Peppa Pig English Episodes - New HD Peppa Pig

  • le mois dernier


00:00:00I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa Pig. The Blackberry Bush.
00:00:18Peppa and her family are at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.
00:00:22Today I'm going to make apple and blackberry crumble. I need you brave explorers to go and get the fruit.
00:00:30Aye aye Granny Pig.
00:00:32We've got baskets for the apples.
00:00:34And buckets for the blackberries.
00:00:38First the easy bit, picking apples. On the count of three, shake the tree.
00:00:46One, two, three.
00:00:54Now for the blackberries.
00:00:56Why don't we just have apple crumble?
00:00:59Because blackberries are tasty too Grandpa.
00:01:02Okay, now the hard bit.
00:01:07Now that's what I call a blackberry bush.
00:01:10This bush has been here since I was a little piggy.
00:01:13It's an overgrown weed. I should have cut it down years ago.
00:01:18Grandpa, why don't you like it?
00:01:21I don't like the way it looks at me.
00:01:24Silly Grandpa, it's just a harmless bush.
00:01:27And it's covered in lovely blackberries.
00:01:30George has seen some really big juicy blackberries.
00:01:35Careful George, or you might get tangled.
00:01:40I have a stick for picking hard to reach blackberries.
00:01:44Clever Grandpa.
00:01:47But the best blackberries are right at the very top.
00:01:50That's why I brought the ladder.
00:01:53Um, don't lean too far over Mummy Pig.
00:01:56Don't worry, I've been climbing this blackberry bush since I was a little girl.
00:02:01Yes, but you're not a little girl now.
00:02:03I know what I'm doing.
00:02:06Oh dear, Mummy Pig has fallen into the blackberry bush.
00:02:11Mummy, can you get out?
00:02:13Uh, no, I'm stuck.
00:02:15You're stuck in a thorny bush like Sleeping Beauty.
00:02:20Once upon a time, there was a princess called Sleeping Beauty.
00:02:26One day, she fell asleep in a thorny bush.
00:02:30And she stayed there for a hundred years.
00:02:33Yes, that's a nice story, Peppa.
00:02:36It is Suzy Sheep.
00:02:38Hello, Peppa.
00:02:40Hello, Suzy. My mummy is in a blackberry bush.
00:02:45And she'll be there for a hundred years.
00:02:48Like Sleeping Beauty.
00:02:50And she'll be rescued by a handsome prince who will give her a kiss.
00:02:55My mummy is having an adventure.
00:03:00I wish my mummy would have adventures like that.
00:03:03Um, can someone think of a way to get me out of here?
00:03:07Don't worry, Mummy. In a hundred years, a handsome prince will rescue you.
00:03:13I'll be that handsome prince.
00:03:16Grandpa Pig, may I borrow your pruning shears, please?
00:03:19Of course you may, brave Sir Daddy Pig.
00:03:23Stand back, everyone.
00:03:25Take that, you thorny bush, you!
00:03:31Oh, my prince.
00:03:33My princess.
00:03:36You were meant to stay in there for a hundred years.
00:03:40That was quite long enough, thank you.
00:03:42Mummy is a blackberry bush.
00:03:46I thought this sort of thing only happened to me.
00:03:49Stand still while we pick you.
00:03:54Let's take all this fruit back to Granny Pig.
00:03:59Granny! Granny! Mummy had an adventure.
00:04:03And then Mummy fell in the bush.
00:04:05She looked quite silly.
00:04:07And she was going,
00:04:09Ah! Help me! Help me!
00:04:12And then Daddy came and rescued her.
00:04:15The end.
00:04:16Thank you, Peppa. I think we've all heard that story enough times now.
00:04:21But it's funny.
00:04:23I never want to see another blackberry in my life.
00:04:27So, you don't want any apple and blackberry crumble, then?
00:04:35Mummy Pig loves apple and blackberry crumble.
