The Block AU Season 20 Episode 6

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The Block AU S20 Episode 6 - Guest Bedroom Week


00:00Tonight, they'll throw all their inspiration into this week's room, including the kitchen sink.
00:14But it's house one, we're about to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
00:22And that's why I'm probably not gonna be here as of tomorrow.
00:30Phillip Island is made up of nine suburbs, connecting its natural beauty from shore to
00:51But it's the inhabitants of the newest suburb, Tent City, that are excited to see this week
00:57through to judging.
00:59What's happening?
01:00There we go.
01:01Good, bro.
01:02But if they can pull off building their first bedroom, it'll mean a roof over their heads
01:07and no more camping.
01:08How you doing?
01:11How are you, son?
01:13Pretty good.
01:14You OK, babe?
01:15Did you have a good night's sleep?
01:16My mattress is deflating.
01:17The best way to get a new mattress is to get a new bed.
01:28And put it inside a bedroom.
01:30So you better get up and over to the pre-start safety meeting.
01:34Cabinets for your wardrobes are coming in today.
01:39Over in house four, Carly and Brad are on site and prepping for the day ahead.
01:44I'm cold this morning, actually.
01:45It's not that cold.
01:46Way different cans.
01:47How are you feeling today, Brad?
01:48Oh, we've got to go for a, what, big drive today?
01:55Hopefully the ship can sail itself.
01:58So we're hoping to have plaster up?
02:00Yeah, it should be sheeted and set by the time we get back.
02:05Do you love it?
02:06I'm just sitting here eating while he's working.
02:07A team who will have plenty of time to eat this morning will be house five, who are on
02:12a one hour time penalty imposed by foreman Dan.
02:16Day three of bedroom week.
02:17I reckon by the end of today, everyone should be plastered and wardrobes should be going
02:23So house five, they're in a shutdown for an hour because of what happened yesterday with
02:27the fraudulent signatures.
02:28So they're going to be having a coffee for a bit, then they'll get back in an hour's
02:33I did get in trouble yesterday, I may have forged a couple of signatures for a building
02:45Carly's just got it up on the hammer tech and we've realised both our signatures have
02:49been forged by Christian.
02:54Where is your lovely wife right now?
02:56Mimi, I think she's having a sleep in.
02:58She knew that we had the hour penalty and she's like, you know what, that's your fault.
03:02I'm just going to stay in the tent, you go deal with that.
03:05Unless you mean sleepwalking, it looks like Mimi is up to some early morning fence mending.
03:11Hello mate, how are you?
03:13You good?
03:14I know the, you know, the gravity of the situation, like, you don't do that, that's just not
03:20Yes, we know, we know, we know.
03:21This is going to sit with me forever, that my husband forged signatures.
03:28We were together all day and he didn't communicate anything with me.
03:32We've had a week and a bit of building relationships with you guys, that's just, just did not sit
03:38right with me.
03:39That's all right.
03:40It's happened now, like we've, it's happened, we've spoken about it, so it's clean slate.
03:43Yeah, OK.
03:44And I apologise to Dan on your behalf.
03:46Because I'm innocent.
03:47Now, did you get in trouble last night?
03:51From Mimi.
03:52I think you got more in trouble off her than me.
03:53Yeah, I did.
03:54You're getting a stare right now.
03:55It was just a spare of the moment, stupid decision, just to get the guys working I guess,
04:05By trying to save time, you actually added more time.
04:09Don't cut corners, kids.
04:10Three, two.
04:11Righto, back to work.
04:12There they go.
04:13Let's go!
04:14House five aren't the only ones with a late start, as over at house one, Paige has finally
04:25crawled out of the tent and onto site.
04:29Morning, Dan.
04:30Have you just woken up?
04:33I was rushed to get to site.
04:35In the PJs?
04:36I can't say I've seen pyjamas on site before.
04:40But technically you've got your boots on and you've got your high-vis on.
04:44I'm safe.
04:45So I can't.
04:46I'm a safe person.
04:47You're safe.
04:48Wow, okay.
04:49I'm safe.
04:50I haven't seen it before, but technically Paige is good to work.
04:55Archie certainly has her work cut out for her, because her plans for the guest bedroom
04:59currently include white wall panelling, striped Grafico wallpaper and a queen-size bed, but
05:05that's where it stops, because Paige is at a loss as to how to finish styling the room.
05:12I think because I was quite tired, I just found the styling component a little bit harder
05:18to find my traction with than the bathroom.
05:23At the far end of the block, house four's builders have been able to start nice and
05:27early to have their framing finished, ready for insulation and plaster to go up on the
05:32walls, which is good, because Carly has decided on a bit of a design curveball.
05:37What's happening in our brains this week?
05:39Yeah, so this week I've just got to build a bedroom with a staged bed head, and then
05:46she can, she'll do the rest.
05:47I do the rest.
05:48So I'm wanting to create a headboard with two, like, LED square strips hidden, so I
05:54just, the boys were like, did you let the plaster in?
05:56I was like, no, because I just assumed that they, I don't know, I didn't know how hard
06:02it would be.
06:03We had a chat with Peter at Truecore to basically create the shape of the bed head.
06:11This week, Carly is hoping to design a multi-layered, protruding bed head.
