Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation- Season 1 - Episode 1 - English Dubbed

  • last month
An outcast gets reincarnated as Rudeus Greyrat in another world while retaining the knowledge of his past life. He vows to achieve success and enjoy fun-filled adventures in his new beginning.


00:33Two high school students stopped by witnesses who have also been injured in the incident are currently missing.
00:37A search is underway. Requesting immediate backup. Over.
00:41Wonder if those kids made it out okay.
00:45Be careful. He's heavy.
00:48Heh, you're not lying. I've been a hermit for twenty years. All I had to do for a meal is pound on the wall.
00:54See this? I need to prepare for it. Let's do it.
01:01Sir, can you hear me? Do you know where you are?
01:05Chill out, bud. You don't have to yell.
01:08Epabuhia. Hakunada. Taku.
01:11Huh? Who's that?
01:13Blood pressure dropping.
01:14Prep a transfusion. Stay with us. Can you tell me your name, sir? Can you hear me?
01:19Ugh. I'm dying, aren't I? Oh well. It's not like I had some awesome plans in mind.
01:27I wish I'd at least gotten to lose my virginity. This is weak.
01:32Epabuhia. Taika Sayakawa. Pahailza.
01:36Even called Venus. Pahailza.
01:42Ugh, my eyes. Am I still alive?
01:49What are you so excited about?
01:52Seriously? How could you just pick me up? I'm a grown-ass man. Don't look at me like that.
01:58Stay away from me!
02:01What was that about?
02:04Heyo! Well, well. The hottie looks happy to see me.
02:09Her tits are huge!
02:13What language is that? And where am I? This isn't a hospital.
02:19Now what the hell is he doing? I'm seriously injured over here.
02:23But she's gorgeous. European?
02:26Either way, if she's just gonna leave herself open like that...
02:47I get it. I've been reincarnated.
02:50Who'd have guessed something that ridiculous could happen in real life?
02:55Paul and Zenith. If I had to guess, I'd say they're in their mid-twenties.
03:00I'm thirty-four, so they're practically kids to me.
03:03Gotta admit, I'm jealous they're making babies at that age.
03:07Still getting to suck on a hottie's fun bags for free rules!
03:11Didn't turn me on, though. Maybe cause she's my mom?
03:16Rudy! Hey, where are you?
03:21Yeah, she's looking for me. My name is Rudeus now.
03:25After six months, I've got a good grasp on the language here.
03:29They say babies are like sponges, but I like to think I'm a fast learner.
03:42That's our maid, Lelia. I'm a big fan of her... talents.
03:50There you are!
03:52You have to stop wandering off like that, sweetheart.
03:56These don't go on your head, okay?
03:58Lelia, what's wrong?
04:01I hope that you'll forgive me if this is out of line, Lady Zenith, but...
04:05the way he acts... I fear Master Rudeus may be afflicted by some kind of...
04:10Uh, never mind. Please, pay it no mind.
04:12All right, but you don't need to be concerned. He's just a baby.
04:16He can't possibly know better at his age.
04:19Of course not.
04:26Oh, that's one hell of a view. Looks like a painting.
04:30Yeah, this has to be somewhere in Europe.
04:33It's nice, but I've never wanted to live in the boonies.
04:37Oh, electricity or gas, what year is it?
04:41Being reborn is great and all, but I still miss my computer.
04:49Whoa, what?
04:52Whoa, what?
04:55What is he doing?
04:58Oh, crap!
05:02Oh, Rudy! Rudy!
05:05Young Master!
05:08You're not hurt, are you?
05:11Easy there, sugar britches.
05:13Careful with my head, I just whacked it on the floor.
05:15A fall like that and he still won't cry?
05:18That's my strong boy.
05:20But just in case, I'll cast a spell to help the pain.
05:24I don't want my baby to hurt.
05:34Let this divine power be rich and nourishing.
05:36Come on, are you kidding me?
05:38Either this is this country's version of kissing a boo-boo,
05:41or both of my parents are role-playing nerds and the fighter married the cleric.
