo le corna, eh?
00:04:09Questo gruppo marmoreo che rappresenta amore e psiche
00:04:12è stato definito il più bell'idillo arcadico del settecento
00:04:16dovrei aggiungere che esprime tutta la sensualità del secolo
00:04:20ma non lo aggiungo perché si vede
00:04:23Ecco adesso
00:04:24Le tre grazie
00:04:27E grazie tante, eh?
00:04:30E dato che siete stati così bravi
00:04:32vorrei sapere adesso quante versioni esistono di quest'opera
00:04:37E qui casca l'asino lei, Alessandroni
00:04:42Senza allusioni, si intende?
00:04:44Mi correggo, con allusioni
00:04:57Ho capito
00:05:00Di questo gruppo marmoreo esistono...
00:05:05Sei, sette, duecento
00:05:07Duecento versioni
00:05:08No Castelli, non ci siamo
00:05:10Le opere d'arte non si fanno con la catena di montaggio
00:05:12come le lavatrici di suo padre
00:05:18E allora sentiamo Carrera
00:05:21Ne esistono due versioni
00:05:23La prima è conservata nell'abbazia di Woburn in Inghilterra
00:05:26L'altra è all'ermitage di Leningrado
00:05:28Lei ha sbagliato
00:05:29Mi scusi signorina ma devo insistere
00:05:31No, la risposta è esatta ma lei ha sbagliato il sedere
00:05:34Il suo posto non è qui tra i banchi
00:05:36ma lì, sulla cattedra
00:05:38È troppo buona
00:05:39A momenti ne sa più di me
00:05:41Certo che io e voi miliardari non vi capisco, eh?
00:05:43Adesso fra gli hobby avete anche quello di essere bravi a scuola
00:05:47Passando al gruppo dei ritratti
00:05:49mi sembra opportuno occuparci del vero capolavoro del Canova
00:05:53Paulina Borghese
00:05:57Ecco, lo sapevo
00:05:59Signora, mi scusi
00:06:00Io vorrei...
00:06:02sì, ecco, vorrei...
00:06:04Parli, che si è turbato
00:06:06Ecco, si dice che la Borghese
00:06:08abbia prestato soltanto la faccia
00:06:10e che tutto quello che si vede
00:06:11il Canova lo abbia preso dalla venere vincitrice
00:06:13Ecco, si dice, sì
00:06:15Ma per me la Paulina ha prestato anima e corpo
00:06:18perché oltre ad essere sorella di Napoleone
00:06:20e principessa
00:06:21era anche una svergognata
00:06:24Allora, ragazzi
00:06:28In quest'opera
00:06:32Fra quanto tempo finisce la lezione?
00:06:36A dieci minuti
00:06:37Ah, meno male
00:06:39C'è qualcuno che sa dirmi di che si tratta?
00:06:42Rispondete una alla volta
00:06:44perché se rispondete tutti insieme mi confondo
00:06:46Sentiamo il solito Carrera
00:06:49È la venere che esce dal bagno
00:06:50conservata al Palazzo Pitti
00:06:52A differenza della venere medicea
00:06:54quest'opera fa predominare il realismo
00:06:56sulla pura ebrezza della forma greca
00:06:58Lei mi fa paura
00:07:00Dice queste cose come se parlasse di ciclismo
00:07:02di pallone
00:07:03Io mi sono dedicata alla storia dell'arte da vent'anni
00:07:05Allora ha cominciato da bambina
00:07:09Ho la cattedra da quindici anni
00:07:11Ho pubblicato un saggio e due monografie
00:07:13Ma è la prima volta che sento un'espressione così precisa
00:07:16La pura ebrezza della forma greca
00:07:19Carrera, lei è un mostro
00:07:21Quando è buona
00:07:22E chi?
00:07:23Giacomo, beh
00:07:24Io dovevi dirvi una cosa
00:07:26ma mi sono dimenticato
00:07:27Adesso te ne ricorderai
00:07:31Ah, finis
00:07:34Buongiorno ragazzi
00:07:36Arrivederci a lunedì
00:07:38Buona domenica a tutti
00:07:39Scappo perché sono invitata a colazione dal professore di fisica
00:07:42Lo sapete quanto è pignolo quello
00:07:45Dov'è lo spiritoso?
00:07:47Guardi che fra me e il professore di fisica non c'è niente
00:07:50Almeno fino a questo momento
00:07:52Naturalmente io ci spero tanto
00:07:54Ah, la borsetta, mi sono dimenticata
00:07:57Arrivederci ragazzi
00:07:58Buona domenica
00:08:04Allora, come lo passiamo questo sabato sera?
00:08:06Si sta insieme?
00:08:08A meno che non avete la ragazza o il boyfriend fuori cerchia
00:08:10Si, e quando ha finiti?
00:08:12Oggi che tutti vanno in macchina e di fretta
00:08:14per conoscere una ragazza minimo minimo la devi tamponare
00:08:17Hai un po' di insulta
00:08:18Ci abbiamo, a casa mi aspetta
00:08:20Che mangiate all'antica?
00:08:21Tutti attorno al tesco
00:08:23Noi usiamo così
00:08:24E beh, tutti i nobili non motte lo rispettano
00:08:26Quello di Lorena è mangia con i tuoi e bevi con chi vuoi
00:08:29E' meglio il motto di mio padre
00:08:30E che, aristocratico?
00:08:31No, aristatale
00:08:33Mangia come vuoi e bevi quando te lo offrono
00:08:38Mangia come vuoi
00:08:55Insomma, decidiamo per queste serie
00:08:57Io propongo i Piper
00:08:58No, troppi ragazzi
00:09:00E poi è passato di moda
00:09:01Bella di giorno, un film vietato ai minori di 18
00:09:04Per me dovrebbe essere vietato ai minori di 50
00:09:06Sei andata subito a vederlo tu, eh?
00:09:07Me l'hanno detto, stupido
00:09:09Un colpo di vita, tutti al night peccaminoso
00:09:11No, al night non posso
00:09:13Babbo statare mi passa un cinque la settimana
00:09:15e ci debo baccare, tabaccare e venerare
00:09:17No, no, al night no
00:09:19Carlo, invece di sognare, parla
00:09:21Di qualcosa anche a te
00:09:22Per me tutto quello che fate sta bene
00:09:24Allora veniamo a casa tua
00:09:26Sarebbe ora, eh?
00:09:27E' un'idea
00:09:28Questa è bella, benissimo
00:09:30Mi dispiace, ma i restauri ancora non sono terminati
00:09:32Ci sono i pittori, gli arreglatori
00:09:34gli idraulici, i siderurgici
00:09:36Ma che ti restauri? Non ci stai mai
00:09:38A qualunque ora ti si telefona il signorino fuori
00:09:40Io infatti non ti telefono più
00:09:42Ma dove vai?
00:09:43Questi sono affari suori
00:09:45Dopo la scuola curo gli affari di papà e di zio Ernando
00:09:48Ernando, tre caffè
00:09:53Ne guadagni di soldi col caffè, eh?
00:09:55Io devo andare, se vogliamo riunirci a casa mia
00:09:57Sì, d'accordo, va bene, va bene
00:09:59Ci vediamo a casa tua
00:10:00Senti Lorina, ti posso accompagnare con la mia nuova spider?
00:10:02No, grazie, mi accompagna Carlo
00:10:04Ma la macchina di Carlo non è ancora arrivata
00:10:06Arriverà, arriverà
00:10:11Ehi, un momento, dove andate?
00:10:13Non ci siamo ancora messi d'accordo per le macchine
00:10:15Ah già, le macchine
00:10:16Ah va bene, allora ti vengo a prendere alle...
00:10:18Allora vieni anche tu con noi
00:11:33Ogni sabato è la stessa storia, prima di vederci d'accordo
00:11:36Già, tanti progetti, tante idee
00:11:38E alla fine si decide regolarmente per i quattro salti in casa
00:11:41L'importante è vederci
00:11:43Ieri sera speravo di vederti alla prima del Barberini
00:11:46Purtroppo con il mio lavoro...