06:15Then, in keeping with the judges' feedback, the room will be less dark, going with recessed
06:21lighting, white walls and light bed linen, but she is still going with a dark-coloured
06:27wardrobe for balance.
06:29I'll be, like, a bit of a showstopper, I think, just with something different.
06:34Fingers crossed.
06:35I need to win some money.
06:38Winning money means winning rooms, and after being pipped at the post by half a point in
06:43last week's judging, Courtney and Grant are keen to take out the top spot.
06:48Overall, like, the structural elements and, like, all, like, the hard fixing I'm happy
06:52with, but then, like, the styling pieces I want to perfect a bit.
06:58House 2's first bedroom will be for the kids, with twin single beds, bedside tables, pastel-striped
07:04wallpaper and their specially-designed recessed curved bed head, all of which could cost a
07:09pricty penny.
07:11And this morning, both Courtney and Grant are in panic mode after having received last
07:15week's trades bill.
07:16Oh, s***, honestly, if we don't fix this.
07:19How much are we overbuying?
07:22Well, last week, Labor was our big killer, probably a little overzealous with keeping
07:26trades around.
07:27I don't know how to, though.
07:28I don't know how I'm going to crawl that bat.
07:31Not only did their bill team's invoice come in over budget, the knock-on effect of poor
07:36time management has meant higher trade bills from every trade.
07:40Look, we've got a limited budget and a limited amount of time.
07:43Although 12 weeks is a long time, it's tiring.
07:46If you let things go, it's just going to, you know, it's going to make, you're going
07:49to lose, you're going to lose track very quickly.
07:51This means their initial room budget has ballooned out by 75 per cent, and if this
07:56trend continues, their total house budget of 250 grand will explode, meaning no amount
08:02of challenge or room wins will help them to finish their build.
08:07Just try and relax.
08:09It's a conversation that we, we can have with them, and it's about budget.
08:15I think we can meet at, meet in the middle.
08:17Are you going to talk to your builder about that, make sure that's managed well?
08:20Yeah, we want to, we want to chat to them properly, and yeah, we want it to come across
08:25in the right way as well.
08:27A team that is all over their plans is House 3.
08:31For this week, we read the brief from Domain, bunk beds was definitely on the list, so we
08:35started with that.
08:36If you're going to have a holiday place here on the island, there'd be no holiday house
08:40here without some bunk beds in it.
08:44Just like House 2, Rikki and Hayden are doing a kid's bedroom.
08:48Not only will it include bunk beds with reading lights concerts, but the boys are hoping their
08:53wall-mounted TV and PS5 gaming area will provide their room with a unique edge at this week's
09:00I suppose if Sparky start popping their heads in, it's just about remembering that we've
09:05got PowerPoint and power and **** inside that niche for that TV.
09:11You know, there's lots, lots of trades to organise in a really strict order that you've
09:14got to get it done in a strict timeline.
09:16Not only do the walls and electrical work need to be done.
09:19Can we do five and five?
09:21But it's also wardrobe delivery day.
09:23Now, once those wardrobes are in, the walls behind can't be changed.
09:28Kinsman wardrobes have been delivered and they made a late change for us to help us
09:31with our Graphico wall art.
09:32It's going to go up.
09:33I reckon this is going to be the room that had been done before.
09:37So hopefully, hopefully they fit.
09:38That's not our job, so they'd better fit.
09:42They look good though.
09:44Well, it was your job to sign off on the measurements, which is where House 5 has run into a Kinsman
09:50size problem.
09:52That doesn't stop you putting the ceiling in?
09:56And then losing a whole cupboard space isn't great either.
09:59Because House 5 is the only two-storey house on the block, the upstairs plumbing will affect
10:04the downstairs rooms.
10:05We were building a bedroom and a bathroom pretty much at the same time because without
10:12having the upstairs bathroom plumbing fitted, we weren't able to finish off our bulkhead
10:16in the bedroom.
10:17And this morning, Christian has been told that because he didn't plan for this properly,
10:22the Kinsman wardrobes that have just been delivered will not fit.
10:26Could have been because, you know, it was a little mistake that someone might have missed
10:31or something that we might have missed or something that everyone missed.
10:36And after someone...
10:38...tells Mrs. Someone what happened...
10:40Oh my God.'s time to deliver the news to Kinsman.
10:43I've got to leg it.
10:44I'm just talking to Kinsman about the problem that we've got.
10:46All right.
10:47OK, bye.
10:48Now, apparently a wall's just been moved.
10:51The room's actually smaller than it was, and we've got to do something with that plumbing.
10:54No, so it hasn't been moved.
10:56It just wasn't picked up on when we were measuring it.
10:58I'll show you what I mean.
11:00Kinsman wardrobes were not happy because he had five wardrobes to fit in that day, so
11:05that was just a major setback for him.
11:07We've got this here now that needs to be sort of just trimmed out, or just the cupboard
11:12starting from here.
11:13So I think we're going to be losing half a cupboard.
11:16Forward planning is important, but it's also very difficult, because these selections and
11:23decisions that you're making, they can't be changed.
11:26We can't cut a 900, you know.
11:28You can't do it at 450.
11:31That's the thing that's stressing me out the most.
11:32We are not going to finish this room.
