• last year
paranormal, fenómenos paranormales, actividad paranormal, investigaciones paranormales, fantasmas, espíritus, casas embrujadas, eventos inexplicables, apariciones, cazafantasmas, experiencias paranormales, lo sobrenatural, misterios sin resolver, vida después de la muerte, fenómenos sobrenaturales, evidencia paranormal, avistamientos de fantasmas, fenómenos inexplicables, entidades paranormales, sucesos extraños
00:00The Hinchinbrook House seems to be made up of a ghost story, secrets, mysteries, legends.
00:07There's an overwhelming presence that has been going on throughout its history.
00:12Holy shit! Black monk, that's what he just said!
00:17Is that you?
00:18Holy shit!
00:21I felt something moving very fast behind me.
00:25What is that?
00:28Holy shit!
00:5172 hours in prison.
00:58In the most terrifying places, in search of unusual evidence.
01:10Paranormal Lockdown
01:19The Hinchinbrook House in Huntington, England,
01:22has welcomed kings, queens and British nobles for hundreds of years.
01:27But it also has a history of paranormal encounters, which continues to this day.
01:33It is known that in the 12th century, this building was a Norman church.
01:38In the 13th century, a convent of Benedictine nuns.
01:42And after the dissolution of the monasteries in 1536,
01:45the property was given to Richard Cromwell,
01:48who transformed the convent into a farm.
01:51It went from father to son,
01:53until it was sold to the Montague family in 1627.
01:58The fourth Count of Sandwich, John Montague,
02:01inherited the title and the house in 1729.
02:05And he was the host of famous parties with the British nobility and his lover, Martha Ray.
02:11But in 1779, his public romance had a tragic end
02:15when a jealous waitress shot in the head and killed Martha Ray.
02:20At the beginning of the 20th century,
02:22paranormal sightings began to appear in the Hinchinbrook House.
02:26Shortly after the First World War,
02:28a woman claimed to have seen apparitions of nuns on the main staircase.
02:33In the 1940s, a young soldier saw the spirit of a lady dressed in white on the property.
02:39The house was converted into a school in the 1970s.
02:42And during the reforms, a worker woke up with the apparition of a nun next to him.
02:47Students and teachers claim to have seen ghost apparitions in the library
02:52and have heard body movements along the building.
02:56There are not many documented evidence to have so many paranormal sightings.
03:01But now, Katrina and I will spend 72 hours confined in the building and the property
03:06to try to document clear evidence of the spirits that appear in the historic Hinchinbrook House.
03:13It is said that this location is one of the most beloved in the United Kingdom,
03:17so I'm very curious to see what we're going to find out in our investigation.
03:21Look, there it is.
03:22Wow, what a place.
03:24This place looks like a ghost story.
03:27The energy is incredible here.
03:29You can feel it as you enter.
03:31There's almost like a stinging presence that has lingered in the past.
03:38This is incredible.
03:39It looks like a ghost story.
03:42This is incredible.
03:43It looks like a museum.
03:46How are you, Mark?
03:47Hello, I'm Katrina.
03:48Hello, Katrina.
03:49Nice to meet you.
03:50Nic, nice to meet you, Mark.
03:51Thank you for joining us.
03:52You're welcome.
03:53It's an incredible building.
03:54Yes, it has a lot of history.
03:55Almost a thousand years of history here.
03:57A thousand years.
03:58Mark Egerton is a writer and historian.
03:59He wrote a book about the apparitions that took place here and was even a student at the Hinchinbrook School in the 1970s.
04:04He will show us the place and tell us about the paranormal encounters that have occurred here.
04:09I'm going to take you to the library, which is very impressive.
04:14This was part of the convent.
04:16These are the oldest rooms, right?
04:18Yes, the front parts of the building.
04:20As for paranormal activity, has something happened here?
04:23There have been many sightings, especially of religious people such as monks and priests and things like that.
04:29The truth is that this room in general has a lot of history and energy.
04:34It's here in the back of the property where the Lady of Blanco has been seen over the centuries.
04:41What's really interesting about her is that the people who have seen her describe her radiating light and beauty.
04:48When was the first time you saw this spirit?
04:52I don't know because it's part of the folklore.
