مسلسل وتبقى ليلة الحلقة 22 مترجمة

  • last month


00:00I don't know what to say.
00:02I don't know what to say.
00:04I don't know what to say.
00:06I don't know what to say.
00:08I don't know what to say.
00:10You sold the heritage of the man who lives in Dubai.
00:14You fought with Viyan for Amrita Mehra.
00:18You united day and night for this project.
00:22This project is like a child for you.
00:26Will you forget your children because of Viyan's anger?
00:30Viyan is my business partner.
00:32But before that, he is my childhood friend.
00:36When we were kids, we used to lie at home.
00:40That we are going to a sports club.
00:42But actually, there were some under-construction buildings near our house.
00:46We used to jump from the first floor on a pile of sand.
00:50And after a few years, the construction of those buildings was completed.
00:54And after a few years, we became architects.
00:58And Viyan stopped lying.
01:00I know it's a little strange.
01:02But I used to say that a lie doesn't make a person real.
01:06My Viyan is a little unreal, idealistic, righteous.
01:10And clearly, we have seen all his side effects.
01:14He is impulsive, unreasonable, he gets angry at everything.
01:18But I am a donkey.
01:24No, actually, you are also a donkey.
01:28Katha, are you even listening to me?
01:38Katha, please listen to me carefully.
01:42Katha, please listen to me carefully.
01:46If you are Katha, then this is the Dubai Heritage Project.
01:50Right now, you are the most important part of EarthCon.
01:56Don't take out the middle tile of Jenga like this.
02:00The entire tile will fall apart.
02:04Please, just give me and EarthCon one chance.
02:10I promise you, I won't give you another chance to complain.
02:20Yes, I am here.
02:22In Salt of Earth Cafe.
02:26He is also here.
02:32Who is coming?
02:38Katha, please hear me out.
02:42Katha, I just want the three of us to sit together.
02:46And sort this issue.
02:48Katha, you said it yourself.
02:50If we keep looking back, we won't find a way forward.
02:52And you were the one who cleared Amrita's misunderstanding.
02:56Now here, you are Amrita and I am Katha.
03:00Please, give Viyan one chance.
03:02He also wants to sort this issue.
03:04Please, trust me. I am here.
03:08Please, sit down.
03:52Come, sit.
04:04Excuse me.
04:06One black coffee for sir.
04:08No, thanks.
04:34Okay, guys, listen.
04:36Both of you have set up your walls and are sitting peacefully.
04:40And I am feeling suffocated in between.
04:42I am feeling very claustrophobic.
04:44I will have to drink alcohol. Say something.
04:46And here, I guess, you just get tea and coffee.
04:56I can't even be your referee.
04:58Because I don't know what exactly is going on behind your backs.
05:02Because I don't know what exactly is going on behind your backs.
05:08But I am sure, whatever has happened,
05:10it is not something that we can forget and move forward.
05:16Katha, Viyan, something...
05:19Listen, one second.
05:33This is your resignation letter.
05:50Let's get to work.
06:03I told you, right?
06:05Viyan is rude, but only the boss is rude.
06:09He values talent a lot, Katha.
06:12So please, let's forget the past and move forward.
06:16The past has been destroyed.
06:18Our future is very bright.
06:24Friend, get me a drink.
06:26Whiskey on the rocks.
06:28Sir, we have coffee and tea here.
06:30Whiskey on the rocks.
06:32Sir, we have coffee and tea here.
06:37Katha, please don't refuse.
06:39You heard what he said, right?
06:41You don't get alcohol here.
06:45Friend, listen to me.
06:47Get the best mocktail you have for madam.
06:50Sir will refuse, but don't listen to him.
06:52Black coffee for her.
06:53And sir, what about you?
06:54I am happy with Khushi.
06:55Go, go, get it.
06:58Guys, Khushi is my new girlfriend's name.
07:10Lollipop, how long will you bark?
07:12How long should I carry you in my lap?
07:14I don't want to go to the office.
07:15I don't want to work.
07:16I don't know what's going on there these days.
07:18They are barking a lot.
07:19Even Mr. Ahsan is barking a lot.
07:21They are all talking about one thing.
07:22Come back, Viyan.
07:23I will convince him.
07:24Come back, Viyan.
07:25It's not like that.
07:26Viyan Raghuvanshi is the exact opposite.
07:28Never meet Viyan Raghuvanshi.
