• last year
paranormal, fenómenos paranormales, actividad paranormal, investigaciones paranormales, fantasmas, espíritus, casas embrujadas, eventos inexplicables, apariciones, cazafantasmas, experiencias paranormales, lo sobrenatural, misterios sin resolver, vida después de la muerte, fenómenos sobrenaturales, evidencia paranormal, avistamientos de fantasmas, fenómenos inexplicables, entidades paranormales, sucesos extraños
05:11We are not referring to conclusive evidence, I insist on it,
05:15but to personal testimonies.
05:18It may be that, as materialists claim,
05:21everything ends here, in any cemetery, without a later.
05:26And that experiences like the ones we have just heard
05:29are only consoling hallucinations made by our brain.
05:34Although the truth is that many psychiatrists do not share that explanation
05:38or consider it rampant and full of prejudices.
05:41Let's leave it aside for the moment
05:44and go to another kind of testimonies,
05:47the oldest and most popular,
05:50those that refer to ghosts.
06:00The simple statement guards most people.
06:03So much literature has been done on the subject,
06:06it has been loaded with such sinister inks,
06:09associating them with curses, murders or suicides
06:13and linking them to old abadias,
06:16dark castles and other romantic scenarios
06:19that the first reaction is skepticism.
06:36However, the accounts that, due to the quality of the witnesses
06:41or due to the circumstances, can be considered authentic,
06:44have nothing of the sort.
06:47Certainly, these are subjective experiences, whether they can be believed or not.
06:52But in the two cases that we will see next,
06:55whose authenticity I have no doubt about,
06:58the witnesses were not suggested
07:01and were fully aware of what was happening.
07:06Well, it was a month in August
07:09in a town in the province of Albacete,
07:14which is called Tobarra,
07:17where we have a house that my father bought when I was a year old.
07:20My father had died the month before December
07:25and I went to spend my summer holidays there, in Tobarra.
07:29It was early in the morning,
07:32I suppose it was around five thirty
07:35or around six, because it was dawn.
07:39I had a beautiful cat, a black cat,
07:43who was very mischievous, very weird, very strange,
07:46and with me, well, it was a kind of passion,
07:49the one I had, tremendous, and it was an extension of mine.
07:52And she slept at the foot of my bed.
07:56And she was very calm when she was with me
07:59and that early morning, suddenly, she began to meow desperately
08:03and to get off the bed and go to the door of the room
08:08and that happened when the cat needed to go out
08:11or wanted to go to the field or something like that.
08:16And then, well, I got off,
08:19scoldingly, of course, from the bed,
08:22I got off the stairs, I opened the door of the street
08:26and, well, when I opened the door of the street,
08:29the cat stood still inside the house.
08:32Then I pushed her with my foot to get her out,
08:35she listened to me, I took her out,
08:38and when I was going to close the door,
08:41the cat came in and ran up the stairs.
08:45And, well, nothing, I think I drank a glass of water,
08:49I think I remember that I drank a glass of water
08:52and I went up absolutely clear,
08:54but thinking that those were not decent hours to get up,
08:58and I left with the intention of seeing if I could sleep.
09:02Then, well, I lay down on the bed,
09:05the cat had gone up to the feet of the bed, as always,
09:09and I usually, when I lie down on the bed,
09:12I close my eyes, I don't keep my eyes open,
09:15I close my eyes and suddenly I saw my father.
09:18I saw him a little sitting,
09:21but the level where he was sitting
09:24was a little higher than the level of the bed,
09:28he was in a lumbar chair, his lumbar chair,
09:31the lumbar chair that no longer existed in the house,
09:35and then, well, of course, immediately I opened my eyes,
09:40I opened my eyes, he was still there,
09:43and my father was there, he was younger, clearer.
09:47When you start to see him, you have your eyes closed,
09:50you open them and you continue to see him exactly the same,
09:55that is, as if the image, I don't know,
09:58was forming in your brain,
10:01or the image had nothing to do with the physical,
10:05your closed eyelids were not an obstacle for him to see.
10:09They were not an obstacle, but when I was seeing him,
10:13my father was not a different image
10:17from how I am seeing you now.
10:21How did you see him?
10:23Three-dimensional, tangible, like corporeal?
10:27The feeling was absolutely corporeal,
10:31there was nothing ghostly at all in him,
10:36only that my father seemed to be a few years younger,
10:40that he had, I don't know, the impression of about 50 years,
10:46and my father was almost 80 when he died.