00:11:48Ma proprio tutte le sere parli con Rio de Janeiro
00:11:52E io non posso farlo
00:11:53Non puoi farlo
00:11:54Non puoi farlo
00:11:55Non puoi farlo
00:11:56Non puoi farlo
00:11:57Non puoi farlo
00:11:58Non puoi farlo
00:11:59Non puoi farlo
00:12:00Ma proprio tutte le sere parli con Rio de Janeiro
00:12:03E le telefonate arrivano nelle ore più impensate
00:12:06Meno male che ti vedo a scuola, altrimenti...
00:12:08Per telefono mi risponde sempre la loro voce
00:12:11Buongiorno signorina Lorena
00:12:13Il signorino Carlo è uscito, signorina Lorena
00:12:16Quando il signorino Carlo torna le faremo telefonare
00:12:19Non dubiti, signorina Lorena
00:12:21Però quando posso ti telefono io
00:12:24Vorrei tanto che la scuola durasse 24 ore al giorno
00:12:27per averti sempre vicino a me
00:12:29Ma la scuola presto finirà
00:12:31Meglio, così avremo più tempo per noi
00:12:34Ma se la fine della scuola dovesse allontanarci?
00:12:44Togli la tua sporca testolina dalla mia spalla e frena, siamo arrivati
00:12:50Stai attento
00:12:51Chiede scusa
00:12:52E di che? Dovrebbero essere loro a ringraziare me
00:12:55Non hai sfumature
00:13:00A stasera
00:13:01A stasera
00:13:08Se io non fossi quello che sono, mi ameresti lo stesso?
00:13:11Come? In che senso?
00:13:12Ecco, se fossi povero
00:13:14Prova a diventarlo e lo saprai
00:13:27Io al posto del signorino ci proverei a diventare povero
00:13:30Si certo, ma se poi...
00:13:32E poi, e poi, e del senno di poi son piene le fosse
00:13:37Ne ho presa una io
00:14:23Lasciate stare, rimetti l'ordine
00:14:25No, tu pensi a studiare e a diventare qualcuno
00:14:27Ti sei dimenticato che ce lo siamo ripromesso quando abbiamo deciso di aiutarti
00:14:31E di prenderti sotto la nostra alta protezione
00:14:33Alta la mia, la tua è bassa
00:14:35Non sottilizziamo, la cosa è seria
00:14:37Noi con te volevamo fare pigma e lione
00:14:40Pigma, lione, tutto unito
00:14:42Tutto unito come dice lui
00:14:43Tu per noi sei come un pupillo
00:14:45E le cose andavano a gonfievere
00:14:47No, no, no
00:14:48Tutto unito come dice lui
00:14:49Tu per noi sei come un pupillo
00:14:51E le cose andavano a gonfievere
00:14:53Ti abbiamo dato un tetto, un letto
00:14:55Un tavolinetto col tiretto
00:14:57La padrone è andata, è tornata, è partita, è ripartita
00:15:00E non si è accorta mai di niente
00:15:01E ora che si è arrivato alle porte della maturità
00:15:04E patapumfete, ti vai a innamorare di una ragazza nobile e ricca
00:15:07Non solo, ma ti viene il complesso di inferiorità
00:15:10Allora noi per accontentarti, per farti studiare
00:15:13Ti aiutiamo a fare il miliardario Italo brasiliano
00:15:16Ci procuriamo il guardarobba, la Rolls Royce, l'autista, il maggiordomo
00:15:20Ma tu lo sai che l'amore è la tomba del matrimonio?
00:15:23Che la tomba è il matrimonio dell'amore?
00:15:26Che l'amore è la tomba della tomba?
00:15:30La tò, la tò, la tò
00:15:32Tò, guarda che si vede, come stai?
00:15:34Hai finito
00:15:36Insomma l'amore è una grande calamita
00:15:38Con l'accento
00:15:39L'amore è una grande calamita con l'accento
00:15:42Con l'accento sulla A
00:15:44Eh, ho finito
00:15:45Sei contento?
00:15:47Hai visto come l'hai avvilito?
00:15:49Si è incominciato tu
00:15:50Beh, io ho incominciato con una paternale generica
00:15:53Ma tu hai affondato il bisturi nella piaga
00:15:55Ciccio, ma come parli? Parla l'italiano
00:15:57Bistolo, bistolo, che è sto bistolo?
00:15:59Il tasto dell'amore, non lo dovevi toccare
00:16:01Ah già, hai ragione
00:16:04Scusami Carlo, se ti ho avvilito
00:16:08L'amore è una cosa meravigliosa
00:16:11Avete ragione
00:16:13Per mascherare il mio stupito orgoglio da miliardario
00:16:15Vi ho ripagato comunita falsa
00:16:17Dirò tutto a Lorena
00:16:18A costo di non andare più a scuola
00:16:19Eh no, a Lorena non dirai niente
00:16:21A scuola ci andrai
00:16:22Magari glielo dirai dopo
00:16:23Quando sarai diventato un grande architetto
00:16:25Un allosse clinico
00:16:26Un impiegato comunale
00:16:27Non puoi toglierci la soddisfazione
00:16:29Di essere stati i tuoi pigmalioni
00:16:33Voi per me fate quello che io non merito
00:16:35Lo meriti, lo meri
00:16:37Piuttosto per non tradirci in pubblico
00:16:39Continuiamo anche in privato
00:16:40Cerchiamo di mantenere le distanze
00:16:42Il signore ha qualche ordine da darci
00:16:44Possiamo ritirarci
00:16:47Si, grazie
00:16:48Potete andare
00:16:50Sa fare il miliardario
00:16:52Meglio di un vero miliardario
00:16:54Beh, andiamo
00:16:55Un momento
00:16:56Il signorino che vestito vuole mettere questa sera?
00:16:59Il signorino lo vesto io perché sono il maggior domo
00:17:02Il signorino desidera una colazione particolare?
00:17:05Provvederò io per la colazione del signorino
00:17:09Tu vuoi boicottare la mia parte di pigamalato
00:17:11Di pigameleto, di pigamoloto, di pigamilito
00:17:15Come dice tu?
00:17:16Il esercito le mie mansioni
00:17:17Ah, esercito le mansioni bisogna dividerle
00:17:20E poi esercito, esercito lo dice proprio tu
00:17:22Che sei stato riformato perché è alto di statura
00:17:25Su, su, vi prego
00:17:27Non litigate come al solito, avanti
00:17:29Hai ragione
00:17:30Non litigo più
00:17:31Però agisco
00:17:32Il vestito per questa sera te lo preparo io
00:17:37Stai tranquillo, non glielo permetterò
00:17:39Quello è capace di farti uscire vestito da arlecchino
00:17:41Ignora la nuance
00:17:46Ehi, chauffeur
00:17:47Lo sai che differenza passa tra un maggior domo e un autista?
00:17:51Lo so, lo so
00:17:52L'autista va in automobili
00:17:53Il maggior domo se la fa a piede fino alla villa
00:18:05Sì, Lorena, dammi un po' di coca cola
00:18:12No, grazie
00:18:14Ma come, non bevi, non balli, ti diverti come un mago
00:18:17Per forza, hanno fatto tutti coppie fissa qui
00:18:19Trovamela tu, una donna libera
00:18:22Eccola, sta arrivando il tuo raggio di sole
00:18:26Francesco, mi fai ballare?
00:18:29Come no, evviva l'America
00:18:31Che significa?
00:18:32L'iniziativa alle donne
00:18:39Non mi sembri molto entusiasta di ballare con me
00:18:41Ti sbagli
00:18:43Non mentire, lo so che non ti piaccio
00:18:45Non è vero, Attilia
00:18:46Se ti levassi gli occhiali e ti pettinassi in un'altra maniera
00:18:49Saresti molto carina
00:18:51Specialmente se nel tuo vestito ci fosse un'altra
00:18:53A parte il cafone che sei
00:18:54Ti sei mai guardato allo specchio?
00:18:56Tutte le mattine
00:18:57E mi trovo maschio, virile
00:18:59I brutti piacciono
00:19:01E Carlo che fa?
00:19:02Ti trascura?
00:19:03Perché, vorresti curarmi tu, forse?
