The Serpent Queen Season 2 Episode 3

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00:15Previously on the serpent Queen burn it down I
00:19Presume you are not so stupid as to leave any survivors that might identify you
00:23You have a choice to make war with the Protestants or war with the Catholics unless there are another way
00:29Put word out that we are entering into negotiations with England, but do not agree to any terms without my prior approval
00:36Are you mad you forced my hand?
00:38In fact a house of keys will fund the construction of a grand palace along the banks of the Seine
00:44Perhaps a trip across the channel would be a welcome break England. I shall leave Henry here with you
00:49What my cousin wrote to me saying that she would help me in my time of need
00:53I'm sure you've been fooled by for Julia much as did what there's always a price
00:58Price is my children. Then you already know that it's a price. I'm not willing to pay you've already buried for
01:03Hello cousin. I must travel to Italy and I need someone to keep an eye on Charles is your king first and your brother second
01:10I speak especially to you watch mother you overestimate me
01:15I'm on bar
01:18Then bark less do you think mother will ever really let me rule you can't wait for anybody to give you permission chance
01:24The king attending a Protestant service was a provocation unto itself equal to mass murder. We demand
01:31Satisfaction, there's a rumor going around there may have been some survivors
02:07When Edith rose from the dead everything I had tried to subvert threatened to come to pass
02:29ronic isn't that a miracle would prove the greatest obstacle to peace
02:42Said the doors were locked they were
02:46So, what are you saying Francois that this was a fucking miracle? What difference does it make?
02:51I think you'll find it makes a big difference mother as far as they're concerned
02:55She let her entire congregation out of a burning building without a mark on her
03:00People are now traveling from all over the country to take a look at the new Protestant Saint Protestants don't have Saints
03:06They do now and it's in her name that people have been attacking Catholic churches all over the country
03:11I thought you'd be pleased the country's on the brink of civil war just as you planned
03:15I did not plan on a group of witnesses who could identify you as the one who set the church alight
03:21Catherine has no interest in trying me for the crime. I'm not more NC does
03:25From what I hear that gypsy preacher is all he cares for he will come for you
03:29Well, Catherine is away unless you get to the king first. No
03:34No, the king will not be persuaded to oppose Montmorency
03:37Especially with his mother away. Then I suggest you find someone who will
03:44Tell me again why your mother had to go all the way to Italy to build your brother a palace in the middle of Paris
03:51I told you to find the best artists in Europe and borrow a bit of cash from what I hear. Isn't it enough?
03:59He's king. Why does he need a palace or most likely bankrupt the country? It's all stagecraft
04:05Lamar it's orchestrated by the master of ceremonies herself to solidify the people's support
04:13My mother knows how much the people love a project. Just think of how many work themselves to death building the great pyramids of ancient Egypt
04:22How could you ever understand your mother hates you?
04:27Still you must be sitting
04:28He gets a palace on the Seine and you get to go hunting with us indeed
04:35But the only reason I hang around with you lot is anyone worthwhile has something better to do. There goes the royal faggots
04:45Who said that
04:56Who the fuck is sister Edith who spoke come on show yourself you little coward
05:22I think it would be safer to return to the palace your majesty
05:39And yet far from court I had no idea how bad things had already become
05:43Can you really look at this view and tell me you haven't missed the city of your birth just a little
05:53For me Florence will always be the city where everything was taken from me. What is there to miss?
05:59truth is
06:01The faster we conclude our business and return to France the better
06:05What happened to you someone threw mud at me
06:08It's not fucking funny. It is a bit funny
06:11Someone in the woods has made a speech and now the peasants think it's alright to throw mud on the princess of France
06:15I've got to go. I've got to go
06:17I've got to go
06:19I've got to go
06:21I've got to go
06:23I'm leaving
06:25I'm leaving
06:27I'm leaving
06:29I'm leaving
06:31I'm leaving
06:33think it's all right to throw mud on the princes of France?
06:36What are you going to do about it?
06:38What do you want me to do about it?
06:39Make an example of them.
06:41And how do you propose I find the people
06:42who insulted your honor?
06:45You don't have to find the actual little shits who did it.
06:48You just take 12 at random, and you slit their throats
06:50in the town square.
06:51They'll get the message.