10:50And did he say anything to you?
10:52Well, I kept looking at him and I could have asked him things,
10:56because the logical and natural thing is that in a circumstance like this,
10:59I would have asked him, what is there after this, where are you?
11:03No, I asked him, what do you want, dad?
11:06And at that moment he answered me, give up the position.
11:11And at that moment some circles began to appear around my father,
11:17concentric circles that closed and my father's image disappeared.
11:25And I don't know what made me look at the cat.
11:29I don't know what made me look at the cat either.
11:32But the cat was on, instead of lying down like when I got up,
11:36it was on all fours and it had all the hair on the tip
11:40and the ears absolutely back.
11:44You have no doubt, what you saw was your father.
11:47It was not an image made by your mind, nor was it anything else, right?
11:54I am absolutely sure.
11:57Although it seems presumptuous to say it like that,
12:00but I am absolutely sure.
12:02Because other times I have dreamed of people who had already disappeared,
12:06I have believed, I have seen.
12:08No, this was as real as we are seeing right now, you and me.
12:17Many years ago an air crash occurred in Spain that shocked the country.
12:23A plane of passengers crashed in Bilbao and all the occupants died.
12:29But at least one of them did not want to cross to the other side
12:34before saying goodbye to one of his children.
12:37In a sense, it was he who told the family of his death
12:42before they found out otherwise.
12:49Do you remember, although you were not very old then,
12:52do you remember in detail what happened that morning?
12:57Yes, I remember.
13:00Well, that day I woke up.
13:03I had just turned 8 years old, I was little.
13:06And I do not know very well why I did not want to go to school.
13:09And I made up that I was sick.
13:12I pretended and such.
13:13My mother put me on the thermometer, I did not have a fever,
13:15but well, she left me there in bed.
13:17And nothing, I was in bed.
13:20I think I was reading a comic, a TV show or something like that.
13:25And I was waiting for my mother to go down to buy some batteries
13:29for a Don Quincón machine or something like that.
13:32And nothing, I was in bed quietly.
13:35And suddenly I noticed something coming through the door
13:39and I turned my head.
13:41And I saw my father.
13:43I saw my father dressed in a jacket and tie,
13:49as he used to work with the briefcase.
13:52And well, he looked much younger.
13:56And what happened?
13:57He entered the room, he stayed close to the door,
14:01he did not enter the bed, he stayed at a certain distance.
14:04And he came in with a smile, a huge smile.
14:08I mean, I do not know, it filled me, I was looking at him, well, astonished, happy.
14:13I mean, I smiled at him.
14:15And I felt very good, I felt phenomenal.
14:18It was like I did not ask him anything or anything.
14:21I mean, it was like a communication without words.
14:25When he entered the room, when you turned your head and saw him,
14:30his appearance, apart from being dressed as he used to be dressed,
14:34and radiating that peace or that feeling that he gave you of well-being,
14:42you saw him as if you were looking at me.
14:47I saw him solid.
14:48I mean, he was not transparent, nor did I see what was behind him.
14:51I mean, in that sense, he was solid.
14:53And yes, I think I could have even touched him.
14:56What happens is that I stayed in bed, I did not even need to approach him.
15:01And I saw him with that incredible smile and like with a light, a little strange, right?
15:13I do not know if it was so much the light or what radiated, the feelings he made me have.
15:19And you, until that moment, did not know anything at all.
15:22But when that happened, when you saw him, did you know he was dead?
15:26No, I knew it just when he disappeared, when he left.
15:30And then all that emotion, all that positive feeling that he had transmitted to me,
15:36then I realized that something bad had happened.
15:39I did not even think about death, but come on, it was quite likely.
15:44And then a lot of time passed until you learned about the death of your father, of the accident?
15:50A couple of hours passed or something like that,
15:55that my uncle from Bilbao called me.
15:58And well, I was in my room, but I heard the conversation.
16:01I remember my mother said a phrase that said,
16:05with these things you do not play, you can not make this kind of jokes, something like that.
16:09But anyway, the fact was hidden from me until late at night.
16:14They took me home to some uncles.
16:16Then my mother told me that there had been an accident, that I was in the hospital and everything else.
16:20But well, deep down I knew that everything was a lie.
16:25You also told me on some occasion that your mother had had that night a kind of feeling,
16:33of something, that she felt a desire to turn off the alarm clock.