04:55There's a very famous sighting involving a soldier in 1959, which gave a pretty graphic description of the encounter.
05:04It was even published in a magazine.
05:08When I was doing my research, I found it in the archives of the Huntington Library.
05:13On the way here, he heard a scream.
05:16And then, as he walked down the road, he saw a lady emitting a bright light.
05:22She seemed to be desperate, as if she had problems.
05:25But he says he went to her and even approached her.
05:29There are many places around the world that have a story about a Lady of Blanco.
05:34But what really intrigues me is the fact that Mark has investigated this story so much with a skeptical mind.
05:41And the fact that he is now convinced that there is something true about it.
05:46There's something here that I want to show you.
05:49You probably are the residents of the oldest house.
05:53Look at them.
05:54These were found about 200 or 250 years ago.
05:58The story was that they were the skeletons of a nun and the man who left the nun pregnant.
06:05So the priestess and her helpers had them executed.
06:09This is incredible.
06:12To be here on a grave and their skeletons.
06:15The feet are just below us.
06:17That's how they come back.
06:19So we'll come back here and investigate until we find out who they are.
06:24This is one of the most active areas.
06:27They tell stories of nun sightings up there.
06:31Have you had a personal experience here?
06:34When I was going to school, one night I left my books here.
06:38So I came back and it was dark.
06:41When I got to the stairs down there, I could hear footsteps up there.
06:46I had heard the stories.
06:48I knew that the skeletons were down there.
06:50So I thought, I'm going to run away from here.
06:54So I went out the door and I was frightened.
06:57I will definitely now, with more experience.
07:00I'll go and have a look.
07:01So we should focus our investigation on this staircase.
07:05This corridor and the staircase are the places where you most likely have to find something.
07:14And this is the reception room.
07:16This room has a lot of history and also paranormal history.
07:20A very interesting story is told about the fourth count of Sandwich,
07:24who met a lady named Martha Ray and became his mistress.
07:29She became a very famous opera singer.
07:32Martha Ray was murdered by a pretender at the entrance of the Covent Garden Opera.
07:37The fourth Earl, John, was devastated and it was said that he never did it again.
07:44So it seems to be a room that causes people to become susceptible and emotional.
07:50When Martha Ray came here, where did she stay?
07:53A lot of people think that in this room.
07:55When they were renovating it, they used to use this room as a warehouse for tools.
08:00And when they came back the next morning,
08:02the tools had been moved from this room to that little room through there.
08:07One of the employees volunteered to spend the night here
08:11and woke up at midnight with a standing monk next to him,
08:15who scared him and caused him to run out of here.
08:19There's a couple of interesting conclusions from that story.
08:22The first is that it was an employee and not someone who had come in search of spirits.
08:27The second is that there were no monks here.
08:30The fact that he had such a profound experience with a monk
08:34tells me that this story has to be true.
08:37And this has been a quick visit to Hinchinbrook.
08:40We have a lot of work ahead,
08:42a lot of things to investigate and analyze more deeply.
08:45Yes, I find it fascinating that there have been appearances for so long
08:49and with such varied people.
08:51Yes, we will spend 72 hours here
08:53to try to confirm those paranormal claims
08:56that many have lived for hundreds of years.
08:59And any evidence we find,
09:01we can show you to complete the puzzle with the missing pieces.
09:05Yes, excellent.
09:06All right, thank you very much.
09:08Thank you very much, Mark.
09:09Nice to meet you.
09:15The most challenging part of this investigation
09:18is trying to separate the layers of history
09:20because there have been many inexplicable things
09:23throughout the decades here.
09:25It's going to be complicated
09:26trying to figure out who we're talking to.
09:31Hinchinbrook is so huge and there's so much history.
09:34I think the best way to proceed tonight
09:37is to familiarize ourselves with the enclosure,
09:39find out what the hot spots are
09:41and who we might be dealing with.
09:43We'll use basic equipment
09:45to see if we can get smart communication.
09:47We're going to use the Poltercom.
09:49It has a sound bank that scans phonetic words
09:52at regular frequencies.
09:54It also has a microphone input
09:56through which you can hear my echo.