06:52Good old fashioned, don't you think?
06:53If you want them to respect you, Anjou,
06:55the easiest thing is probably to start behaving respectfully.
06:58Don't you think?
07:00Who the fuck is talking about respect?
07:02I don't want their respect.
07:03And I'm sorry to burst your little bubble,
07:05but there's nothing remotely respectable about any of us.
07:08I mean, none of you have an actual job
07:10or any particular skill.
07:12We grew up in the most dysfunctional family possible.
07:15And if you think it doesn't show on each and every one of you,
07:18you're delusional.
07:19Someone's feeling a bit introspective.
07:21Oh, fuck off, Hercule.
07:22Don't take it out on him.
07:23Can you not see?
07:26They are never going to respect us.
07:30So all we have is to make sure
07:32they're fucking terrified of us.
07:34Spoken like a true Renaissance man.
07:36Come on, Hercule, join us.
07:41You fucking coward.
07:49Well, I'll do it myself if you don't have the stomach.
07:53I said no.
07:55Can you not see how drastically this situation has changed?
07:58They're attacking Catholic churches all over this country.
08:00And your response is what?
08:02Just to sit tight?
08:03I am your king.
08:05And I will not be lured into an overreaction that will only
08:07promote further insurrection.
08:09Is that understood?
08:11You really want that palace, don't you?
08:13And you really want to spot on my government,
08:15but you don't have the temperament.
08:17You will not exact any revenge for your humiliation.
08:20Is that clear?
08:33Aren't you forgetting something?
08:36Protocol dictate you not turn your back on your king
08:38before you're dismissed.
08:44Is he serious?
08:59May I take my leave, Your Majesty?
09:04You may.
09:18You should write mother and tell her what happened.
09:20We needn't bother mother with Anjou.
09:21I can handle him myself.
09:29It has always mystified me why man had to invent a god
09:43to fight over, when he can create such beauty himself.
09:50My thoughts exactly, although I've never
09:53heard it put so succinctly.
09:55It's not a popular point of view around here.
09:58According to the pope, there are no heretics in Italy.
10:05Just you.
10:09I trust my secret is safe with you.
10:13They're ready for us now.
10:20Your Majesty, it is our understanding
10:23you have come to the House of Strozzi
10:25to secure a loan for the construction of a palace,
10:28as it is your wish to bring Italy's finest artists
10:32and artisans to France to burnish
10:34the glory of the Valois court.
10:36That is the proposal, is it not?
10:40It is.
10:41Along with the monies already pledged by French landowners,
10:45your loan would help make the palace I intend
10:48to build the envy of Europe.
10:51Once the palace is completed and French coffers are filled,
10:55your loan will be repaid with interest.
10:59May I inquire how the Valois intends
11:02to refill said coffers?
11:04Not that we don't trust you.
11:07We are in the final stages of a trade negotiation
11:09with England, one that will be beneficial for both parties.
11:14I see.
11:15Then the terms have been agreed.
11:18Oh, just a few minor details still to iron out.
11:21A formality.
11:27Let me explain how this works.
11:30Selling something that you don't actually own
11:33is only called lying outside of a bank.
11:35Trust me, I come from a family of bankers.
11:42We see no reason why the House of Strozzi
11:45should not support the endeavors of France,
11:48especially when France is ruled by our cousin.
11:56It would, however, increase our comfort
11:58if we could recommend someone to manage your project.
12:01Someone with expertise, with contacts
12:04among artists and artisans you intend to hire,
12:07and with a keen head for business.
12:10A unique skill set, I think you will find.
12:13Catherine de' Medici, Queen Mother of France.
12:16May we present the Duke of Florence,
12:20Alessandro de' Medici.
12:26Your Majesty.
12:28It is always preferable to keep business within the family.
12:34If we are kin, how exactly?
12:37Well, my father was kind enough to give his mistress his name.
12:43But not his title.
12:45Well, that was more difficult to come by.
12:49I don't doubt it.
12:50Who was your father?
12:52Duke Lorenzo de' Medici.
12:56Something I believe we have in common,
12:58which makes me your half-brother.
13:02You are no longer alone in the world, Your Majesty.
13:14The unexpected developments in my personal life
13:17did not prevent our enemies abroad
13:19from seeking to take advantage of the trouble at court.