11:37It's already a stressful morning on the block, and while each team is only delivering a single
11:53guest bedroom, forward planning for adjoining rooms must be taken into consideration.
11:59Because for House 5, not taking into account the upstairs bathroom's plumbing has meant
12:04the wardrobe won't fit in their bedroom the way it was designed, from Christian's original
12:12This is a massive misunderstanding.
12:13I was so sure we were measuring up for that far room when we were doing it.
12:18So we've got some plumbing here, so I think we're going to be losing half a cupboard.
12:23We can't cut a 900, you know.
12:24You can't do it at 450.
12:26You'd have to get another unit, so.
12:27But yeah, I'll get the drawings and I'll come back and we'll catch up.
12:35Just trying to get this layout right, because once everything gets plumbed and the bulkhead
12:39gets finished off, there's no access to those pipes ever again.
12:43So Kinsman have decided to solve the problem by adding an extra cupboard rather than completely
12:48deleting, so pretty much they're adding an extra 450mm cupboard instead of deleting a
12:53whole 900mm cupboard, which, you know, that helps out with our issue.
12:58What that means is that once the half-size cupboard is made and installed over the drainage,
13:04the wardrobe will fit perfectly with all pipes hidden behind bulkheads and panelling.
13:09The wardrobes will be sage in colour to match their bedhead, which will be sitting offset
13:14to their ported timber feature wall, creating a symmetrical room design, something that
13:20House 5 is hoping the judges will appreciate.
13:23We'll make it work somehow.
13:25That's what we're here for.
13:27Thank you very much.
13:29Let's do the party, let's do the party.
13:34Another big part of forward planning on the block is ensuring each house's kitchen design
13:39gets signed off nice and early, so that all materials can be made and delivered on time
13:44for kitchen week.
13:45Yeah, OK, cool.
13:46Yesterday, House 2 and 5 had their kitchen consults, and today it's time for everyone
13:52else to head into the city.
13:53Babe, I'm coming with you.
13:54I'm just putting my car.
13:57What's the number one rule of the block that we've seen everyone come undone with ever?
14:02The number one thing you always hear dancing.
14:03There needs to be one person to stay.
14:04Always one contestant on site.
14:05They did say, except for when you're planning your kitchen.
14:06One, two, three, four.
14:07460 Collins Street, Melbourne.
14:08I just like to have a companion.
14:09I have four kids that are hanging off me.
14:10I always take someone somewhere.
14:11Along with House 4's Kylie and Brad, it's the boys from House 3 and Jessie and Paige
14:31from House 1 at the Cosentino showroom, all battling it out in the style states.
14:36How you going?
14:37Take a seat, guys.
14:40Not only are we working on bedroom this week, we also have to go forward into our block
14:46future and think about our wonderful kitchen.
14:49And laundry.
14:50And laundry.
14:52So this is the Taj Mahal on a larger piece.
14:55I have no background in design.
14:57I have no background in styling.
14:59Do you like that?
15:00You know what?
15:01I do.
15:02I don't know how to define my style verbally.
15:10Brad and Kylie have a plan, but we don't have a plan.
15:16Kitchen of our dreams is sleek, textural, black.
15:21Okay, what's your overall aesthetic?
15:24Dark, moody, texture.
15:26I'm sticking to my guns with what I want to do.
15:30Let's just hope the judges agree.
15:33Last week, Kylie got some pretty harsh feedback from the judges about her dark and moody bathroom.
15:38The only thing that I like about this room is the skylight, because when I'm looking
15:42up, I don't have to see anything else in this room.
15:46It's such a catch, because I need to take on the feedback so I can sell the home.
15:50But then I want to be creating something that I wasn't envisioning.
15:54Okay, but we're not adding timbers in the actual cabinetry, we're going to keep that
15:58I do want to keep it dark.
16:00Dark bench top?
16:01Dark bench top.
16:02What about this one?
16:04House 4's kitchen design will feature a light oak flooring, large island made from Dekton
16:09stone, four-person seating area, twin ovens, stacked appliances, and of course, it's all
16:15dark in colour.
16:16I think seeing it in the big piece absolutely sells it.
16:20It's so beautiful.
16:23I love it.
16:24Completely sold.
16:26So guys, tell me, have you got a sink?
16:27No, we haven't.
16:28Okay, so let's do all black, but where's the feature going to be?
16:31Like, if you do a black under sink, it's just going to get completely hidden.
16:35I might have something for you, but you'd have to follow me down to the vault.
16:38The vault?
16:39Down to the vault, because this is an old bank.
16:40Oh, yeah, sure.
16:41We've got the original vaults downstairs.
16:44We get to see the vault?
16:46They've shopped for the arts in an old bank, and they took us down to their safe, because
16:50it's in an old...
16:51The vault.
16:52The vault.
16:54That's where they keep the goods off.
16:55Here we go, guys.
17:10Into the vault.
17:12This is where we keep the good stuff.
17:15Oh, wow.
17:17We have an AVI one-of-a-kind gold sink for your kitchen.
17:23That is incredible.
17:24A bit of bling.
17:25Everyone wants some bling.
17:26It was exactly what we need, to just give it that little bit of extra.
17:33Love it.
17:34Want it.
17:36It's all yours.
17:37Break it out of the vault.
