
  • 2 months ago
00:00Hi-Dum-Dee-Da-Dee, Hi-Dum-Dee-Dum, Hi-Dum-Dee-Da-Dee, Hi-Dum-Dee-Dum, Hi-Dum-Dee-Da-Dee, Hi-Dum-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee-D
00:30There's bright glimmers of sunshine bravely peek from the horizon
00:34There's an orchestration of creatures that I always find surprising
00:38With the animals in unison, each cow and duck and bird
00:42There is music unlike anything you've heard
00:47It's another typical morning in the meadow we are finding
00:51And the bees are busy a-buzzing off to where the honey's hiding
00:55And the birdies all are chirping with the crickets every place
00:59And a soggy froggy chorus sings the face
01:21There is nothing nice as a heel mice
01:23They practice many hours
01:25And they fill the air with a big fanfare on fiddles made of flowers
01:30And the magic of the meadow is the music in the air
01:34When you've never heard a symphony so rare
01:38Every day begins with an overture, a serenade of pleasure
01:43In the big tree trunks are a few chipmunks that wobble every measure
01:47Every billy goat and alley croon a tune as sweet as pies
01:51While a hundred hummingbirds harmonize
01:55Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
02:00Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
02:04Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
02:08Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
02:12Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
02:15Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
02:18Once upon a time there was a meadow
02:23With flowers and animals that lived on it
02:26It was ruled by a small queen bee
02:30It is said that there was a king living on the meadow
02:33Who was hated when he was a child
02:35And his fate was covered by a veil of secrets
02:38A meeting is starting on the meadow
02:41Come on in, come on
02:49Now it's better, you have a speech, queen bee
02:55The first point of the day will be a new division of work tasks
03:01Bells, it would be nice to decorate our meadow
03:04It looks like the water has boiled
03:06Yes, queen bee
03:08Yes, yes, yes, where did I stop?
03:11Yes, although the servants loved the bee
03:14She had a lot of work to do
03:17It really was a job for two
03:19I beg you enough, let's move on to the next point
03:26Everything around my basket stinks
03:29That's why the greedy frog eats my work again
03:32Hold the frog by the teeth, queen bee
03:35I don't like your work that itches
03:37Do you think I like someone to itch my tongue?
03:43I told you, hold on, fly, old man
03:46I can't fly
03:48Oh, how sweet
03:54I won't fly
03:57I'm out of breath after this summer
04:00Let's start
04:01Hey, little finger, why did you call us?
04:05Narcisa, Zvončić, and you impatient
04:07You are in a great hurry, flower
04:09Zvončić, he forgot to share the dew in the morning
04:12Narciso, you didn't feed the hummingbirds
04:15And you are impatient
04:16You didn't put out the fire for the third night in a row
04:19What do you have to say in your defense?
04:24Walnuts, walnuts, my walnuts, where are my walnuts?
04:27Someone stole my walnuts
04:29Don't whine, don't be crazy
04:31Did you forget where you buried them?
04:34No, no, no, it's not that
04:36I planned everything, my plan, where is my plan?
04:39Here it is
04:42These three took my walnuts
04:44I would have seen them all how they dug
04:47But you said we were digging for mud
04:51It's nothing, no one wrote graffiti on the broken armor
04:55Where, where?
04:56I don't like when they do that to me
04:58Why do you think the flowers are to blame?
05:01Oh, it's written in blue, who could it be?
05:07You have no proof of that
05:11Oh, well, I don't have time for that
05:14Do you have anything to say against this old woman?
05:17No, no, no, no, no
05:18We don't bury our food in the mud
05:20And we don't eat grapes like some other hummingbird
05:23So I don't name them
05:25Hummingbird, I will, you know
05:27Go away, I don't want to see you anymore
05:30Oh, I'm very afraid, my teeth are bleeding
05:33I just ate too much
05:35Hey, people, what kind of llama is that?
05:37Come on, let's go
05:40I hate Mondays
05:46I'm going to the old lady
05:48Maybe she'll give me some advice on how to pacify this world
06:11We need company
06:12Bravo, my queen, he was awake all night
06:16Hummingbird, hummingbird!
06:21What is it? Why are you waking me up?
06:24Oh, that's my little stick
06:27Stick, why are you sad?
06:31Oh, hummingbird, I don't know, I don't know
06:34It's all over my head
06:37That's natural
06:39I remember when you were a baby
06:42And when the queen first took you to the meadow
06:45Here he is, now the story begins
06:48Don't hit me, big stick
06:51Where did I put it?
