Nonton Doraemon Bahasa Indonesia Episode 279 720p

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00:30I want to open the door and go, right now
00:42I wonder if I'll forget when I grow up
00:50I'll try to remember when that happens
00:58Sha-la-la-la, a dream that will shine forever in my heart
01:05Doraemon, let me make it come true in your pocket
01:13Sha-la-la-la-la, let's sing a song
01:17Let's all hold hands
01:21Doraemon, let the world be filled with dreams
01:52Who can jump that high?
01:54There's no one
01:57Come on, we're running out of time
02:003, 2, 1, time's up
02:04The answer is, just jump, because Mount Fuji is silent, you can't jump, right?
02:12That's cheating
02:14As promised, it's time for punishment
02:22Let's play again
02:24You're right, the questions and answers don't make sense
02:28But it's fun
02:30It's not fun, if we play again I'll get a slap
02:35Doraemon, do you have a tool that can help me answer the riddles?
02:39There's no such thing, you have to think of the riddles yourself, if you're helped it's not interesting
02:45I have a trick to answer the questions, let's practice
02:51Action quiz
02:53This is a tic-tac-toe machine in the future
02:56Tic-tac-toe machine?
02:58The answer requires the equipment of the future, then it's shown directly
03:04I don't understand, but it looks fun
03:07If you're right, you can get a gold medal
03:09If you can't answer, you'll be slapped
03:15So there's a challenge, it's more fun, right?
03:24Press this button to start the game
03:33Action quiz
03:41The question is, change your place to an ocean right now
03:46That's impossible, in the middle of Tokyo, how can it be an ocean?
03:52It can, I know the answer
03:56Think for 30 seconds
03:59Hurry up, think of the equipment of the future
04:03What is it?
04:04The key of the tic-tac-toe
04:06If you use this, you can not only change the time, but you can also change the place
04:13You're so easy
04:21I got it
04:23Okay, I'll tell you the answer
04:30What's wrong with this equipment?
04:32We went to the past before this place changed
04:45Come on, try to swim
04:52Because in the old days, Tokyo was an ocean
04:55So the most logical answer is to change the time
04:58That's enough, why does Doraemon use that weird equipment?
05:10Don't go, Nobita
05:12Once you play, you have to finish at least 4 tic-tac-toe
05:16Why didn't you tell me before?
05:19That's enough
05:21What can I do?
05:23Try to press the help button
05:26What's that?
05:27If you press the help button, you can ask for help from a friend
05:31But be careful
05:32That's right, I want it
05:42You can work with a friend of your class
05:45That's cool
05:46There's more
05:49But if you fail to answer, the tic-tac-toe will be 5 times stronger
05:54Who do you want to ask, Nobita?
05:57If it's like this, it must be Dekisugi
06:06Nobita, are you ready to play the poka poka quiz again?
06:09I can't, because I'm playing another quiz
06:14Another quiz?
06:16No, I mean...
06:18It looks fun, I want to play too
06:23Press the start button together
06:28Game start, accepted
06:30Let's start
06:38Travel around the world from west to east in less than 1 minute
06:42Is there anyone who can do that?
06:46I know the answer
06:48Which one?
06:50Doraemon, I borrowed a supersonic jet with light speed
06:53If you use that, you won't be on time
06:59If you use a giant centipede, it will turn into a big ball and I just have to walk
07:04If you use that, the world will be destroyed because you step on it
07:08We're running out of time
07:10I know
07:17Shut up
07:26What should I do?
07:29I'll tell you the right answer
07:32Where's the door?
07:34Where are we?
07:39This is the north sign
07:41Travel around the world from west to east in less than 1 minute
07:44Because the machine doesn't tell you where to start
07:47If you run around the flag once, it means you've traveled around the world once
07:53Oh my god
07:55How can I answer this?
08:00Okay, I'll answer with this
08:03Please, giant
08:13Run at a speed of more than 1,500 km per hour
08:17Leave it to me
08:19Ready, go!
08:25That's only 10 km per hour
08:312,500 km
08:35Don't leave me!
08:42I thought my answer was right
08:53Where are we?
08:55This is the island of Katulistiwa
08:57The right way is to run east
09:00How come?
09:02In 24 hours, the earth rotates once
09:05In short, this island is a dead object standing on a moving earth
09:09The island is not moving, but has a speed of 1,500 km per hour
09:13But on this island, our speed is equivalent to 1,500 km per hour
09:19Following the rotation of the earth
09:22The longer it takes, the more difficult it is
09:25It's better if I take Dekisugi
09:29This time, I'll bet on my name, King Quiz
09:37There's something
09:39What is this?
09:41The sun is shining on the earth
09:43But it has to shine for 30 hours a day
09:46If the sun's light is lost, it has to be repeated from the beginning
09:52Doraemon, what is a sun camera?
09:54A sun camera is a camera that only relies on sunlight
09:58To take a picture
10:00But the sun has to shine for 30 hours
10:03There's no place that shines all day long
10:06And there's no night like that
10:08Let's try taking it to the trophy room
10:10Great idea!
10:15If you give a silly answer, the machine will emit a lightning
10:19Then let's just run and follow the sun
10:23Let's go to the sun
10:26I told you, it has to be on the earth
10:29If you try, you'll find the answer
10:32The earth is where the sun always shines
10:35Let's think, think!
10:40How about this?
10:42How about this?
10:43Let's run!
10:47Let's run to the end of the world!
10:51But where?