09:58But the idea is to try to get smart responses
10:01and that's what we want to hear through the speaker.
10:04All right, let's get to it.
10:06All right, I'm going to turn it on.
10:10Is there someone here with me?
10:12Is there someone here with me?
10:18Are there any monks here or nuns
10:20that we can speak to?
10:26Where are you right now?
10:30Are you up there with Martha in the room?
10:36I'm getting a pain in the ear and the head.
10:40Are you affecting Katrina?
10:44There's something here with us.
10:47I'm getting a pain in the side of my head
10:50and it's so sudden that it makes me think
10:53maybe I'm in the middle of something.
10:56Over there.
10:57I'm sure I've seen the shadow of a man standing there.
11:01Right there, in that door.
11:03Do you see him? Right there.
11:05Straight ahead.
11:07Can you see the light?
11:08Between the columns, right?
11:11It looked like there was a shadow of a man standing there.
11:17I think it's here.
11:39What was that?
11:40It's a...
11:54It's night 12.
11:55First night in the Hitchinbrook house.
11:57This is a place with a lot of history
11:59and appearances and energy.
12:01You can feel that there's some kind of presence here.
12:04What the f**k was that?
12:06What was that?
12:11Oh, my God.
12:15I heard footsteps.
12:17Someone was walking.
12:26Someone was walking.
12:29Someone was walking.
12:35There it is.
12:37These are deliberate footsteps.
12:40I've never really been in a place
12:42where the footsteps were so deliberate and precise.
12:46This to me is crazy.
12:51Is there someone up there?
12:54Is there someone up there?
13:10Can you make yourself known?
13:13It's amazing that we've heard the same footsteps
13:16that Mark experienced in the 70s when he was here at school.
13:20But this time, we're recording it with cameras.
13:24Do you want to turn on the audio device
13:26to see who it is?
13:31Who did we hear walking around here?
13:43That was weird.
13:44That sounded like a prayer.
13:46A prayer that was repeated.
13:51Are you a monk?
13:53He said, get out.
13:56He said, get out.
13:59The sounds of the footsteps we've heard,
14:02was that you?
14:03Did you move into this room?
14:07He's getting quiet.
14:09All right, let's go to the library.
14:14This is getting weird.
14:16This is getting weird.
14:25Does your head still hurt?
14:28The pain I feel increases a lot in the library.
14:31And the only thing that comes to mind is that
14:35if it has to do with the paranormal,
14:38it could be related to someone who died
14:41or the sensation they had when they were alive.
14:44You know what's strange about that?
14:46Martha was shot in one side of the face.
14:49So you think I'm feeling what happened to her?
14:52Yes, of course.
14:54Martha, is that you?
14:57What is this?
14:58Why am I feeling this?
15:03All right, if I'm feeling like you died
15:06or something violent happened here,
15:08give me some noise around the house
15:10so I can hear it.
15:33I don't know.
15:34I feel like we're just scratching the surface
15:36of a historical house that has a lot of secrets and mysteries.
15:39That's why I want to sleep here, on the stairs,
15:42where we've heard the footsteps.
15:45Maybe it can pick up more activity.
15:47I'm going to sleep in the library
15:49because that's where I was feeling more pain.
15:52All right, I'll see you at dawn.
15:55We have picked up a lot of activity on the stairs.
15:58It seems to be the heart of the house.
16:00We heard footsteps above us
16:02and there are buried bodies under the stairs.
16:05I'm going to sleep here on the stairs platform
16:08to see what activity I can see.
16:10I have a motion sensor activated,
16:12connected to the GeoPort.
16:14If something moves near this sensor,
16:16it will activate the GeoPort and start speaking.
16:21It's really complicated to sleep like this.
16:24We have had a lot of crazy things tonight.
16:27To be honest, I have a really good feeling about this place.
16:31I think we're going to see a lot of things.
16:34That's what I think, but I'm exhausted
16:36because I've been awake for almost 24 hours.
16:51Day two has started.
16:53I'm going to wake up Katrina.
17:04Are you ready to investigate?
17:06Of course.
17:07Let's go.
17:09Yes, let's go.
17:10I'm going.
17:13The paranormal activity so intense last night
17:15focused the investigation on a single area of the house.