06:54Aha, yes
07:00You've never seen a reflection in a magic bath?
07:03All these children come from the best royal families
07:06Together, they will rule like a king and a queen on the big meadow
07:10When they grow up, we hope they will fall in love and marry
07:14Bring luck to us and to themselves
07:17This is a sign that you are of royal blood
07:20And when you are, your kingdom will be happy
07:23But then came that terrible, terrible day
07:28You have a great task, queen, and a very important one
07:31But don't despair, one day you will find your prince
07:34And you two will rule happily
07:37I would bet my life on it
07:40I know, one day we will meet
07:58You will never catch me, prince
08:01Woof, woof, woof, woof
08:04Woof, woof, woof, woof
08:27Bravo, little stick, bravo
08:30You entered nicely, little stick
08:32I was so free and drew a plan to expand the palace
08:35Oh, son, you know what I think about building a bigger palace
08:39This one is quite enough for us
08:41Besides, according to this plan, I would have to level a large meadow
08:45And this meadow is worth as much as ten palaces
08:48When will you finally learn to respect nature?
08:51Oh, leave nature, father
08:53The bigger, the better
08:55This palace is old-fashioned, we have to go step by step
08:58Build a pond for swimming under the roof, a garage for twelve horses
09:02I don't want my subordinates' money to be spent on such nonsense
09:06Then we will use their muscles
09:09Look at the beautiful pyramids the slaves built in Egypt
09:12Maybe we could...
09:14I won't make slaves build a palace for...
09:19All right, our green palace will feel gloomy while everyone moves forward
09:24As if we were hammering our heads into the sand
09:27If only you...
09:29This pond and all its creatures are equally important to me
09:32Like my peasants, knights, like the king, or the king's son
09:35We won't give up because of...
09:39A gloomy meadow
09:41All right, father, you're finally the king
09:45For now
09:47But I think you'll regret your decision soon
09:52I would suggest...
09:54This boy is really stubborn
09:56That's smart, boy
09:58I think you made the right decision, boy
10:00It's not easy to be a little boy
10:15I smell chocolate cake
10:17I just bought a little bird for the little one
10:20I didn't do anything to anyone, have mercy
10:23All right, I'll be merciful
10:25I'll eat you in one piece
10:28I won't tear you into many small pieces
10:34Help me!
10:37Why didn't you give me a little piece?
10:41Hey, I had to eat you when I had this opportunity
10:43It's a shame the king came to you first
10:46But this mouse won't be happy
10:48Leave him alone, Edgar
10:50Don't move, you'll get lost
10:52No one taught you to point with your finger
10:58Never again, little mouse
11:00Never again will I be safe in this palace
11:04Thank you, young master, you saved my life
11:07I'm glad I did
11:10Tell that to King Richard, he won't let me out of the palace
11:13The king loves you so much
11:15He's been saving you since you were little
11:18I know he wants the best for me
11:20However, I would like to defend his honor against Saxon enemies
11:23Along with the other knights
11:25The king didn't come to see how you're doing with the mouse
11:28Maybe I'm small, but I know I'm destined for great things
11:33A bird is flying out of my kitchen
11:45What is this?
11:48What are you doing here?
11:52I'm eating a cake
11:55It's as sweet as ever
11:57You're so sweet
12:01Let's go, little mouse
12:03It's better to run before Edgar visits us again
12:07Let's go!
12:14You look especially terrible today, little mouse
12:17I wish you a good day
12:19Thank you
12:21When a boy says that to me, it sounds like a compliment
12:28I wish I could take a bath
12:30Do you have any money?
12:32Here it is
12:34Let's give the king's head to the Saxons
12:37They've written a price on his head
12:39Since he won the war
12:41That's a good idea
12:43To fight for a piece of cake
12:46Give it to me
12:48First, give me the data
12:51All right
12:53The king will go for a walk to the cemetery
12:56Tomorrow morning at 10
12:58Without guards
13:00Then he'll give up his dear nature
13:02Blah, blah, blah, blah
13:04You can catch him on his way to purity
13:07He'll be helpless, in a corner
13:09And he'll leave this world
13:15You rotten son of a bitch
13:17You sell your own father to the enemy
13:19To become a king
13:21As if you were my son, whom I never had
13:24Stop it!
