FTS 16:30 18-08 Supreme Court reports a 60% progress on the audit of the provided material

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00:00In Venezuela, the Supreme Court of Justice reports a 60% progress in the audit of the
00:13provided electoral material of the July 28th presidential elections.
00:22In India, at the third summit of the Voice of the Global South, Cuba once again denounced
00:27the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures as an enormous obstacle to the full
00:34economic and social development of the island.
00:42In Russia, more than 1,700 people have been evacuated from the border areas of the Kursk
00:49regions in the last 24 hours, amid the siege by the Ukrainian army.
01:02Hello welcome to From the South, I am Irma Shelton from the Telesura Studios in Havana,
01:08We begin with the news, stay with us.
01:10In Venezuela, the Supreme Court of Justice reports a 60% progress in the audit of the
01:16provided electoral material of the July 28th presidential elections.
01:22The minutes correspond to the last presidential elections of the July 28th were delivered
01:29to the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice by directors of the National Electoral
01:36It is about the investigation of the electoral contention resource brought by President Nicolás
01:43Maduro to verify the results of the elections.
01:47The political parties supporting the former candidate Edmundo González were the only
01:52ones that did not submit the report's records.
01:57González also did not appear before the Supreme Court of Justice the day he was summoned.
02:12In the face of the discrediting campaigns in international media and social networks
02:18which build a parallel Venezuela once again, the Venezuelan people took the streets.
02:25More details with our correspondent Gladys Quezada.
02:32Thousands of Venezuelans held a hundred marches this Saturday in the same number of cities
02:38raising the symbols and the slogans that weeks ago were part of the campaign of the
02:43great patriotic poll and now are part of the Chavista imaginary.
02:48The gallopinto, the songs, the new slogans.
02:52The difference is that this time they assured what they have already decided, the civic
02:57will through the vote and that the fascist outbreaks try to deny them.
03:04Well, we are here among other things to support our newly elected President Nicolás Maduro
03:13and to show the world and the empire that there are people here defending this election
03:17process that the right wing and the empire itself want to take away from us.
03:22That is why we the people are in the streets just as they are with their lies.
03:30They say that they won, we won with the truth and that is why we are always in the streets
03:34saying that we are the ones who won, we won the people, we won the homeland.
03:39Nicolás Maduro won and we are always in the streets supporting our President Nicolás
03:43who is the one who guarantees us the peace, sovereignty and freedom that we have.
03:54In this march, as a mosaic, there is a room for everyone, women, men, young people, the
04:00elderly, those who practice some faith and those who simply bet on the future of Venezuela
04:07and reject violence.
04:12We are marching in support of President Maduro who was re-elected and we have the conviction
04:19that he is the President and that is why we came to support him, always.
04:28To all the peoples of the world, Venezuela is the one we are showing, Venezuela is not
04:32the one shown by the right wing nat of the coup, that of the neglect Venezuela.
04:37Is different Venezuela is the Venezuela that is showing chavismo today, marching for peace
04:42and sovereignty.
04:44In the Bolivarian nation, in spite of violent outbreaks and discredited campaigns, the revolution
04:51is already setting new goals, perfecting mechanisms and looking ahead.
04:56Meanwhile, its people understand their circumstances and continue.
05:02We are fighting for decent housing, for health care, for everything, because I know that
05:07our President is working for the people and we don't want violence.
05:11We want to continue moving forward, we don't want violence.
05:15We want a tranquility, a spiritual peace, we want peace for Venezuela that the children
05:21and health education, everything is ahead that our President I know that he is going
05:26to help us.
05:28Well, right now there is no violence, but every time there is violence it is generated
05:34by Maria Corina and all her fascist combo supported by the empire.
05:38They are the ones who generate violence and President Maduro always calls for calm and
05:44That is why we are still here with Nicolas Maduro.
05:47Venezuela understands peace and knows its reasons to face violence with justice and
05:52integrity, especially in times where parallel realities are built in international networks
05:58and media that by calling so much to the supposed democracy, want to deny the voice of those
06:05who march to raise it.
06:07Gladys Quezada, Tel Azul, Caracas, Venezuela.
06:12The Bolivarian President has reiterated that he wants to get closer to religious groups
06:18such as the Catholic Church because what is currently at stake is a struggle of good against
06:26evil with leaders of the extreme right like Elon Musk and the proposals that they defend
06:33and represent being members of the latter.
06:36I would like to have excellent relations with the Catholic Church and I am going to do my
06:46best because we are going to achieve it, with the priests of the base, with the parish priests,
06:52with the village priests, to unite the Christian, Evangelical and Catholic people as we must
06:59unite the people of Venezuela.
