Love’s Rebellion (2024) Ep.30 Engsub

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00:00《The World of Dream》
00:25走過你的白天 My day passes by
00:28我的黑夜 My night
00:29在醒來之前 Before I wake up
00:32跟隨城市的圓 Following the circle of the city
00:35穿越這流年穿越這流年 Passing through these years
00:38遇見相似的天 Encountering a similar scene
00:42黃昏沉澱 落在你體內 The night of dusk falls on your body
00:46能爭取些喜悅 能為相知握住肩 Being able to hold on to some happiness, being able to hold on to some tenderness
01:07今日我還有一事要求你 Today, I have one more thing to ask of you
01:10說什麼呢 What are you talking about?
01:12什麼求不求 What are you talking about?
01:13你的事就是我的事 Your business is my business
01:15你只管開口 Just say it
01:17我想讓你們幫我去弄一張通行譽符 我要參加上海競爵 I want you to help me get a passport. I want to take part in the Shanghai Tournament
01:23上海競爵 Shanghai Tournament
01:24你不是不打算參加嗎 你怎麼突然改主意了 Aren't you not going to take part in it? Why did you change your mind all of a sudden?
01:28你們知不知道 在上海競爵中有逆眼輪水鏡 Do you know that there is a double-eyed water mirror in the Shanghai Tournament?
01:34我知道啊 I know
01:35石葉山的靈寶據說可以知曉過去之事 It is said that the spiritual treasure of Shiye Mountain can know the past
01:39你是為了它 Are you doing this for it?
01:41我昨晚去見了劍雄 I went to see the sword bear last night
01:43眼下如果想知道真相 If you want to know the truth
01:46只有進上海競爵這一條路了 There is only one way to enter the Shanghai Tournament
01:49真相 Truth
01:54我在找一個仇人 I'm looking for an enemy
01:56殺了我娘 And kill my mother
01:58還有 And
02:00你真要解決啊 Are you really going to solve it?
02:03這上海競爵凶險一場 This Shanghai Tournament is very dangerous
02:05我可是聽說這每年各宗各派都有死傷 I heard that there are casualties in each sect every year
02:10原來你是害怕了 So you are afraid
02:12誰誰誰誰害怕呀 Who is afraid?
02:14我這不惜地當什麼帝君 I don't want to be an emperor
02:16你說我有這時間我多出兩本詩集好不好 If I have time, I'll publish two more poems
02:19大哥 要想查明真相 Brother, if you want to find out the truth
02:22眼下山海競爵這一遭我非去不可 Now I have to go to the Shanghai Tournament
02:26好 OK
02:27既然我們要進 Since we are going to enter
02:29我這個做大哥的絕無不進的道理 I am a big brother
02:31我陪你 I'll go with you
02:33只是 But
02:34我現在只有一張同情律詞 I only have one token of sympathy
02:36就算把我這張給了你 Even if I give it to you
02:38那守衛的都是龍亭的修士 Those guards are all cultivators of Longting
02:40這一眼就看出來了 I can tell at a glance
02:42那沒有別的辦法嗎 Is there no other way?
02:45關鍵這東西他花錢也買不著啊 The key is that he can't afford it
02:48我有辦法 I have a way
02:50哥 Brother
02:56堂堂一個少主 Even a young master
02:58連個通行禦符都搞不定 Can't even get a jade talisman
03:01你說誰搞不定啊 Who can't get it?
03:03不是你搞一個試試 No, you try it
03:05還站著說話不腰疼 You don't shake your head when you talk
03:11這個就是發放通行禦符的地方了 This is where you put the通行禦符 I don't know
03:16你有何手段呢 Do you have any tricks?
03:19讓我猜猜啊 Let me guess
03:22枉稱你禦符丟了 要不然就是明搶 You lost your jade talisman, or you stole it
03:25我窯宮弟子從不許這般下三壞手段 I never do such a thing
03:31好行行行 OK, fine
03:32那我看看你有什麼高明的手段 Let me see what you have
03:34行 OK
03:50勞煩道友替我補發一張通行禦符 Please send me a jade talisman
03:53你是哪個宗派 Which sect are you from?
03:55窯宮 Yaogong
04:00你們窯宮的都發了呀 Your Yaogong's are all sent
04:03你的丟了 Did you lose yours?