17:18In the morning, we decided to explore the rest of the property.
17:22Wow, there's a staircase.
17:25While we were investigating,
17:27I saw a staircase and discovered that there is a basement.
17:32God, it's so dark in here.
17:41Oh, my God.
17:42This is like a labyrinth.
17:44Oh, Nick, check it out.
17:47There's a pipe here with water.
17:49Which means that there's some sort of manatee.
17:52There's a lot of theories in the paranormal community
17:55about running water and how it can provide energy
17:58and increase paranormal activity.
18:00The fact that there is a stream under the foundations of this house
18:04tells me that this might be contributing
18:07to the activity that we're experiencing.
18:13When our camera, Rob, returns,
18:15we go to the reception room
18:17to try to establish contact with Martha Ray.
18:19Many believe she appears in this part of the house.
18:23Do you mind if we come into your room?
18:26Can you come in and talk to us?
18:30Who is the monk that someone saw in this room?
18:37Are you...
18:38Black Monk.
18:39He said Black Monk.
18:40That's what he said.
18:41Are you...
18:42Black Monk.
18:43He says Black Monk really fast.
18:45Did you hear that?
18:47Have we met before?
18:54Where did we meet before?
18:59There's been only one meeting
19:01and a couple of witnesses
19:03who say they saw a monk.
19:05But we heard the words, Black Monk.
19:08My first thing that I think is,
19:10did he follow us from Ace Drive's 30th house?
19:13We had really crazy experiences there
19:16and it's not something I want to relive.
19:18So it leaves me wondering
19:20if we're facing something even darker
19:22than Mark thinks.
19:25Hour 34.
19:27To begin our second night of investigation,
19:30we return to the main staircase
19:32where we experienced paranormal activity
19:34very strongly last night.
19:36We're going to have the motion sensors
19:38by light activated here.
19:40If anything goes through them,
19:42all the lights will light up.
19:44And we're going to use the Poltercom
19:46to try to get more communication by audio.
19:50Can you walk through the corridor
19:52and come to the staircase, please?
19:59Yes, yes.
20:00Okay, can we see you?
20:04Are you down?
20:08He said something about going down.
20:10Going down.
20:11Yes, going down.
20:12You can go down.
20:13Do you want Katrina and I to go down the stairs?
20:17All right, let's go down.
20:19You know what we should be doing?
20:21We should go outside
20:22and make contact with Lady White.
20:31Are you out there?
20:33Lady White?
20:37Can you show yourself to Lady White?
20:39Can you show yourself to us?
20:43Can you tell me where to find Lady White?
20:49I just said Martha.
20:51I just said Martha.
20:57I wonder where she is.
20:59I don't know.
21:03Let's head back inside.
21:05The intense paranormal activity
21:07we experienced last night
21:09seems to be eluding us tonight.
21:11So we're going back to the basement
21:13to see if we saw any activity
21:15related to the underground flood
21:17that we discovered a little earlier.
21:19Let's continue the poltercom down here
21:21to see if we can make contact
21:23with whoever is talking to us.
21:33I just heard footsteps here.
21:35Behind you?
21:36Right here.
21:38Are you still down here?
21:46He said bad man.
21:48What is the bad man's name?
21:54I've got goosebumps.
21:55There's some connection with the Black Monk.
21:58We're getting his name on a lot of occasions.
22:01I almost feel like he's following us.
22:04You know what we should do right now?
22:06We should split up.
22:07I'll stay down here on my own.
22:09I'll take my bed
22:10and I'll come here
22:11to stay vulnerable in the dark.
22:13I'll go back to the skeletons
22:15because we had established
22:16good communication
22:17next to the stairs
22:18and I think it's a good place to stay.
22:21I'll see you in a bit.
22:26This is probably
22:27one of the strangest places
22:29that I've ever had to sleep in my life.
22:31I'm going to sleep as close
22:33as I possibly get
22:34to the skeletons.
22:36We'll see if this draws energy.
22:42All right.
22:43I'm going down
22:44into the basement.
22:46I have a very strange feeling here.
22:48Total darkness.
22:52And right below me
22:53there are underground streams
22:55which could produce energy
22:57to make this location more active.