13:25As soon as I become king
13:27You'll be the commander of my army of black knights
13:30Money, power and kingdom
13:32Very soon
13:34We'll have it all
13:41Here it is, brother
13:43What do you say, Pacic?
13:45Isn't it beautiful?
13:47It's beautiful, your highness
13:49Thank you for bringing me here
13:51Who is that?
13:53Look at that bird
13:55I rarely see this species here
14:10Who are you?
14:11Are you staying up there?
14:13Let me go, robbers!
14:17King Richard!
14:22Hey, stop!
14:23Come back!
14:24You must not expose yourself to any danger
14:27Go back to your duties
14:31Quick, Vigore!
14:32Back to the palace!
14:33Let's go, your highness!
14:40Give me the bandage!
14:41Give me the bandage!
14:42The king is gone!
14:47I'd love to go with you
14:49But Metko has to stay here and take care of the palace
14:52Besides, I'm dressed in white
14:54And it's so easy to get dirty
14:56And you're clean as a whistle from the inside
15:00Quick, Vigore!
15:01Let's go!
15:04I have to go with you
15:05I want to help King Richard
15:07Forgive him
15:08Unfortunately, this time he will be too dangerous for you
15:10Besides, the king would like Metko to stay here and keep an eye on the bear
15:17All right
15:22Good luck!
15:23May God be with you!
15:25Now we can finally fix everything here
15:28Do you think we want to?
15:35It's like it hasn't been broken since they killed my father
15:42And this palace is exactly 12 centuries old
15:45It's time to take a step back in time
15:48Derry, Derry, Derry!
15:49I have to carry all this
15:51What do you peasants think?
15:52King Richard didn't ask for such a big salary
15:55I have big plans for this kingdom
15:58So cooperate with me, people
16:00At least until I make you my slaves
16:08Fatty, why don't you try to catch something a little lighter?
16:11Like a gun
16:13Are you kidding me?
16:14That's for old toads
16:15Only until I change my tongue
16:18Hey, you!
16:19Put the wine in the teapot!
16:21Here, Marvin, I want a new palace right here
16:27It's falling!
16:31Why is it falling?
16:32Throw me a leg!
16:34That was by accident
16:36Of course, by accident
16:38You'd make a great stew out of a rooster
16:43Stop whining, you helpless rooster!
16:46Do you want to see my next scientific experiment?
16:49No offense, sir
16:51That's because we're not used to strangers in our meadow
16:55Then you'll have to get used to it
16:57I'll build my next palace here
16:59It will be beautiful
17:01Starting with my power and my taste
17:04From the floor to the ceiling there will be carpets and fabrics with my picture
17:08Rooftops with my kites
17:11And a special gallery of pictures with...
17:14Let me guess, with your pictures
17:16Magnificent idea
17:18Hey, Billy, let's get rid of this guy
17:21You're right
17:23Beautiful, sir!
17:25What a view!
17:26Tell us a little more about this thing
17:29Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes
17:31Here will be the main palace
17:33My palace
17:34Surrounded by a five-meter wide yard
17:37Surrounded by alligators
17:39Or I'll take the crocodiles, it doesn't matter
17:41Here will be a lake
17:43In which I will watch from above
17:46Oh, oh, oh, oh
17:48What was that?
17:49Turn it off!
17:50We're breaking up!
17:51We're breaking up!
17:53We're breaking up!
17:54We're breaking up!
17:55We're breaking up!
17:56We're breaking up!
17:57We're breaking up!
17:58I'm very worried about you three
18:00You have to take your job seriously
18:02Or I have no choice but to take your wings
18:07But when the job is so boring
18:09Clean the leaves, clean the spider
18:11Open the flowers, close the flowers
18:13Bring the rose to us, bring the rose to you
18:16Oh, God, sometimes I feel like I'm an ordinary ant
18:20We'd like to have some fun
18:22We want a little excitement
18:24We want a little fun
18:25Princess, hurry up, you have to come
18:28Hurry up, I'm running
18:30Watch where you're going, fat bullet eyes
18:32Okay, what is it?
18:33Fat, slow down, slow down
18:34Kresimir, what's going on?
18:38On the meadows!
18:39They'll tear it all apart!
18:41Our tunnels have been destroyed!
18:43Our streams will overflow and the lakes will disappear!
18:46And they almost cut me up!
18:49Who could those people be?