17:38Let's break it out.
17:39While Kylie and Brad try and smuggle out their weight in gold, upstairs, Rikki and Hayden
17:44are about to receive a gift that is absolutely priceless.
17:49She's so pretty.
17:54It's your daddy.
17:55My little girl.
17:58It's been one week since Hayden's new bub, Matilda, was born.
18:02I'm out.
18:03I've got to go have a baby.
18:04But Hayden's wife, Chelsea, went into early labour.
18:07I'm going to be an uncle.
18:08I had him flown off the island and rushed to the hospital to meet his new bub.
18:13So today, being that Hayden has made his way into the city, Chelsea has brought little
18:18Tilly in for a surprise visit.
18:20Oh, why do you still smell so good?
18:23Yeah, sitting there working away, thinking that we've got our final design done, and
18:26boom, surprise of my life.
18:28In comes the two favourite women in my life.
18:31She's a tiny little thing.
18:34Do you want to meet Uncle Rikki?
18:36He's like, oh, I don't know who that is.
18:38Isn't that gorgeous?
18:43Uncle Rikki got to meet Tilly for the first time.
18:47Got to hold her.
18:52She's so peaceful.
18:54It's been a wild couple of weeks from block to babies to...
19:00It's just been wild.
19:04To be a part of it, and they're my family, so to now be responsible for protecting Tilly
19:11as well, it's an honour.
19:14And, you know, I'm pretty proud.
19:16All right, let's see this 2024 living kitchen of the block.
19:22So we've got 495 highs, and then we've got your little nook in the coastal oak.
19:29So that is your coffee tower.
19:31We've got a 1,200-sink cabinet and then a 600 fully integrated dishwasher.
19:36You could probably run a couple of floating shelves if you wanted to there, but actually
19:40it might do for a 50 to 600.
19:43Lucky all the major decisions have been made by that point.
19:47Struggled to concentrate for the rest of the consult after that.
19:50Yeah, didn't get much out of him after that.
19:52Well, it's time for you to go back to mum and me to go back to the block.
19:57We'll make this win kitchen, little bubs.
20:07Oh, my gosh, that is outstanding.
20:09Oh, she likes it too.
20:11See how our all-stars Dan and Danny rate the Blockheads' rooms
20:14when they award their weekly champs and chomps.
20:17Who are your champs?
20:19Exclusively at the block website.
20:27While Phillip Island is a beautiful place, it is a two-hour drive from Melbourne CBD,
20:33which means for this year's Blockheads, there's a lot more time spent in the car
20:37when heading shopping or going to design consults.
20:41And with Paige still stressed about her styling choices,
20:44she and partner Jessie are using the time together to de-stress and connect emotionally.
20:56It's one of the best parts of my day whilst I'm driving.
21:00Just finding somewhere to go.
21:02Is the view.
21:04On my way home, I took the coastal route,
21:07because you always have to take the coastal route if you get a choice.
21:11And I just saw this beautiful beach.
21:16You're actually off the block.
21:19How does it feel? You're off.
21:20I feel like I'm home.
21:22I know. How beautiful is it?
21:25It's so calm.
21:27You need to take any moment you can to just kind of decompress and just relax.
21:32I feel relaxed. I feel good.
21:34It feels good to have you around.
21:41My mum always said to Jessie, if she's getting a bit funny, put her to water.
21:49Put her in water, whether that's a shower.
21:51Spray her with the hose.
21:53Nah, I'm kidding.
21:54But take her to the beach.
21:56I don't want your help.
21:59We were actually saying last night, the three married couples and us,
22:03the dynamic is very much the same in the relationships.
22:06Very similar.
22:07All really strong, strong women.
22:10And just guys who just adore their partners and will do anything for them, you know.
22:18We all have our husbands by the balls.
22:22Not true.
22:23I'm joking.
22:30All of it?
22:35Looks like Christian can't catch a break.
22:37He's been caught ripping the insulation bats in half
22:40and just shoving them in the roof rather than placing them in the correct sizes,
22:45which means they aren't to code.
22:48Another silly decision made.
22:51Instead of putting the whole bats in,
22:53I didn't realise you had to put the whole thing in.
22:55So I just ripped them in half and put them up.
22:58Looks like you've been tearing it apart to make it fit.
23:01That's no longer an R7, it's now like a...
23:06So maybe neaten it up a bit.
23:08All right.
23:11I got a good laugh out of it, but it wasn't funny for my builders
23:15who were then waiting for me to re-insulate the whole ceiling.
23:17I've learned, week two, it won't happen again for the rest of the show.
23:26Learning lessons is all part of the block journey,
23:28and for Grant in house two,
23:30it's a lesson in managing his budget and his trains.
23:34Budget last week, mate, the consistent delays of them going,
23:36yeah, yeah, it'll be ready, it'll be ready, it'll be ready,
23:38has then turned into us paying for plasterers that are waiting to be here,
23:42and I'm literally going to the point of going,
23:44this is when you promised, this is when they started,
23:46this is the delay, this is what's coming out of your bill.
23:49Yeah, mate, you're the client.
23:51It's between you and the builder to negotiate there.
23:54Smart, you're a good man.
23:55Thanks, Dan.
23:56You're onto it early, and that's got to be resolved.