23:02I'm going to lay down in bed
23:04and see what happens.
23:05I'm alone right now.
23:24I can't see anything.
23:26It's right...
23:27back there.
23:28There's something back there.
23:38Oh, s***!
23:50I can't see anything.
23:53I woke up
23:54to a sound
23:55like something
23:56scratching the floor
23:57of one of these back hallways.
23:59I grabbed the camera
24:00to try and see something
24:01with the night vision
24:02and I heard the sound
24:03like footsteps.
24:08Holy s***!
24:10Is that you?
24:11I just heard something.
24:12Is that you?
24:13Is that you?
24:14Is that you?
24:15I just heard something.
24:21There is something
24:22moving in that direction.
24:23I don't have my flashlight.
24:25I can only see with the night vision.
24:33Stand up.
24:39I heard you.
24:41Are you back here?
24:43Can you come
24:44to where my grace is?
24:45Are you the monk?
24:56You woke me up
24:57by the sound.
25:01Did you come from above?
25:14Whatever it was
25:15that was down there
25:16with me,
25:17it seemed like
25:18it was watching over me.
25:19Was it the black monk?
25:20Or was it more like
25:22an energy
25:23related to
25:24what happened here?
25:25Alright, no more noise!
25:41It's the third day, I think.
25:43I'm going to wake Katrina.
25:45It's hard to sleep down here.
25:50What's going on?
25:52I've heard very strange noises
25:54down in the basement.
25:58Steps and that kind of stuff?
26:01There was something
26:02dragging my feet
26:03or something like that.
26:05That's weird.
26:07Let's get up.
26:08I'm going to get my flashlight.
26:10I'm going to get my flashlight.
26:12I'm going to get my flashlight.
26:14I'm going to get my flashlight.
26:16Let's go investigate.
26:19With so many cases of paranormal activity
26:21focused on the Lady of Blanco,
26:23which many believe is Martha Ray,
26:25we decided to start the last day of investigation
26:28in Martha's room
26:29to see if we could establish contact
26:31with her spirit.
26:32We used a sensor
26:33that is activated
26:34when it detects changes
26:35in the electromagnetic fields.
26:37Martha, are you here?
26:40Can you go over there
26:41and try to touch
26:42the device
26:43on the table?
26:44Do you know who's buried underneath?
26:48Can you tell me
26:49who's walking around the basement?
26:52Are they part of the convent?
26:56Something's happening.
26:59Are you one of the monks
27:00that have been seen
27:01in this room?
27:05You are a monk?
27:08I'm surprised
27:09by what we're witnessing
27:10in this room.
27:11At this point in our investigation,
27:13the most notable presence here
27:15is this monk,
27:16and it has to be
27:17related to the church
27:18or the convent.
27:20What's really interesting
27:21is that there's no evidence
27:22that the monk was here,
27:24but we have the testimony
27:25of witnesses
27:26who claim
27:27to have seen a monk.
27:29And our audio devices
27:30keep repeating
27:31monk over and over again.
27:34So, now that we're getting
27:35all this information
27:36and we're getting
27:37all this information
27:38and we're getting
27:40all this information
27:42and we're getting
27:43all this information
27:44and we're getting
27:45all this information
27:46out there,
27:47it confirms
27:48that this is someone
27:49who was a monk
27:50and that he is
27:51linked to the church.
27:52I mean,
27:53there's no other
27:54conclusion that's got
27:55to have anything
27:56to do with that.
28:01When Rob got back,
28:02we went down to the basement
28:03to see if the paranormal
28:05that I experienced
28:06that night
28:07was the same entity
28:08with which we had communicated in Martha's room.
28:12The underground springs are over here,
28:15and you can see the water going through the cracks and whatnot.
28:19The fact that there is a spring of water
28:21under the foundations of the house
28:23tells me that this might be contributing
28:26to more paranormal activity.
28:29We have the audio device,
28:31and we're going to put it down here
28:33because this morning we've had a lot of luck
28:35communicating with the monk upstairs.
28:38I'm going to put it down here and turn it on.
28:41We also have lasers.
28:44If there was a presence down here,
28:46you could hear it but not see it.
28:48Yes, okay.