10:59And if we go here, the machine won't stop
11:19We're doomed!
11:24We're doomed!
11:26We're doomed!
11:30Hello everyone!
11:32It's a hot summer in Antarctica
11:34The sun shines all day long
11:41We did it!
11:44Look at me, I'm a genius!
11:49That's right!
11:52It was just a coincidence
11:59Paprika farm on the top of the hill
12:06Enjoy your meal!
12:10Why does the delicious meat has to be stuffed with this disgusting paprika?
12:15Because the combination of the taste of meat and paprika is really harmonious
12:21It's delicious!
12:24You seem to be happier if you're eaten by Doraemon, right?
12:33Finish it all!
12:35But I don't like it
12:38You can't!
12:39That's a food with a lot of enzymes
12:46Paprika farm on the top of the hill
12:50Why do I have to eat paprika?
12:53You said earlier that paprika has a lot of enzymes
12:56Yes, but it doesn't taste good
12:59I think it's delicious
13:01Let's make the best paprika in the world!
13:06Yes, if you eat the vegetables from the plant, it tastes special
13:10Maybe you'll like paprika
13:14In this cold season, where are we going to plant vegetables?
13:17You can, Nobita!
13:19Paprika Farming Equipment
13:25If we use this equipment, we can make delicious paprika
13:29In the house, only in one day
13:33Let's start with Matras Radam
13:39This is not ordinary land, but a special land for planting
13:43Land of lemon?
13:48Playing anything that makes the house dirty is prohibited
13:51This is not a game
13:53What a pity
13:56Where is the place where I can plant without disturbing others?
14:02That's right
14:05Paprika Farming Equipment
14:11If it's this wide, I think it's okay
14:17The dust is everywhere
14:20Calm down
14:23The sun is made for planting
14:30Clouds in packaging
14:35Paprika Farming Equipment
14:38Then Matras Radam
14:43Wow, it's warm
14:45Because the paprika is planted in the summer, so it automatically looks like this
14:52Wow, there are seeds too
14:54So that in the summer it tastes better
14:57This is the paprika seed
15:00It's so small
15:02Next, let's start from the beginning, which is planting seeds
15:07Sprinkle the seeds, then insert it with your fingers
15:19Yes, that's right
15:29Done, I'm tired
15:32Nabita, look, there's a small seedling that's starting to sprout
15:38It's cute, a small seedling like that
15:42Okay, next prepare the field
15:44We will make a back for these seeds
15:48Like this
15:59The sun is shining, then the soil is warm
16:03Planting vegetables is fun
16:06As long as you're excited, anything will be fun
16:09Look, look
16:10This is the seedling too
16:12That's right, soon it's time to change the place
16:15We have to prepare a new place
16:24Everything is getting bigger
16:35Huh? There's a flower
16:37The flower has bloomed
16:39That's right
16:43The warm air is so good
16:46But if it's like this, it means it's going to rain
16:53Why is it still hot?
16:55It's weird
16:56It doesn't mean it's going to rain, but it's getting hotter
16:59I think there's something wrong with the weather
17:03The leaves
17:04It's starting to wither
17:09Hurray, it's raining, raining, raining
17:17The next day
17:23It worked
17:25It's bright again, it's time to grow seeds
17:29Look, the small paprika is starting to grow
17:32Huh? Where?
17:34It's so cute
17:38No, the name is still paprika
17:42Is that so?
17:43If that's the case, try using this
17:48If you use this, the plants will live like humans
17:52Just like in the world of Dongeng
17:55Good afternoon
17:56Good afternoon
17:57Good afternoon
17:58Good afternoon
17:59Everyone says hello politely
18:05What are you looking at?
18:08What's so funny?
18:13Because you don't like paprika, that's why
18:17Try liking them and see
18:20I can't, that's impossible
18:22They're all cute
18:25I'm sorry, please give us water
18:27Yes, yes, wait a minute
18:34Give us water too
18:36Come on, hurry up
18:38We're thirsty too
18:39Why is this one so rough?
18:41Everyone, this chicken is good for you
18:47What's this water?
18:50Hey, over here, hurry up
18:52Yes, so slow
18:55What's wrong with you?
18:56If the paprika is bad and not good, don't bother me
18:59Hey, we're delicious paprika, you know
19:03You're the bad one
19:05You're the bad one
19:07I hate paprika
19:10You keep on eating, I don't care
19:13Don't go yet
19:22Be careful, I'm getting wet
19:26Rat, rat, rat, rat, rat
19:30Causing bad paprika
19:36Yes, Suka
19:39Are you cooking?
19:41Yes, I want to
19:43I'm going
19:45Suka, Suka
19:57Suka, Suka
19:59Go away, go away, go away
20:09Suka's favorite cake is the best in the world
20:12Doraemon! I brought you some ole-ole, your favorite!
20:19What's wrong with you? Why are you so lazy?
20:22Where have you been?
20:24There's a problem here.
20:29The paprika is broken because it was eaten by an insect.
20:33I've tried to save as much as I can, but only a little is safe.
20:37I'm sorry. It's because I left you all behind.
20:43So the paprika will die?
20:45No, there are some that are still delicious to eat.
20:52Okay, until they grow up, we'll do anything.
20:56We'll make them all delicious and fresh paprika!
21:27Success! Success!
21:30It's time to harvest.
21:35Today we can eat as much delicious paprika as we want.
21:42But I don't want to eat paprika that's grown from this insect!