13:24My darling cousin.
13:27How are you?
13:34Fine, thank you.
13:39It is a bit drafty in here, isn't it?
13:40You'll catch your breath.
13:43Stoke the fire at once!
13:47I had no idea you were being kept in such horrid conditions.
13:51Well, I have been here for five years.
13:54For five?
13:56And before that, a rather gruesome tower
13:59in Scotland for six.
14:00Oh, boo.
14:01I will see what I can do.
14:03It's not me, though, you understand.
14:05I have these counsellors.
14:08Men, of course.
14:09Old men who think they know better than I do.
14:13Better how to steer the great ship of state.
14:15Men who think me a trifling weak breeder,
14:19who couldn't possibly undertake such an endeavor on her own.
14:21The truth is they're frightened of us.
14:23As well they should be, don't you think?
14:27Well, on the contrary, I pose no threat to anyone.
14:30No, no, no, of course not.
14:33Apart from all those Protestants you had killed in France.
14:38Youthful enthusiasm might have gotten the better of me,
14:40I admit.
14:42Well, it's all behind us now, thankfully.
14:46Yes, yes.
14:47I do have a favor to ask of you, or rather some advice.
14:50Oh, if I could be of any help to you,
14:52it would be my greatest, greatest happiness.
14:55Medici woman in France.
14:58My understanding is she is the one in charge.
15:01Although I am somewhat out of date,
15:03I can tell you with all certainty
15:04she would have it no other way.
15:07And would you say that she is a committed Catholic?
15:11Catherine is committed to no religion.
15:14In fact, it is my belief my former mother-in-law
15:16believes in nothing but herself.
15:18So you would say she lacks the appetite for a holy war?
15:22Oh, unless she saw it to her own advantage.
15:26And in the Battle of Armageddon, when nobody wins,
15:30you would say the answer is no?
15:34I suppose so.
15:42Anyway, I know it's a bore, but I must leave you.
15:46No, no, no, no, no, no, please, please, wait.
15:51What about me?
15:54I will insist on an improvement in your living conditions
15:58the moment it is politically viable.
16:01You have my word.
16:04Until soon, my darling cousin.
16:14Seems a Florentine shopkeeper is someone
16:15we can do business with.
16:16Well, if you don't mind a bit of market stall haggling,
16:18that is.
16:19Don't be such a snob, Throckmorton.
16:21It's far easier to deal with people
16:23who have something to lose.
16:24All we need do is fan the flames of religious unrest in France,
16:29and the Queen Mother will give England
16:30every advantage in the trade deal
16:32she would much prefer to war.
16:34And your cousin Mary, any improvements on her condition?
16:37She's made her bed.
16:39When the time is right, I'll cut her fucking head off.
17:10Oh, my.
17:17We bid you welcome, madame.
17:22My god, look at you.
17:26If only your father could see you, he would be so proud.
17:30I hope so.
17:32I'll we you to stand on ceremony.
17:34Come and kiss me.
17:35Oh, my god.
17:36It's OK.
17:38I hope you don't mind your mother asking me to come.
17:41How could I?
17:42We're family.
17:46Sweet Margot.
17:48Your beauty only grows more with each passing year.
17:57My great god.
17:59Do you even remember me?
18:02You were so young when I left.
18:03Of course.
18:07And who is this sophisticated woman?
18:12Diane, it's me, Elizabeth.
18:16Yes, I know.
18:18You are unmistakable.
18:23And where's your brother, Anjou?
18:25Anjou is doing what he does best, sulking.
18:34My dearest Jean, fellow pilgrim, I am so sorry to keep you waiting.
18:39Ah, please, don't apologize, Francis.
18:42I know you serve the Lord.
18:44Tirelessly, I like to think.
18:47But any excuse to see an enlightened follower
18:49of the new religion with your child must be cherished.
18:52Oh, stop.
18:57I do hope I'm not interrupting.
18:59Forgive me, Your Majesty.
19:00May I present Jeanne d'Albray, Queen of Navarre.
19:05Where is Navarre, anyway?
19:07Oh, don't bother telling me.
19:09I'm hopeless with geography.