28:49So maybe if we put lasers in this dark environment,
28:52we can see something going through the cracks.
28:55We're going to activate the Poltercom.
28:57It has a sound file bank to communicate with spirits.
29:00If something intelligent manifests, it could be a spirit.
29:03All right, let's get started.
29:05I chased you down here.
29:12Are you still around here?
29:20Can you try to talk to me again?
29:23Are you part of the convent?
29:28Are you the monk we talked to before?
29:31Can you try to walk around here
29:33like you did last night with me?
29:38Are you part of the convent?
29:41The presence I felt last night
29:43seemed to be inactive at that time,
29:45so we decided to go back to the library,
29:47which was part of the old convent,
29:49to see if we could establish contact
29:51with the monk we had communicated with.
29:53I'm going to put the sensor on the table
29:55and maybe the black monk will talk to us,
29:57like he did this morning.
30:01Is the black monk here with us?
30:05He said yes.
30:08There's a lot of noise here.
30:11I'll walk around this area.
30:13Tell me when to stop.
30:15Wherever you are, if you can hear me.
30:20Tell me when to stop.
30:32Black monk?
30:37Holy shit!
30:39It's the woman in white.
30:41Where? Outside?
30:43No, no, here.
30:45No, no, no, look at this.
30:47The woman in white. It's a book.
30:49What are the chances of that?
30:51The woman in white here in the library.
30:53That's crazy.
30:54Is it about her?
30:56It's like an angelic figure.
30:58With a dress, yeah, an angelic figure.
31:00It's weird.
31:01It's weird because it's what people say they've seen.
31:03It's what Mark wrote in his book too.
31:05Based on a real story.
31:08So it's a real lady.
31:10That's weird because what are the chances of that?
31:12I don't know.
31:13There's a lot of research on the subject.
31:15That's the problem.
31:16Lost books like this one.
31:17We would never have known if you didn't find it.
31:20This isn't on the internet to put it in an e-book, right?
31:23It's really interesting because we keep coming back to this place.
31:26Right where the church was located.
31:28I think the main focus of everything that happens is this church and the stairway with the skeletons.
31:33We focus on these two points and we make use of everything we have.
31:36I agree.
31:37Let's get ready.
31:40In this investigation, it seems like we're contacting a lot of spirits.
31:44But the question is, are we communicating with the same black monk with whom we dealt in the past?
31:50Or is it a different entity?
31:52We're going to start the last night of investigation and we only have a few valuable hours.
31:57We have to figure out if it's the black monk or if it's another monk that we're talking to.
32:02And can we see that visual way?
32:05So we're going to make use of everything we have.
32:08All right.
32:09So what we're going to do is we're going to do the experiment here on the stairway.
32:12This stairway is the heart of the building in terms of activity.
32:16And if we were going to capture something, this would be the ideal place for it.
32:19We've been very lucky with the Poltercom.
32:21So if there's a spirit that wants to communicate with us, they can use this file bank.
32:25We're going to set the sensors up because they've been a big help up there in Martha's room.
32:30So, assuming that we're getting a lot of activity on the stairway,
32:34I think we should put the light motion sensors here.
32:39So what we have here is a plasma panel.
32:42If anything comes in contact with it,
32:44we will get an image of any spiritual connection that takes place.
32:49We also have a digital camera focused on the experiment.
32:53It's going to go on every two seconds.
32:55So if anything comes up, we're going to be able to capture it.
32:58We're also going to have the lasers.
33:00So if anything with mass goes through them,
33:02they will block the light and we'll be able to see it take form.
33:07Everything's ready now.
33:08So let's get started.
33:10All right.
33:11I'm going to communicate with you.
33:12I'll be able to hear your voice.
33:13So try to talk.
33:16We'll be able to understand you and communicate better.
33:21We're communicating with whoever's in the house.
33:23We know there's more than one person here.
33:25We're talking to Martha or the Black Monk.
33:27Do you see the lights on the stairs?
33:30Can you walk around and try to touch them or cross them?
33:34Are you on the stairs?
33:38I am.
33:40Who are you?
33:41Who are you?
33:42Who are you?
33:43Who are you?
33:45Oh, my God.