04:05未丟 I didn't
04:06那你為何 Then why did you...
04:11就是勞煩補發一張 Please send me a jade talisman
04:16很硬要啊 It's hard to say
04:25把你的禦符拿出來我看看 Let me see your jade talisman
04:34原來是騙禦符的 走開 通行禦符人手一張 丟了沒得補 It turns out to be a jade talisman scam. Get out of my way
04:37通行禦符人手一張 丟了沒得補 I lost one jade talisman
04:42那就勞煩道友再補發兩張 那就勞煩道友再補發兩張 Then please send me two more
04:46下一個 Next
05:03我和激昂一人一張 搞定 我和激昂一人一張 搞定 我和激昂一人一張 搞定
05:18制作人 西藏豁充
05:30無功而返哪 哎 你那句話怎麼說來著 How did you say that?
05:38堂堂龍珠獸 連爭禦符都搞不定 You are the Dragon Cinnamon Beast, even the Jade Talisman is capable of going against you
05:41你來 You do it
05:43I'll do it, I'll do it.
05:48Come, come, come.
05:54Not bad.
05:57Wait a minute.
06:00Let me tell you,
06:01I'll let you give me a drink later.
06:07Come on.
06:09Try our new Longdu tea this year.
06:13This is Longting's new tea this year.
06:15Please try it.
06:18Not bad.
06:20What's the young master's idea?
06:24That's it.
06:27Have a cup of tea.
06:32My stomach.
06:33No, I'll go to the toilet first.
06:36Me too, me too.
06:43Wait a minute.
06:53What are you doing? Go.
06:55What are you doing?
07:04Master, it's time.
07:13The moment you enter the mountain and sea barrier,
07:26you will be scattered to the Jiujie Sea, which is about 100,000 miles away.
07:30And the spirit aura will also disappear quickly due to the terrain of the mountain and sea barrier.
07:37Only one of them will break through the Jiujie Sea and Shiye Mountain,
07:43and become the next emperor.
07:53Jianqiu, open the mountain and sea seal.
07:56You also need to help me.
08:06Jianqiu, open the mountain and sea seal.
08:08You also need to help me.
08:37Take it.
08:38Master Lan.
09:13It seems that this desert is in the Jiujie Sea.
09:17The spirit aura has been used up to seven points just to cool down.
09:21It won't last for five or six hours.
09:25Li Mianhe and I were scattered and transported.
09:27I don't know where we are now.
09:34Why are you here?
09:36Come here.
09:38I'll take you out of the Jiujie Sea.
09:42Master Lan, I'm sorry.
09:45Don't be mad at me anymore.
10:06It's him.
10:10Shao Cang.
10:18Master, where are you?
10:21Shao Cang.
10:34I'm afraid to die.
10:41Why are you here again?
10:50You are the guardian of the mountain and sea seal, Di Ling.
10:53You are famous for your aura.
10:55Why do you use the strange trick of reincarnation to hurt people's lives?
11:00Master, let me explain.
11:08There are not many people who can go to the end of the mountain and sea with so much power.
11:14There are so many souls.
11:16I was so greedy.
11:18That's why you are here.
11:20You are really a criminal.
11:24Who would have thought that you would be so unlucky?
11:29For the sake that I accompanied you all the way to the Jiujie Sea last time,
11:32please forgive me.
11:37Find him for me.
11:41Chong Ming Hou Yi.
11:44Chong Ming is a village of demons.
11:47He also came to the end of the mountain and sea this time.
11:51Find him for me.
11:52Put him first.
11:53Take care of him all the way.
11:56Master, do you want to see him?
11:58You can point him to the direction.
12:00If I want to see him, why do I need to find you?
12:02You are right.
12:05There is a fox in the north.
12:07It is being chased by silver silkworms.
12:09I didn't say anything because I was bored.
12:11The sound of the music is very loud.
12:13Master, why don't you catch it
12:15and make it into a fox ball for your master to wear?
12:17It will be warm.
12:18It's warm.
12:19It's very sweet.
12:22Hurry up.
12:42You want to confuse me with this little magic?
12:52These silver silkworms set traps with their voices.
12:54As long as you move your mind,
12:56it will take the opportunity to devour your soul.
13:02That was your voice just now.
13:06Who do you desire the most?