19:12Your Majesty, I am deeply honored for this audience
19:15with another Protestant queen, though I would much rather
19:18have come to your court to discuss
19:19matters of spiritual governance, of which Lord Throckmorton
19:22has proved such a worthy guide.
19:26Mm, we're all terribly fond of Throckmorton.
19:29It's the Puckish charm, I think.
19:32I imagine you're here to discuss your husband's proposal
19:35of trade between our proud nations,
19:36who've been enemies too long.
19:38If it pleases you.
19:39Oh, it does, as it does all true believers
19:41on these English isles.
19:44We have a unique opportunity before us.
19:47Now, what is this rumor of a Protestant saint in France?
19:52Sister Edith is her name, is it not?
19:55The pastor who led her flock through the flames.
19:58Yes, I am eager to make her acquaintance upon my return.
20:01I'm sure.
20:03And is it true that one of her followers
20:06raised a hand to a member of the royal household?
20:09I confess I've not heard this until now.
20:11Well, apparently some peasants threw mud
20:14at one of the princes.
20:15We don't know which one.
20:16Well, if this is true, it means the people
20:19are uncommonly emboldened by, well, a burning
20:23belief in the new faith.
20:28I don't know how you expect me to concentrate on business
20:31when you are so perfectly dazzling in that dress, Sian.
20:33May I call you Sian?
20:35The beadwork itself, you make Protestant black
20:38look positively chic.
20:39Has anyone ever told you that?
20:41No, as a matter of fact.
20:43Though I do try to make some effort.
20:45Well, if this is some effort, the rest of us
20:49will soon be put to shame, eh, Throckmorton?
20:51Yes, Your Majesty.
20:53I have an idea.
20:55Let us put work aside and go to London
20:58together and visit the shops.
21:00The shops?
21:01Oh, it is one of my greatest pleasures.
21:03Arriving unannounced, incognito, really
21:06sets the cat among the pigeons.
21:10Unless, of course, you oppose for the sake of austerity.
21:13Oh, well, no.
21:15I mean, yes.
21:16One must maintain austerity at all costs, of course.
21:19Of course.
21:21To austerity.
21:23Well, that's settled, then.
21:28Send my reply to your husband, and we shall make a day of it.
21:33Throckmorton will stay behind and mind things
21:35while we're gone.
21:36I want you all to myself.
21:38You really enjoy all this, don't you?
21:42It's no secret that I take pleasure in the rituals.
21:47As do I.
21:49As do I.
21:51If you say so.
21:54You know, it's a bit of a shame, isn't it?
21:57I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to do it.
22:00I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to do it.
22:02I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to do it.
22:04I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to do it.
22:07You know, we should let our shared love of Catholicism
22:09be our special bond.
22:12These are difficult times, being a Catholic.
22:14But of course, I don't have to tell you that after you
22:16were assaulted the way you were.
22:21So you've heard about those little bastards, have you?
22:24Do you know what your grandfather would have done?
22:27He would have burnt the whole village down to the ground
22:29for their trespass.
22:31Might be the reason we have the problems that we do today.
22:34No, aren't you?
22:37The people attacked you because they're
22:39being led astray from the very thing that
22:41holds us all together, the Catholic faith.
22:48OK, how do I explain this?
22:50This situation is far, far more serious than you can imagine.
22:56I'm worried for you.
23:05I think I'll be all right.
23:10That's you that I worry about.
23:13I mean, I can still come here, whatever happens to you.
23:16Yes, yes, you can.
23:17And perhaps your brother will appoint himself head
23:18of the church like they did in England.
23:20But that's not going to help you very much, is it?
23:24Do you know what the people call you, hmm?
23:29Do you?
23:32Well, I'll tell you.
23:33They say you're an aberration of nature.
23:37And now we have this heretic in the woods preaching
23:39the end of the Valois line.
23:43You see, Anjou, I think our interests
23:46are very much aligned.
23:48After all, it's the Catholic church that
23:49guarantees your exceptionalism.
23:52You and your siblings are only gods chosen because I say so.
23:55If it wasn't for me, the French people
23:57would have drowned you in the Loire River
24:00along with the other deviants while that devil's
24:02preacher watches from the banks and laughs at you.
24:05So here's what I suggest.
24:09Next time you're in here telling your rosary
24:14and getting off on the handsome stained glass men
24:16and real life altar boys you like so much,
24:18I'd say a little prayer thanking God for me.