06:02There, you should be right as rain now, little one.
06:05I bet you'd never guess, but your mommy used to be an adventurer.
06:08What happened? I heard a thud.
06:10Oh, darling, Rudy fell off the windowsill and hit his head.
06:13Calm down. Accidents like that are how kids learn to be tough.
06:16Besides, if he really hurts...
06:17This isn't Europe, is it?
06:19But what if next time he gets so badly hurt that I can't heal him?
06:23You worry too much.
06:24Well, this can only mean one thing.
06:26This isn't Earth. It's another world entirely.
06:32A world of swords and sorcery.
06:44Now that I'm two and I can walk...
06:47I wonder if Mom will teach me magic.
06:52Now there's a word that would even excite a normie.
06:55I want to try it out as soon as possible,
06:58though there probably aren't many spells a toddler can pull off.
07:31There are only five books in the house,
07:33so either they're expensive in this world or Paul and Zenith aren't big readers.
07:38Hard to wrap my brain around since I used to have almost a thousand.
07:42They were all light novels, but still.
07:45That's no good. I guess I'll have to learn to read all over again.
07:51A little over a year has passed.
07:53We only have two storybooks, but Paul's been reading them aloud to me.
07:58Now I can more or less read on my own.
08:01They've seen me looking over our reference books,
08:03but I don't think anyone thinks I can understand them at my age.
08:07Unsurprisingly, the Magic Manual is my favorite.
08:11Some of the concepts are similar to stories I remember from my old life.
08:15For instance, there are two ways to perform magic, incantations and magic circles.
08:20Sounds like incantations are the more common method these days.
08:24There's a lot of interesting background, but there's one thing that worries me.
08:27Apparently the amount of mana someone has is basically fixed at birth,
08:31and though power can be inherited, I don't trust my genes to do much heavy lifting.
08:36Well, I won't know what I can do until I give it a shot.
08:44Okay, let the vast and blessed protection of water converge where thou seekest.
08:49I call forth, refreshing burbling stream thereof, here and now, Waterball.
09:15Shouldn't it go flying or something?
09:20One more try.
09:24This is like practicing combos in a fighting game.
09:27Concentrate, picture it over and over again, really feel it, then unleash it.
09:53But I didn't even do the incantation.
09:56What gives?
09:59Seriously, I'm out of MP already?
10:06Oh, you poor thing.
10:08When you get tired, you need to go to the toilet before you fall asleep.
10:12This sucks. I'm too old to look like I wet myself.
10:16Dammit, stop crying.
10:23That was good.
10:32Through my experiments, I made a few discoveries.
10:34That stupid textbook doesn't know what it's talking about.
10:37Magic power grows the more you use it, and spells work even without reciting incantations.
10:42Most importantly, I guess I shouldn't believe everything I read.
10:46But if it's this easy, what's the point of incantations in the first place?
10:54Maybe they trigger magical effects automatically?
10:56I haven't tried other spells yet, but I wonder if you can just say the words and not focus so strongly on how a spell feels.
11:03If that's the case, I see why they're so common.
11:06First of all, they're easy to teach.
11:09If any schmuck can do magic with the right phrase, you don't have to waste time with convoluted explanations of energy coursing through your veins and whatnot.
11:17The second advantage is convenience.
11:20Attack magic, obvi, is used in combat.
11:23It's easier rattling off a chant than closing your eyes and concentrating on a spell in the heat of the moment.
11:29Alright, it's way past your bedtime, kid.
11:33Oh, Paul! You're a beast!
11:36A beast for your love.
11:38Take me to the tower!
11:40My growing mana is another mystery.
11:42Maybe I misinterpreted what the book was really saying.
11:45Is there an eventual cap on your mana that no training can increase?
11:49Or you're max gross as you get older?
11:52Yeah, in that case, starting out so young probably increases my maximum power!
11:57But it's still too soon to draw conclusions.
12:03And I shouldn't discount the possibility that I'm just a badass.