07:02And speaking of faith, compatriots, we are facing demons.
07:11When I say that we are facing demons, I am not exaggerating.
07:18They have a satanic pact with the satanic church of the United States.
07:24And the Sayona wears a medallion and some strange things because she has a pact with
07:34Elon Musk and the satanic church of Detroit.
07:42That is why I say that we are facing a satanic goliath.
07:50Elon Musk was afraid.
07:54He withdrew from the battle.
07:56He did like the devil when Florentino arrived.
08:00Get out of here.
08:05In the context of the great day of world solidarity with Venezuela and peace, several countries
08:12expressed their support for the electoral victory of President Nicolás Maduro at the
08:17democratic process that took place on July 28th.
08:23In Colombia, the movement in solidarity with Venezuela held an informative videotape on
08:28the national situation in Venezuela, while in Chile, a group of leaders demanded President
08:34Gabriel Boric to recognize the legitimate triumph of Nicolás Maduro.
08:38In Paraguay, the electoral accompanies of the country in the electoral process of last
08:41July 28th subscribed a document congratulating Nicolás Maduro and the Venezuelan people
08:46for their democracy celebration.
08:49Meanwhile, in Cuba, a day of solidarity with the Bolivarian revolution took place, led
08:54by several Cuban authorities.
08:56Social and political organizations of great age showed their support to the Venezuelan
09:00people in defense of democracy.
09:02Also, Petrocaribe workers in Dominique condemned the violence of the global extreme right against
09:07the Venezuelan nation.
09:11Social and political groups of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines mobilized against fascism
09:16and in favor of peace in Venezuela.
09:20In Vietnam, cultural and friendship groups participated in a forum on the presidential
09:25electoral process held on July 28th.
09:28Likewise, in Kazakhstan, the Foundation Ambassadors of the Earth asked for respect for the Venezuelan
09:35From Egypt, groups in solidarity with the Bolivarian revolution supported the reflection
09:39of the Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro.
09:43The people of Mali supported the South American country within the framework of the International
09:48Day for the Defense of Democracy.
09:51In this line, the Jute League of the Xwampo Party in Namibia supported Venezuelan sovereignty
09:55in favor of peace and against fascism.
09:59In Spain, a day for peace and against fascism was held where citizens spoke out in defense
10:04of the Venezuelan democracy, while in the United Kingdom, a discussion was held for
10:09the respect of the sovereignty and independence of Venezuela.
10:13Lastly, in the Netherlands, citizens rallied to demand respect, sovereignty, and peace
10:18for Venezuela.
10:21Now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Telestro English
10:27where you will find news in different formats, news updates, and more.
10:32We'll be right back, stay with us.
10:39Welcome to From the South.
10:53In India, at the third summit of the Voice of the Global South, Cuba once again denounced
10:59the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures as an enormous obstacle to the full
11:05economic and social development of the island.
11:09These were the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, who participated
11:15by satellite in the event organized by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.
11:22The summit is an extension of the initiative inspired by cooperation for all, development
11:28for all, the aspirations of all, and the efforts of all.
11:33This important meeting was attended by all the countries of the South whose solidarity
11:39with Cuba was valued by the head of the diplomatic service.
11:49In an increasingly interconnected world, the imposition of unilateral coercive measures
11:54constitutes a serious obstacle to the achievement of economic and social development.
12:00For more than 60 years, the Cuban people have been suffering the serious and negative
12:04effects of a suffocating economic, commercial, and financial blockade imposed by the government
12:10of the United States, which has been intensified to an extreme dimension since 2019.
12:37In Palestine, a mission of the United Nations organizations has succeeded in visiting a
12:43devastated north of Gaza.
12:46The images of destruction and death shared by the humanitarian delegation correspond
12:51to the numbers that the whole world recognizes upset the United States, Israel, and Canada.
12:59The mission assures that more than 40,000 deaths is a grim milestone for the whole world.
13:06When the records of the organization's numbers are overwhelming in Gaza, 130 people
13:13have been killed or assassinated every day for 10 months.
13:19They have also ratified that the closure of the hospitals, the polio epidemic, and the
13:24humanitarian crisis jeopardize the truths that Gaza and the world are waiting for.
13:37In Palestine, on early Sunday hours, Israeli army troops killed around 20 people in the
13:44Gaza Strip, including several children, in a series of bombardments in the north center
13:51and south of the enclave.
13:53Four people were reported dead in the northern Chevalier camp after Israeli planes bombed
13:59two apartments in the site created by the UN in 1948 to house citizens displaced by
14:08the conflict.