13:08Whose voice will you hear?
13:16This is a demon.
13:18It's Lord Di Jun.
13:19I'm fine.
13:20I am Di Ling.
13:22This area is actually a gate.
13:25As soon as the enchantment is opened,
13:27Lord Di Jun asks me to release the female master.
13:30It's him again.
13:33He is really the Descendant of Chu Ming.
13:35How can that be possible?
13:38Why don't you release your blood?
13:40Let all the demons in the Nine Realms
13:42feel the breath of the Demon Lord.
13:44They won't hurt you.
13:51The Demon Lord
13:53The Demon Lord
13:55The Demon Lord
13:57The Demon Lord
13:59The Demon Lord
14:01The Demon Lord
14:03The Demon Lord
14:05The Demon Lord
14:07The Demon Lord
14:09The Demon Lord
14:11The Demon Lord
14:13The Demon Lord
14:15The Demon Lord
14:17The Demon Lord
14:19The Demon Lord
14:21The Demon Lord
14:23The Demon Lord
14:25The Demon Lord
14:27The Demon Lord
14:29They are all demons.
14:31Demons don't hurt demons.
14:38If you keep chasing me,
14:40I'll fight you today.
14:44Don't use your power.
14:46If you don't move,
14:48he won't hurt you.
14:54Do you know what that is?
14:56It looks like this.
14:58Who can stand it?
15:00Let's go.
15:14Let's go.
15:16Wait a minute.
15:20Take me to get the Spirit Pearl.
15:22You are already the Lord of the Mountains and Seas.
15:24You can step on the mountains and seas of Mount Shiye in one step.
15:26What do you need this Spirit Pearl for?
15:30For Ah Yan.
15:34Do you want to give her the Spirit Pearl
15:36and make her the Lord of the Mountains and Seas?
15:38I don't know
15:40why she entered the mountains and seas.
15:44But after all, the Lord of the Mountains and Seas
15:46is the master of the mountains and seas.
15:48If she can be the Lord of the Mountains and Seas,
15:50even if I'm not
15:52by her side in the future,
15:54no one will dare to
15:56hurt her easily
16:00It seems that
16:02the Lord of the Mountains and Seas
16:04will be a female emperor.
16:08If I get close to the Lord of the Mountains and Seas,
16:10I guess
16:12I will be able to
16:14help Ah Yan.
16:20Come on.
16:24You have the blood of the caterpillar bird.
16:26Of course, you can communicate with the Spirit Pearl of the Mountains and Seas.
16:28We can treat you as a member of the same clan
16:30and draw a piece of territory for you in the secret ground
16:32so that you can come down
16:34and grow up.
16:38Grow up.
16:40The caterpillar bird only exists in the world
16:42for you alone.
16:44As long as you like it,
16:46you can also choose the human clan to receive it.
16:48That's right.
16:50The female master can stay with the Lord of the Mountains and Seas
16:52and have a bunch of dolls.
16:56I'm new here
16:58and I don't know the terrain yet.
17:00Can you two help me?
17:02Jiujie Sea
17:04is divided into four regions
17:06in the east, south, west and north.
17:08There are four Spirit Pearls in total.
17:10If you want to step on Mount Shiye,
17:12you have to get at least half of the spiritual power of the mountains and seas.
17:14I want to go to the Shanghai Hall.
17:26I am the Lord of the Seas and Seas in the east.
17:28There is no problem
17:30for you to get a Spirit Pearl.
17:32This is a gift for you.
17:44Since we are of the same clan,
17:46you don't have to be so polite.
17:48As for the other three regions,
17:50the Silver Silkworm, the Lord of the Seas and Seas in the north, is the most ferocious.
17:52Just now,
17:54there was a blood smell coming from the north.
17:56Someone must have become his snack.
18:00It's too cold in the north.
18:02It's a little warmer in the south.
18:06There is an earth spirit to guide you.
18:08You don't have to worry.
18:10Besides, you can absorb the spiritual power of the mountains and seas by yourself.
18:12Even if you don't get a Spirit Pearl,
18:14you can still go to Mount Shiye.
18:16You don't have to take too much risk.
18:20Lady, follow me.
18:24Let's go.
18:34Let's go.
18:46He is the Lord of the Seas and Seas in the north.