12:07This is so easy now!
12:09Whoa, lightheaded. Cool it.
12:12Whatever the case may be, all signs point down the same path.
12:15Gotta start grinding my skills while I'm still young.
12:22I guess I should figure out how to make these things fly.
12:39Huh? What the?
12:53Yes! Finally!
12:55Turns out spells have an order of operations.
12:58First you call forth the element.
13:00Finalize the size, then set the speed.
13:02And when you release it, off it goes.
13:05I guess this is where incantations might come in handy.
13:08I'd been trying to set a firing speed before finalizing size.
13:17Now that I've built up my power, let's see what I can do with intermediate magic.
13:24Supple spirit of water and princess of the streams that flow through the earth,
13:29sweep away all that is before me with your hidden inner might.
13:34Splash flow.
14:00Rudy! Are you-
14:03What happened in here?
14:10Are you hurt?
14:12Monster attack, maybe?
14:14No way. Not in broad daylight.
14:17What's this?
14:22Now, sweetheart, you didn't happen to read some of this out loud, did you?
14:27Oh, lady, you're freaking me out.
14:29Please don't look at me like that.
14:31Did I screw up?
14:32Does this world have witch trials for kids who use magic or something?
14:35I don't want to get burned at the stake!
14:40I'm real sorry.
14:42Darling, did you hear that?
14:44I always knew our little boy was a junior!
14:47Hang on a minute. This is an intermediate spell.
14:49This is for a magic tutor right away!
14:51Are you sure that was him? We haven't even taught him to read.
14:53But tell it like that and he'll grow up to be an amazing mage!
14:57Slow down, Zenith. We decided that if we had a boy, he would be a swordsman.
15:01But we didn't know he'd be doing intermediate magic by now.
15:04Sorry. A promise is a promise.
15:06Don't talk to me about promises. You break yours all the time.
15:09Don't throw that in my face. We're not talking about me.
15:12Why not teach him magic in the morning and swordsmanship in the afternoon?
15:17Either way, we shouldn't fight like that in front of the baby.
15:20Yes, you're right.
15:22That settled it. They're getting me a tutor.
15:25Paul doesn't have what you'd call a normal job.
15:28But as the knight who watches over our village, he's technically a low-ranking noble.
15:32There's no other way we could afford a live-in maid and a tutor.
15:36Still, we live in the sticks of the outer border.
15:39I didn't think anyone would apply for a gig all the way out here.
15:43But they found someone in no time.
15:46In a sleepy little town like this, my parents were expecting a retired adventurer.
15:51You know the type.
15:53A middle-aged man or older, billowing cloak, long brushy beard.
15:57A veteran spellcaster who really screams wizened mage.
16:01My name's Roxy Migurdia. Pleased to meet you.
16:07What the hell? Forget a beard. She doesn't look like she can grow hair anywhere.
16:12My great teacher is a socially awkward lolly with resting bitch face.
16:16She's perfect. I'd totally marry her.
16:19Oh, I take it that you must be the home tutor.
16:22But aren't you awfully...
16:24She's so little!
16:26Well, you're one to talk, aren't you?
16:28Guess she's touchy about it, huh?
16:30I wasn't even talking about her chest.
16:32So, where is this brilliant student of mine?
16:35Oh, he's right here.
16:38Ugh. Yeah, you hate to see it.
16:42Some kids show signs of being an early bloomer and their idiot parents think that means they're special.
16:47Uh, we're standing right here.
16:49What was that?
16:51Nothing. Only that I'm not sure that a boy your son's age will be able to comprehend magic theory.
16:57Don't you worry. Our little Rudy here is a genius. You'll see.
17:01Ugh. I understand. In that case, I'll do what I can.
17:06Wait, are we doing it outside?
17:08Naturally. Where else?
17:16Generally speaking, there are only three different types of magic.
17:20Those are attack, healing, and summoning magic.
17:23Spells and the mages who cast them are divided into seven ranks.
17:26Elementary, intermediate, advanced, saint, king, emperor, and god.
