Purification of the Soul

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Purification of the Soul
00:00Alhamdulillah, we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for this opportunity to come together
00:18with our brothers and sisters here at Islam Bradford.
00:22I was joking with the brothers earlier today because the first tour I came when I came
00:28to the area here in Bradford, I was with my colleagues in the UAE, non-Muslims, who I
00:34was working with in the school, they were asking where are you going?
00:36And I couldn't remember the name, but I remember everybody called it Bradistan.
00:40I couldn't remember the real name, I was like what is it called?
00:42So I told them Bradistan, and they said it's not even to us it's known as Bradistan mashallah.
00:47But honestly mashallah, one of the things about the UK, and it's beautiful how the Muslims
00:51are together in one area, it's nice for the community, for the kids, for the families,
00:56to be in an environment around a bunch of Muslims, that's very good mashallah.
01:02Tonight inshallah we're going to be talking about the purification of the soul.
01:06And this is a topic that we need to go in detail in.
01:11A topic that we need, and that's why tomorrow inshallah we have in Dewsbury the one day
01:14seminar about the same topic in detail.
01:17But tonight we're going to talk a little bit about the heart itself, talk about the soul,
01:22and this is something that's going on nowadays when we see in the dunya around us, people
01:27who are focusing on the issue of their body.
01:30I'm sure you see some of the brothers here mashallah, who are working out.
01:35Other ones who have the one pack, don't really care.
01:38But you find a lot of people now mashallah who are working out, taking care of themselves,
01:43paying attention to what they eat, healthy this, healthy that, because they realize if
01:50you don't nourish the body in the proper way, you don't take care of the body, what
01:55It breaks down.
01:56You go through a whole bunch of problems, a whole bunch of difficulties.
02:00So they start taking care of the body.
02:02But the human being is created from what?
02:04Water and clay, after that.
02:09What are our bodies made of?
02:11Body and what else?
02:13And soul.
02:14So we know what to do about the body now, but what do we do about the soul?
02:18This is a problem now.
02:19People don't focus on the soul.
02:20And that's why so many people around the world today have all kinds of emotional distress,
02:28emotional diseases, looking for the cure but they don't know how to find it.
02:34Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala focused on the importance of purifying the soul in the Quran.
02:41In two verses that all of us know, showing that there is only one outcome, or two outcomes.
02:51Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told us what about the nafs, in the taski of the nafs, purifying
02:57the soul in surah al-shams.
03:01Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told us that verily he has been successful the one who purifies
03:19it and verily the one who doesn't, he has corrupted it.
03:24So you're going to do one of two things for your soul.
03:26You're either going to purify it as Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told us to do, or you're
03:29going to corrupt it if you don't purify it.
03:31The Prophet used to say in his dua, Allahumma aati nafsi taqwaha, wa zakkiha anta khayru
03:40man zakkaha, anta waliyuha wa maulaha.
03:43He would ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to purify his soul.
03:47Because verily Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the one who has the ability to do so.
03:51The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the famous hadith talked to us about the importance
03:58of the heart and the effect it has on the body.
04:02He said alayhi salatu wa salam, ala wa inna fil jasadi mudgha, idha salahat salohal jasadu
04:08kullu, idha fasadat fasadal jasadu kullu, ala wahi alqalb.
04:13That verily there is a clot in the body.
04:18That if it is correct, then the rest of the body is going to be correct.
04:23And if it is not, then the rest of the body is not going to be correct.
04:26He said verily it is the heart.
04:29And this is very important, this hadith, because we hear so many times nowadays people saying
04:36That inside I'm pure.
04:40Inside I'm good.
04:42My niya, my intentions.
04:46I might not look like a Muslim.
04:48I might not act like a Muslim.
04:52But inside I'm good.
04:55Do we accept this as Muslims?
04:58Because what's in the heart shows where?
05:00Shows in the actions.
05:01That's why the Prophet said, if this is fixed, what's in here, then it's going to help the
05:05whole body.
05:06The whole body is going to be fixed.
05:07If there's something inside that is good, you're going to see the good in the actions,
05:11in the body itself, in what the person does.
05:15That doesn't mean that somebody who is evil doesn't have any good.
05:18But in general, if the heart is pure, the actions are going to be pure.
