Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation- Season 1 - Episode 3 - English Dubbed

  • last month
An outcast gets reincarnated as Rudeus Greyrat in another world while retaining the knowledge of his past life. He vows to achieve success and enjoy fun-filled adventures in his new beginning.


00:00That little girl gave me something truly priceless.
00:12I can go out.
00:13I'm done being a shut-in.
00:16I won't let that go to waste.
00:21This is the first day of the rest of my life.
00:34Stop her!
00:38Stop her!
00:42May I go and play outside for a while?
00:50Sure, of course you can.
00:52Oh darling, Rudy is going out on his own!
00:54And I used to worry he was sickly.
00:56But time really does fly, huh?
01:00Did you think something was wrong with me?
01:02You never cried about anything.
01:04That bothered you?
01:06But I've grown up to be so strong and charming!
01:10Yeah, and it's always been the ways you don't act like a kid that worry me the most.
01:14Am I not turning out to be the firstborn son you wanted?
01:17I mean, I'm not complaining.
01:20Then what?
01:21I'm only trying to become a more worthy heir to the Grey Rat legacy.
01:26Well, if that's what you want, then get out there and bring home a girlfriend or two.
01:30I understand.
01:31I won't rest until I find a woman who's a match for dear mother.
01:37Oh, and don't forget to be kind, son.
01:40A man should never use his strength to push people around.
01:43Yeah, I know that much at least.
01:45And if you've taught me anything, a man should use his strength to show off to girls.
01:50No, that's not right.
01:52I'm just kidding.
01:54We should use it to protect the weak, shouldn't we?
01:57Well, yeah, you got it that time.
02:01Okay then, I'm off!
02:03Be careful, sweetie!
02:07He's such a wonderful boy.
02:09I only hope I'm a good enough father to him.
02:15Good morning!
02:16Hey, how's it going?
03:15Look at this!
03:42I'm out on my own!
03:44I may not get to thank Roxy, but I'll always treasure her holy relic.
03:55We don't want your kind here!
03:57Go back to the Demon Continent!
03:59And stay there!
04:01Get lost, demon!
04:03Take this!
04:05Well, this feels familiar.
04:15Knock it off!
04:22What was that?
04:23Ganging up to bully a helpless kid?
04:25Guys like you are the worst!
04:26We're over here, idiot!
04:28You're the night's kid.
04:29Butt out!
04:31Give it your best shot.
04:32I'm not scared.
04:35Where'd he get that water from?
04:42This is lame.
04:43Let's go.
04:49Are you okay?
04:54Holy crap!
04:56This kid's a looker.
04:57He's gonna be a total chick magnet here in a few years.
05:02Yeah, I'm alright.
05:04Hey, lean forward for just a second.
05:08He's pretty cooperative when he's not being screamed at.
05:11Calling it now, he's gonna be a dude magnet too.
05:17Close your eyes.
05:19You'll have to wash your clothes at home.
05:23All done.
05:27They're fairly easy to recognize.
05:29They all have emerald green hair and red gems in their foreheads,
05:32so don't you dare go anywhere near them.
05:37His forehead is smooth and white.
05:41Okay, safe.
05:42He's not one of those dangerous superds.
05:45But those ears...
05:49You know, kids like that won't stop unless you learn to fight back.
05:53Are you sure the way I look doesn't scare you or anything?
05:56No way.
05:57My master was Megirdian.
05:58Are you a demon too?
06:01I'm not sure.
06:02My dad says that I'm not.
06:05He doesn't know?
06:07At his age?
06:08That's odd.
06:09Mom's human.
06:11My dad's half-elf.
06:13Nice! I knew it!
06:14Of course this world has elves.
06:16But my hair color isn't the same as either of my parents.
06:24Wait, please don't cry!
06:25There, there.
06:27Sounds like his home life is a little complicated.
06:31But no one should get pelted with mud just for their hair color.
06:36Just thinking about it pisses me off.
06:38Um, why did you help me?
06:41My father always told me that I should be an ally to the weak.