33:47Oh, my God.
33:55Oh, my God.
33:57Who are you?
33:58Who are you?
34:00It's the final night here in the house of the Way of the Faithful.
34:04We had activity from day one.
34:06Do you see all the lights on the stairs?
34:08Can you walk around and try to touch them or cross them?
34:13I saw something moving over there.
34:16Oh, shit.
34:18That was crazy.
34:20Suddenly, out of the blue, I saw distinct shadows
34:25flickering across the light panels,
34:27and they illuminate like the whole room.
34:30At this exact moment, the digital camera
34:33captured something unbelievable.
34:37Suddenly, the lasers are blocked
34:39by a shadow that moved around,
34:42and you could see the plasma interacting
34:45with what seemed to be a dark mass
34:47passing through the lights.
34:49This is what we know.
34:51We know that the light sensors have been activated.
34:54We know from the images that something has blocked the lasers,
34:57that something has been formed to achieve that.
34:59There must be some mass to block the lasers.
35:02Nick saw something with his own eyes
35:04just before the light sensors were activated.
35:07If we put all of that together and we look at it,
35:10we can absolutely say that there was something with us.
35:13Is the monk here?
35:16He said monks.
35:20Monks, again.
35:22Keep saying monks.
35:25We keep saying monks again and again,
35:28which is the same thing that we've heard over the years.
35:31So this leads me to think that this has to do with the monk.
35:35Maybe we've seen the monk with our own eyes.
35:38What happened to the monk?
35:40Can you keep talking to us?
35:44What year is this?
35:46What period are you in right now?
35:51Did you hear 11?
35:52Yeah, I heard it.
35:54Is that you?
35:56I think I've heard steps, too.
35:58You heard them, right?
36:00It was like a thud, but it was on the wood, right?
36:02On the wood, yeah.
36:06Let's go back to the bottom to see if it happens again.
36:19Holy ****!
36:20That was really loud.
36:23We're hearing noises everywhere,
36:25and it's like there's someone hitting something
36:27or walking around making a lot of noise.
36:30We're following these noises,
36:32but as soon as we get to a point,
36:34we hear them in another.
36:36Can you keep doing it?
36:38Are you still here with us?
36:41Can you keep talking to us?
36:46He said monk.
36:50Is the black monk with us?
36:54Is that your body that's buried under the stairs?
36:59He said yes.
37:00It looked like the entity we were communicating with
37:03wasn't the black monk we were communicating with before,
37:06but a monk somehow related to the skeleton under the stairs.
37:10Whatever we heard up there
37:12was making physical contact with our reality.
37:15Yeah, multiple times.
37:17Let's see if that intensifies the activity.
37:20Is this helping that we're opening the doors
37:23so you're not confined in a space?
37:27Is everything connected to this place here?
37:30He said yes, shouting.
37:34Are you mad that someone has disturbed your grave?
37:37He said yes.
37:38Do you know why you're buried here?
37:43Who is this guy here?
37:46Who's the person buried here?
37:51He said monk.
37:54Thank you, monk.
37:55Thank you for helping us.
37:58I mean, my theory, after listening to the answer he's given us,
38:01is that the relationships are making sense
38:04because there's an underground spring with running water
38:07that produces energy in a continuous cycle
38:10to these human remains.
38:13Our clearest interaction has been
38:16with this black monk who keeps talking to us.
38:19They've all been smart and they all had an intention.
38:24So when Mark comes,
38:26I think we have to tell him all this information.
38:29I think we have to tell him all this information
38:32so we can get more answers.
38:34Okay, let's put everything away and get ready to go.
38:36Yes, okay.
38:42How are you, Mark? Come on in.
38:44Hello, how are you?
38:45We're glad to see you again, Mark.
38:47Thank you for coming.
38:48Yes, thank you.
38:50If you could come to the stairs,
38:51we have a lot of evidence we want to show you.
38:53So there's a lot of things going on here, Mark,
38:56particularly around this staircase.
38:59Ultimately, we've been able to capture
39:02very clear phantasmal footsteps.
39:06And we'd like to show you right now.
39:14What the fuck is that?
39:15What the fuck is that?
39:19What the fuck is that?
39:22That's interesting.