00:19:05Io sono qua
00:19:06Bravo, resta dove sei
00:19:08Tanto Carlo mi ha telefonato che forse non potrà venire questa sera
00:19:12Verrà, verrà
00:19:13Starà aspettando la solita telefonata da Rio de Janeiro
00:19:20Ciao Lorena
00:19:21Scusami se sono arrivato in ritardo
00:19:22Ma aspettavo una telefonata da Rio de Janeiro
00:19:24Ed è arrivata soltanto dieci minuti fa
00:19:26Lo sapevamo
00:19:27È una storia vecchia ormai
00:19:28Sei troppo importante per il mio carattere, Carlo
00:19:31Ma questo non me l'hai già detto sabato scorso?
00:19:33Infatti, anche sabato scorso aspettavi la telefonata da Rio
00:19:36Ma come siete monotoni, ragazzi
00:19:38Andiamo a ballare
00:19:42Giorgio è sempre innamorato di te
00:19:44Da cinque anni
00:19:45Da quando facevamo la terza media
00:19:47Lui portava i pantaloncini corti
00:19:51Vedi, a volte lo capisco
00:19:53E mi sento anche un po' colpevole
00:19:55E perché?
00:19:56Perché penso a ciò che proverei io se dovessi perderti
00:19:59E sono appena sei mesi
00:20:01Ma non mi perderai
00:20:03Perché sono io che non ti lascio
00:20:07Ora basta con il ballo
00:20:09Ma no, dai, sono appena arrivato
00:20:11In ritardo
00:20:12Canterai per punizione
00:20:13Punizione per lui o per noi?
00:20:15Per te, semmai
00:20:16No, ha ragione Giorgio, con tanti bei dischi che ci sono
00:20:19Dai, scusa
00:20:20Non farti pregare
00:20:21Dai, dai
00:20:22Dai, dai
00:20:23Dai, dai
00:20:24Dai, dai
00:20:25Dai, dai
00:20:26Dai, dai
00:20:27Dai, dai
00:20:28Dai, dai
00:20:29Dai, dai
00:20:30Dai, dai
00:20:31Dai, dai
00:20:32Dai, dai
00:20:33Dai, dai
00:20:34Dai, dai
00:20:52Un giorno ti svegli e scopri che
00:21:00Il mondo è in mano a te
00:21:06Tu sei qualcuno ormai
00:21:10Ti basta alzare un dito e poi
00:21:19Hai tutto ciò che vuoi
00:21:24E' tutto facile
00:21:27I sogni sono ormai realtà
00:21:33Ma non vorrei tutto l'oro nel mondo
00:21:39In cambio di te
00:21:44Che resti lì ad aspettare
00:21:49Che io mi ricordi di te
00:21:56Ma che cos'è tutto l'oro nel mondo
00:22:01Di fronte a te
00:22:09Che vuoi bene a me
00:22:11A me
00:22:15Per essere un miliardario sa fare troppe cose
00:22:17Perdonami se ti ho lasciata qui
00:22:30A piangere per me
00:22:35Volavo in alto, sai
00:22:38Ero lontano ormai da te
00:22:44Ma non vorrei tutto l'oro nel mondo
00:22:50In cambio di te
00:22:55Che resti lì ad aspettare
00:23:00Che io mi ricordi di te
00:23:07Ma che cos'è tutto l'oro nel mondo
00:23:13Di fronte a te
00:23:21Che vuoi bene a me
00:23:23A me
00:23:36Bravo, bravissimo
00:23:39Potrebbe cantare alla televisione
00:23:41Eh sì, uno più uno meno
00:23:42Mama, vorresti dire a Caterina di portarci qualcosa da bere?
00:23:45Sì, cara, non dimenticare che è mezzanotte passata
00:23:48Ah, già, è vero
00:23:50Su, ragazzi, sbrigiamoci, altrimenti troveremo chiuso
00:23:52Dove andate a quest'ora?
00:23:53A Torvajanica, a mangiare la pizza
00:23:55Era già in programma, signora
00:23:56Ah, già, mio marito ha il poker stasera
00:23:59Va bene
00:24:02Andate piano, eh
00:24:04Ciao, Tito
00:24:05Ciao, mamma
00:24:06Non fare troppo tardi, eh
00:24:07Stia tranquillo
00:24:08Mi raccomando, Carrera
00:24:10La battaglia è finita
00:24:13E per me?
00:24:14Scommissi adesso, signora?
00:24:16Ti aiuto
00:24:17Ah, no, grazie, signora
00:24:18Questi ragazzi d'oggi sono tutti mati
00:24:20Sono tutti mati
00:24:22Hanno sempre la più bella scusa
00:24:25Sono giovani
00:24:44Ci fai preparare venti pizze?
00:24:46Il forno è spento
00:24:47Ma come? Siamo venuti apposta per questo
00:24:49Il cuoco è andato via
00:24:50Ma noi abbiamo fame
00:24:51Ci facciamo dei panini, al formaggio, al prosciutto
00:24:53Eh, panini quanto io volevo
00:24:55Eh, venti al formaggio e venti al prosciutto
00:24:57A me quella nonza
00:24:58E vino, tante cose
00:24:59D'accord, dai
00:25:00Mi vuole dire di mangiare sulla spiaggia
00:25:01Tutto è chiaro di luna, mi sta bene
00:25:02Anche a me
00:25:03E si beve
00:25:05Eh, ragazzi, ora vediamo la musica, d'accord?
00:25:07Sì, vi aggiungiamo subito all'orchestra
00:25:37Eh, ragazzi, mangiare panini sulla spiaggia va bene, però fa freddissimo
00:25:50Buone, buone, accendiamo subito i termosifoni
00:25:52Eh, ragazzi, tutti a prender legna!
00:26:21Ah, la pertola legna!
00:26:36Here we go.
00:27:06Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:27:36no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:28:06No go
00:28:30Газгасе моду
00:28:32юлёлэ встречай
00:28:35It's important to you or not?
00:28:37It's important to me
00:28:41I sing for you
00:28:44Even if the world falls apart
00:28:46I sing for you
00:28:48No, no, no, no, there's no doubt
00:28:51That I'll never be without you
00:29:05It's very nice
00:29:18You'll see
00:29:19Hello, Mr. Kenton
00:29:22Hello, hello
00:29:23Very punctual
00:29:24Oh, very punctual, very good, my friend
00:29:26Let me introduce you to my son, Giorgio, Mr. Kenton
00:29:27Oh, a pleasure, a great pleasure
00:29:29What would you like to drink?
00:29:31Me too
00:29:32Three Martini Dry
00:29:33Very good, congratulations
00:29:43I agree with you
00:29:44Because young people see much, much further than us
00:29:47The future vice president
00:29:49Chin chin
00:29:50Chin chin
00:29:51Chin chin
00:29:52Dear Kenton, as you know, my washing machines do not fear competition on the foreign market
00:30:02In fact, this year Berlin asked for twice as much as last year
00:30:07At the moment, your washing machines do not fear competition on the American market
00:30:11Think that this year, Toronto and Canada asked for twice as much as last year
00:30:22Giorgio, what are you doing there?
00:30:25I'm talking to you, Giorgio
00:30:28Come and listen
00:30:30Yes, dad, I'm coming
00:30:38So, once the absolute void has been created, you will see in the bubble those little pieces of wood
00:30:46that begin to lose their specific weight and the weight of gravity
00:30:51With the astronauts who walk in space, this one still plays with the bubble
00:30:55Now, the little piece of wood should begin to float in the void
00:31:00Attention, attention, attention
00:31:03Well, what happened?
00:31:06Be careful
00:31:08But what happened?
00:31:10Despite the absolute void, the little piece of wood rested on the bottom of the bubble
00:31:17I'm bored, I'm bored
00:31:19But how? It has never happened before
00:31:22But what happened? I'm bored
00:31:26What is it? Tell me, what do you want?
00:31:29With your permission, the object does not float because...
00:31:32Come on, tell me, tell me
00:31:34I was waiting for one of you to intervene
00:31:37Come on, tell me, what is the cause that prevents the object from floating in the absolute void?