07:30Otherwise, you will be scared, Lollipop.
07:32Do you understand?
07:34And listen, Lollipop.
07:35Mom has to go to the office now.
07:36There is a lot of work.
07:37And then we have to go to brother Arun as well.
07:39We will meet at night.
07:41Till then you stay at home.
07:42Take care of yourself.
07:43Be a good boy.
07:45Come on, let's have dinner today.
07:47My dinner.
07:51Come on.
07:56Come on.
08:05What is this, Lollipop?
08:17Good morning.
08:18Good morning.
08:26Good morning.
08:34Hey, Lollipop.
08:36Listen, do you remember our deal?
08:37No brother and sister, okay?
08:39This is the office.
08:41Listen, mom will be here in two minutes.
08:43Okay? With coffee.
08:45Be a good boy.
08:57Hey, Lollipop.
08:59Hey, Lollipop.
09:00Hey, Lollipop.
09:02Hey, Lollipop.
09:08Whose dog is this?
09:10Dog's child?
09:11I am allergic.
09:13Whose dog is this?
09:18Oh, Lollipop.
09:20Oh, Lollipop.
09:26Oh, Lollipop.
09:49Oh, man.
09:53Where did he go?
09:54Listen, man.
09:55What happened?
09:58Don't tell anyone.
09:59There was a puppy in my cabin.
10:01Did you see it?
10:02Was it yours?
10:04We asked him a lot.
10:05Whose is it?
10:06But he didn't say anything.
10:08Don't talk nonsense.
10:09Where is he now?
10:10I saw him going upstairs.
10:13You will get me killed today, Lollipop.
10:15And get all the files submitted.
10:23What a pleasant surprise.
10:28Who gave you my address?
10:41You haven't come here often, have you?
10:46Come on.
10:47Let's find out.
10:49Who have you come with?
10:52Someone must be looking for you.
10:55What's your name?
10:57Let me guess.
11:03Don't pee.
11:04I have some respect in this company.
11:06Everyone knows me.
11:09Here he is.
11:11Whose is this?
11:15If none of you will claim it,
11:16I will take it home.
11:19I will take you home.
11:20Isn't it?
11:22So cute.
11:23Will you come home with me?
11:24Will you?
11:26He nodded.
11:27That was a nod.
11:28Did you see that?
11:29Will you come home with me?
11:31Very good.
11:33If none of you know him,
11:35he is mine now.
11:38You are mine.
11:39He is mine.
11:43He is mine.
12:08I am sorry.
12:09I shouldn't have brought him to the office.
12:11It won't happen again
12:13to take care of him.
12:14I am sorry.
12:16He was abandoned.
12:17I found him lying on the road.
12:18That's why I took him home.
12:19If anyone at home...
12:23I told you.
12:24It won't happen again.
12:27It's alright.
12:28I understand.
12:31There are very few people in this world
12:32who can understand
12:33animals without language.
12:35You did the right thing.
12:40there are animal day care centres too, right?
12:43They will take care of him.
12:44I have a few numbers.
12:45I will arrange it.
12:46They are very expensive.
12:47I can't afford them.
12:48I will manage something.
12:50For today,
12:51some office boy will take care of him.
12:54If you allow.
12:58Of course.
13:01By the way,
13:03What's his name?
13:37What did I tell you?
13:38Don't go anywhere.
13:39What did you think?
13:40Mom has left you?
13:42Mom was right here.
13:43Mom was right here.
13:45I told you I'll be back in two minutes.
13:47Why did you think so?
13:48Right, Lollipop?
13:51Mom will never leave you.
14:23Did you think I lied?
14:24He is not rough-spoken.
14:26You know what?
14:27Look here.
14:28Your cute face
14:30saved him.
14:32Otherwise he stings people raw.
14:38Come here.
14:42I'm here.
14:44I have a lot of work to do.
14:46Will you sit there?
14:48Welcome back, Katha.
14:50If you look at my experience, you'll see.
14:53You're made for this office.
14:59Come on.
15:00Now that we're together again, let's get to work.
15:05Preva, you're busy today.
15:06On call with Singapore clients.
15:08Jeetu Bhai, Nivi.
15:09Shall we start the presentation?
15:11Yes, sir.
15:17So, these are the final excel sheets of the expense before we start.
15:20From the first week, we need a reserve of 56 CR.