18:52They've never bothered us before
18:54It must be very important
18:56When big people fall on our heads
18:58Why don't we all live in peace?
19:00Well, I'm moving to another meadow
19:03There's only one way to find out what's going on
19:06I'll have to go to the yard and talk to the king
19:10No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
19:12That's the only way they can draw the prize
19:15I'm afraid
19:16Take me to the yard, fat man
19:21It was nice to live alone
19:29Excuse me, gentlemen
19:32Hey, who are you?
19:33Hey, Moe, look at this
19:34Look at this little beauty
19:36I'm here on business
19:38I have to go to the king
19:39Who doesn't have to go to the king?
19:41It's very urgent
19:43That's right, that's what everyone says
19:46They're destroying the big meadow
19:48I have to tell the king what's going on
19:50Only he can prevent it
19:51I'm sorry, but the order is from the top
19:53No one is allowed in the yard
19:54So go!
19:57Who told you we have to go to the main door?
20:01Get down there!
20:03These flies fascinate me
20:05Why do they have to fly?
20:09All right, where is that king?
20:11Look at him!
20:12You're not King Richard
20:14Oh, that's very insidious
20:16Unfortunately, King Richard is...
20:18Oh dear, father!
20:20I'm his son, the new king
20:23You can call me Your Majesty
20:26King Richard again?
20:28Oh no!
20:29Netko, Netko, they're destroying the big meadow
20:32And you have to stop it right now!
20:35What are you, a doll?
20:37I'm Princess Stick
20:39And I rule the big meadow
20:41Oh, I wouldn't say that, princess
20:44I rule everything around me
20:46And the big meadow
20:47Which will soon become my new home
20:49I will build the buildings of my new palace on it
20:52In fact, you are exactly on my plans
20:55It's so big!
20:56But what about the creatures that the meadow is home to?
20:59If you destroy the meadow
21:01You will destroy the forest and the river
21:03And then...
21:04Cry for the river!
21:05Do I look like someone who was brought to it?
21:07Father, no!
21:09Listen, I'm not completely heartless
21:12We'll start plowing next week
21:14Until then, we can move
21:18What do you say about the meadow?
21:21You have to stop the destruction!
21:24I don't hear you well
21:26It's better for you to go out before I force Edgar on you
21:30I'll do it myself!
21:33You will be punished for this, bear!
21:35The end, bear!
21:44Hey, where did you learn to fly?
21:46I beg your pardon?
21:47It seems that you are the one who needs instructions
21:51It seems that everyone in this palace is missing a tail
21:54Oh, it's you, from the forest
21:56Wait a minute, I'm not responsible
21:58I'm not responsible because you didn't watch where you were flying
22:01Let's go, sweetheart, I've had enough of this palace
22:03Wait, wait, I'm sorry
22:05I didn't mean to be rude
22:07I just want to say...
22:09Who are you?
22:10I'm Palčić
22:11And who are you?
22:12You're not Cvjetić
22:14Um, no, I'm not
22:16At least it seems so to me
22:19My name is Palčić
22:20I live here in the palace
22:22Do you live in the forest?
22:23No, I live in a big meadow
22:25And if I don't go back there soon, there will be no more meadows
22:30What do you mean?
22:31As if you don't know
22:33It seems to me that this palace is big enough for all of you
22:36And that you will not forcefully enter and destroy our meadow
22:40Wait, I don't know what you're talking about
22:44I meet a girl in the world who is smaller than me
22:46And she thinks I'm ugly
22:49Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go
22:54I won't wait any longer, Marvin
22:56We'll start building tomorrow
22:59Look at this!
23:02From now on, the time will always count
23:05Before Medvingrad and after Medvingrad
23:10This is a really big business, Your Excellency
23:20It starts with destruction
23:22You do demolition
23:24With no intermission
23:26It may be a bummer
23:29But not for a plumber
23:31A building technician
23:33Or an electrician
23:36I want a castle that's good enough for me
23:40I want to live like the king I'm gonna be
23:45What if all the meadows should be gone without a trace?