14:09Since October 7, more than 92,609 people have been injured, and thousands of Gazans are
14:20still missing under the rubble.
14:23These recent strikes rise the death toll of the Israeli occupation army's ongoing genocide
14:29against the Palestinian people to 40,099.
14:39At least 25 Palestinians have been detained by the Israeli army in the West Bank in recent
14:46days, according to reports by the Palestinian Prisoners Society, PPS, and the Committee
14:52for the Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs.
14:56The organizations informed that the arrests were accompanied by raids and assaults of
15:02the detainees and their families, as well as extensive damage and destruction to their
15:09In this regard, a report by the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories,
15:16Bezzelen, states that the number of Palestinians in occupation prisons has doubled since the
15:23Israeli operation intensified on October 7, 2023.
15:29The center denounced that thousands of Palestinians have been subject to the torture and arbitrary
15:36detention suffering abuses at the hands of the Zionist occupation forces.
15:43In Israel, the government has withheld almost 6,093 billion shekels, equivalent to $2 billion,
15:58in tax revenues from the Palestinians in recent years.
16:03According to the Palestinian Ministry of Finance, these measures aggravate the financial difficulties
16:08currently facing the Palestinian government.
16:12These withholdings are part of the strategies of the Israeli regime to stop the Palestinian
16:18state from paying for services to employees and retirees in the Gaza Strip, affecting
16:26essential sectors such as health and education.
16:30This reduction in the delivery of Palestinian funds is based on the partial peace agreements
16:37of the 90s, according to which Tel Aviv collects taxes on behalf of the Palestinian Authority,
16:44to whom it should return them monthly.
16:53For me it's very important.
16:54We have to keep our democracy.
16:56We have to keep Israel free.
16:58We have to be here against the madness that is happening in our country.
17:03And that's it.
17:05We have a prime minister that is not so much willing to release the hostages, he's not
17:09so willing to finish the war, because he has his own interests.
17:14We don't believe that the government is leading us to the right place.
17:17We don't believe in this government at all.
17:20We want our hostages to be back and we want to find some sort of solution to what's happening here.
17:35The hostages, I don't know how they will survive.
17:40I have to have hope for them.
17:43And we let's go live to the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice in Caracas,
17:50Venezuela, to follow the ongoing auditing process being carried out by the legal institution.
17:57Let's go.
18:04As we see, you see the image who are representing the technicals.
18:31Well, we just have live contact with the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela.
18:39We have to remember that since Thursday, August 15, the president of the TSGA's electoral
18:47chamber, Carizlia Rodriguez, informed of the beginning of the auditing of the electoral
18:53material in hands of the National Electoral Council used in the July 28 presidential elections.
19:02The magistrate informed that the electoral chamber is proceeding with the supervision
19:08and control of the process of the scrutiny of the materials that is at the disposals
19:15of the judicial instance and in custody of the National Electoral Council.
19:22We have to stay informed with Telesur English.
19:25We continue with more in the news.
19:51Welcome back from the south.
19:53In Russia, more than 1,700 people have been evacuated from the border areas of the Kurdish
20:00regions in the last 24 hours amid the siege by the Ukrainian army.
20:05According to data from the Russian Emergency Ministry, the evacuations were carried out
20:11in four municipalities of the region where people were relocated to safe areas in an
20:18organized manner.
20:20The agency detailed that out of the evacuated about 10,000 people, including 3,000 children,
20:27are in 174 emergency shelters spread over 24 regions of Russia.
20:35This comes in the midst of the Ukrainian offensive against the Kurdish region in which some 300
20:43soldiers and 27 armored vehicles have been lost in the last 24 hours.
21:04In Iran, Hema Tanek has begun the 28th site to be recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage
21:12Site, highlighting the historical importance of the city of Hamagan.
21:16This ancient site symbolizes the unity of the Iranian people as well as being deeply
21:24intertwined with the Middle Persian and Sassanid dynasties.
21:29Historically known as Baktana, Hema Tanek was the capital of the powerful Median Empire
21:36and later became a nerve center of the Ashemite Empire.
21:41Despite its importance, much of this site remains unexplored, suggesting the possibility
21:48of future discoveries that could further illuminate the ancient history of Iran.
21:54UNESCO not only celebrates the country's rich and extensive history, but also reaffirms
22:01its crucial role in the development of the region's cultural landscape.
22:11And we have come to the end of this news brief.
22:14You can find these and many other stories on our website at telesurreyenglish.net.
22:19And join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
22:26For Telesurrey English, I am Irma Gjolten.