18:48For him,
18:50the Silver Silkworm
18:52is the most ferocious.
18:54He can do anything he wants.
18:56The devil is killing.
18:58The disciples inside
19:00are afraid of losing their lives.
19:06my son, daughter-in-law
19:08and goddaughter-in-law are all inside.
19:10In case something happens,
19:12I, the Lord of the Seas and Seas,
19:14will have to die.
19:16Does the Lord have any countermeasures?
19:18Yuxuan, Yuxuan.
19:22Go to the treasure trove.
19:24Ask Dian Gang to come out.
19:28I will break the Water Mirror today.
19:30You want to forcibly close the mountains and seas
19:32and ban it?
19:34Once the Water Mirror is broken,
19:36the enchantment will be destroyed.
19:38I'm afraid your Eye Wheel Water Mirror will be destroyed in an instant.
19:40This is a matter of the world.
19:42It's not right for you
19:44to make a decision
19:46between you and me.
19:50It's not right?
19:52Do you think I'm doing this for my own family?
19:54You should know that
19:56in the building today,
19:58there are hundreds of disciples
20:00from different clans.
20:02Even the first disciple of your Sword Sect
20:04is inside.
20:06Hurry up and go.
20:20This thousand-year-old book
20:22is the Lord of the South Sea.
20:24I stole his spiritual path before
20:26and was chased by him for decades.
20:30If I let him see it,
20:32I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome.
20:34You go first.
20:36Wait for the Lady to get the beads.
20:38I'll be right back.
20:50The Sword of Water Mirror
20:52The Sword of Water Mirror
20:54The Sword of Water Mirror
20:56The Sword of Water Mirror
20:58The Sword of Water Mirror
21:00The Sword of Water Mirror
21:02He can easily break my shackles.
21:04It seems that you have more spiritual weapons.
21:08In Shanghai,
21:10you are forbidden to cultivate self-harming and killing each other.
21:12This is a rule set by God of Dao.
21:14Elder Zhu
21:16will not forget it.
21:18a person who has fallen into the devil's path
21:20has the audacity to talk to me about the rules of Taoism?
21:25There is no place for you here at all.
21:29Lan Yan, you go get the spiritual pearl.
21:31I'll wait for you.
21:33You'd better stay here.
21:35As long as you hand over the spiritual pearl obediently.
21:38I see you as a woman.
21:40I'll spare your life.
21:43This lady,
21:45your brother is already gone.
21:47Do you believe that I can kill you with a finger?
21:51Elder Zhu,
21:53don't be impatient.
21:57Xuan Zai ordered you to assist me in the battle at the mountains and seas.
22:01If you want to grab the spiritual pearl today,
22:03it's not your turn to do it.
22:12Do you know who you are talking to?
22:15Let me go.
22:17Those who are strong are respected.
22:19If you are not convinced,
22:22we can have a competition.
22:24If I lose,
22:26the spiritual pearl will be yours.
22:38I can see the internal struggle of Taoism in my lifetime.
22:41No wonder the previous emperor was possessed.
22:43The number one sect in the world is really more powerful than money.
22:50I don't kill demons.
22:52I don't kill women either.
22:54Demon girl, get out of here.
22:57Don't try to seduce me like Nian Nian.
23:01Did you hear my voice in the dream just now?
23:07If you didn't use Nian Nian's voice to trick me into coming to the Quicksand Trap,
23:10I wouldn't be in such a mess.
23:12If others know, they will laugh at me.
23:15You have me in your heart.
23:20What are you talking about?
23:24Did you fall in love with me?
23:27What do you mean?
23:28Don't you know I'm real now?
23:32You said they were here to break into the Shanghai Mirror.
23:36Young Master Long Du was like this in the Yangyue Sect.
23:40He hasn't changed for many years.
23:42Isn't this a kind of luck?
23:53Young Master Mu,
23:55three spiritual pearls have been lost within four days.
23:58Three spiritual pearls have been lost within four days.
24:00Only Nan Yu hasn't been taken away yet.
24:03Instead of playing around here...
24:13You three are real.
24:18It seems that the Demon Lord is determined to be our enemy.
24:22The Demon Lord is determined to be our enemy.
24:27Since you are willing to cooperate,
24:29why don't we see what you can do?
24:30Then I'll be straight with you.
