Nonton Doraemon Bahasa Indonesia Episode 260 720p

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00:30I want to go to a faraway land
00:34I want to open the door and go there right now
00:43I wonder if I'll forget you as I grow up
00:50I'll try to remember you when that happens
00:58Sha-la-la-la, a dream that will shine forever in my heart
01:06Doraemon, let me make it come true in that pocket
01:14Sha-la-la-la, let's sing a song
01:18Let's all hold hands
01:22Doraemon, let my dreams overflow all over the world
01:52Doraemon, let me make it come true in that pocket
01:58Your power is too weak
02:03Doraemon, I'm so mad
02:08Do you have a tool to increase my power?
02:11If you realize that power is important
02:14Actually, it's a good thing
02:17There is
02:20Ultra Ring
02:22This is only used on the fingers
02:29Is this right?
02:31I'll try
02:40It's just a little pinch
02:42Now your power has doubled to a thousand times
02:45So don't use all your strength
02:48If you play all your fingers, you'll win
02:52Just remember, don't use all your strength
02:58Why isn't it here?
03:00What is it, ma'am?
03:02Where did the expensive Rupee Ring go?
03:07Oh yeah!
03:09I gave it to Suka
03:11After that, I just left it like that
03:14What should I do?
03:16If my dad finds out, he'll be mad
03:19Ma'am, this is not what you're looking for
03:25It looks a little different
03:28I don't know, ma'am
03:31I have to find the real ring
03:34Why does it feel narrower?
03:37Should I add more fat?
03:39What should I do?
03:42That's the ring, right?
03:44That's right
03:46There's red beans left in your nose
03:49You must have eaten dorayaki
03:56What's wrong with him?
03:58He's so extra
04:00Oh yeah
04:01I'd better go shopping
04:04Tonight's dinner menu
04:08It's a little expensive
04:18That's it!
04:21It fell in a place like this
04:24Thank God
04:33What are you doing?
04:35Sabita, did you use the Ultra Ring?
04:38How did you know?
04:40This is an emergency, we have to take it back
04:44Wait, Dr. Raymond!
04:48Yes, yes
04:51Throw it, okay?
04:59Oops, I'm sorry
05:01It must have been cut
05:06Oh, no!
05:10Maybe I'm getting fatter
05:13Sometimes this makes us stressed
05:21The wind is strong today
05:24Yes, that's right
05:26But your skin is still smooth
05:28I'm jealous
05:30Oh, no!
05:31You're exaggerating
05:36I'm sorry
05:39The clothes are dirty
05:45I'm sorry
05:46Let me wash it
05:49No, don't
05:52Wait, don't go
05:54No, don't
05:57What should I do?
06:00Bibi, wait!
06:02No, don't
06:28Why did this happen?
06:31Where did she go?
06:37It's not her fault
06:39We have to move fast
06:41Before it gets worse
06:44This is getting worse
07:00Be careful!
07:10Bibi, stop!
07:24Where's Bibi?
07:25I don't know
07:27I'm tired
07:29I want to keep it
07:30It's half price
07:32It's okay
07:34Come on!
07:35Who will get it?
07:37Who will get it?
07:40I'm left behind
07:46I can't see anything
07:49There she is
07:51I'm sorry
07:52Excuse me
07:54I'm sorry
07:59I'll save you
08:08Excuse me
08:10Doraemon, run!
08:12I know
08:22Doraemon, up there!
08:26I'm out of tools
08:28Come here!
08:35Oh my God!
08:40I did it!
08:41I finally got it!
08:43I've been wanting this for a long time
08:47But it looks like a cheap bag
08:50No, ma'am
08:52These are all imported goods
08:55Just look at this rope
09:02I'm sorry!
09:09It feels weird today
09:14There's a robber!
09:29Open up!
09:30Or something will happen to this person!
09:34Stop it!
09:37Watch out for the robber!
09:39Hurry up!
09:41I told you to stop it!
09:43You don't have a choice!
09:45Stop it, ma'am!
09:59What did you do to my son?
10:06Thank you for your cooperation
10:10Are you two okay?
10:16Let me go!
10:19Let me go!
10:21Why did this happen?
10:26It's weird
10:28Why did this big power appear all of a sudden?
10:32It's because of Ultra Ring
10:34What? Ultra Ring?
10:36I'm sorry, ma'am
10:37I'm the one who lost Ruby's ring
10:42This is the real ring
10:44Yes, it looks like it
10:46How is it possible?
10:47We have to get rid of it
10:51Don't do that!
10:53It hurts!
10:55It hurts, ma'am!
10:57It hurts!
10:59Let me go!
11:00It hurts!
11:05I can't get rid of it
11:23It hurts!
11:32It's dangerous to let go of the ring
11:41It hurts!
11:45It hurts!
11:48It hurts!
11:51Dekisugi's Case
11:59Dekisugi, what's going on?