24:01Earlier today, Grant received his trades invoice,
24:04which was $15,000 over budget,
24:07all stemming from his builders' poor time management
24:10and having twice as many trades on site than any other house.
24:14Hard having those conversations with those builders
24:17when you're wanting to keep them?
24:19No, not for me, not particularly.
24:22Perfectly, the outcome is they understand the money
24:24that was lost last week due to just mismanagement.
24:27They can come to the party in terms of a reduction in their bill,
24:30and that still won't get us to a perfect spot,
24:32but it'll get us to a lot better spot.
24:34As long as we deliver it the right way.
24:36I think it's just about your delivery.
24:39I'm not paying for it. I'm not paying for it at all.
24:41Today? OK, fine.
24:42For today, you won't pay for four?
24:44Yeah. That's fine.
24:45We're happy to volunteer, two guys, if you don't want to pay.
24:48If you haven't got enough cash, that's fine.
24:50No, it's not about the cash.
24:51It's about you guys not as being productive as the teams with two men.
24:54It's as simple as that.
24:55If that's your opinion, that's fine. You're entitled to that.
24:58And we're going to stay four, get the job done.
25:00OK, that's fine.
25:01And if you don't want to pay for today, that's fine.
25:18As the sun sets on another day,
25:20Christian has ignored his dodgy ceiling insulation
25:23and has moved onto the walls.
25:26I think the plasterers are coming first thing in the morning,
25:29so I've got to do all my insulation.
25:32Brodie boy!
25:33It's crack-a-lackin'.
25:35All right, mate?
25:37Aren't you meant to do the wall behind that one?
25:39What do you mean?
25:41What do you mean, what do I mean?
25:42What do you mean, what do you mean?
25:43You have to do that one.
25:45And this one.
25:53We've all had to get the outer inspected.
25:57And then do the front one.
25:59And then do the front one.
26:00Because if they see daylight through there, they'll be like,
26:02hey, why can't I see through two layers of insert?
26:07It's all sealed, though, and wrapped, so it should be all right.
26:11Fingers crossed.
26:14Where's Mimi?
26:16Is she going to come help me?
26:18So Mimi was meant to help me insulate,
26:20so they left me to do the whole entire room by myself.
26:23What happened?
26:24So I spent an hour or two sort of grinding away at it.
26:30And then I got into an argument with Christian because of his insulating.
26:37Because Christian is huge on measure twice.
26:40That's wrong.
26:46What about the guy saying that you're doing it wrong?
26:50I did this.
26:51It was stupid.
26:52I made a mistake.
26:53That's it.
26:54It's fixed.
26:55But how many mistakes do you want to keep doing?
26:56Go out if you're going to act like this.
26:58I'm trying to get this done so I can go to bed.
27:00I'm over it.
27:01Christian, just go to bed.
27:04We need this done so we can...
27:05I will do it.
27:07Come and help me.
27:08I want to do it by myself.
27:10It's hard, Mimi.
27:11It's not for me.
27:12The ceiling.
27:13Have you done ceiling baths before?
27:14Christian, I'm going to do it.
27:16Have you done ceiling baths before?
27:19Just show me how to do it and I'll do it by myself.
27:22Why can't you just listen to me?
27:24I'll come do it then.
27:26You need to go to bed first.
27:28I don't want to do it while you're here.
27:30I'll show you how to do it and then you can do it.
27:33That's what I'm saying.
27:34Why are you being like that?
27:49You're the designer.
27:51Wings of a butterfly, eyes of a tiger.
27:54Whatever you want, baby, choose your fighter.
28:01Oh my God.
28:03It was a rough night because I think I had a lot of emotions.
28:07So I got upset at Christian.
28:09He was like cutting corners, like doing insulation.
28:12So he didn't do it properly.
28:15I've never insulated before.
28:18What did you do last week?
28:20I've never insulated before properly.
28:22And I've never...
28:23Did we do it not properly last week?
28:28It was different because we had new...
28:33Maybe I am a villain and I don't even know.
28:35Do I not have self-awareness?
28:38You're not a villain, me.
28:44My phone is dropping.
28:45I just can't hold it.
28:49I heard you failed miserably yesterday.
28:51Yes, sure did.
28:55That wall's good.
28:56That wall's good.
28:57There's still a gap up here.
28:59That's got to come out and get redone.
29:02This corner over here, gap there.
29:06Foreman Dan came over and then said
29:08that that looked like a dog's breakfast.
29:11It wasn't compliant.
29:13No gaps.
29:15All right, mate.
29:17Come back.
29:19Builders were then waiting for me to re-insulate the whole ceiling.
29:22Losing a bit of time here from cutting corners.
29:26I hate my life.
29:27I'm a bad guy.
29:31In some very similar cranky vibes
29:33over in house one with Paige,
29:35who has woken up on the wrong side of the tent
29:38and is no longer smitten with partner Jessie
29:40after yesterday's beach trip
29:42because she's still stressing about her styling.
29:48I'm a bit of a hothead if no-one has picked that up yet.
29:52I do...
29:54I go zero to 100 really, really quick.
29:57Dying to see you.
29:58I'm dying to see you too.
30:00It's so hard being away from you.
30:02Just stop.
30:04Just stop.