23:49It's not important cause I've got to have my space
23:54Bring on the shovels, the dozers, and the light
23:58I need construction
24:00I need it day and night
24:02I don't even care if any people think I'm mean
24:07Build me a palace like nobody's ever seen
24:11Build it, build it
24:13Dig it all up and build it
24:15After I've really chilled it, I'm gonna build it
24:20Take it, take it
24:22Knock it all down and break it
24:24After I quake and shake it, I'm gonna take it
24:29Got to have my castle
24:31I've got to have it bad
24:33No one better spoil my super royal pad
24:37If I can't have my castle, I'll be sad and unfulfilled
24:42Recess is over boys, we've got a monument to build
24:46Tear down the meadow, it's only in my way
24:51It's not my problem, just let it go away
24:55I need my expansion and I want it very much
24:59Forget the meadow and ecology and such
25:04I'll get respect, I'll get jewelry and gold
25:09Because my palace is stunning to behold
25:13When they see my castle, every mister and madame
25:17Knows from my castle just how great a king I am
25:22Build it, build it
25:24Dig it all up and build it
25:26After I've really chilled it, I'm gonna build it
25:31Take it, take it
25:33Knock it all down and break it
25:35After I quake and shake it, I'm gonna take it
25:39Construction, it starts with destruction
25:43You do demolition with no intermission
25:47It may be a bummer, but not for a plumber
25:52A building technician or an electrician
25:56It may be a bummer, but not for a plumber
26:01A building technician or an electrician
26:06I've got to have my castle
26:08He's got to have his castle
26:10He's got to have his castle
26:31Rastek, there's an earthquake on the meadow
26:35I'll tell you when there's an earthquake
26:37Then my roots for sick birds
26:39Will start to bite me
26:41And those beetles
26:44What happened?
26:45Tell me, what earthquake?
26:47The meadow is in danger
26:48Unfortunately, people will destroy it
26:51Oh, unfortunately, there's always danger, Palchica
26:55You have to take everything so that no one suffers
26:58But I feel so helpless
27:00Lastane, put all the birds on guard
27:03I'll send flower vines to guard the meadow
27:06Report to everyone much earlier than they come
27:08Maybe we'll get some time to figure out how to stop them
27:12Hey, stop, where are you?
27:14Where did you go?
27:15Wow, what are you?
27:18Do you have wings on your back?
27:20Here's a real expert for flying
27:23You're certainly vines
27:25I've never seen anyone from this area
27:28Okay, let's go
27:30Are you always so suspicious of strangers?
27:33So you admit you're a stranger?
27:35Enough talking, let's go inside and take this royal Palchica
27:39She'll know what to do with them
27:43Yes, best, take us to that Palchica
27:48Oh, I see, you're walking in on us now
27:51I knew it
27:52You're not a spy
27:53What are you doing here?
27:55I came to warn you about Medvin
27:57He's starting to build a palace tomorrow
27:59He'll turn Palchica into a huge palace
28:01A big palace and who knows what
28:03Why do you want to help us?
28:05Isn't that too dangerous for you?
28:07I serve King Richard, not Medvin
28:09King Richard has nowhere to hide
28:12And I took things into my own hands
28:14Do you know how to stop Medvin?
28:16I know where Medvin keeps his equipment
28:18I need a few flower vines to put a lever in his teeth
28:21King Richard won't come back
28:23Okay, you heard him
28:25We need strong flowers to put something in his teeth
28:30Something like that
28:32But the people are huge, we don't stand a chance
28:34If you need anything, we'll be happy to help
28:37We're great for such a job
28:39Pick us, pick us
28:41Okay, okay, but I'm going too
28:43This is a dangerous mission and I don't want the three of you to get involved, okay?
28:48Oh, baby, I love you
28:51Hey, what's up with me?
28:55Well, come on, you can ride with me
28:58Oh, I've never...
29:00I mean, I've never flown
29:06This is fun
29:09This is the last guest I'm preparing
29:11They ate all my licorice
29:13They knew I didn't like them
29:15I think Netko drank my nectar
29:19Why do you care so much about our meadow?
29:21It's our home
29:23I didn't think it would mean so much to you, who lives in your big palace
29:27It's important to the king, that's why it's important to me
29:30He cares about every creation in his kingdom
29:33Maybe it sounds strange to you, but I feel an unusual attachment to this meadow
29:38It's like I have a place here
29:40This sounds stranger, but I feel the same
29:43Do you have a place here?