05:23Somebody comes to us now and says, I love Allah.
05:26I love the Prophet Muhammad.
05:30It doesn't look like it to me.
05:31When you look at your actions, you don't look like someone who loves the Prophet.
05:34And we see this every day when you're put into the test of doing what Allah told you
05:40to do and doing what the Prophet Muhammad told you to do and doing what shaitan wants
05:46you to do.
05:47Who do we usually obey a lot of the times?
05:50Do we take that what our soul desires?
05:53What shaitan calls us to do?
05:54Or do we implement what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says?
05:57If we really love Allah in our hearts and we really love the Prophet Muhammad, it's
06:01going to show in our actions.
06:03The scholars of Islam, when they talked about the heart, they went in detail and wrote books
06:10about books about books and volumes and volumes about purifying the heart.
06:17The scholars mentioned that the heart, there's three types of hearts.
06:24Three types of hearts.
06:26Who knows what they are?
06:30Once you guys take part, because if everybody's just sitting here like this, I'm going to
06:33start doing it with you guys and then all of us are going to fall asleep.
06:38The dead heart, sick heart, and the healthy heart.
06:42So you have the one that is sound and healthy.
06:45You have the one that is sick and you have the one that is dead.
06:50So what is the healthy heart?
06:51And this is the one that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told us about in the Quran.
06:54يَوْمَ لَا يَنْفَعُ مَالٌ وَلَا بِنُونَ إِلَّا مَنْ أَتَى اللَّهَ بِقَلْبٍ سِلِيمٍ
07:00The day that the money and the children won't benefit you in anything except for the one
07:05who comes to Allah with a sound heart.
07:07The one that is pure.
07:10The one that is attached to the akhirah.
07:12And we see this in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
07:17As I was having my lunch today, a nice steak mashallah, and what's the restaurant called?
07:25You're here today, oh he's disappeared, I look for him in my lectures, he drives me
07:28to the lecture and then disappears mashallah.
07:30Safari right?
07:31I should get a percentage on that because I'm advertising for them.
07:35In the window what do they have?
07:37There's something Islamic in the window for Muslim countries.
07:41Who's paid attention to it?
07:45They have haseer.
07:46What is haseer?
07:47It's like the little sticks, the bamboo sticks that are tied together, which they use for
07:53For like a fence, all you guys have in your countries, all around the world they have
07:58Obviously it's not famous in the UK, probably brought it from somewhere else.
08:01So the point is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to sleep on this.
08:04So as I saw this today in the restaurant, I remembered the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
08:07wa sallam.
08:08If you look at this, this is what he used to sleep on alayhi salatu wa salam.
08:12As we sleep on our nice fluffy beds, nice quilts and covers, he used to sleep on this.
08:19So much so that it used to leave marks on his body, indents, from after he would wake
08:26Umar radiyallahu anhu saw this, he was like, our leader, our Prophet, sleeping like this
08:31and the kings of the other nations, they sleep on these big nice beds.
08:36So he wanted to buy a new bed for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
08:38What did he say alayhi salatu wa salam?
08:39This is the point.
08:40He said, ma li walid dunya.
08:41He said, what do I want from the dunya?
08:44Because the heart is attached to where?
08:46Who cares about the dunya?
08:47If you take something from Muhammad, he's not attached to it.
08:51So the sound heart, first of all, is attached to the hereafter.
08:56And we see it in his desires to do more good.
08:59How do you want to test your heart to see if you have a sound heart or not?
09:05When it comes to doing good, how does your heart feel?
09:08Is it heavy?
09:10Is it difficult?
09:11Are you striving?
09:13Do you want more?
09:15The salat, when the adhan is called, oh man, it's already maghrib time, and it's like it's
09:22something heavy.
09:23Then you know you have an issue.
09:24But when you yearn for that salat, you want that salat, you're excited about that salat,
09:28then you know it's a good sign.
09:33How are you when it comes to doing the good deeds, to obey Allah's command?
09:36How do you feel when you stay away from haram?
09:39This all, you're testing out your heart.
09:42The next heart is the one that is the dead heart.
09:46The one that has basically no life left in it, even if it's still beating a little bit.
09:51It's more or less dead.