00:31:43Let's hear, come, come here, come, sit down
00:31:48The object does not move because the absolute void has not been created
00:31:51In fact, with its adhesion to the surface of the bubble, the little piece of wood has created an air intercap
00:31:57While the suction pumps were doing their job, it was necessary to move the bubble continuously
00:32:01to cause the movements of the little piece of wood and prevent their stable adhesion to the surface
00:32:08In your opinion, I should have shaken the bubble with my hands
00:32:13Know, young man, that there are authors for this
00:32:17No, professor, unfortunately they are defective and they were already at the beginning of the year
00:32:21In fact, a note was presented in the secretariat, but evidently...
00:32:24It's true, it's very true
00:32:28Good, good, I'm pleased with you
00:32:31You are a careful, intelligent, acute pupil
00:32:35Iotusi, take the example of the acute here, with whom now I will repeat the exercises
00:32:41Would you be so kind as to shake the bubble for me?
00:32:44I won't tell you anything anymore because now you know what to do
00:32:50Let's start again
00:32:51Here, the pumps work perfectly
00:32:53We are creating the absolute void
00:32:55I say absolute, eh?
00:32:57The object begins to float, to float, you see?
00:33:01Well, it doesn't move yet, but it will move, eh?
00:33:04It will move
00:33:05It's a matter of moments
00:33:06It must move
00:33:08Here, it moves
00:33:10Here, you see?
00:33:11It moves, it moves, it moves, it moves
00:33:15But nothing moves here
00:33:17What a mistake, what a mistake
00:33:19Do you want to explain to me why it doesn't move?
00:33:21Yes, professor, the pump didn't suck
00:33:24Eh, how is it? Did the pump suffocate?
00:33:26No, professor, it's because you have a foot on the tube
00:33:35But it's impressive
00:33:37Ah, nothing escapes you, eh?
00:33:39Not even the foot on the tube
00:33:42Do you know what I'm telling you, young man?
00:33:44That in here, one of us is too much
00:33:46So, either you go away or I go away
00:33:49It's better this way, we'll both go
00:33:51We are the same
00:33:52Goodbye, have a nice day
00:33:54Goodbye, professor
00:33:56Goodbye, professor
00:34:03So, are you sure it was him?
00:34:04I'd bet
00:34:05Would you bet or do you bet?
00:34:07Well, yesterday I was with my father
00:34:09I was far away, but the waiter was definitely Carlo
00:34:11So, how do you explain the Rolls Royce?
00:34:13All his clothes, the villa
00:34:15Here, it will be the villa that will give us the confirmation
00:34:21Listen, Carlo, but the architects and the workers have finished working
00:34:26In your villa
00:34:27Ah, yes, yes, they've finished
00:34:29So, tonight, everyone's at your house
00:34:31What a delight
00:34:32Tonight, everyone's at my house
00:34:33So, can I cancel the official invitation?
00:34:35Except for the unexpected, of course
00:34:37Let's not start looking for excuses
00:34:39Finally, we'll see a real villa
00:34:41With the waiters, the majority
00:34:43The bookers
00:34:44Are there bookers in the park?
00:34:45Bookers in the park and Pekingese in the living room
00:34:47So, we can invite the others
00:34:49Let's go and invite them
00:34:50Yes, let's go
00:34:53I'm really happy, I couldn't wait
00:34:55Why? Are you really interested in my villa?
00:34:57No, not for the villa
00:34:59I want to see where you live, where you study
00:35:02Where you think of me
00:35:10Give me a token
00:35:26Hi Ciccio, it's me
00:35:28Tonight, my friends are coming to the villa
00:35:32No, no, it wasn't me
00:35:33They invited themselves
00:35:36Why can't it be?
00:35:38The lady left and told me she'd be back on Monday
00:35:41What can I do?
00:35:42I can't come up with any excuses
00:35:44Ciccio, please, listen
00:35:47Well, the villa is there
00:35:49Yes, but it's not all clear
00:35:51You know, at the end of the lesson, he tried to send the party back on Saturday
00:37:46I'll make her mine, pretty flamingo
00:37:51Then every guy will envy me
00:37:55Because paradise is where I'll be
00:38:04I don't understand how this is possible
00:38:07The Sosia
00:38:08Did you forget that the Sosia exist?
00:38:32La-la, la-la-la
00:38:35It's not the same as a telephone line
00:38:38You keep on telling me those lies
00:38:41Still going out with other guys
00:38:44They don't come today
00:38:46I'll be gone
00:41:25It's my turn
00:41:26It's really more on my side
00:41:28Then the glasses aren't enough for you
00:41:30I'll bring a binocular, you're right
00:41:40Go, go
00:41:41With the permission of Lord Signorini
00:41:43I would like to replace that bottle with the phallic neck
00:41:46Then give us another bottle
00:41:48I am the other bottle
00:41:50And I assure you that my neck, equipped with a head, points straight, points right
00:41:53And you will taste a lot
00:41:55Hi Paracassol
00:41:58Collo punta, collo vince, collo bacia
00:42:01Rien ne va plus
00:42:09The Signorino wants to try this head
00:42:16Shall we dance?
00:42:22Excuse me
00:42:28Thank you
00:42:59Good evening, welcome
00:43:02What is this waste of light?
00:43:04It's a long circuit
00:43:06A short circuit
00:43:07A short circuit is when the light goes off
00:43:09When it lights up from everywhere, it's long
00:43:11And is it your long circuit that turned on the radio?
00:43:14No, it's the neighbors' radio
00:43:16What neighbors, if we're isolated?
00:43:18Then it's the neighbors' radio
00:43:19The newspaper has announced that the sea is moving from everywhere
00:43:22Some waves are coming
00:43:24That's enough
00:43:25What's happening in my villa?
00:43:27It's time for the truth
00:43:29Orphan, poor and alone
00:43:32He's a friend of ours
00:43:33Yes, a kind of...
00:43:34He's in love, very in love
00:43:35Yes, with a colleague of his, maturing, rich and alcoholic
00:43:38And since he pretended to be a billionaire, where should I invite his schoolmates?
00:43:41In my villa
00:43:43Risto, think of her like us
00:43:44I don't think of anything, you shouldn't dare without my permission
00:43:47And how could we tell her if she was pregnant?
00:43:49And there was no need to ask me
00:43:51And that's what we did
00:43:52This is too much, consider yourselves fired
00:43:54As for the billionaire and his friends, we'll take care of it
00:43:57We'll take care of it, ma'am
00:43:58You can fire us too, but don't ruin the boy
00:44:00Don't humiliate him
00:44:01He wouldn't go to school anymore
00:44:04Who's singing?
00:44:05Well, our friend
00:44:06It's him
00:44:07He has a wonderful voice, you have to listen to him with your ears
00:44:25In this world, there are a lot of people
00:44:28Yes, ma'am
00:44:29Not really like you
00:44:31Yes, ma'am
00:44:34People who have a mountain of money in their hands
00:44:37And they don't realize that
00:44:42The world of the poor
00:44:46The volume of me
00:44:55The world of the poor
00:45:00The volume of me
00:45:05And my balance
00:45:09Will always be like this
00:45:14The world of the poor
00:45:19The volume of me
00:45:24And my balance
00:45:28Will always be like this
00:45:33The world of the poor
00:45:38The world of the poor
00:45:43The world of the poor
00:45:54The world of the poor
00:45:59The world of the poor
00:46:04The world of the poor
00:46:08Well, don't you introduce your little sister to your friends?
00:46:11My sister
00:46:13Hi guys, consider me one of yours
00:46:17I'll rob you of my brother for this dance
00:46:19We haven't seen each other in a long time and we have a lot of things to tell each other
00:46:24Let's go
00:46:35Attilia, dance
00:46:36Who, me?
00:46:38Ah, yes
00:46:42I'm sorry, ma'am, I'm very humiliated
00:46:44Don't worry, it was fun for me
00:46:47I like to act in this comedy
00:46:50I'll explain everything to you tomorrow
00:46:51Don't worry
00:46:53Tell me your name
00:46:56I'm Ivana
00:47:03That's not Carlo's sister
00:47:04Then who is it?
00:47:05I don't know, but there's something under it
00:47:07I'm sorry, I won't forgive you for stealing Lorena
00:47:09What is it? What is it?