00:04:38Everyone loves apple and blackberry crumble.
00:04:47Peppa Pig.
00:04:52Peppa Pig.
00:04:54Peppa Pig.
00:05:25I've dug up some more potatoes.
00:05:28Oh, Grandpa! We've already got plenty of potatoes.
00:05:32You can never have too many potatoes.
00:05:35OK. But get the potatoes in the oven.
00:05:38The others will be here soon.
00:05:40Ho! Ho! We've plenty of time.
00:05:43It's only eleven o'clock.
00:05:49I wish we'd set off sooner.
00:05:51I wish we'd set off sooner. We're going to be late again.
00:05:54Don't worry, Mummy Pig. We've still got loads of time.
00:05:58We're always late when we go to Granny and Grandpa's.
00:06:03Not this time. I've found a new way that avoids all the traffic.
00:06:10Oh! I wasn't expecting that.
00:06:13Peppa and her family are stuck in a traffic jam.
00:06:17Look! There's Danny Dog and Grandad Dog.
00:06:22Danny Dog and Grandad Dog are in the traffic jam too.
00:06:25Hello, Peppa!
00:06:26Hello, Peppa!
00:06:28We're going to my Granny and Grandpa's for lunch.
00:06:32We're going to be late.
00:06:37It's one o'clock. They're late, as usual.
00:06:42How are your potatoes doing?
00:06:45They still need a bit more cooking.
00:06:51Granny Pig speaking.
00:06:53Hello, Granny Pig. We're stuck in a traffic jam.
00:06:56Don't worry. We're running late too.
00:06:59Grandpa's gone over the top with potatoes.
00:07:01See you in a bit.
00:07:03The poor dears are stuck in a traffic jam.
00:07:06Sounds like I've got time to get a few more potatoes.
00:07:10Grandpa Pig.
00:07:12We're moving so slowly. We'll never get to Granny and Grandpa's.
00:07:18Peppa's right. We have to try a different way.
00:07:21But there aren't any other main roads.
00:07:23I know a shortcut.
00:07:26Bye-bye, everyone! We're taking a shortcut.
00:07:30Bye-bye, Peppa!
00:07:31Good luck!
00:07:32Mummy Pig is taking a shortcut to get ahead of the traffic.
00:07:36The shortcut is very bumpy.
00:07:39This is fun!
00:07:42Are you sure about this?
00:07:44Trust me.
00:07:45Hello, ducks! We're taking a shortcut.
00:07:53Look! There's the main road again.
00:07:55Well done, Mummy Pig!
00:07:58But we're still behind Danny's lorry.
00:08:02Welcome back!
00:08:04Oh dear. Mummy Pig's shortcut has not worked very well.
00:08:10Good! Lunch is ready.
00:08:12And most important of all, the potatoes are done.
00:08:16Lunch is ready. But Peppa and her family are still not here.
00:08:24Grandpa Pig speaking.
00:08:26We're almost at your house.
00:08:28But the traffic is still moving at the speed of a snail.
00:08:32A very, very slow snail.
00:08:35They're almost here, but they're still in the traffic jam.
00:08:39Poor dears. The food is going to get cold.
00:08:43I've got an idea. I'll get my wheelbarrow.
00:08:47What is Grandpa Pig doing?
00:08:50Granny Pig, load the lunch into the wheelbarrow.
00:08:55Aye, aye, Grandpa Pig.
00:08:59If they can't come to the lunch, I'll have to do it myself.
00:09:04If they can't come to the lunch, we have to take the lunch to them.
00:09:11Look! There's Granny and Grandpa with our lunch in a wheelbarrow.
00:09:18Ahoy there! Lunch is served.
00:09:23Is there enough for Danny and Grandad Dog to have some too?
00:09:28We've got enough for everyone.
00:09:30Hurray! Potatoes!
00:09:34Lots of potatoes, Grandpa.
00:09:37You can never have too many potatoes.