16:38She told me that she woke up that morning, before the alarm clock rang,
16:44with the idea of ​​turning it off so that my father would miss the plane, the flight.
16:49And why didn't she do it?
16:52Well, she asked the question many times.
16:54But I don't know, she decided that if it had to be like that, it had to be like that.
16:59She didn't want to interfere in the events.
17:05And you have no doubt, Gonzalo, did you really see your father?
17:09Yes, over the years I have tried to rationalize it, to think that it was a mental projection.
17:18But of course, there are many things that you think, no, I saw what I saw and it was not a mental projection,
17:25because I didn't know, I couldn't know that he had died in the accident.
17:30I didn't even know there had been an accident.
17:35Well, very good, Gonzalo, thank you very much.
17:40What to do with testimonies like this?
17:43And they are innumerable, although most of its protagonists would never tell it in public,
17:49for fear of not being understood.
17:52What is happening?
17:54How can something, someone supposedly immaterial, become visible?
18:00Is it possible that we all receive this kind of visits,
18:04and for some special reason only a few can see them?
18:10Maybe it is a kind of gift, a psychic capacity that in certain circumstances
18:15allows them to glimpse, to perceive, what penetrates this world from the other side.
18:22A capacity that in some people is not transitory, but practically habitual.
18:29People endowed with what we call mediumship.
18:36In the chapter dedicated to healing, we had the opportunity to talk extensively with Daniel,
18:42a spiritual healer, who to his capacity unites a great dose of sensitivity.
18:48Like other spiritual healers, he is considered a simple medium
18:52so that forces or beings of the spiritual plane act through him.
18:57This quality of mediumship also leads him to receive impressions,
19:01even messages, from the deceased relatives of his patients.
19:07Something that, even though he is convinced that death is not the end,
19:12he lives with a certain fear.
19:19Daniel, we continue to abuse you.
19:24When we were talking about healing, you insist, you emphasize the spiritual healing,
19:31and you talk about communion, or communication, or channeling with other spiritual planes.
19:37But also, as we already know each other, and we have spoken on other occasions,
19:41I know that you yourself serve as a channel, sometimes,
19:44so that communication is established between people who have died and their relatives.
19:53Apart from that, which you are going to tell us if you feel like it,
19:57I would first like to know what is your opinion.
20:00What happens after death?
20:02Does everything end, or does a different stage begin?
20:07No, for me, death is simply a new birth.
20:09It is the return to the true home.
20:12That opinion, is it an opinion raised as a belief,
20:16or in your case, is it based on the experiences you have had?
20:22First, as a belief, and second, based on the experiences I have had, and other people have had.
20:29Well, tell us a little about those experiences.
20:33Well, the question of channeling is a bit of a lucky thing, isn't it?
20:38I don't take it well, it creates a lot of anxiety.
20:41I panic when a person wants to establish contact because I never know what is going to happen.
20:47And if it happens, very well, but if it doesn't happen,
20:51then perhaps that person will leave with more anxiety than he has come from.
20:56And well, simply, when I sometimes do the spiritual sanctions sessions,
21:01in the interview with the patient, I have had perceptions,
21:04I have seen the image of a person who identifies himself, who gives his name.
21:14But how do you see that? In a different way than how you are seeing it now?
21:20It is different every time.
21:21Sometimes you can see a person, as in three dimensions, but you see that it is not flesh and blood.
21:27Sometimes you simply see a light that is moving.
21:30But inside the place where you are?
21:32Yes, yes, as you and I are now, for example here, it could happen.
21:37Sometimes I don't see anything, but I hear.
21:40Other times it is as if I were watching movies in my mind.
21:45Then I ask permission from the person in front of me,
21:48I say, I am perceiving a spiritual entity, do you want to enter into communication?
21:55Then I ask that spiritual entity, I say, to get wet.
21:59If it is really a spirit and it is a spirit that is linked to this person,
22:02get wet. Give proof that it is you.
22:05Because I think it is very easy to say, I am fine, I have a lot of peace, everything is very beautiful.
22:12Yes, okay.
22:14But first, give signs that it is really you.
22:17Then, if there is a scar on his body, I ask him to show me the scar,
22:24to show me hobbies that he had, to call the person by his intimate name,
22:32to tell me who is with him in that other plane.
22:35Then sometimes they give names of other beings who have died, who are from the family.
22:40And many times they give information that not even the same person I have in front of me knows.
22:44Then he goes home and asks the mother, the grandfather, corroborates the information.