24:22Because if your brother is forced
24:24to decide between your moral bankruptcy
24:27and the support of his people without the church
24:29to intervene, what do you think he's going to choose, hmm?
24:40I have been looking for you.
24:44The prodigal daughter returns.
24:46Viewer, come for confession, madame.
24:50Even a fallen woman has a home in the house of God
24:52if she's ready to repent her sins.
24:54Oh, I am sure.
24:55You already have your hands full of fallen women.
24:59Isn't it your specialty?
25:02Anjou, do you have a moment?
25:16What was Cardinal de Guise saying to you?
25:22Just a bit of idle chit-chat.
25:25I am sure I don't have to tell you he doesn't have
25:28your best interests at heart.
25:30And you do.
25:32I heard what happened to you.
25:34And I am here to tell you to forget about it.
25:37It's not likely.
25:39You must accept what is different about you,
25:42or else your enemies will exploit your shame.
25:46Shall I tell you a story about a child I once knew?
25:50The child was told to wear trousers when his sisters
25:55wore beautiful dresses.
25:57The child asked, why must I wear plain trousers?
26:02Why can't I wear a beautiful dress like my sisters?
26:06What if all the boys wore beautiful dresses
26:09and the girls wore plain trousers?
26:12Would you let me wear dresses?
26:15Yes, you should.
26:18Because it didn't matter what you did
26:20in the privacy of the nursery, as it does not
26:23matter what you do in the privacy of your bedchamber.
26:26But what you do as a public figure matters.
26:32You are a prince, son of Henry II,
26:36grandson of Francis I. Steady leaders.
26:41You must honor them with patience and fortitude.
26:46And above all, by listening to your mother.
26:51As your father had the good sense to do.
26:54Same as your grandfather.
26:57Or do you think you know better than they did?
27:04So what will you do?
27:11Be my usual, sunny self?
27:26And for this, we thank of you.
27:31For yours is the power, and yours is the glory.
27:36In your name, amen.
27:45Look at this.
27:49Perfection, isn't it?
27:52Nature makes an infinite amount,
27:54each as flawless as the last, and then
27:58discards them without hesitation or sentimentality.
28:03Where are all these people coming from?
28:05From everywhere.
28:09How are you going to feed them?
28:10Give them shelter?
28:13I guess God will provide.
28:14Ah, you think?
28:16You can't expect me to turn them away.
28:18You know why they're here.
28:21They're here because they think you survived the fire
28:23due to some kind of miracle.
28:26And what do you think?
28:28I think you were lucky.
28:31And believe me, I couldn't be happier about it.
28:34When I thought you were gone, the whole world went dark.
28:36But now you must come home.
28:38Send these people back to where they came from.
28:41You cannot continue to denounce the king while your followers
28:44attack Catholics.
28:45I cannot renounce violence when violence is the foundation
28:48under which we live.
28:49If you don't, the king will respond with force.
28:51Well, then I suppose we'll find out if God really is with us.
28:54And what will happen to all these people?
28:56You expect me to believe you care about these people?
29:01Like the leaves in the trees, there are an infinite number.
29:07If I convince the king to prosecute the Duke of Guise
29:10for his crime, will you send them away?
29:15All I need for you is to name him.
29:19Do as you see fit.
29:22But remember that each of us, regardless of our station,
29:26must be redeemed.
29:28The idea of justice here on Earth
29:30is a joke we play on ourselves.
29:32It's time we see things for how they really are,
29:35rather than how we wish them to be.
29:37How they really are, rather than how we wish them to be.
29:54For fuck's sake.
29:55Are you cheating?
29:56Of course not.
29:57I don't know how.
29:58Remind me to teach you.
30:02From your wife.
30:03Ah, ah, ah.
30:06Ah, dearest Antoine, blah, blah, blah.
30:09Ah, apparently she has done her duty.
30:12The English are ready to do a deal,
30:14and one of us should head over to suite.
30:16Excellent news.
30:18Better than that, your wife will be delaying her return.
30:21Ah, perhaps she's gotten lucky with old Throckmorton.
30:25Is it an open marriage, then?
30:27I think you'll find that most marriages are somewhat ajar.