29:45No, no, yes, yes
29:47I feel like you have a place here
30:17It's only half the distance to where our love goes
30:23Although the world seems oh so vast around us
30:28It's just enormous that love so great has found us
30:34Beyond the highest mountain
30:38Farther than the deep river flows
30:44Beyond the moonlight, beyond forever
30:49That's how far it goes
30:55That's how far it goes
31:02Our love
31:06That's how far
31:11It's so astounding, it's past our whole dimension
31:16How far our love goes beyond our comprehension
31:21Beyond the planets and past the edge of evening
31:26And farther than the moon goes, that's where our love goes
31:32Beyond the ocean, that's shimmering below us
31:37As far as winds of imagination blow us
31:43I know I truly love you
31:47Farther than the end of the snows
31:53Always ascending, it's never landing
31:59That's how far it goes
32:04That's how far it goes
32:34I told you, those are the flowers and the bees and the vines
32:37They've ruined my equipment
32:39They're still bothering us with metal work
32:41I can't reach my hands, I'll give up the whole job
32:44I have a big tower in Podgorje that I have to work on
32:47I don't believe you, you boring little twat
32:50How are you going to deal with them?
32:52Listen, I'm the builder, I'm not a farmer
32:55I'm not a farmer
33:01My father used to say, you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar
33:06I'm not so sure, boss
33:09Don't worry, I'll take care of these flies, I mean vines, flowers
33:14And you'll be in trouble again
33:16Oh, unfortunately, I have to go back to the yard
33:19I have to stop the bear, that's the only way we can save the meadow
33:23Please, take care, I'd like to see you again
33:27Really? I was hoping you'd say that
33:30Fiona, Fiona!
33:32Here I am, ma'am!
33:33Stop, I know how you'll travel faster
33:40The sooner you go, the sooner you'll be back
33:42But I've never flown alone
33:46I once flew on the back of a owl, but it wasn't as happy as I remember
33:53It's not hard at all, I swear
33:56For now
33:58Just hold on tight and don't look back
34:03I almost fell
34:08What do you like best for dinner?
34:10I have to say, homemade flies
34:13And you like fruit flies, they're so small
34:16It doesn't matter, but they're sweet
34:18Less filling
34:19They're sweet
34:20Okay, okay, less filling, but...
34:24You again
34:25I need a fly, and you're going to be that, frog
34:30If you need a fly, can I offer you a duck, for example
34:35And you, my slow-legged friend, it's time for you to fly in the well-known meadow way
34:47When the frogs come to save you, I'll wait for them
34:51They won't even know what happened
35:02This was a good prank, let's do it again
35:07No, we have to be ready for the bear to hit us again
35:11What is it?
35:13Unknown flying frog
35:16Get down!
35:20Kresimir, what's going on?
35:23The bear has captured a fat one, we have to save him
35:26This slug, Ološ, has gone too far this time
35:28An attack of an inauspicious creature
35:30You know, maybe it would be nicer if there was no fat one here
35:34I want to
35:36Okay, okay, let's go save him
35:38Take us to the bear, Kresimir
35:40Hurry up, I'm already learning how to cook frog legs
35:44Come on, hurry up!
35:46We need to transport him, we can't waste time
35:57Oh, that's it, the cover is definitely heavier than he is, Kresa
36:01My arms stretched for a meter
36:03And that was somewhere here
36:07Hey, there he is!
36:10What have you done to the bear?
36:12The monarch's strings got stuck to his tongue
36:16What? We don't understand you
36:18Let's take him away
36:26I said, this is a cover, because you are standing on the cover
36:32I got you, holy witch
36:35You won't get out of this, you whore
36:38Oh, I won't
36:43I'll teach you, you whores, to make peace with me
36:47Let's go back to the palace, Edgar
36:49We'll cook these little beans, you'll have a nice meal
36:53Can I eat right now? I'm very hungry
36:56I haven't eaten anything since Mr. Palčić took me to bed
37:01Oh, yes, now I remember
37:03We haven't finished the job with Mr. Palčić
37:06It's time to get rid of him forever
37:17I've never been in a bear's room
37:19Access to this is forbidden
37:21I think that's it
37:22Thank you for the ride, sweetheart
37:24It was an honor, young sir
37:27Oh, now this frog can't get up from the ground anymore
37:32Come, let's see what we can find
37:34Let's go
37:36It's no wonder that the bear wants a new palace
37:38He needs a whole wing just for him
37:50Now I can build a bear city without your boring interruptions
37:55Here, Edgar
37:56Whenever you want to bite something, just use it
38:00Oh, smart bird
38:02I think you're going to choke
38:04You'll never make it, bear
38:06And who's going to stop me?