22:51And have you had many such experiences?
22:54Lately, yes, I have had several.
22:56It has been something that I do not control, I do not know why they have been shot.
23:01And there are people who call me to have these experiences and it gives me a lot of panic.
23:07Because it is something that totally escapes my control.
23:11For example, yesterday a person came to talk to me, two months ago her husband died.
23:17And her husband appeared and forced her to stay to communicate.
23:21And he communicated for about three quarters of an hour,
23:24giving a lot of intimate information about his wife and him.
23:29Then talking about the children, talking about the next celebrations.
23:34What does he say?
23:35Generally, when they communicate, what is it for?
23:38To make recommendations, to reassure them?
23:41First, they communicate to say, do not be sad, do not cry.
23:46I am here even if you do not see me, do not feel me, but this continues.
23:50This separation is momentary, it is not forever.
23:54First is that, give tranquility, give a certainty that there is something more than material life.
24:02And then what you want is that there is a change at the moral level in the person.
24:07Because you can not just stay in the phenomenology of contacting the spirit,
24:13of being able to have a conversation, to show that there is something more.
24:18That means that there has to be an implication.
24:21That implication is that we complement each other to a spiritual progress.
24:25In the plane that we are, both in the plane of matter and in the spiritual plane.
24:29That we learn to be better, that we give more importance to feelings.
24:34And that, in general, we have more love in our lives.
24:41It seems that our beloved dead are there.
24:44Near us or somewhere from which they come to visit us.
24:50If so, it is inevitable to think that when each of us crosses the border of death,
24:57he will continue to live. In another way, but living.
25:04The question now is that if death is not the end,
25:10logically, birth is not the beginning.
25:14Which is as much as saying that before being born in this world we already existed.
25:19But where and doing what?
25:25Thousands of millions of people are convinced
25:28that we reincarnate in order to learn,
25:32and thus to become spiritually perfect.
25:36Even in the Old Testament it is explicitly stated
25:40the reality of reincarnation.
25:43And also the first Christians believed in it.
25:50There are only a few minutes left to talk about it.
25:54On another occasion we will do it with detainment.
25:56It is worth it, because in recent decades
26:00reincarnation has experienced a new impulse.
26:03And not from a religious point of view, but from a psychological point of view.
26:09Psychotherapists in the United States and other countries
26:14are increasingly looking for the cause of mental disorders in their patients
26:18in traumas experienced in previous lives.
26:22The means, except in the few cases
26:26in which the person spontaneously remembers sequences of other lives,
26:30is always the same, the regressive hypnosis.
26:41Denounced in some times and praised in others,
26:45the fact is that hypnosis has been shown as an effective method
26:48of help for many psychological and psychosomatic problems.
27:18Your subconscious listens to my voice
27:21and will make you go back to some date, some experience,
27:26some cultural latitude that has to do with
27:31the axis of your personal search
27:34or with some problems that you want to solve in your current life.
27:39The next step is to suggest that you go back even more,
27:43that you look in your unconscious memory for scenes or situations
27:46of a possible previous life.
27:49From having success, from that memory,
27:53details that can allow you to deduce who it was
27:57and at what time and place that other life lived are expanded.
28:03Is he dying?
28:08He is dying.
28:11Who is dying?
28:14What relationship do you have with Jose?
28:17Is it something of yours?
28:19I don't know him.
28:21You don't know who he is?
28:23I don't know him.
28:25You don't know him.
28:27You only know that you are seeing him and he is dying.
28:30Very well, tell me.
28:32What else happens now?
28:34I want that child to save us, please.
28:37Certainly, regressive hypnosis does not intend to be
28:41a conclusive proof of reincarnation.
28:44But it is true that sometimes the data obtained from that previous life
28:49have been verified in files or with the testimony of other people.
28:54Even if that previous life took place in another country,
28:58the person in hypnotic trance is able to express himself in that language,
29:03even if in his current life he does not have the slightest knowledge of it.
29:07Something difficult to explain if the hypothesis of reincarnation is not admitted.
29:15Well, it seems that that parenthesis that opens with birth and closes with death
29:21is just that, a parenthesis.
29:24It is possible that we have lived before,
29:27and of course there are many, many data and testimonies
29:31that indicate that we continue to live after.
29:36In any case, it is something that everyone, absolutely everyone,
29:41will know when that moment comes.
29:45Meanwhile, we believe that there are enough reasons
29:50not to expect it with fear, but with hope.