06:45But the other kids might not like you now.
06:48I'd rather play with you than a bunch of bullies.
06:51We are friends now, aren't we?
06:54Unless you're too busy with chores or something.
07:00This guy.
07:01A little more confidence and the girls will be all over him.
07:04A few might even come my way if we stick together.
07:08You know, I never introduced myself.
07:11My name is Rudeus.
07:12And you?
07:15It's Sylph.
07:20That's a cool name.
07:22You're like a wind spirit.
07:30Aw, that's so cute.
07:37What do you want to play?
07:39I don't know.
07:40I've never played with a friend before.
07:43Yeah, I guess he's never really had one, huh?
07:46I feel bad for him.
07:48Though I don't really have friends either.
07:50That trick you did before.
07:52Do it again.
07:54Like when you made warm water go all sploosh from your hands.
07:57And then you made that whoosh of hot air.
07:59Oh, magic.
08:01Can I do it too?
08:03Sure, if you learn the right incantations.
08:06I think.
08:12Do you want to?
08:20Okay, then we'll start your training right away.
08:36I'm home, Father!
08:41Do you know why I'm upset with you?
08:45Is this about Roxy's panties?
08:47Uh, holy relic?
08:49No, sir, I don't.
08:52I hear you punched Miss Eto's boy, Somal, today.
08:55Oh, my stash is safe.
08:57Wait, what?
08:59Did you say today?
09:00I did.
09:02Uh-huh, I gotcha.
09:04Must be the brat who was bullying Sylph.
09:06I'm not sure what you heard, Father, but I promise you-
09:09When you do something wrong, you apologize first.
09:12I was playing by myself and I heard voices-
09:14No excuses!
09:16His mind's made up and he has no intention of hearing me out.
09:20What's that look for?
09:21I could apologize and get it over with, but I don't think that would be best for Paul.
09:26Well then, why won't you say anything?
09:29Because you'll just yell at me to not make excuses.
09:33You want to shout and make me apologize before I can explain?
09:36Must be nice to lord that kind of power over a kid.
09:46Father, I have always put in the utmost effort to be a good son to you and Mother.
09:52Well, that's beside the point.
09:54No, it isn't.
09:56I've worked hard to earn your trust and you took someone else's word.
09:59You yelled at me, you raised your hand to me, and still you refused to listen.
10:05And you injured little Somal!
10:07I won't apologize even if that is my fault.
10:09I'm proud of what I did today.
10:12Wait, hang on. Tell me what happened.
10:15I thought you told me no excuses.
10:20But please don't worry about it, Father.
10:22The next time I see three kids ganging up on someone who won't fight back, I'll simply ignore it.
10:27In fact, I'll even jump in myself and make it four against one.
10:30I'll be sure to let everyone know that that's the Grey Rat family way.
10:34But once I grow up and leave home, I'll never use the Grey Rat name again.
10:38I'll be too ashamed to belong to a family that ignores violence and accepts verbal abuse.
10:45You better take the L, Paul.
10:47I know you can't tell, but I spent two decades weaseling my way out of unwinnable arguments.
10:53And this time I'm completely in the right.
10:56You haven't got a chance.
10:58I'm sorry. I was wrong.
11:01Tell me what happened.
11:05Hi, Mother!
11:06Welcome back, Rudy. Did you have fun today?
11:09Yeah, I made a new friend.
11:11You did? How wonderful!
11:13That could have gone better.
11:16Somal did have one heck of a black eye.
11:20Rudeus matured so quickly.
11:22I was almost relieved to hear he'd done something so childish.
11:26Even so, he's already a saint-class water mage.
11:30Of course he would have trouble relating with other kids.
11:33I only meant to scold him a little.
11:36Where did I go wrong?
11:39How stupid.
11:41I want to show him those with power shouldn't resort to violence, and yet...
11:45What's the matter? You look gloomy.
11:49I had a little fight with Rudy earlier.
11:52That's not like you.
11:54I was this close to telling him to leave.
