00:31Gordon, le grand moteur,
00:33et Thomas, le moteur de tanks,
00:35sont retournés à la maison.
00:37C'était un jour très occupant.
00:39Tout d'abord, Thomas a déconné à Gordon
00:41à propos du moment où le grand moteur
00:43a disparu dans un trou.
00:47Ensuite, Thomas est tombé dans un mine
00:49et Gordon est arrivé à sa recueille.
00:51« Rappelez-vous, Thomas, »
00:53appelait Gordon.
00:55« Nous sommes unis, nous restons ensemble.
00:57Vous m'aidez, et je vous aiderai. »
00:59« Je me souviendrai, » répondait Thomas.
01:01« Mais j'espère que le grand moteur
01:03nous pardonnera bientôt. »
01:05Tout d'un coup, ils ont remarqué quelque chose.
01:07Lorsque les deux moteurs
01:09s'éloignaient dans les chaises,
01:11partout où ils regardaient,
01:13ils voyaient des pots de peinture et des peintures.
01:15« Bosse, achetez des buffers, »
01:17a dit Thomas. « Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? »
01:19« Chut, » a dit Percy.
01:21« Le grand moteur va nous le dire maintenant. »
01:23Mesdames, Messieurs et moteurs,
01:25je suis honnête de vous informer
01:27que la Reine elle-même
01:29vient ici nous visiter.
01:33faites vos préparations. »
01:35Les moteurs se demandaient
01:37qui tirerait le train royal.
01:39« Je suis trop vieux pour tirer un train important, »
01:41disait Edward.
01:43« Je suis en désespoir, »
01:45inspirait Gordon.
01:47« Tu vas choisir moi, bien sûr, »
01:49a dit James. « Toi, »
01:51a dit Henry, « tu ne peux pas monter les montagnes. »
01:53« Il va me demander de tirer le train, »
01:55« et j'aurai une nouvelle couche de peinture. »
02:01la pluie est arrivée.
02:05Henry, le moteur et les pompiers
02:07ont recouvert leur cabine pour la garder sec.
02:09Un peintre était sur la ladder
02:11au-dessus de la ligne.
02:13La fumée de Henry a explosé
02:15dans l'air. Le peintre ne pouvait pas le voir.
02:17Il et le pot de peinture
02:19ont tombé sur Henry.
02:23« Pauvre Henry ! »
02:25« Tu n'es pas une belle picture, »
02:27a dit le peintre.
02:31Le contrôleur du gaz a dit ensuite.
02:33« Tu ressembles à un gâteau, Henry. »
02:35« Ça ne va pas pour le train royal. »
02:37« Je dois faire d'autres arrangements. »
02:45Gordon et Thomas
02:47attendaient lui.
02:49« S'il vous plaît, monsieur... »
02:51« Je ne sais pas. »
02:53a répondu le contrôleur du gaz.
02:55« Oui, Gordon ? »
02:57« Est-ce que Thomas peut avoir sa ligne de branche ? »
02:59« Hum... »
03:01« Je pense que vous êtes tous désolés. »
03:03« Vous devez recevoir un déjeuner. »
03:05Edward va en avant
03:07pour couvrir la ligne.
03:09Thomas va chercher les couches
03:11et Gordon va tirer le train.
03:15Le grand jour est venu.
03:17Tous les moteurs ont travaillé dur
03:19pendant le déjeuner.
03:25Thomas a sorti les couches
03:27dans le jardin.
03:29Edward a sorti les couches.
03:45Edward a sorti les couches.
03:49« Zapp, a la reine alors ! »
03:55Gordon a rassongé
03:57Tout le monde connaissait ce son.
04:00Le train de la Reine s'est déplacé dans la station.
04:03Gordon n'avait pas de visage et son bras brillait brillantement.
04:16Le contrôleur de VAC s'est attiré.
04:18Bienvenue, maman.
04:20La Reine l'a remercié pour une belle course et l'a demandé à voir tous les moteurs.
04:25Bip, bip, sifflaient Toby et Percy.
04:28Chut, sifflaient Henry et James.
04:31Mais Toby et Percy ne s'intéressaient pas.
04:33Trois acclamations pour la Reine.
04:35Bip, bip, sifflaient les moteurs.
04:40Quand il était temps de partir, la Reine a parlé spécialement à Thomas, qui a volé ses couches.
04:46Puis à Edward.