09:54What is this heart?
09:55The one that all the lusts and desires keep coming into, one after the other, taking over,
10:00taking control of.
10:04And wanting more, and wanting more.
10:05When the good comes to it, it doesn't want it.
10:07It wants to reject the good, and you have to be careful when you look at our hearts.
10:12And then you have the heart which comes in the middle, which is the sick heart, which
10:15is probably most of us.
10:18That it has some good in it, but it has a lot of diseases in it as well.
10:22And that is why we need to focus on purifying the heart.
10:29Because of the dangers that can happen once the heart becomes hardened, once it becomes
10:36The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, mentioned in the hadith the beautiful example.
10:44If we had a whiteboard I would show you, even though I'm not a good artist.
10:48But we'll picture it for you inshallah.
10:50What happens to the heart when you sin, when you fall into that which is displeasing to
10:55Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
10:59He mentioned it, peace and blessings be upon him, explaining what the Raan means.
11:04What is Raan?
11:05It is mentioned in the Qur'an, in which surah?
11:12The word Raan, nobody knows?
11:14In Surah Mutafifin.
11:20The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said it is the black dot which is put into
11:25the heart.
11:27The heart in general is salim, it's normal, it's pure, but it's that one dot.
11:34And what happens then?
11:37You come with the next dot.
11:40And if you go home and you do it, on a piece of paper draw a heart and just start putting
11:44dots on it.
11:46And let it keep going.
11:48And what happens after some time with the heart?
11:52If some sins come in, what is she going to do with the sin that comes in?
11:56What is she going to call her sisters and her cousins?
11:58This heart is open, it's taken all the sins, come on, it's an open heart.
12:01You can come and put all kinds of sins in here, it gets blacker and blacker and harder
12:04and harder, until that which is ma'ruf becomes munkar.
12:10That which is good becomes unacceptable, evil, becomes something you don't want.
12:16When the good comes, you want to reject it, so you have to be careful.
12:18The more you dirty your heart, the more you're going to push out the haq, the truth.
12:23It's going to become more difficult to act upon it.
12:28The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned how the fitna affects the heart.
12:38And before that, I want to ask you guys something, and that is, what are the main reasons that
12:43the heart becomes unpure?
12:48The main reasons that the heart becomes unpure, there's no reasons, it just happens.
13:01Perhaps we can say the two main categories, two main reasons why, is that first of all
13:07of the shahwat, the lust and the desires, and secondly the shubuhat, which is the issues
13:16of doubt, which affect your aqidah, your belief as a Muslim.
13:21The issues of the shahwat, and how they affect it, and I think a lot of us have issues with
13:27Because in general, as we're going to see inshallah tomorrow, those who attend the workshop,
13:32the heart, it leans towards things.
13:35The heart, it's inclined to do evil things.
13:38Because the nafs, as we're going to explain in detail tomorrow inshallah, you have three
13:43types of nafs, which is similar, but one of them is the nafs al-lawwama, the one that
13:48is constantly ridiculing itself, because it knows it keeps falling into that which is
13:56But in general, it's something in the human nature where you're going to lean to that
13:59which is haram.
14:03When you're walking down the street, and you see, don't worry your wife can't see you by
14:08the way here, they're on the bottom floor, so no need to be scared.
14:12You can even cover, so that she doesn't know your voice, you can cover it like this.
14:15When you're walking down the street, and you see a beautiful woman, the natural inclination
14:20for a man is to do what?
14:23To look.
14:24Don't sit in the masjid now, astaghfirullah al-kheer, naturally you're a man, you want
14:27to look.
14:29What should you do?
14:30That's something else.
14:31But naturally inside, you want to look.
14:33You want to look once, twice, as much as you can before you crash your car.
14:36You want to look as much as you can.
14:39It's natural.
14:41So what are you supposed to do?
14:43Now that's the difference.
14:46We're supposed to lower our gaze.
14:48We have to lower our gaze.
14:50Who commanded us to lower our gaze?
14:53Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
14:55So as we're driving, and we see that, we remember, we're talking about purifying the soul, right?
15:01Pay attention when you go and you're in surat an-nur, when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commands
15:05us as Muslims.
15:09What did Allah say about lowering the gaze?