12:02Yes, sir?
12:04You're usually the top student in this class
12:07How did you end up like this?
12:09I'm sorry, sir
12:11Dekisugi is so weird
12:21Dekisugi's Case
12:24Don't think about it!
12:26You're still the best student in the class
12:28Look at Nobita
12:30He often gets a zero, but he's always happy
12:33That's right
12:34What you said doesn't make Dekisugi happy
12:38That's right
12:39How can you compare Dekisugi to Nobita?
12:42That's too much
12:44Dekisugi, you look pale
12:46Are you sick?
12:48Are you worried about something?
12:56I'm home!
12:58Nobita just got home from school
13:01I'll take you home
13:04I forgot to bring this important document
13:08Please deliver it
13:12I can't, ma'am!
13:14I'm busy today!
13:16What are you talking about?
13:18Don't give me that
13:25Why me?
13:27They say kids shouldn't fight with grown-ups
13:30I'm just a kid
13:33That's right
13:35Alright, I'll give you something
13:38What is it?
13:45Plug it in like this
13:48Then we'll call Ayah's office
13:58Hi, this is Ayah
14:01I want to give you the document
14:04Nobita, the document
14:12Sorry, I'm waiting
14:15That's it!
14:17Now we can send or receive anything
14:21Free! Free! Free!
14:24You have the document?
14:27Is there anything else?
14:30Then please buy some meat for dinner
14:36Yes, this is the meat shop
14:41Mom, buy a lot of meat
14:45Got it!
14:47Don't forget to take the return
14:51Wow, you're so fast
14:54Is there anything else?
14:56Just tell me
14:58That's all
15:00Oh, I see
15:02Alright, I'll give you a surprise
15:08Don't be too naughty
15:11Hello, Minamoto here
15:15Let's escape!
15:18I'm Nobita
15:22What's this?
15:29Nobita, there's Shizuka
15:33She wants to come here
15:36I'm sorry, I didn't mean to
15:41Think of it as an accident
15:43I'm not mad about the rock
15:47By the way, I want you to help Dekisugi
15:51With that weird phone
15:55Every night, he gets a mysterious phone
15:58So he can't sleep
15:59Mysterious phone?
16:01Yes, every day at midnight
16:12Hello, who is this?
16:16Hello, who is this?
16:21If we meet on the street...
16:42It happened over and over again
16:46Until the next morning
16:48That's so bad
16:50We have to find the culprit
16:53Scaring people with a mysterious phone
16:55This is clearly a trick
16:57Tonight, the culprit will do it again
17:03Okay, tonight we go straight to Dekisugi's house
17:06Yes, we will catch the culprit
17:12Thank you, Nobita, Doraemon
17:16I will find the culprit
17:19And I will catch him too
17:24So, before that...
17:26What are you doing?
17:28What am I doing?
17:29We're going to leave tonight
17:30So we're going to sleep first
17:32Why do we have to wait until night if we have a time machine?
17:36That's right
17:42We're going to sleep
17:45So, we're here to catch the culprit
17:49You just sleep
17:51I'm sorry, it's a bit of a hassle
17:58As soon as the phone rings, put this on
18:00Then we'll catch the culprit
18:02Just make sure we don't fall asleep
18:04Don't worry, I know that
18:07That's why we're here using a time machine
18:11Let's go
18:23Let's go, Nobita
18:27Don't run away
18:29Nobita, wait for me
18:32Yes, I know
18:34We're caught
18:37Let's try, Nobita
18:42It's ringing again
18:47I'm sorry, I'll be back tomorrow
18:50I'm sorry, I'm really sorry
18:55We should make sure first
18:58You're right
19:05Make sure this time
19:07Yes, I understand
19:14Hello, who is this?
19:19I hate you
19:21Okay, it's not your fault
19:24I've caught him
19:27You're out, you coward
19:30You caught him?
19:37You're second in class
19:39You coward
19:40Why did you do such a thing?
19:45As long as Dekisugi is here
19:47I can't be first in class
19:49So that's why
19:51You called me every night
19:53You're such a troublemaker
19:56That's what I'm asking
19:59After school, I went straight to bed
20:01Then I woke up in the middle of the night
20:03And called you while I was studying
20:08Oh no
20:11Don't call anyone
20:13Teacher, friends, my parents
20:18I'm done
20:26What are you going to do?
20:27It's not your fault
20:35I won't call anyone
20:40As long as you promise
20:41It won't happen again
20:48Nobita, don't tell anyone
20:51Yes, if that's what you want
20:54But it's really okay
20:57It's true
20:59After this, we'll compete again
21:01In school
21:03I'm sorry
21:07I love you
21:33On June 6th, a UFO
21:37Went this way and that way
21:42And made two objects
21:47When I put the ship on the object
21:52The crescent moon was rising in the sky
21:57When I put my beard on