04:49Et enfin à Gordon, qui l'a emmenée.
04:54Aucun moteur n'a jamais été plus fier que ceux de la Reine.
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18:25Then there was trouble.
18:27The points are jammed, called the signalman.
18:30I can't switch them back.
18:32The workmen will mend them in the morning.
18:34It's too late now.
18:36Hmm, said Percy's driver.
18:39I'm sorry Percy, but you will have to stay here for the night.
18:43Where are you going? asked Percy.
18:46Home for tea, replied the fireman.
18:49Percy was speechless.
18:51He watched as the other engines went home to the shed.
18:55Night-time came and Percy began to feel very lonely.
19:00Oh dear, he murmured, it's very dark.
19:06Oh, oh, what's that?
19:09It was only an owl, but Percy didn't realise this.
19:12I wish Thomas was here too, he sighed.
19:17Thomas was waiting for his mysterious load at the harbour.
19:23Suddenly, there it was!
19:28Cinders and ashes, cried Thomas.
19:31It's a dragon!
19:33Don't worry, laughed his driver.
19:35This dragon is made of paper.
19:37It's for the carnival tomorrow.
19:40Workmen lifted the dragon onto Thomas' low-loader
19:43and put lights all around it for protection.
19:47Then Thomas set off into the misty night.
19:55Percy was asleep in his sidings
19:58and had no idea that Thomas was approaching him.
20:10Help! cried Percy.
20:12I'm not going to open my eyes until my driver comes.
20:16Next morning, the points were mended
20:19and Percy puffed back to the junction.
20:22Gordon was just about to leave with the express.
20:26You'll never guess what I saw last night.
20:29Gordon was in no mood for puzzles
20:31Gordon snorted.
20:33You've been in the sun too long, your dome has cracked.
20:39When the other engines heard the news, they laughed too.
20:43Look out, Percy! chuckled James.
20:46It's a dragon!
20:48It's a dragon!
20:50It's a dragon!
20:52It's a dragon!
20:54It's a dragon!
20:56It's a dragon!
20:58Look out, Percy! chuckled James.
21:01Or the dragon may gobble you up.
21:05No one believes me, puffed Percy.
21:08Maybe I did imagine the dragon after all.
21:12But Percy soon found out that he hadn't.
21:16Help! Save me! cried Percy.
21:20It's all right, whistled Thomas.
21:23And he explained about the carnival.
21:25By the way, how was your night out?
21:27Percy decided to tell Thomas the truth.
21:30Well, Percy, said Thomas, maybe we do get scared sometimes.
21:35But if we're not afraid to tell each other,
21:37then that means we're quite brave too.
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22:55Never mind, said Thomas, they're busy with their breakfast.
22:59Next, he saw Bertie.
23:03Hello Bertie, care for a race today?
23:06But all Bertie could say was,
23:08Ouch! That's another hole in the road!
23:11I'm sorry Bertie, smiled Thomas.
23:14Thomas was still in good spirits when Bertie arrived at the next station.
23:20Bad luck Bertie, said Thomas.
23:23Now, if you were a steam engine, you would run on a pair of reliable rails.
23:27Huh! replied Bertie.
23:29The railway was supposed to deliver tar to mend the road two weeks ago.
23:33You can't trust a thing that runs on rails.
23:35I run on rails, you can trust me Bertie.
23:38I'll see if I can find out what's happened.
23:41Thomas left Bertie and made his way along the branch line
23:44towards the big station by the sea.
23:48James was snorting about in the yard.
23:51It's too bad, Percy goes to work at the harbour
23:54and I do his job here, there and everywhere.
23:59Take that!
24:01Ooh! groaned the trucks.
24:03Just you wait, we'll show you!
24:05Gordon laughed.
24:07I'll tell you what James, if you pretended to be ill everywhere,
24:11you couldn't shunt trucks here or go to the train station.
24:14Everywhere, you couldn't shunt trucks here or go to the quarry there, could you?
24:19What a good idea, agreed James.
24:21Look, here comes Thomas, I'll start pretending now.
24:25Thomas was sorry to see the engines looking miserable.
24:29Cheer up, it's a beautiful day.
24:32Yes, grumbled Gordon, but not for James.
24:35What's the matter?
24:37He's sick, replied Gordon.
24:40Yes, I mean I am, stuttered James, I don't feel well at all.
24:44Don't worry, said Thomas kindly, I'll help out if you're ill.