30:32As soon as Catherine returns, we will set sail
30:34and begin our negotiation.
30:36Why wait?
30:37Well, we can't very well set terms
30:38without the approval of the Queen Mother.
30:40Is she more important than the King?
30:41Well, the chain of command is a complicated matter,
30:44ever shifting and open to interpretation.
30:47One needs a lot of experience to truly grasp its nuances.
30:50You mean the Queen Mother makes all the decisions
30:52and everybody else lines up behind her?
30:54Pretty much, yeah.
30:55Yeah, yeah.
30:56The way I see it, if we act quickly
30:58and get Frenchmen trading with Englishmen,
31:00they might stop burning churches and cutting priests' throats.
31:03Not to mention we could make a few bob on the side.
31:07Better to ask forgiveness than permission,
31:08that's what I always say.
31:10Of course, the geezers will cause a fuss.
31:14If only the geezers could be properly distracted.
31:16They might not know what's happening until it's too late.
31:21It's my understanding that Antoinette Geezer
31:23is very fond of you, Father.
31:25Who told you that?
31:26People tend to drop their guard around you
31:28when they think you're an idiot.
31:29Well, indeed.
31:37Send word back to Jean,
31:39saying that I'll be over to England
31:40as soon as the wing can carry me.
31:42And get me a meeting with the King.
31:44Yes, My Lord.
31:47Quickly, Tomcred.
31:48Hurry up.
31:49Will do. On the way.
31:52Do you think you want enough to travel?
31:55I can get us a horse.
31:57Take us back to court.
31:59Dr. Fennell will help you.
32:02God directed us here.
32:04Don't talk like that.
32:05Why won't you open your heart to the word of God?
32:08Because there is no God.
32:10And you sound like an idiot.
32:23You are in pain.
32:25You must pray for strength.
32:28I will.
32:48I'll be right back.
32:52Excuse me.
32:53Excuse me.
33:00What is it, sister?
33:01My friend needs medical attention.
33:04I know someone who can help him.
33:07But he won't leave unless you tell him to.
33:11I have come to the unfortunate realization
33:13that prayer is the only way to separate
33:16the spirit from the flesh
33:18and end our suffering here on Earth.
33:20He's going to die.
33:21Death will one day come for us all.
33:24Why should Matisse be an exception?
33:29Your friend is free to do as he wants.
33:32But I won't tell him to leave.
33:36He's welcome to stay as long as he likes.
33:39And if you were to try and take him against his will,
33:46you would be punished.
34:09Still alive, I see.
34:10That's quite an achievement
34:11for someone with your sense of loyalty.
34:13Nice to see you, too.
34:14And here I was,
34:15worrying they might have drowned you as a witch.
34:17Not yet.
34:18I imagine you're looking for your friend, Arbus.
34:21No one can tell me what's happened to her.
34:25She's had the misfortune
34:26of getting herself mixed up in world events.
34:30But I feel that you're starting to regret
34:32some of your decisions.
34:34That observation does not make you a magician.
34:38But yes,
34:39I often wonder how I can return to Catherine's favor.
34:44She won't forgive you for what you did.
34:46It's not in her nature.
34:48Now, if you want to get back to court,
34:50you've got to find a way of making yourself indispensable.
34:55Come on.
35:04I made some inquiries.
35:05The Duke's lineage has been confirmed.
35:07He is your brother.
35:09Anything else?
35:10A letter from Margot.
35:13I presume you read it?
35:25We should return to court.
35:26Of course.
35:31Duke de Medici.
35:32The Queen was not expecting you.
35:35Your Majesty.
35:36I thought an impromptu court
35:37might be one of the privileges of family.
35:38The fact that we supposedly share the same blood
35:40does not make us family.
35:43Except perhaps on a technicality.
35:45Of course.
35:46Aside from your father,
35:47no Medici has ever done anything for me.
35:50I had hoped that you and I might prove the exception.
35:54So what is it you want?
35:56For you to know how proud he would be
35:58if he saw you now ruling France.
36:00It is my son who rules France.
36:03One of Europe knows who really rules.
36:07How old were you when he died?
36:12Old enough to remember.
36:16You know, there's a villa
36:19about a day's journey from here.
36:21Our father used to take me there.