00:47:11Now I'm sure Carlo is the waiter
00:47:13And where is he now?
00:47:14After what we saw
00:47:16But it's not possible
00:47:17Tomorrow night I'll give you proof of 9
00:47:24Who is it?
00:47:26That one
00:47:39Guys, I'll leave you
00:47:402,000 kilometres of cars on my back, I'm very tired
00:47:43But you keep going
00:47:44No, thank you, we're leaving
00:47:46Yes, I'll stay
00:47:53I'll go with you, come
00:48:08Are you happy?
00:48:09Happy? Your sister is very nice
00:48:11I already feel that I love her
00:48:13Yes, see, one day I'll leave this villa
00:48:16Why? It's so beautiful
00:48:17I'll like to live here
00:48:19We'll give up a heart and a hut
00:48:21Patience, we'll stay a little longer
00:48:23Let's go
00:48:24You'll tell her tomorrow the good things
00:48:26Let's go
00:48:28Bye Carlo
00:48:38Come here
00:48:45You left without even saying goodbye
00:48:48I'm sorry
00:48:49I would have done it tomorrow morning
00:48:52You'll certainly laugh at me
00:48:53But no
00:48:55I was a fool
00:48:57A poor fool
00:48:59Now I have to find the courage to tell Lorena the whole truth
00:49:02And why?
00:49:03When you aim high and you want to get to something
00:49:06All means are legal
00:49:08I suffered too
00:49:10Like you
00:49:11And I got where I wanted
00:49:14You have to defend your positions
00:49:16You cost what you cost
00:49:18You're so young
00:49:20And you need help
00:49:23In fact, if you want to stay with me
00:49:27There's the guest room
00:49:30No, I can't accept that
00:49:32Think about it
00:49:34I'm alone here
00:49:38Good night
00:49:40Good night
00:49:46I was wrong
00:49:47You were supposed to translate with the participant present, Clamat
00:49:49What did he tell me to do here, Clamat?
00:49:51I thought it was right
00:49:53Why did you do it?
00:49:54Yes, but it's not a serious mistake
00:49:55See you
00:49:57I assure you that he is distensive in the afternoon
00:49:59I don't know
00:50:04You came to save me
00:50:05They wanted to take me to the museum
00:50:09I have something to tell you
00:50:14You'll tell me tomorrow
00:50:16Sure, I'll tell you tomorrow
00:50:28Hi Carrera
00:50:29Good morning, we're Vivaldi
00:50:31So, this test you promised us?
00:50:33I'll give it to you tonight
00:50:35In a sensational way
00:50:36I really want to see it
00:50:40Good morning, miss
00:50:42The Rolls-Royce was used by your sister
00:50:44The Jaguar is in the garage
00:50:46The 600 is out of order
00:50:48So, we're going to Pedagna
00:50:50With the dog for trees
00:50:52Franco, the job is done
00:50:54Tomorrow I'll tell Lorena everything
00:50:56Besides studying, you're also maturing in life
00:50:59What is it?
00:51:01I don't want you
00:51:02Stop, stop
00:51:04Where are you going?
00:51:05That's not a tree
00:51:06Sir, sir, please
00:51:08He wants to shake my dog
00:51:10He exchanged it for a tree
00:51:11Calm down
00:51:12Calm down
00:51:13Calm down
00:51:14He exchanged my dog for a tree
00:51:16What do you want?
00:51:17Excuse me, who knows her?
00:51:18With all the consequences of the case
00:51:20Look, look what he's doing
00:51:22Did you see?
00:51:23Now he'll get rheumatism
00:51:24Is that true?
00:51:25Do you realize what you've done?
00:51:27Now he's shaking
00:51:28You should have shaken him first
00:51:30You're crazy
00:51:31And if you don't calm down
00:51:33And if you don't calm down
00:51:34And if you don't calm down
00:51:35And if you don't calm down
00:51:36You did well
00:51:37You did well
00:51:38You're a tree
00:51:39That's what you are
00:51:40A tree
00:51:41You're a lonely tree
00:51:46Not bad
00:51:48I reserved the table you asked for
00:51:50Thank you
00:51:53This is our table
00:51:59I'm next to Franco
00:52:01You could be wrong
00:52:02Let me sit next to him
00:52:03Sit here next to me
00:52:06Where are you going now?
00:52:08Is everyone here?
00:52:12Why did you bring us to this place?
00:52:14Don't you like it?
00:52:15I think it's a bit cold
00:52:17You think?
00:52:18But it's an unpredictable place
00:52:20It always has some surprises
00:52:22Did you tell Carlo?
00:52:24I tried to call him
00:52:25But I couldn't find him
00:52:27I thought of that
00:52:30He'll be here soon
00:52:42Here he is, Carlo
00:53:03How is it possible?
00:53:05Did you see?
00:53:08You knew
00:53:10You brought us here to humiliate him
00:53:12You should thank me, my dear
00:53:14I did it to make your love more romantic
00:53:17You descend from Prince Vivaldi
00:53:19The princess and the waiter
00:53:22Come with me home, please
00:53:25Let's go
00:53:29It's funny, isn't it?
00:53:41What's wrong?
00:53:43Sergio, take care of tables 4 and 5
00:53:46If you don't feel like working, you can go home
00:53:48Thank you
00:54:18Did everyone leave?
00:54:19Can't you see?
00:54:20What about Lorena?
00:54:23See, Carlo?
00:54:25Lorena is a sensitive girl
00:54:27She couldn't stand being served by you
00:54:30She preferred to leave
00:54:31But you stayed
00:54:36I like being served by you
00:54:39Waiter, bring me a steak with blood
00:54:41and a salad
00:54:42Yes, sir
00:54:45A match, please
00:54:56I dropped my fork
00:54:58I'll get another one
00:55:00No, take this one
00:55:12I'm sorry
00:55:13Help me get up
00:55:17Are you hurt?
00:55:30I'm here
00:55:32in the middle of the night
00:55:43And I think of you
00:55:47And I think of you
00:55:59And it seems to me
00:56:07That you are close to me
00:56:16And I'm here at night
00:56:27Without asking why
00:56:42I'm thinking of my life
00:56:47So close to you
00:56:59I'm a man like those
00:57:06Who can't forget
00:57:10And I do
00:57:16I still hope
00:57:19That you will come back
00:57:24To me
00:57:32I'm here at night
00:57:35And I think of you
00:57:44And I think of you
00:57:58And it seems to me
00:58:05That you are close to me
00:58:12Close to me
00:58:19Close to me
00:58:35Close to me
00:58:46Good evening
00:59:00I came to...
00:59:01A disappointment?
00:59:10We women aim high, my boy
00:59:13We are always ready to divide the wealth of the man we love
00:59:17Never the poverty
00:59:20Did you tell her?
00:59:22She saw me
00:59:23While I was the waiter
00:59:26And so you were left without a girl and without a job
00:59:29The job is found
00:59:31Even love
00:59:34This is for the guests
01:00:03I'm sorry
01:00:04I was distracted
01:00:05What are you doing?
01:00:06Look at the empty benches
01:00:07I would understand if there was a nice boy on that bench
01:00:10Here I am
01:00:11Listen, look at me
01:00:13I won't be a nice girl
01:00:15But I'm not even an empty bench
01:00:17I was saying that a lot of your activity
01:00:21I'm not even an empty bench
01:00:23I'm not even an empty bench
01:00:25I'm not even an empty bench
01:00:27I'm not even an empty bench
01:00:29I'm not even an empty bench
01:00:31Look at your activity
01:00:33See you
01:00:39Go fill that space
01:00:40Here you go
01:00:43So since you're not a nice boy
01:00:45Miss Lorena Vivaldi won't try to look at us from that side
01:00:49Thank you so much
01:00:51Excuse me
01:00:52I want to go out for a moment
01:00:53A moment of relaxation
01:00:56Actually I'm going out too
01:00:58Guys, excuse me for a moment.
01:01:00Please, try to make an acceptable noise.
01:01:02Thank you.
01:01:04Come on!
01:01:26What's the matter, little girl?
01:01:28Nothing, nothing.
01:01:30Nothing at all?
01:01:32Nothing at all.
01:01:40I think I understand.