39:23That's sort of what I experienced when I was a student here.
39:27They were above you?
39:29Yeah, yeah.
39:30The thing is, it's interesting that you've heard
39:33the same thing that I've heard 40 years ago.
39:37It's really interesting to talk to Mark
39:39about the encounter he had 40 years ago.
39:42It's incredible when you share stories
39:44about this guy being a paranormal investigator.
39:47So, I mean, all this confirms your experience.
39:50I told people about my experience,
39:52and they said,
39:53that has to do with the noise that the house makes.
39:56But the footsteps are clear, right?
39:58You can hear that they're footsteps,
39:59and I wasn't a little boy.
40:01I was 17 years old, and I know what footsteps sound like.
40:04We've communicated with an intelligent being.
40:08Coming to a place like this with so much history,
40:11we were expecting to find a lot of residual energy here.
40:14And when we asked who was still in this house,
40:17they said Martha.
40:19So, we think that a certain energy of Martha
40:22remains here.
40:24Near the bodies buried here,
40:26I activated the audio device,
40:28and I asked, who are you?
40:30And we kept hearing a deep voice
40:33that came through the whole investigation,
40:36the monk's voice.
40:37And I feel like one of the bodies
40:39was probably the monk's when he was alive.
40:42Probably, yeah.
40:44When they closed the convent,
40:46there wasn't a lot of people living here.
40:48I was wondering why there was a monk here.
40:51Because this was a convent.
40:52But I read that some of these convents
40:54were of both sexes,
40:56so there could have been monks and nuns.
40:58The fact that you've contacted a monk
41:00is very interesting.
41:01Yeah, many times throughout the investigation.
41:04I think it's the direction you need to take
41:07to be able to continue.
41:09So, we set up a bunch of different devices,
41:11as you can see in the picture.
41:13On the stairwell, we had light movement sensors.
41:16At the same time, what you see here
41:18is our digital camera
41:19that can record at low light levels.
41:21Something interesting came up,
41:23and we want to show you so you can tell us
41:25if you've ever seen it.
41:26And here, the lasers were blocked.
41:28Now, keep looking.
41:31The motion sensors were activated.
41:34After tonight's investigation,
41:36I really believe that the monk
41:38is the central point of the energy
41:40that never ceases to manifest itself
41:42and communicate with the living.
41:44Whatever it was that happened on the stairwell
41:46when we carried out the experiment,
41:48it allowed us to capture a part of the energy
41:50that was in the area.
41:52Well, thank you very much for sharing this with me
41:54because I can keep putting together
41:56the pieces of the puzzle
41:58of what's happening here.
42:00So, the information about the monk
42:02is another turn,
42:03and now we can keep moving forward
42:05with the investigation.
42:06I don't know if I'll get to a conclusion
42:08in what I have left of life,
42:10but it's very interesting.
42:12Thank you very much for sharing it with me.
42:14Mark, we appreciate your knowledge
42:16about this story,
42:17what you've experienced,
42:18your personal experience.
42:19Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
42:21You're welcome.
42:22And it's clear that there is a strong energy here,
42:24more so than in other locations
42:26where we've been.
42:27It's still manifesting itself.
42:28The story is still playing out here.
42:30I hope I can move forward with the investigation
42:32and tell you about it in the future.
42:33It would be my pleasure.
42:34Okay, thank you, Mark.
42:35Let's go home.
42:3672 hours.
42:37We came to Hinchinbrook House
42:39after years of hearing about
42:41paranormal activity
42:42and the mystery surrounding the skeletons
42:44that were found under the stairs.
42:46We've been contacted with something
42:47that's inexplicable,
42:48and we believe that it could be related
42:50to the skeletons.
42:51It's incredible to establish contact
42:53with a story like that.
42:54After our 72-hour investigation,
42:56I believe that the water spring
42:58under the house
42:59feeds the paranormal energy of the place.
43:01We've established clear contact
43:03with the spirit of a monk and a woman,
43:05probably Martha Ray.
43:07They've been here for centuries,
43:09impatiently trying to make their stories known,
43:12and in the years to come,
43:14I believe that the spirits will continue
43:16to appear here in Hinchinbrook House.