36:23The last time I saw him,
36:24he told me I had a baby sister,
36:30When I could afford it, I bought that house
36:32It is a monument to those few years I had with him.
36:38I'd like to show it to you.
36:42Unless it's too much too soon.
36:46To live your life as an orphan,
36:48then to discover there is someone who shares your blood,
36:51someone who'd be there for you when you need them,
36:53is how father would have wanted it to be.
36:58No, it...
37:00It is not too much.
37:02I would be intrigued to join you.
37:04Your Majesty,
37:06what of the letter from court?
37:08I'll bet these things are all right.
37:10Oh, my son was the victim of some unruly children.
37:12Diane can manage, aren't you?
37:14I'll be ready to leave in the morning.
37:16You have made me very happy.
37:29I believe Edith can stop the Protestant attacks.
37:33But only if we hold the Duke of Guise responsible for his crimes.
37:36Well, we can't do that.
37:38She has identified him as the man
37:40who gave the command to burn down her church.
37:42Mother said the Catholics will rise up if we arrest the Duke.
37:45Well, the situation has changed since your mother left.
37:48The people want justice.
37:50We have to act before things get even further out of control.
37:52You're sure this is the right course?
37:54You said you trusted me.
37:56Well, trust me when I say the people have to believe
37:58they can rely on the rule of law.
38:03The second Prince of the Blood.
38:05For fuck's sake, I'm in the bath.
38:07Tell him it's urgent.
38:09He says it's urgent, sire.
38:14Oh, Your Majesty.
38:17A clean body leads to a clean mind.
38:19That's always been my motto.
38:21Has it?
38:23Can't this wait?
38:25No, Your Majesty, I fear it cannot.
38:27We have had news from England.
38:29Queen Elizabeth is open to a deal
38:31and has requested my immediate presence.
38:33Now, your mother asked that we not act in haste,
38:35but I wager the situation may have changed in her absence.
38:38That's what he says.
38:40The Protestant attacks must be stopped.
38:42We could just kill them.
38:44Then you'll be at war.
38:46It was the attack on the church
38:48that put us in this situation to begin with.
38:50Yeah, I mean, I couldn't agree more, Your Majesty.
38:52You want me to arrest the Duke of Guise
38:54in England, all without my mother present?
38:56Oh, arrest the Duke of Guise.
39:00Yes, well, while that would be a great personal tragedy,
39:03here's my cousin, despite our differences.
39:05Alas, politically speaking,
39:07it's the best way to reassure the people
39:10of the king's impartiality,
39:12along with a deal with the English
39:14that will enrich all Frenchmen,
39:16regardless of their religion.
39:18It's my experience that nothing unites people more
39:21than gold, Luca.
39:23Now is the time to act, Your Majesty.
39:25Your mother has taught you well,
39:27but you are the king, and you are ready.
39:29Believe me.
39:31Incredibly, I find myself in agreement
39:33with the Prince of the Blood.
39:35You see, and that never happens.
39:39You're sure you can handle the English queen?
39:41I hear she's shrewd.
39:43The Virgin Queen? How shrewd can she be?
39:45She's never even had a man.
39:47Furthermore, she's never negotiated with a Bourbon.
39:49That's hardly reassuring.
39:51Go. I want constant updates.
39:53Of course.
39:55And you can bring the Duke in for questioning,
39:57but do it quietly.
39:59Yes, Your Majesty.
40:01I'll tell my mother once it is done.
40:03Now get out.
40:05Both of you.
40:07Can I take some of these biscuits?
40:09Take the plate. Fuck off.
40:11Thank you, Your Majesty.
40:21Have you lost your way?
40:23I was looking for you, actually.
40:25Where's your son?
40:27Oh, he's around here somewhere.
40:29How are you
40:31getting on with him, anyway?
40:33I can't work out if he's an idiot or a genius.
40:35That's a fine line.
40:37What does he make of you?
40:39Oh, he sees right through me.
40:41But he's not a genius.
40:43He's not a genius.
40:45He's not a genius.
40:47He's not a genius.
40:49Oh, he sees right through me.
40:51At least he talks to you.
40:53My children despise me.
40:55I can only hope in time
40:57they will realize why I am the way I am.
40:59And your children
41:01are your only method of influence
41:03on the world.