30:08We were thinking about swapping next week.
30:12Cos I'm f***ing over it.
30:14So what, do you want me to go shopping
30:15and you help Zac put the bulkhead up and do demo?
30:18Are you asking that because you clearly know
30:20that I don't know how to put a bulkhead up?
30:23You'd be holding one side for him.
30:25It's just like...
30:26If your job's that easy,
30:27then what f*** am I doing doing the hardest job?
30:31So what do you want to do to make your life easier?
30:34I want to buy a mattress for my tent.
30:38Well, we've got a 40-weeks mattress coming on Saturday.
30:41That's not today, is it?
30:44We'll pump up the mattress tonight and it's going to be better.
30:47You said you'd pump up the mattress yesterday.
30:49And then it was too late, so we're doing other stuff.
30:51Too late?
30:52What do you mean it's too late?
30:54We're up until f***ing 2 o'clock every morning.
31:08What are you doing, mate?
31:09I come bearing presents.
31:11I like it.
31:12Firstly, watch this.
31:13This is unreal.
31:14You missed the car.
31:15Oh, stop it.
31:16Do they all do that?
31:18Oh, now!
31:19I thought you might want to have that barbecue, mate.
31:21Evercool fridge-freezer.
31:24But what's inside?
31:26It's a magical fridge.
31:28Every two days, it refills itself.
31:31With what?
31:32Well, with your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
31:34It is!
31:35Stop it!
31:37It's all light and easy products.
31:39Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
31:41Why do we need that?
31:43Best day on the block.
31:45Got all our light and easy.
31:46Got a nice camping fridge, too.
31:48It smiles all around.
31:54And it also looks like most houses are making good headway
31:57with their guest bedrooms.
31:59With the framing up, walls insulated and plastered,
32:02as well as the Kingsman wardrobes starting to come together,
32:05everything seems to be on track.
32:08Well, except for our spot.
32:10Now, one thing.
32:12Our sewer pipe here.
32:15We're going to want that lagged.
32:17Nothing worse than when someone flushes upstairs in your bedroom
32:20and you can hear it running down.
32:22When you do a number one or number two upstairs
32:24and you flush the toilet,
32:26obviously it travels down this pipe.
32:28And the pipe goes behind the cupboard,
32:30but the lagging wraps around this pipe
32:32so that you don't hear the toilet flush.
32:35So you're just going to have to ring up Rhys,
32:37get some lagging,
32:39and then Marty, our plumber, will show you how it's done
32:41and then you'll do it.
32:42We want to do that before we do our bulkhead.
32:45Our builder, Dan, came up to me after
32:48and, like, you know, we're smashing it, we're doing really well,
32:50but he goes, look, you can do better.
32:52He goes, make sure you start writing things down.
32:54Make sure you start, you know, ticking things off.
32:56He said that last week.
33:00Because if you don't, you're going to end up forgetting things.
33:03There's Marty. There he is.
33:05Here's Marty.
33:06He'll show you how to lag.
33:07I told Christian, if someone tells you to do something,
33:09write it down.
33:11You could have done the lagging instead of sleeping in this morning.
33:14I had a nice sleep in.
33:17Princess, meaning a man or woman who is high maintenance.
33:22Which is different from Paige, who is tipping, meaning...
33:26Dipping. I'm, like, out.
33:30Like, this environment is not healthy.
33:33It's not what I thought it would be.
33:35What did you think it would be?
33:37I thought you would have...
33:38Well, they kept on saying,
33:40you're going to have so much autonomy.
33:42To build your own house?
33:44Not even to build your own house.
33:46They're like, we don't care if you want to surf all day,
33:48just as long as we're filming it.
33:50But then when you ask to go do something,
33:52they're just like, no, you can't leave on Thursdays.
33:56You can't leave on Fridays.
33:57Even Sundays, like, all the...
33:59You can't leave on Sunday.
34:00Them, you're going to have so much time on Sunday.
34:02You can't leave.
34:03I know.
34:05And that's why I'm probably not going to be here as of tomorrow.
34:08So if you guys are listening to this,
34:10I think you should actually start looking for replacements.
34:16Like, legitimately, I don't say things that I'm not going to do.
34:27I'm probably not going to be here as of tomorrow.
34:31I'm, like, out.
34:38Like, legitimately, I don't say things that I'm not going to do.
34:43Hi, babe.
34:44What's going on?
34:47Nothing much.
34:50I went to the car to go out and I noticed something.
34:53I went to the car to go out and I noticed something going on
34:56and I thought, what's going on over here?
34:58And I saw Paige and Jessie having a big chat,
35:00so I thought I'd wander over and see if I can help them out in any way.
35:05No, I'm actually going to leave tomorrow.
35:07I'm out.
35:08No, you're not doing that.
35:10Yeah, Paige was not in a good shape,
35:12so she was going to head out by herself on the road,
35:15so I thought, you know what?
35:16We're both heading out.
35:17Let's road trip together.
35:19I'll drive.
35:20Have you eaten?
35:23Not yet.
35:25I just don't really think about it.
35:27I know I can come off very crass and maybe a bit spicy to everyone else,
35:34but it's never that deep to me.
35:36I just need to let it out.
35:49So you doing all right?
35:51Oh, God.