17:31To use any kind of spell, you need to tap into magical power.
17:34This can either be your own innate power or a dedicated magic circle for whatever spell you're-
17:39Hey, what's the matter?
17:41Uh, nothing.
17:44Anyway, I'll start by showing you an incantation. Repeat after me.
17:49Do you have to say the incantation?
17:51Uh, yeah.
17:53How else are you gonna cast?
17:54Confirmed. I'm a badass.
17:59Let the vast and blessed protection of water converge where thou seekest.
18:02I call forth a refreshing burbling stream thereof here.
18:05Water ball.
18:13What do you think?
18:14Uh, miss, my mom loves that tree and spends lots of time caring for it.
18:18She's gonna be angry that you broke it.
18:22Don't move. I'll be right back.
18:24Let this divine power be rich and nourishing,
18:28offering those whose strength has been lost the strength to rise again.
18:35Whoa, not bad.
18:37You can use healing magic just like my mom!
18:39Yes, up to intermediate level.
18:41Awesome! You're really talented!
18:43Not really. I mean, anyone can do that with the proper training, but that's kind of you to say.
18:48Voluntary will get you everywhere.
18:51All right, now you try it.
18:55So, Roxy and the magic manual both think you have to use incantations to cast.
19:01I've been ignoring them from day one, but maybe that's taboo.
19:04I'll save them for now in case they turn out to be important later.
19:08How does this one go again? She just said it.
19:11Let the vast and blessed protection of water converge where thou seekest.
19:20Care to explain yourself?
19:22It's nothing!
19:24How did I do?
19:26You cut the incantation in half.
19:30Do you always abridge it like that?
19:33Well, I normally...
19:35Skip it.
19:36You what?
19:39Okay, wordless spellcasting. I see.
19:44It looks like this kid will be worth training after all.
19:58Roxy! Please don't use my trees as practice dummies!
20:05Figures that I'd screw it all up on day one.
20:09I suppose I'll be fired tomorrow.
20:11I'm sorry you got yelled at, miss. That was all my fault.
20:15Dammit! I haven't had a real conversation in almost 20 years.
20:20I've no idea what I'm supposed to do now.
20:23Oh, wait. I've done this a thousand times.
20:26Now, what would a dating sim protagonist do in this situation?
20:32And I don't think you screwed anything up today, miss.
20:35You only gained experience.
20:39Well, when you put it that way...
20:42Thank you very much.
20:55If you don't mind, Roxy...
20:57Let's head inside.
20:59We'll do proper introductions over dinner, okay?
21:08Get the lead out!
21:12I'm grateful, but...
21:14I can't repay your hospitality.
21:16You don't have to, silly.
21:18Now, come on in.
21:22You too, Rudy!
21:33Now that we're all here, let Roxy's welcome party begin!
21:38This feels like a dream.
21:40Or some kind of fantasy while I die in the street.
21:43And even if it is, I don't care.
21:46In this world, I really think I can make it.
21:50My last life ended full of regret and painful memories.
21:53But if I can get up when I fall and keep moving forward, I know I'll be okay.
21:59And maybe...
22:00I'll prove that even a jobless, reclusive bum like me won't waste a second chance...
22:09To get serious about living.
22:21To get serious about living.
22:24To get serious about living.
22:27To get serious about living.
22:30To get serious about living.
22:33To get serious about living.
22:36To get serious about living.
22:39To get serious about living.
22:42To get serious about living.
22:45To get serious about living.
22:48To get serious about living.
22:51To get serious about living.
22:54To get serious about living.
22:57To get serious about living.
23:00To get serious about living.
23:03To get serious about living.
23:06To get serious about living.
23:09To get serious about living.
23:12To get serious about living.
23:15To get serious about living.
23:18To get serious about living.
23:21To get serious about living.
23:24To get serious about living.
23:27To get serious about living.
23:30To get serious about living.
23:33To get serious about living.
23:36To get serious about living.
23:39To get serious about living.
23:42To get serious about living.