24:32I can help you stop them with one against two.
24:34You go get the spiritual pearl.
24:36By then, the spiritual pearl will be yours and mine.
24:45You want my sister to sell her life to the old secretary?
24:48Why are you so stingy as a man?
24:50You have to understand that I'm protecting her.
24:52Who needs a man like you to protect me?
24:54My sister is a fierce beast.
25:00What do you think we should do?
25:02Everyone, in my opinion,
25:04why don't we split up based on our strength
25:06and fight this Thousand-Spirit Beast together?
25:08Whoever gets the most will be the winner.
25:11I don't want this spiritual pearl.
25:14Then I don't want it either.
25:21This is not the Dragon Capital anymore.
25:23You can leave. She can stay.
25:27Also, I don't really care about this spiritual pearl.
25:31Everyone, is there anyone who can help me kill this demon girl?
25:34I can give her all the spiritual weapons in my hand.
25:41No matter how big the family is, it can't compare to the world.
25:48I'm afraid that you will turn against the Emperor.
25:51You won't even avenge my father.
25:55But you are so generous to the spiritual pearl.
26:00Could it be that the most powerful spiritual pearl in the north
26:04is in your hand?
26:06She has two.
26:07What are we waiting for, Senior?
26:09Just grab one.
26:10What do you mean?
26:49You don't have to worry about my business.
26:51What are you talking about?
26:53It's good that you are here.
26:54Let me tell you.
26:55These people are all scheming.
26:57We will work together later.
26:58It's really troublesome to kill her.
27:05In your eyes,
27:07why don't you have any progress at all?
27:10I don't have any progress.
27:12I don't have any progress.
27:14I don't have any progress.
27:16I don't have any progress at all.
27:18Little fox.
27:19We are in a hurry again.
27:23It's you.
27:27Dear friends.
27:28The reincarnation of Sen Luo is right in front of us.
27:30We should let go of the Emperor's dispute about the right path.
27:33Let's take action first.
27:40Sister Nian.
27:43Where is he?
27:44Where am I?
28:04Someone forced the Emperor to go into the sea.
28:06We can't take it anymore.
28:07Go, go, go.
28:14We haven't got the Mermaid Jade yet.
28:16We can't evaporate it.
28:34It's Sen Luo.
28:35He used demonic power to force the enchantment.
28:41It's Sen Luo.
28:53Take this opportunity to kill him.
29:11Go, go, go.
29:36Jin Yang.
29:38Come on.
29:39Take him away.
29:40Let's retreat.
30:08He was affected by the mountain and sea enchantment.
30:10Does he need the spiritual power of the mountain and sea?
30:56I went into the sea to find the truth of my mother's death for the Mermaid Jade.
31:02It has nothing to do with you.
31:05You don't have to do anything for me.
31:09I can't get up.
31:14What's wrong with you?
31:15Are you okay?
31:20You are angry with me.
31:22I feel uncomfortable.
31:25I think you are almost recovered.
31:27Get up.
31:34Get up.
31:44In fact, I came here not only to protect you, but also to get the jade, the soul jade.
31:55The one who is more than me is in the dark.
31:58I don't know if he will break through.
32:01After this day, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future.
32:08I know.
32:10If I ask you why you want the jade, you won't tell me.
32:19Forget it.
32:20At least this time, you didn't hide the jade from me.
32:27If you don't tell me, I won't tell you.
32:30Considering everything you have done before,
32:34if you want the jade, I can help you.
32:41Let me see.
32:50It's fine.
32:57Let me see.
33:02The magic nail.
33:08Don't be hit by the magic nail.
33:14Don't worry.
33:16The magic nail has disappeared.
33:18The magic nail has no effect on me.
33:20The magic nail has no effect on me.
33:27So that's how you got rid of Senuo.
33:31It's okay.
33:32It really has no effect.
33:37I heard from my master before that
33:40planting the magic nail is a hundred times more painful than breaking bones.
33:45It has a great damage to the heart and body.
33:48It's not forced.
33:52It won't be applied to the body.
33:56I did all this for one thing.
34:03To protect you.
34:05To protect you.
34:18Why is this place so cold at night?
34:21I'm coming.
34:27Watch me.
34:36It's cold, isn't it?
34:38Come on.
34:39Let me give you a massage.