38:08The vines and the flowers, I wouldn't say
38:12Oh, this will soon be a reality, Edgar
38:15These stupid knights will never find their king
38:19They've scattered all over the world
38:22And they don't realize that their king is right here, under their nose
38:26Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
38:28Oh, when tomorrow comes, the black dwarf with his army
38:31The king will leave with the sun
38:33And leave me with my flock of black knights
38:37Then the whole kingdom will be mine, once and for all
38:41Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
38:44Little finger, little finger
38:46Little finger, is that you?
38:47Don't worry, I'll save you
38:49He doesn't have a wing, what will he do?
38:51Will he jump into this puddle?
38:54Thank you, father
38:56This will solve my problem, my free spirit
39:01Come, we have to go down
39:08This was easy, we managed to increase the danger
39:11We still have to go if we don't find the king
39:13The bear says he's right here, under our nose
39:15Which means that the prisoner is somewhere in the palace
39:18Oh, those mice pass through the tunnels with their whole wing
39:22I think you're on the right track, mice
39:24Let's split up, that way we'll have a better chance of finding him
39:27This way!
39:29You and the flower vines start here, you follow me, I'll go through this tunnel
39:32We'll meet in my room
39:43Look, the prince!
39:48What's wrong, prince?
39:50Little finger, how did you get here?
39:53We passed through the mice tunnels
39:57And who's your beautiful friend?
39:59That's princess Little finger, she rules the great meadow
40:02Little finger, King Richard
40:04I'm glad I met you, your majesty
40:07I'm even more glad, princess
40:10Little finger, you have to tell my knights where I am
40:13Only they can catch the bear and free me
40:15The knights have scattered all over the land looking for you
40:18The bear sold you out to the Saxons
40:20Blackthorn is coming for you tomorrow
40:22The bear will take over the entire kingdom
40:24And his first plan is to destroy our meadow and build his new palace
40:28Only this time I wish I was as small as you, Little finger
40:32Then I could go the same way you came
40:35But unfortunately there is no hope
40:37The situation is not hopeless
40:39I will fight the Saxon with my bare hands, if I have to
40:42Me too!
40:43I know your intentions are good
40:45But Blackthorn and his soldiers don't know mercy
40:47And if you could defeat them, you would have to defeat the bear
40:51He has the only key to this meadow
40:53I know, he will help us with animals and flower vines
40:56Don't worry, your majesty, we will save you
40:59Why is it so important to save that king?
41:02Yes, yes, he never gave us any nuts
41:05If we don't save the king from the bear and the Saxon, your meadow will be ruined
41:09That's the problem with flower vines
41:12I'm going back to my meadow
41:14If any man comes near us, he will feel our pity
41:18Let's move to a new meadow
41:20Listen everyone, if the bear becomes king, we will never be safe
41:23The bear will not stay on the meadow
41:25Little finger, then your forest will come in order
41:28And where will you gather nuts if your tree goes?
41:31And Debel and Kreshmir, your lakes will be flooded
41:34There will be no more places for bathing or food
41:37And that's not just a flower vine problem
41:40You can't gather nectar for honey
41:43And most of all, we must not settle in a new meadow
41:47This is our home, this is our place
41:50If it is destroyed, it will change the lives of each of us
41:54Here, do you want to help us or not?
41:57Count on us
41:58Stop spinning us and let's go
42:01We are ready for defense
42:03Great, we have a lot of work to do
42:05Zvončić, impatient Narcisa, you could help us in planning
42:11I see them coming
42:17Finally, this is the end of Zelengrad and the beginning of Medlingrad
42:22Zelengrad, never again
42:25Not yet, not yet
42:28Zelengrad, never again
42:31Zelengrad, never again
42:34Zelengrad, never again
42:37Zelengrad, never again
42:40Now it's good
42:44Let's go!
42:45We're going to win!
42:47What is this?
42:49Sticky sticks!
42:51I should have solved it when I had the advantage
42:54Great, it's so great
42:56I didn't forget that you let them run away
43:00You better hope it won't pass by the guard
43:03I hope, I hope
43:06Let's follow him, we have to get the key
43:12Get in line
43:16Good trick, thank you
43:18You're welcome
43:20Come Narcisa, we need you
43:23Don't worry, calm down
43:28Okay, now I've changed my mind
43:30Now you'll see what the power of the Holy Spirits is
43:35Let's go!