15:23Fourth week onward, we may need a little more cash flow.
15:26Nivi, let's discuss the numbers in due time.
15:29This is a heritage project.
15:31Did you apply for permission from the Dubai Municipality?
15:34I got all the permissions a week ago.
15:40Jeetu Bhai, I haven't received the water vendors' quotations yet.
15:43Please hurry up.
15:44Yes, Nivi, I know it.
15:45I'm working on it.
15:47And the good news is that
15:4980% of our raw materials have reached Dubai.
15:53And as per Amrita Mehra's promise...
15:55I think that's great, Jeetu Bhai.
15:56Just one second.
15:57Katha, I got the pictures of the actual sites.
16:00Now, I remember that on the walls of those heritage buildings
16:03there's an old Arabic inscription.
16:05I remember you said that these buildings tell their own story.
16:08So, after the restoration, these Arabic folk tales will be lost somewhere.
16:12They won't be lost.
16:14We have hired a language expert.
16:16All the folk tales will feature in our new designs.
16:19But there are some verses that we won't touch at all.
16:22So, our designs will be based on the Dubai language translator?
16:28No, based on me.
16:31I'm learning Arabic as much as I can
16:33so that I can check the authenticity of those writings.
16:38Wow! Amazing! That's really great, Katha.
16:42Wow! That's fantastic.
16:44Let me see.
17:01All right, guys. Let's take a break for lunch.
17:05We resume sharp at three. Thanks.
17:07But we just started.
17:08Yeah, I'll make a call.
17:20Oh, no!
17:22Priyan, Abdaali has rejected this layout.
17:29Don't believe it, man.
17:30Listen, sir.
17:33What do we do with that?
17:35Look at this, sir.
17:36Sir, this is today's new design.
17:38Katha, this is...
17:41Too good.
17:42Priyan, it's already sorted.
17:44Look at this.
17:48These two arches.
17:49This was the problem.
17:55The new layout is good.
17:59But will the sand be able to support this structure?
18:03Yes, sir. Absolutely.
18:06Jeetu, I've made the arches according to your budget.
18:09You can have a look.
18:10Thank you, Katha.
18:13Arun is missing you a lot, Katha.
18:15So, try to come early today.
18:28Priyan, Rewa...
18:34Priyan, when do we have to send Rewa to Singapore?
18:35I'll tell you the final date by tomorrow.
18:37Jeetu, call the Parag Associates.
18:40Yes, sir.
18:41Let's do it.
18:42Let's go.
18:43Let's see what the complaint is.
18:44They've made a complaint box for us.
18:58The complaint has been sent.
18:59The complaint has been sent.
19:00The complaint has been sent.
19:01The complaint has been sent.
19:02The complaint has been sent.
19:03The complaint has been sent.
19:04The complaint has been sent.
19:05The complaint has been sent.
19:06The complaint has been sent.
19:07The complaint has been sent.
19:08The complaint has been sent.
19:09The complaint has been sent.
19:10The complaint has been sent.
19:11The complaint has been sent.
19:12The complaint has been sent.
19:13The complaint has been sent.
19:14The complaint has been sent.
19:15The complaint has been sent.
19:16The complaint has been sent.
19:17The complaint has been sent.
19:18The complaint has been sent.
19:19The complaint has been sent.
19:20The complaint has been sent.
19:21The complaint has been sent.
19:22The complaint has been sent.
19:23The complaint has been sent.
19:24The complaint has been sent.
19:25Where's Lollipop?
19:31Office boy, near him.
19:32He said he would take care for today.
19:34Is there no one at home who can take care for him?
19:43He will harass Siddu all the time that I'm here.
19:46It's better I finish my work quickly and take Lollipop to home.
19:51Sure, let's not waste time.
19:53Let's finish the work.
19:54What do we have? Let me see that.
20:16These pillars are fine, but I think they need to move closer together.
20:25This dome is quite nice. There will be a lot of sunlight inside.
20:33I met Amrita the other day.
20:40I want to talk to you.
20:42So what is your deadline for the final designs of the facade and auditorium?
20:45We will do it in 7 days.
20:47You will have to do it in 2 days.
20:48You may think this is impossible, but the difference between impossible and possible can be seen only by working.
20:54By talking, discussing with each other, answering questions.
20:58In such difficult times, the people who stand with you, you get to know them closely.
21:03And you also understand them.