11:57I bet he would have done it without a second thought. Just like that.
12:01You mean like you did?
12:06I wonder if this is how my dad felt.
12:09I wish I'd gotten to apologize.
12:15And it's summer again.
12:17Those bratty kids kept coming after me and Sylph for a while, but they're pretty easy to take care of.
12:23That one mom keeps showing up to complain.
12:26But if we're being honest, I think she's more interested in Paul than her kids' well-being.
12:30She just wants an excuse to come see him.
12:36Why is it so hot? It sucks out here.
12:41I'm sorry. Am I late?
12:44Nope. I just got here.
12:46I didn't.
12:49I did it!
12:50Sylph's mana has grown a lot in the past six months.
12:53He can train for hours at a time now.
12:56So I guess the idea that there are limits on a person's magical reserves is total bunk.
13:02Hey, I want to learn that one you did where you made a warm breeze.
13:06Oh, that?
13:07For that one, you conjure water, and then apply fire to it.
13:14You didn't even have to say anything out loud.
13:17Hmm? Silent spellcasting.
13:19I think it might be kind of hard for a beginner.
13:22So? Show me how.
13:32Let me think.
13:38You know how when you say an incantation, you feel all your mana rush through your body into your fingertips?
13:44You gotta focus on that feeling for a specific spell, but then recreate it without saying the words.
13:50Does that make sense? Try it with an easy one.
14:01It's hard to teach something you do by feeling alone.
14:04Even Roxy couldn't do it.
14:06Maybe wordless casting really is special.
14:09Actually, I kind of hope it is.
14:12I had nothing going for me in my old life.
14:14Would a convenient skill or two be too much to ask for?
14:17I did it! Rudy, did you see that?
14:21I did it! I did it!
14:23Way to go!
14:31I did it! I figured it out!
14:36Hey, Sylph! Wait up!
14:40Sylph, come on!
14:51He really is a looker. Even a dude like me can see it.
14:55Damn it, I'm jealous.
14:57The old me had a friend like this in junior high, but she was a girl.
15:01She wasn't into me, but I thought about her all the time.
15:05Even after I found out she got married, I could still punch my clown about three times a day to the old childhood friend trope.
15:13Hurry up, Sylph!
15:16Hey, I'm back.
15:18There you are. Welcome home, young master and... friend?
15:23Nice to meet you.
15:25I've drawn a bath for you.
15:27Great, thank you.
15:29Follow me, Sylph.
15:35What's the matter?
15:37You'll get cold standing around like that.
15:41Then get undressed and hop in.
15:45Come on, now.
15:47You're old enough to do this yourself.
15:50Hey, stop, just...
15:52Come on, now.
15:54You're old enough to do this yourself.
15:56Hey, stop, just...
15:59Come on, now.
16:01Stop, just...
16:09I don't know what you're so embarrassed for, but these gotta come off, too.
16:13No, please don't!
16:15I'm serious, you're gonna get sick. Just do it.
16:18Cut it out!
16:20Trust me, bud, I know exactly how you feel.
16:22The old me wouldn't want to bathe with other dudes, either.
16:25Welcome to the weird dick club, champ.
16:28I promise I won't laugh at you.
16:30That's not what I...
16:31Rudy, no!
16:32What the hell's this kid got going on down there?
16:37You kidding me with this?
16:38Don't make me get naked alone.
16:40Alright, fine. Bathe like that.
16:42But you're gonna have to change at some point.
16:46Unless I do this!
16:59What flashed before my eyes in that moment was not the pure short sword I've grown accustomed to.
17:05Now, it wasn't some dark blade covered in sinister designs, either.
17:09What should have been there simply wasn't.
17:11And what was there stunned me to my core.
17:15In old life, I'd only ever seen one on my monitor while I was taming the beast, so to speak.
17:20And then I realized what I'd just done was not okay at all.
17:24He was a she.
17:33I think we should talk about what just happened.
17:36I'm sorry.
17:38I won't fly off the handle this time.
17:40I refuse to make that mistake twice.