41:05It's really a comfortable position.
41:09perhaps I could come in
41:13distract you from your troubles.
41:16Do you remember
41:18how to do it?
41:20Like it was yesterday.
41:24All right, then.
41:38I've never seen you on this path before.
41:40It's a new habit.
41:42I'm also contemplating the adoption of
41:44many new habits in my life.
41:46Do you believe we pay for our sins
41:48in an afterlife?
41:49I don't believe anyone pays for anything
41:51here or anywhere else.
41:52That's why nothing has any meaning.
41:54I disagree.
41:58At least I want to
42:04I don't think I could carry on if that were true.
42:07I think someone
42:09as singular as you,
42:11maybe stay true to yourself.
42:13We'll find a way.
42:15You find me singular.
42:18The Duke of Gizeh's wonderful questioning
42:20in relation to a violation
42:22of the policy of tolerance.
42:24What? On whose orders?
42:26The king's.
42:28Well, there must be a mistake.
42:30Don't touch me.
42:32Do you really want to do this here?
43:00Come on, Hercule.
43:02Give us a tune.
43:04Alas, my love,
43:06ye do me wrong
43:08to cast me off
43:12And I have loved you
43:14so long,
43:16delighted in your company.
43:20was my delight,
43:22Greensleeves was all my joy.
43:26with my heart of gold
43:28and with my loving
43:34Alas, my love,
43:36ye do me wrong
43:38to cast me off
43:42And I have loved you
43:44so long, delighted in your
43:56We mean no harm.
43:58Nor do we.
44:00Please, go about your business.
44:02You are most kind.
44:04Would you gentlemen like to atone your sins
44:06and be born again in a
44:08second baptism?
44:10All are welcome.
44:12You need only humility, just as
44:14Sister Edith says.
44:16Sister Edith?
44:20God has sent her to us.
44:24If you say so.
44:28Don't you bow to your princes?
44:30Oh, forgive me, but
44:32Sister Edith says my prince
44:34is in heaven. I mean no disrespect.
44:38He means no disrespect.
44:40In that case, it's perfectly all right.
44:44Are you going to let him get away with that?
44:52We should go.
44:54I know you. You are Prince Anjou.
44:58I am?
45:00They say you frequent houses
45:02of ill repute where young men are sold
45:04as slaves to satisfy perverse
45:06instincts, and that you've been seen
45:08in the halls of the palace
45:10dressed in women's clothing.
45:12Oh, you'll find
45:14no judgment here.
45:16But I'm afraid the judgment of God
45:18in heaven will be severe.
45:22I can help you.
45:24All you have to do
45:26is to get down off your horse
45:28to start the journey toward
45:46What are you doing?
45:48You're joking.
45:50Come on.
45:52Stop fucking around.
46:02Oh, for fuck's sake.
46:04Guys, back it in.
46:08They mean no harm.
46:10Anjou, are you all right?
46:12What's it doing?
46:14I don't know.
46:22Is he really accepting
46:24the Holy Spirit?
46:26I think it moves through him.
46:32Follow me.
46:44Follow me.
47:00Are you ready to be born again?
47:04I am.
47:14Leave it alone.
47:24If you've had your second baptism,
47:26then consider this one your third.
47:28In the name of the Father, the Son,
47:30and the Holy Spirit, let your sins
47:32be washed away.
47:44Come on.
48:14Come on.
48:44No, no, no.
48:46You did your best.
48:48You just need to do your best.
48:54No, no, no.
48:56Now it's a hunt.
49:44And I always, I always
49:46say right.
49:50If you ever want me,
49:52come on and cry.
49:54Cry, baby.
49:58Cry, baby.
50:06And if you ever feel
50:08a little lonely.
50:14The Holy Roman
50:16Emperor is coming here.
50:18Oh yeah, so I hope everyone's been good.
50:20The Duke of Guise
50:22has been arrested against my instruction
50:24while the second Prince of the Blood
50:26travels to England on terms I have not agreed to.
50:28I think it's time to discuss
50:30the future of the House of Lords.
50:32We will not hide!
50:34The country is divided for this so-called profit.
50:36It does not help my cause.
50:38I will not hide!
50:40I will not hide!
50:42This does not help my cause.
50:44She must be exposed as the fraud she really is.