01:01:42What you were looking at is Carrera's post.
01:01:44Are you ill?
01:01:48Well, the sky is a little cloudy.
01:01:50A little rain and the serenity returns.
01:01:54Let's smoke a cigarette with all our comfort.
01:01:56I know the history of art,
01:01:58but I don't smoke anything.
01:02:00Do you want to?
01:02:02Don't you smoke?
01:02:04Good, you're doing well.
01:02:06And then there's only one left.
01:02:28Come on, Diorissimo.
01:02:30Come on.
01:02:38Come on, Diorissimo.
01:02:40Come on!
01:02:42Here it is.
01:02:44Now it's your turn.
01:02:46Come on.
01:02:56Come on, Diorissimo.
01:02:58Come on!
01:03:10Come on!
01:03:12Come on!
01:03:16Come on!
01:03:18Come on!
01:03:20We won!
01:03:22My horse won.
01:03:46Vivaldi, you're distracted and careless.
01:03:48If you don't want to do the gymnastics lesson,
01:03:50you can go.
01:04:16Come on.
01:04:44do you need a ride?
01:04:46No, thank you.
01:04:54Good morning.
01:04:56Good morning, Miss Vivaldi.
01:04:58Good morning, Professor.
01:05:00Good morning, colleague.
01:05:02I was waiting for the bus.
01:05:04Good morning.
01:05:06Do you need a ride?
01:05:08No, thank you.
01:05:10Good morning.
01:05:12Are you driving too?
01:05:14Of course, Professor.
01:05:16Should I drive too?
01:05:20Maybe I'll take the Vespa.
01:05:22Of course, Professor. Get in.
01:05:26Here, behind me.
01:05:28Get in, Professor.
01:05:30I'm getting in.
01:05:32Two professors on a Vespa?
01:05:34It's natural.
01:05:36Students drive, professors drive.
01:05:38They speak French.
01:05:40I'm getting in, Professor.
01:05:42I'm getting in.
01:05:46I'm ready.
01:05:48I don't have my helmet.
01:05:50I'm getting in, Professor.
01:05:52Where are you going?
01:05:54The arrow is pointing at you.
01:06:08Good morning.
01:06:28Good morning, Miss Lorena.
01:06:30Is Carlo here?
01:06:32No, he's not.
01:06:34He's never been here.
01:06:36Yes, I know.
01:06:38But I wanted his news.
01:06:40I thought he was sick.
01:06:42Why should he be sick?
01:06:44Ah, he didn't come to school anymore.
01:06:46He left.
01:06:48Yes, he'll come back.
01:06:50He'll come back to school.
01:06:52Please, Miss Lorena.
01:06:54I'm sorry.
01:06:56It's our fault.
01:06:58Good morning.
01:07:06Good morning.
01:07:36We've always loved you like a son.
01:07:38But how?
01:07:40We did everything to make you happy,
01:07:42to make you study.
01:07:44And when you came in here,
01:07:46we thought,
01:07:48this will help you forget.
01:07:50But not at school.
01:07:52You have to go to school and get a license.
01:07:54Then you'll do what you want.
01:07:56I'll do what I want from now on.
01:07:58Okay, but don't count on our help anymore.
01:08:02And if the Lord believes,
01:08:04he'll kill me.
01:08:14Why did you stop me?
01:08:16Carlo passed by, Dad.
01:08:18Wait a minute.
01:08:44It wasn't Carlo.
01:08:46No, I was wrong.
01:08:52Vivaldi, Lorena.
01:08:54Ten. Seven and seven.
01:08:56Latin, six, six.
01:08:58Greek, six, seven.
01:09:00History, six.
01:09:04Yes, four. One, two, three, four.
01:09:06He had seven in the first quarter.
01:09:08Mr. President, I'm sorry,
01:09:10but Vivaldi has made a terrible mistake.
01:09:12Professor, the girl is in crisis.
01:09:14What can I do?
01:09:16Physics is a subject
01:09:18that doesn't allow highs and lows.
01:09:20Professor, lift up.
01:09:22Lift up.
01:09:24But what should I lift up, ma'am?
01:09:26The vote.
01:09:28No, no, I can't.
01:09:38Physics, six.
01:09:42No, no, it's my vote.
01:09:44History of art, seven.
01:09:48Chemistry, six.
01:09:54Excuse me, colleagues.
01:09:56Before we go,
01:09:58should we continue or not?
01:10:00No, no, we'll create a precedent.
01:10:02He's been absent for almost a month.
01:10:04The boy could be sick.
01:10:06No, he's not sick, Reverend.
01:10:08I saw him the other night
01:10:10at a nightclub, dancing.
01:10:12Ah, because you go dancing at nightclubs.
01:10:14No, I don't go dancing at nightclubs.
01:10:16I was invited.
01:10:18Some friends of mine brought me
01:10:20when I arrived from Averi.
01:10:22It's much better to come in a motorbike, then.
01:10:24What does a motorbike have to do with a nightclub?
01:10:26No, nothing. It's something we know.
01:10:28Gentlemen, I would like to examine
01:10:30this case in the afternoon
01:10:32with more calm.
01:10:34Gentlemen, good morning.
01:10:36Good morning.
01:10:38What is it? I said something wrong.
01:10:40It's not nice what you said
01:10:42in the council room.
01:10:44What did I say?
01:10:46You said physics can't stand Vivaldi's highs and lows.
01:10:48It's the truth, colleague.
01:10:50Didn't you understand that the girl is in love?
01:10:52In love? With whom?
01:10:54Gentlemen, you have love at hand
01:10:56and you don't realize anything.
01:10:58Vivaldi is in love with me.
01:11:00You, except for physics,
01:11:02Professor, don't understand anything.
01:11:04How can a little girl fall in love with you?
01:11:06I'm pleased.
01:11:08With you,
01:11:10you can fall in love with a woman like me.
01:11:12So, in your opinion,
01:11:14I'm not yet a man to be thrown away.
01:11:16To be thrown away?
01:11:18Professor, you are to be picked up.
01:11:20Colleague Valdone,
01:11:22you have to understand that...
01:11:24That I, in short,
01:11:26I don't regret it.
01:11:28It took you a while to understand it.
01:11:30So, do you know what I'm saying?
01:11:32Say it.
01:11:34I and you...
01:11:36Say it.
01:11:38Hurry up, Professor.
01:11:40If you take it so far,
01:11:42I'll stay with you for another ten years.
01:11:44This is my hand.
01:11:46I give it to you like this.
01:11:48What do we want to do?
01:11:50To be happy.
01:11:58That's the physics teacher.
01:12:00Thank you.
01:12:02Good morning.
01:12:04Excuse us, Professor,
01:12:06if we allow ourselves to bother you in the middle of the road.
01:12:08With your kind consort.
01:12:10No, I'm not his wife.
01:12:12Ah, I thought so.
01:12:14What do you mean?
01:12:16Because with the wife you don't walk hand in hand
01:12:18between them there is tenderness.
01:12:20How do you allow yourself?
01:12:22Well, excuse me, my friend
01:12:24he just meant to joke.
01:12:26Who allowed him?
01:12:28He's right.
01:12:30Let me introduce myself, Franco Sparapaoli.
01:12:32Sparapaoli, also for you.
01:12:34And what does he do? He kisses your hand?
01:12:36Because he's jealous.
01:12:38No, Filippo is not jealous.
01:12:40I'm not jealous, but you don't kiss my friend's hand.
01:12:42Ah, it's your friend.
01:12:44Listen, Sparapaoli...
01:12:46I'm not jealous.
01:12:48You're not jealous.
01:12:50I have to be precise.
01:12:52I'm not your friend's
01:12:54decisive article,
01:12:56but your friend's undecisive article.
01:12:58How not? Congratulations, Professor.
01:13:00At your age, you have more than one
01:13:02undecisive article.
01:13:04What are you insinuating?
01:13:06My age, more than one, less than one.
01:13:08What do you want to compromise me?
01:13:10Don't worry, your consort will never know anything.
01:13:12I'm not married.
01:13:14If there are no family complications,
01:13:16you can have fun with all your friends.
01:13:20Listen, Sparapaoli, I forbid you to continue.