24:49Gordon and James sniggered quietly to each other.
24:54Some of James's trucks were coupled behind Thomas and he steamed away to the quarry.
25:01The trucks were still cross.
25:04We couldn't pay James back for bumping us, so we'll play tricks on Thomas instead.
25:08One engine is as good as another.
25:10But Thomas didn't hear them.
25:12He collected all the stone from the quarry and then set off back to the junction.
25:24Danger, lay ahead.
25:27Now for our plan, giggled the trucks.
25:29Go faster, go faster.
25:31Slow down, called Thomas's driver and applied the brakes.
25:39Poor Thomas stood dazed and surprised in a muddy pond,
25:45as a toad eyed him suspiciously.
25:48Bust my buffers, muttered Thomas.
25:52The day started so well too.
25:58Duck pulled away the trucks and Edward helped Thomas back to the junction.
26:05Suddenly Thomas remembered about the missing tar.
26:08He told Edward all about it.
26:10That's strange, said Edward.
26:13A truck full of tar has been left at my station.
26:16That must be it.
26:17Driver will make sure it gets to Bertie now.
26:24Later James spoke to Thomas.
26:26I'm sorry about your accident, he muttered.
26:28And so is Gordon.
26:29We didn't mean to get you into trouble.
26:31No, indeed, spluttered Gordon.
26:33A mere misunderstanding, Thomas.
26:35All's well that ends well.
26:38Just then Bertie arrived.
26:40He looked much more cheerful.
26:42My road's being mended now.
26:45Oh, I am glad, replied Thomas.
26:48Thanks for all you did.
26:50Now I know I can trust an engine, especially if his name is Thomas.
26:55Gordon and James puffed up and said,
26:58Thomas, Gordon and James puffed silently away to the shed.
27:03But Thomas still had company.
27:05Well, well, he sighed.
27:07What a day for surprises.
27:09The toad, who was looking forward to a ride home, noisily agreed.
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29:28Thomas drowsed comfortably as the warm spread through his boiler.
29:33Percy and Toby were still asleep.
29:36Thomas suddenly remembered.
29:38Silly stick-in-the-muds, he chuckled.
29:41I'll show them.
29:43Driver said I could manage without him.
29:45I'll just go out.
29:47Then I'll stop and wheesh!
29:49That'll make them jump.
29:52Thomas thought he was being clever.
29:54Really, he was only moving because a careless cleaner had meddled with his controls.
29:59He soon found his mistake.
30:01He tried to wheesh!
30:03But he couldn't.
30:04He tried to stop.
30:06But he couldn't.
30:07He just kept rolling along.
30:10He didn't dare look at what was coming next.
30:13There was the stationmaster's house.
30:16The stationmaster was about to have breakfast.
30:19Horrors! cried Thomas and shut his eyes.
30:24The house rocked.
30:26Broken glass tinkled.
30:28Plaster was everywhere.
30:31Thomas had collected a bush on his travels.
30:33He peered into the room through its leaves.
30:36He couldn't speak.
30:40The stationmaster was furious.
30:43His wife picked up her plate.
30:45You miserable engine, she scolded.
30:47Just look what you've done to our breakfast.
30:50Now I shall have to cook some more.
30:52She banged the door.
30:53More plaster fell.
30:55This time it fell on Thomas.
30:57Thomas felt depressed.
31:00Workmen propped up the house with strong poles and laid rails through the garden.
31:09Meanwhile, Donald and Douglas arrived.
31:14Dinner fast yourself, Thomas.
31:16We'll soon have you back on the rails.
31:18They laughed.
31:32Donald and Douglas, huffing hard,
31:35managed to haul Thomas back to safety.
31:38Bits of fencing, the bush and a broken window frame festooned his front,
31:44which was badly twisted.
31:46The twins laughed and left him.
31:52Thomas was in disgrace.
31:57There was worse.
31:59Thomas was in disgrace.
32:04There was worse to come.
32:06You are a very naughty engine.
32:09I know, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
32:12Thomas' voice was muffled behind his bush.
32:15You must go to the works and have your front mended.
32:18It will be a long job.
32:20Yes, sir.
32:21Meanwhile, a diesel railcar will do your work.
32:25A diesel, sir?
32:27Thomas spluttered.
32:28Yes, Thomas.
32:30Diesels always stay in their sheds till they are wanted.
32:34Diesels never gallivant off to breakfast in station masters' houses.
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