43:52Let's follow him
43:58I won't let you stop me, Shaka
44:01I think it's time to make a secret weapon
44:11What are you going to do?
44:12I'm going to die, give me the beard
44:15No, I can't do anything to you, that's why I brought my friend
44:20This honey is very nice and likes to be smeared
44:28The mud suits you well
44:30Thank you, it's completely natural and good for the skin
44:34I wonder what's wrong with Palcic and Palcica
44:37We better look for help, let's go
44:40Let's go
44:42You're not going to leave me alone with him, are you?
44:51Shame on you, idiot Palcic
44:55Edgar, take care of these bastards
45:12You missed the first swallow
45:14Go back inside, we have to find Palcic
45:16Hey, hey, hey, stop it!
45:21Enough, stop it!
45:22Ouch, ouch, ouch
45:31Throw the key, or you'll lose the princess as well
45:36Don't, Palcic, save the king!
45:39Push him down
45:40All right, what are you waiting for?
45:43All right, Edgar, we're all right
45:53King Richard!
45:55This way!
45:56I told you we were going to save you
45:58Now let's see if we can get the heaviest one
46:00This key is heavy
46:02We need help
46:03This team work will succeed
46:05I can, I can
46:09Come on, the king is waiting for me to come out
46:13Oh, good
46:19You have no idea how nice it is when you come out of a prison like this
46:28How did you manage to save the bear?
46:32Our friends helped us a little
46:38Thanks to all of you, the kingdom is saved
46:41And the meadow
46:42Yes, and the meadow
46:44Palcic, please come
46:47You were a brave and loyal soldier
46:49And I owe you my life
46:51You proved that the greatness of a man is not important
46:54But the bravery of his deeds
46:57I pronounce you the noble Palcic, the king of the kingdom
47:00It is an honor to serve you, Your Majesty
47:02Princess Palcic, thanks to you and your flowers and animals of the great meadow
47:07Our little paradise is saved
47:09I have to go back to the meadow soon
47:11I know
47:12I wish you didn't have to go
47:14But you could go with me
47:16I would give everything to be able to say yes
47:18After all, all my life I knew that something was doomed to me
47:20That I was destined for a great thing
47:22Even though I'm small
47:24And now, finally, I'm a knight
47:26But it's also connected to duty
47:28And I can't leave the king, especially when I've been waiting so long to say that
47:33I understand you
47:34And I have my duties
47:37How stupid is that
47:39I would like to give you something before you go
47:41Something to remember
47:45Where did you get this?
47:47I don't know, I've always had it
47:49I don't think it means anything
48:03Oh, we finally found you
48:06Yes, Palcic
48:07You are the lost king of the meadow
48:14Of course
48:15Now it's all clear
48:18You have served me well
48:20It's time to become the queen of the meadow
48:23And with the permission of King Richard
48:25Palcic will be your king
48:27Of course, of course
48:29I knew he was special
48:32Palcic and Palcice
48:34You will rule the meadow together
48:36I hope you will be happy
48:39I think that's fine
48:44And as for you three
48:46I take away your wings
48:48And I give you a new one
48:50In honor of your great bravery
48:54Oh, what good wings
48:56I've always wanted to have wings like this
48:58I've always wanted wings like this
49:01I can't wait to spin in the air
49:04But with these wings comes a greater responsibility
49:07You'll have to work harder to keep them
49:10So I don't want to hear any more bad things about you
49:13Your Majesty
49:14Why don't we work as prisoners?
49:16Oh, Medvin
49:17You deserve a strict punishment for your deeds
49:20But you're still my son
49:24Can I offer you something?
49:26Of course
49:27He wanted to live in Medvingrad
49:29So I suggest we let him go
49:31Oh, I think this is a great idea
49:34Oh, what are you doing?
49:36Hey, hey
49:38I don't like that at all
49:40I don't like that at all
49:42I don't like it, I don't like it
49:44Never again, Ektar
49:46Never again
49:48I've eaten flies, bees, butterflies, worms
49:51But something like this
49:55Now you're husband and wife
49:57King and queen
49:59And from then on, the people of the palace and the castle of Slivade lived in perfect harmony
50:05And the two kingdoms merged into one
50:09Oh, that was beautiful
50:12The real prince is like from a fairy tale
50:14Why did you call them fairies?
50:17Say goodbye to us