17:43Just tell me why you did it, kid.
17:46We were wet from the rain. I thought she was gonna catch a cold.
17:50But she said no, didn't she?
17:52Yes. I'm sorry.
17:55This is only gonna get more important as you grow up, so I need you to pay close attention.
17:59You have to be respectful.
18:01Okay. I'm sorry. I won't do it again.
18:05Don't say that to me. Go apologize to Sylphiette, okay?
18:09Sylphiette? Of course.
18:14Is she ever gonna forgive me?
18:17Don't you worry. As long as you apologize sincerely, I'm sure she will.
18:26I know how it feels when the girl you like rejects you.
18:30It seems my particular fondness for women runs in the family.
18:34But you're such a smart boy, my son.
18:37I know you'll learn a lot from this failure.
18:41I still worry about you, but I'm so hopeful.
18:46I'm sorry, Sylphiette! Your hair is really short, so I actually thought you were a boy this whole time!
18:58Oh, goodness.
19:02On second thought, my son might be a total idiot.
19:11Not your best effort, kid.
19:13Are you still having trouble making up with Sylphiette, or is it something else?
19:17Yeah. She's still upset, and my swordsmanship hasn't improved either.
19:21You want some friendly advice from your old man?
19:25I don't know.
19:27Shall I lick your boots?
19:33I'm sorry.
19:36I don't know.
19:38Shall I lick your boots?
19:40Eager, are we?
19:42Listen, Rudy.
19:44Women like our strength, but sometimes it's important to show them our softer aspects as well.
19:49Think for a second.
19:51If someone clearly stronger than you were to chase after you with naked lust, how would that make you feel, son?
19:57I guess I'd be scared?
19:59Of course. So show her your vulnerable side instead.
20:02I get it! But where do I start?
20:04Next time you see Sylphiette, be honest with her about all the feelings you've bottled up.
20:09Let her know how much you miss her or that you're worried she's been avoiding you.
20:13After that, it's all up to her.
20:19But if it goes well, she might even console you.
20:22So what do I do if it doesn't go well?
20:25You come right back to me and I'll tell you what the next move is.
20:28Whoa! That's so cool! You've got backup plans and everything!
20:31You know it!
20:39Get going!
20:44Listen, about before...
20:49Are you okay, Rudy?
20:52I was just thinking that I haven't seen your cute face around here lately.
20:57And that's a real shame, you know?
20:59Yeah! Because you're like really cute and your hair is pretty.
21:02So have you thought about growing it out?
21:05Not really.
21:13I'm afraid you don't like me anymore, Sylphie.
21:24I'm sorry. But you're wrong.
21:27I promise I don't hate you or anything, Rudy.
21:30Are you sure?
21:32Can we just go back to normal?
21:35A cute, kind girl my own age.
21:38I have no idea how to be friends with someone like her.
21:42And now that I know she's a girl, it's hard not to think about the future.
21:47But she wants our relationship to stay exactly the same.
21:51So I won't think too hard about it.
21:54And to the best of my ability, I'm going to cherish my first real friend in this new world.
22:03Hang on.
22:05What in the hell did I just teach my six-year-old son?
22:24I love you.
22:26I love you.
22:28I love you.
22:30I love you.
22:32I love you.
22:34I love you.
22:36I love you.
22:38I love you.
22:40I love you.
22:42I love you.
22:44I love you.
22:46I love you.
22:48I love you.
22:50I love you.
22:52I love you.
22:54I love you.
22:56I love you.
22:58I love you.
23:00I love you.
23:02I love you.
23:04I love you.
23:06I love you.
23:08I love you.
23:10I love you.
23:12I love you.
23:14I love you.
23:16I love you.
23:18I love you.
23:20I love you.
23:22I love you.
23:24I love you.
23:26I love you.
23:28I love you.
23:30I love you.
23:32I love you.
23:34I love you.
23:36I love you.
23:38I love you.
23:40I love you.
23:42I love you.
23:44I love you.
23:46I love you.