34:48What are you doing?
34:50It's so uncomfortable.
34:51What's wrong with that?
34:52I don't trust you with your small body.
34:57It's so comfortable.
35:01It's so comfortable.
35:03Nian Nian.
35:04I'm sorry.
35:05I'm not cold.
35:11I brought my own medicine.
35:15Don't force yourself.
35:16Let me do it.
35:20What are you doing?
35:24It's really not right.
35:30Wait a minute.
35:34Here you go.
35:39Here you go.
35:40One on your hand.
35:41One on your belly.
35:43It's so warm.
35:45You're amazing.
35:46You can apply medicine to this.
35:48This is my exclusive product.
35:50I promise you to be warm all day long.
35:58Why don't I have it?
36:00You want everything.
36:01You have hair. What are you afraid of?
36:05After all, I'm not the daughter-in-law you think I am.
36:10What are you doing?
36:21You're not angry now?
36:26You tell me.
36:28How much pain did you suffer
36:31when you went out this time?
36:35I miss you.
36:37I don't feel pain.
36:41I hit you that day.
36:45Does it hurt?
36:49It hurts.
36:50It still hurts now.
36:53It really hurts.
36:59I know.
37:00I know.
37:03You must have suffered a lot.
37:14By the way, do you know
37:16that you once tried a Jingyuan internal pill?
37:22When and where?
37:24I didn't know until I went to see my uncle this time.
37:27My mother used to practice a pill to protect her body.
37:31If it hadn't been for this pill,
37:33she wouldn't have died so easily.
37:36And her heart was damaged that year.
37:39She should have suffered this too.
37:45You once said you cured my heart disease.
37:50Is it possible that
37:52I have the same love as Chief Nan?
37:54Exactly the same.
37:57The same method.
38:00Maybe it's done by the same person.
38:03My mother is a god-like person.
38:05There are only a few people in this world
38:07who can hurt her.
38:10Not to mention the last time
38:12when she was in prison,
38:13that man took away the bloody hairpin.
38:15He looked very strange.
38:17These two things put together
38:20are too strong.
38:24You mean
38:25the one who took the hairpin and the one who took the pill
38:28are the same person?
38:31This is just my guess.
38:34This time I'm going to see the Water Mirror.
38:36I must find my mother
38:38and find out the truth.
38:42Don't act rashly.
38:45If Chief Nan really pointed out this person,
38:49I'll think of a way to deal with it.
38:52Then I'll wait for you to come out.
38:54This time,
38:56you must come out safely.
39:08This place is open to the public.
39:10You can't be in danger
39:11if you get hurt.
39:14Don't worry.
39:15This place is the most gentle place
39:17in this ward.
39:19It is willing to be reborn.
39:20It is willing to be reborn.
39:22And the flowers here
39:24can eat people's souls.
39:26No one can come in.
39:27Eat people's souls?
39:30They don't dare to move.
39:33I am now the master of the mountains and the sea.
39:36I can make the mountains and the sea surrender.
39:38The mountains and the sea surrender?
40:15The Red Qi Pearl.
40:20In order to collect the spiritual aura,
40:22there are two spiritual aura pearls now.
40:25It's enough for you to enter the Spirit Crystal.
40:32You have to promise me
40:34that no matter what you do in the future,
40:38you can't leave me alone again.
40:41That is,
40:43he will kill me personally.
40:50He will kill me.
41:21When I stand by your side
41:26Everything in the world becomes useless
41:32Except for your eyes
41:38Hard to remember every minute and every second with you
41:45Our story flows like smoke
41:49It's all in your eyes
41:52Can you hold my hands tightly
41:56No matter it's a white cloud or a hidden dog
42:00Let's start
42:03Until the end
42:08Let me go forward with you
42:12Let all the brilliant fireworks stay for you
42:20When the wind blows
42:24When the wind blows
42:28From your eyebrows to my heart
42:32Like a calm spring breeze
42:36It's all in your eyes
42:41Can you hold my hands tightly
42:50Can you hold my hands tightly
42:55No matter it's a white cloud or a hidden dog
42:59Let's start
43:01Until the end
43:06Let me go forward with you
43:10Let all the brilliant fireworks stay for you
43:18When the wind blows
43:22When the wind blows
43:30When the wind blows