01:13:22Calm down, Professor.
01:13:24My friend doesn't know what he's saying.
01:13:26We're not here to investigate
01:13:28your private life.
01:13:30The lady here could also be a very respectable person.
01:13:32Wait a minute. What does it mean,
01:13:34could also be?
01:13:36What does it mean, could also be?
01:13:38It means that she may not be
01:13:40what she seems.
01:13:42What does it mean, could also be?
01:13:44No, Filippo, you have to tell me what I look like.
01:13:46Come on, tell me, tell me what I look like.
01:13:48I don't know, I said it like that.
01:13:50Now you have to tell me.
01:13:52Now you have to tell me.
01:13:54Come on, what do I look like?
01:13:56What do you look like?
01:13:58I look like a...
01:14:00Yes, a teacher.
01:14:02In fact,
01:14:04his is.
01:14:06And for me, an angel from heaven.
01:14:08Professor, help us.
01:14:10For us, Carlo Carrera is like a son.
01:14:12He took a beating, but soon he will
01:14:14put his head back in place.
01:14:16Yes, I know, I know everything.
01:14:18We know. Unfortunately, that boy
01:14:20risks not being scrutinized.
01:14:22And you scrutinize him.
01:14:24That's right, as he says.
01:14:26You see, I can't speak.
01:14:28I spoke badly before and I speak badly now.
01:14:30But you understood me.
01:14:32Today, young people make mistakes.
01:14:34And we, who are no longer,
01:14:36we have to extend a hand to pull them up.
01:14:38Anyway, thank you and sorry.
01:14:40It's the first time in his life
01:14:42that he speaks well.
01:14:44And we will do the impossible for Carrera.
01:14:46Right, Filippo?
01:14:48We promise you.
01:14:50And now that we've met,
01:14:52can I ask you an indiscreet question?
01:14:54If it's not really indiscreet, indiscreet.
01:14:56No, it's better that I don't do it.
01:14:58No, the face.
01:15:00The truth?
01:15:04Between the two of you,
01:15:06there is.
01:15:08There is.
01:15:10He is noble.
01:15:12On the contrary.
01:15:14What are you waiting for?
01:15:16And we'll do it soon.
01:15:18Very soon.
01:15:20Thank you.
01:15:24How nice.
01:15:28The hand.
01:15:30What are you doing?
01:15:32Ah, the hand.
01:15:34The hand.
01:15:50Where are you?
01:15:52Where are you calling from?
01:15:54Ah yes, you're coming on Sunday.
01:15:56Ah, I'm happy.
01:15:58I can't wait to hug you again.
01:16:00I was starting to feel so lonely, you know.
01:16:02But of course, honey,
01:16:04I'll come to the airport.
01:16:06Yes, yes.
01:16:08See you soon.
01:16:28Would you like to go to Cortina for a week?
01:16:30What else, with you in charge of the world?
01:16:32Without me.
01:16:34You'll have to go alone, I can't.
01:16:38He's coming.
01:16:42The clothes you always wore,
01:16:44they had to belong to someone, didn't they?
01:16:48What did you think?
01:16:50That I was a heiress?
01:16:52Come on, come on.
01:16:54I'll be back in eight days.
01:16:56I'm not leaving and I'm not coming back.
01:16:58And don't shout. Do you want everyone to hear about us?
01:17:00Everyone knows,
01:17:02even if I sleep in the guest room.
01:17:04And I hate it.
01:17:08I'll tell him everything as soon as he gets here.
01:17:10Are you crazy? Do you want to ruin me?
01:17:12Do you want to take me with you in the middle of the road?
01:17:14I don't care. I don't care about the money.
01:17:16I want you. I don't want to give up on you.
01:17:28The lady played.
01:17:30Where did that imbecile go?
01:17:32He went to the kitchen to help the cook make the egg pasta.
01:17:34Carlo makes egg pasta?
01:17:36No, Ciccio.
01:17:38You said that imbecile,
01:17:40and Mr. Carlo went out.
01:17:42Well, when he comes back,
01:17:44tell him to pick up his stuff
01:17:46and don't put his feet in here again.
01:17:48Yes, I understand. It's all over.
01:17:50It's not over because it's never started.
01:17:52Do you understand?
01:17:54Yes, I understand.
01:17:56He dared to threaten me.
01:17:58Threaten me.
01:18:00I welcomed him at home.
01:18:02I helped him. I treated him like a brother.
01:18:04Because for me he was like a brother.
01:18:06Without a doubt.
01:18:08And then you have such a big heart.
01:18:10There is room for everyone.
01:18:12Where is there room for everyone?
01:18:14In the villa.
01:18:16And you continue to do charity.
01:18:18The engineer arrives on Sunday.
01:18:20I knew it.
01:18:22From what?
01:18:24From the phone call.
01:18:26To the intercommunal.
01:18:28I passed it to him right away.
01:18:30Okay, so get the car ready.
01:18:32I'm going out right now.
01:18:34Yes, ma'am.
01:18:36And be careful with your discretion
01:18:38if you want to stay at my service.
01:18:40Don't worry, ma'am.
01:18:42Ciccio and I are like the chimneys
01:18:44of the yellow romances.
01:18:46We are blind, deaf and mute.
01:18:48I have the impression
01:18:50that you talk too much.
01:19:22Your love
01:19:24lasted only
01:19:26an hour
01:19:28and for this
01:19:30now white
01:19:32white for you
01:19:36I see you again
01:19:38still white
01:19:40of the moon
01:19:44run in the wind
01:19:46near me
01:19:48near me
01:19:52in your green eyes
01:19:54there is no luck
01:19:58for those who are looking
01:20:00for a tomorrow
01:20:02near you
01:20:08it will not serve
01:20:10to wait for me
01:20:14I know that you
01:20:16will come
01:20:20in your eyes
01:20:22there will be
01:20:24another moon
01:20:26and another love
01:20:28I know
01:20:32I know
01:20:46I know
01:21:06it will not serve
01:21:08to wait for me
01:21:12I know
01:21:14that you
01:21:16will not come
01:21:20in your eyes
01:21:22there will be
01:21:24another moon
01:21:26and another love
01:21:28I know
01:21:32I know
01:21:38I have only
01:21:40an adventure
01:21:44the only
01:21:48I have of you
01:21:52your love
01:21:54lasted only
01:21:56an hour
01:21:58and for this
01:22:00now white
01:22:02white for you
01:22:42now I'm in trouble
01:22:44you brought it home
01:22:46but you put it in
01:22:48like a son
01:22:50like a son
01:22:56you said enough
01:22:58the bathroom
01:23:00already the bathroom
01:23:40Then you stole it.
01:23:42No, ma'am, we can steal on the expense.
01:23:44On the petrol.
01:23:45But we don't put our eyes on the diamonds.
01:23:47And not even our hands, we go to jail.
01:23:49Right, with the diamonds you go to jail.
01:23:52And someone will go there.
01:23:55Ma'am, what are you going to do?
01:23:57I denounce him, I denounce him.
01:23:59But no, please, I beg you.
01:24:01Ma'am, if Carlo has taken it, we will make him return it.
01:24:05But don't ruin it.
01:24:06It's always our business.
01:24:07Go away.
01:24:08Whoever goes against me will pay.
01:24:10Always paid.
01:24:15The commissioner for pleasure.
01:24:16It's a serious thing, urgent.
01:24:18Reflect, ma'am.
01:24:19Good evening, Mr. Commissioner.
01:24:21I'm Mrs. Vannucci.
01:24:23I live on the old beach, Villa Letizia.
01:24:26A young man, Carlo Carrera,
01:24:28that I, to do him good, hosted in my villa,
01:24:31ran away with my ring of 5 million.
01:24:34Yes, Mr. Commissioner, all the clarifications you want.
01:24:37Arrested in the villa of his benefactor.
01:24:39Young waiter steals a ring of 5 million.
01:24:42Carlo Carrera desperately denies,
01:24:44although the evidence against him is overwhelming.
01:24:47It's incredible.
01:24:48But why did he do it?
01:24:50He must be crazy.
01:24:51And say he was the first of the class.
01:24:53Sometimes the first of the class are the last in life.