35:52Not this morning, eh?
35:54Not this morning.
35:55What happened?
35:56You just had enough?
36:00It's just like everything's so hard to find.
36:02Yeah, but you're going to go through those.
36:04The mattress is just ****** off.
36:08I think she was struggling with the whole block experience.
36:12I know.
36:13I just also feel like I'm just so ******.
36:15Like, I just don't know what I'm doing.
36:17Me either.
36:18It just kind of hits you and you're like, I'm not an interior designer.
36:20Yeah, me either.
36:21Like, that's just crazy, though.
36:23Me either.
36:24And we're just being judged on it.
36:26Yeah, that's all right.
36:28I just feel like so inadequate.
36:30We drove from the island to Frankston.
36:32We went to JB Hi-Fi,
36:35picked the TV that we wanted for our wall for the kids' room,
36:38the PS5 to go with it, so got the works, full kit.
36:41This is very fitting.
36:42Dead island.
36:43Dead island.
36:44That's for us, yeah.
36:45Good fun.
36:46Good, precious cargo.
36:48PS5, baby.
36:49I had such a wonderful day with Hayden.
36:52We have so much in common.
36:54We talked about the same TV shows, the same movies.
36:58That's another series you've got to watch.
37:00I used to love Top Gear.
37:02We both love ice cream.
37:04Should we get Maccas?
37:07Yeah, let's do it.
37:08I could go for some Mickey D.
37:09We both don't like chocolate ice cream, though.
37:12Can we please get two Caramello McFlurries?
37:17Definitely not chocolate.
37:18We don't like chocolate.
37:20And Paige, you've been having a rough day.
37:22Should we get you a Happy Meal?
37:24A Happy Meal?
37:25Yeah, get me a Happy Meal.
37:27We've got a Happy Meal for Paige as well.
37:29She needs a little bit of happiness in the day.
37:31Have I really been that bad today?
37:33I think you're bad today.
37:35There's the stitcher.
37:42Thanks heaps.
37:44You too.
37:45He felt like an older brother,
37:46and it was so needed and so nice and so selfless of him.
37:50Really great role model to have,
37:51because he's such an amazing person.
37:53He's going to make such a great dad.
37:54He's a girl dad as well.
37:57Lucky we like the exact same thing.
38:00Like the exact same thing.
38:01Ice cream, sweet and sour sauce and nuggets.
38:05Speaking of nuggets,
38:06Christian's about to get kicked in his again.
38:14Yes, yes, yes.
38:15Yes, yes, yes.
38:17Something missing?
38:19The lagging?
38:22I can do that from up there.
38:24Well, what about the vertical?
38:34Christian has forgotten to apply the sound lagging
38:36to both the horizontal and vertical sections
38:39of his upstairs bathroom drainpipe.
38:42And now that Kingsman have installed the wardrobe,
38:44there's no more access to it.
38:46Kingsman have got all these other houses they've got to do.
38:49Yeah, I understand.
38:50Now you've missed his critical part.
38:57Don't look at me, I don't know.
39:02With so much on my mind and trying to plan,
39:05I forgot to lag the pipe,
39:07and Bryce from Kingsman Wardrobes
39:10had already fitted our wardrobe in.
39:13So unfortunately, due to my error,
39:17he had to remove the last cabinet
39:20so that I could lag the pipe.
39:24Once you pull it out, it never goes back in the same way,
39:26no matter how hard you try.
39:28I don't know what lagging is.
39:29I didn't know my job was to lag.
39:31I thought that was a plumber's job.
39:35Our sewer pipe here.
39:37We're going to want that lagged.
39:39We want to do that before we do our bulkhead.
39:48See if TikTok can help him.
39:50Measure pipe, then cut to size.
39:54Wrap tape using plenty of tape.
39:59Do not use TikTok as a reliable information source
40:02when building a house.
40:04There's the lagging.
40:05There it is.
40:07Beautiful, mate.
40:11What tape have you got?
40:12Yeah, duct tape.
40:14No, you've got to use the proper silver tape for it.
40:19Where did you get that from?
40:20Same place you got that from.
40:22I'll give that.
40:24You've got to do things right, mate.
40:27No shortcuts.
40:30How the f*** am I meant to know
40:33that you need a special tape for this lagging?
40:37Christian, how you going, mate?
40:38Hey, Marty. Good, thank you. How are you?
40:41You wouldn't happen to have any of the silver tape
40:43on site stashed somewhere?
40:46Strike one.
40:47Have you got any by any chance in store?
40:52Strike two.
40:53Do you sell any lagging tape there,
40:56like the silver tape that the plumbers use?
41:01Yeah, all good. Thank you.
41:03OK, bye-bye.
41:05And that's strike three.
41:25I got lunch.
41:27What's wrong?
41:29I'll talk to you when we sit down.
41:31I just need a break.
41:34What's wrong?
41:38With all the frustration,
41:39I just needed to take five minutes aside
41:43and have lunch as maybe we arrived home.
41:46What did you do wrong?
41:48So I had to install this soundproofing thing for the pipe.
41:50Told you.
41:51Did you know that, though?
41:52No. How is anyone meant to know that?
41:54Done the pipe, and I used duct tape,
41:56and they go, oh, you can't do it without,
41:57you have to use a special tape.