01:24:55Hey, here he is.
01:24:56Shut up, we don't tell her anything.
01:25:00Well, what's up? Vacation in sight?
01:25:02But no, nothing.
01:25:04For you, nothing.
01:25:06Let's hope it's for you too.
01:25:16No, Carlo is not a thief.
01:25:18He's not a thief!
01:25:20He's not a thief!
01:25:36He's not a thief!
01:26:06He's not a thief!
01:26:36He's not a thief!
01:27:06He's not a thief!
01:27:37Good morning, Miss.
01:27:40How are you?
01:27:41Fine, thank you.
01:27:42Please, sit down.
01:27:43Thank you.
01:27:45For my grandmother's wedding,
01:27:47my mother would like to give you a ring like this.
01:27:53Could you make one like that?
01:27:56Yes, I have the brilliant one, and the assembly is simple.
01:27:59I think I can make a perfect copy of it.
01:28:01Here, my mother gave me this 5 million sign.
01:28:03Is it enough?
01:28:04Yes, more or less.
01:28:06Anyway, we'll do the math with my mother.
01:28:08Could you do it right now?
01:28:10All right, Miss, we'll do the best we can.
01:28:13Please, not tonight.
01:28:15All right, Miss, try to come around 5 o'clock.
01:28:19I'll count on it.
01:28:22Say hello to your mother.
01:28:25Hello, Mom.
01:28:33Here we are.
01:28:35It's not here.
01:28:55It's not here.
01:29:25It's not here.
01:29:55Rebecca, are you mad?
01:29:57I don't know.
01:29:59I know you're mad.
01:30:01I know it.
01:30:03I swear that woman isn't lying.
01:30:05It's understandable.
01:30:07It's understandable, it's no need to like her like that.
01:30:10But do you know if my cards would...
01:30:14believe our...
01:30:18You understand?
01:30:20If you admit my grandfather is no longer our grandfather...
01:30:34Ciccio, guarda!
01:30:39La signorina Lorena, che vorrà?
01:30:41E che ne so io, ce lo darà a lei.
01:30:43Vieni. Andiamo.
01:30:49Signorina, cosa hai venuto a fare?
01:30:51L'anello che ha preso Carlo.
01:30:52Eh? Come l'ha avuto? Dove l'ha trovato?
01:30:54Non mi fate domande.
01:30:55Dite alla signora che l'avete trovato da qualche parte.
01:30:57In terra, nel giardino. Vi prego, voglio salvarlo.
01:31:00Allora, Carlo ha rubato?
01:31:02No! Vi scongiuro. Fate come vi ho detto.
01:31:10E quanto bene chi vuole?
01:31:12Cinque milioni. Cinque milioni de bene.
01:31:15Dalla signora.
01:31:16L'ho trovato!
01:31:19L'abbiamo trovato!
01:31:20L'abbiamo trovato!
01:31:23Nel salone, sotto il divano.
01:31:24Non è vero. Ve lo dico io dove l'avete trovato.
01:31:27Ma che dici?
01:31:31Ma che piglia?
01:31:36Com'è possibile?
01:31:38Com'è possibile?
01:31:39Ma tu hai capito?
01:31:40E così, disgraziatello.
01:31:43Vi lasciate!
01:31:44Vieni con noi al bagno!
01:31:46Sei sporca di me!
01:31:48Entra, sverdugna!
01:31:53Aspetta che mettiamo questi piedoni qui dentro.
01:31:56Ciccio, l'acqua.
01:31:59Acqua calda e acqua fredda.
01:32:00Doccia scozzese.
01:32:02Così imparerai a comportarti nella tua vita.
01:32:05Forza, Ciccio!
01:32:07Vedrai che trattamento deve parlare, sì!
01:32:11Perché tu sei una carognona!
01:32:13Volevi mandare il nostro pupillo in galera!
01:32:17E tu parla!
01:32:19E tu parla!
01:32:20Allora la tua fine è la verità!
01:32:22Tutta la verità!
01:32:23Nient'altro che la verità!
01:32:24E di lonturo!
01:32:25La verità!
01:32:26Sì, lo giuro!
01:32:27Sì, dirò la verità!
01:32:28Sì, tutta!
01:32:29Sì, lo giuro!
01:32:30Che ci ascendeste!
01:32:31La bambola non ha resistito al terzo grado!
01:32:37Vedi, è la verità!
01:32:38Io ora vado a fare una telefonata.
01:32:41Vado, telefono e torno!
01:32:43Non ti preoccupare, che vuoi il profumo?
01:32:45E si, te lo do solo.
01:32:48No, no, no!
01:32:51I'm going to make a phone call.
01:32:55The phone, the phone, where is the phone?
01:33:00The phone, the phone!
01:33:04It must be up there.
01:33:05The phone...
01:33:08It must be up there.
01:33:10The phone...
01:33:13Where is the phone?
01:33:15It must be up there.
01:33:18Maybe up there.
01:33:21Where is the phone?
01:33:33Orlando Furioso.
01:33:37It was me.
01:33:44He's not here either.
01:33:49Ah, here he is.
01:33:51The number.
01:33:55Hello, police station?
01:33:58I saw him.
01:34:28Police station.
01:34:37Hello? Hello?
01:34:44Who's not talking?
01:34:46Let's get out of here.
01:34:59Thank you.
01:35:01Thank you, Ciccio.
01:35:04That boy is good for us.
01:35:06I'm sure he'll come back to study without inferiority complex.
01:35:09You'll see how much satisfaction he'll give us.
01:35:11Ciccio, we're fine.
01:35:13What do you mean, we're fine, if we're left without a job?
01:35:15Don't worry, jobs are like women.
01:35:17One you lose, a hundred you find.
01:35:19You're a philosopher.
01:35:21You're so funny.
01:35:23Well, come on.
01:35:26Ciccio, sit down.
01:35:32Mr. Diplomatic Corps, I have the impression that you're having trouble with the engine.
01:35:36I don't understand, it doesn't start.
01:35:38Let me take a look at you.
01:35:40I'm a luxury driver and a respected mechanic.
01:35:42Thank you, you're very kind.
01:35:44Then open the hood for me, please.
01:35:52Ciccio, help me.
01:35:54He's a taxi driver. Can't you see that the hood is missing?
01:35:57Yes, I can.
01:36:00Did you take it out?
01:36:11Start the engine, please.
01:36:15Good, good. But how did you do it so quickly?
01:36:18It's a matter of hand.
01:36:20Good, very good.
01:36:22Do you want to be my odyssey?
01:36:24Ciccio, what are you saying? Do we accept?
01:36:26Yes, let's accept.
01:36:27But what does he have to do with it?
01:36:28He's the boss.
01:36:29But the boss has it.
01:36:30I have a license.
01:36:31Look, we work in pairs, so take it or leave it.
01:36:33Take it, take it, don't miss the opportunity.
01:36:35Good, I'll take the opportunity.
01:36:37Ciccio, get in the back.
01:36:40Look, we have a pupil, Maturando, who lives with us.
01:36:43No, not the pupil.
01:36:44Then nothing. Get out, Ciccio.
01:36:46No, one moment. I'll take the pupil, too.
01:36:48Then get out of there, I'll drive.
01:36:50After the pupil, that's enough.
01:36:58What will be the section?
01:37:04The handbrake.
01:37:05Ah, yes.
01:37:20The handbrake.
01:37:51But why does every minute last an eternity
01:38:05When the sun will rise
01:38:14In the sun I will drop you
01:38:24Another man will steal me
01:38:32And I can't do without you
01:38:41When the sun will rise
01:38:49In the sun I will drop you
01:38:59Love, love, run against me
01:39:07And the night will never come again
01:39:14But why, but why my thoughts
01:39:30Are always the same and never change
01:39:42But why even silence
01:39:50Is speaking to me of you
01:39:57When the sun will rise
01:40:06In the sun I will drop you
01:40:15Love, love, run against me
01:40:23And the night will never come again
01:40:35But why, but why my thoughts
01:40:46Are always the same and never change
01:40:56But why, but why my thoughts
01:41:07Are always the same and never change
01:41:17But why
01:41:47But why
01:42:17Thanks for watching!