42:00But you were meant to do it before the cupboards went in?
42:02And you didn't know?
42:03I feel like
42:05isn't the lesson of the week to just ask
42:07if we don't know anything?
42:08Why, when they deliver the lagging,
42:10do they not give you the tape that you need to lag?
42:13To me, that just, that didn't make sense.
42:17Hi, Daniel.
42:18Can I use this for lagging?
42:24Yay! We've got it!
42:27Is this approved, though?
42:29That's the staff. That'll be what you need.
42:32That took a lot longer than I was hoping.
42:34So fortunately, we got our hands on some of the special lagging tape,
42:39and were able to fit the lagging,
42:41and the cupboard was able to go back in.
42:43I'm stuck.
42:45Oh, f*** it, though.
42:48Was it just that tape that was the issue?
42:51It's on his man period.
43:02It's been a full-on couple of days on the block,
43:05and each team's guest bedrooms, or kids' rooms,
43:07are coming together nicely.
43:09Mate, you're in a good spot.
43:10Mate, you're in a good spot here.
43:16In house three, it's walls up and wardrobes in,
43:20ready for painting.
43:22Put it over your head.
43:24Whoa, it's got a cut in it.
43:26All right, and lay it down on the ground.
43:28Whoa, it's got a cut in it.
43:29All right, and lay it down on the ground.
43:31You made that look good.
43:34We needed the plaster done, and we needed to be able to sand,
43:37we needed to be able to paint the whole room,
43:39because we had blinds going in, we had carpet going in,
43:42we had Graphico wall art going in the next day.
43:44There was a lot of stuff that had to happen.
43:47This week, we'll also see houses two and four
43:49competing in the battle of the bedheads.
43:52And I like the fact that the arch isn't too high,
43:55because it is a kids' bedroom.
43:58In the red corner is Courtney and Grant
44:00with their curved and recessed design.
44:03It also opens up the space a little bit,
44:05having that arch as well.
44:07If we were going to have two bedheads, two beds,
44:09two bedside tables, like, it might have been a bit too much.
44:12So the boys have been in and at it and on it and everything,
44:15and they're doing really well.
44:16They're probably going to be finished for the next hour or so.
44:20We're making good time.
44:21And in the green corner,
44:23it's Carly and Brad with their multi-tiered protruding design.
44:26So this week, I've based all my painting off the art
44:30from Art Lovers Australia.
44:31So I thought painting the bedhead Summer Peach, it's called,
44:36which ties in really well with the art.
44:39And then the rest, I was just going to do white.
44:42Let's just be boring and do white.
44:45Oh, good.
44:48I'm going to be painting tonight.
44:50I'll be painting.
44:51I have my painting licence revoked.
44:53Lost too many demerit points.
44:54You can cut the channels for the lighting.
45:00Even House 5 has had time to catch up
45:02with their builders now installing this week's secret weapon,
45:06an asymmetrical design quarter timber feature wall.
45:10Yes, inspections have all been passed.
45:12We have got most of our timber feature up.
45:15So, yeah, good to go now.
45:18Mimi has even had time to go and check on Jessie in House 1.
45:22Where's Paige?
45:23Shopping with Hayden.
45:25Oh, cute.
45:34Is this the new couple on the block?
45:36Yeah, they look like Jessie.
45:38Where have you been, mate?
45:40And even though Hayden had bought Paige a Happy Meal to cheer her up,
45:43it seems as though its effects were only temporary.
45:49You live such a settled...
45:53..such a settled life and very, like, structured
45:56to then go into, like, chaos
45:58where you're not eating at the right same times,
46:00not drinking as much water, not sleeping as many hours as you do.
46:04It affects anyone, doesn't it?
46:06It's, like, it's all, like, whoa.
46:12I don't know what it is about the east side of the world
46:15I don't know what it is about the east side of this country.
46:20Everyone's just so emotional, man.
46:22I literally feel like I'm in my work group chat.
46:25Yeah, I know.
46:26In person.
46:27I know.
46:31She's not like that all the time, you know?
46:34Tiredness, fatigue.
46:36It turns you into someone different.
46:52Are you good?
46:55I'm, like, pretty over it.
47:00Like, in all seriousness, yeah.
47:04I actually think, like, I'm out.
47:08Like, I don't want to sit in a circle and come by yard
47:10and talk about my feelings when I don't have any.
47:15I've pretty much made my mind up, to be honest.
47:20I just don't f***ing want to be here.
47:23I just, I have no f***ing feeling.
47:25You left, didn't you?
47:27I'm done.
47:36Tomorrow night, Ricky's heart is on fire.
47:41Thanks for acknowledging me.
47:42I may or may not have had a crush on her, and I still do.
47:46But who wouldn't? It's Shelley.
47:49A competition flares up.
47:51Are we going to war?
47:52This year, there's another twist.
47:54It's going to be fantastic.
47:58And house one's relationship is burning down.
48:01I'm sick of wasting time.
48:03Why don't you just talk to me next time?
48:05How does that sound?
48:09And on Sunday night...
48:11This is really very classic.
48:14This is another level.
48:16I was expecting more from them.
48:18The judges don't hold back.
48:20It's a good room. It's not a great room.
48:23I don't even think it's a good room.