15:13When was the ayah?
15:14يَغُضُّوا مِنَ اَبْصَارِهَا
15:16يَغُضُّوا مِنَ اَبْصَارِهَا
15:18Tell the believers, and one of the things we talked about in the khutbah the other day,
15:22about reflecting on the Quran.
15:23We read, we memorize, but sometimes we don't reflect.
15:27So pay attention to this verse, because a lot of times we get the question, how can
15:29we lower our gaze?
15:30There are four steps here in this ayah if you pay attention.
15:34First of all, قُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَغُضُّوا مِنَ اَبْصَارِهِمْ
15:40That, say to the believers, lower their gaze.
15:44It's a command from who?
15:45From Allah.
15:46So when you lower your gaze, you're following the command of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
15:51So it's a command from Allah that you look down.
15:55What are the effects of lowering and not lowering?
15:57Let's continue in the ayah.
15:58What's the next part?
15:59وَيَحْفَظُوا فَرُوجَهُمْ
16:00وَيَحْفَظُوا فَرُوجَهُمْ
16:01وَيَحْفَظُوا فَرُوجَهُمْ
16:03And they protect their private parts by not falling into the haram.
16:08How do you fall into haram?
16:10First of all, what's the first step?
16:13It doesn't just happen when you bump into somebody and then you grab her, she grabs
16:18you, you go behind the bush like a dog or something, or you smell each other, and you
16:22go behind the bush or whatever.
16:23No, it doesn't work like that with human beings.
16:25The first thing is, that's why I said that the eye is the arrow of shaitan.
16:30He gets you with it.
16:32You look at her and she smiles at you and one thing leads to another, and you're chatting
16:36and you're this and that.
16:37That's when the mosibah, the crisis happens later.
16:41So the only way to protect yourself from falling into haram is by first of all, step one is
16:45lowering the gaze.
16:47The third thing in the ayah, ذَلِكَ أَزْكَى لَهُمْ
16:55That's more purifying for them.
16:57So you implement this command from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
17:00You're protecting yourself.
17:01You're protecting your chastity.
17:03At the same time, you're purifying yourself by lowering the gaze.
17:08And in the end of the ayah, إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُ
17:13Allah is well acquainted with what you do, the muraqab of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
17:19That even if nobody else can see you, Allah can see you.
17:27The Muslim has to train himself.
17:28We're talking about purifying our hearts, how we can do it.
17:32We have to train ourselves.
17:33You're driving down the road with your wife and the beautiful lady comes.
17:36You have your sunglasses on, the sun is out, you're looking cool.
17:38You got your shades on.
17:39You're driving, leaning back, mashallah.
17:42And she says, don't you look.
17:44You say, astaghfirullah, I wouldn't look baby.
17:45And you're looking.
17:46She can't see you, you got your glasses on.
17:49You're looking.
17:50Nobody knows what you're doing.
17:51Allah is khabir.
17:52He knows what I'm doing.
17:54You train yourself.
17:56Subhanallah, I saw one old man who had been afflicted with looking at women.
18:03May Allah protect us.
18:05Big white beard.
18:06Looked like one of the teachers in the haram, inshallah.
18:09Had his glasses on.
18:11And the guy, every woman that walked past him was looking at him like this, you know.
18:16At first I thought he was working for the religious police and he's just checking things
18:22But me and my friend, he's a sheikh from Sudan.
18:25We looked a little more and he said, this guy, shaitan has taken over him, miskeen.
18:29Because it was clear he wasn't doing the security.
18:32He was doing some other type of investigation.
18:35Poor dude, you know.
18:36He's literally like, in Mecca, next to the haram.
18:42He had the shades on, but with the head turned, it kind of gave him out.
18:46He could see.
18:47Like this.
18:49So he said, let's give him some nasiha.
18:50I said, what are you going to say to this guy?
18:52So he walks up.
18:53He's a sheikh, sheikh.
18:54He said, I have a question.
18:55He's like, naam, naam, yes.
18:56Now he plays the role of sheikh.
19:00So he comes up.
19:01He said, my friend is asking.
19:02It's a good way to give nasiha, by the way.
19:04Pay attention to the story.
19:05I benefited, mashallah.
19:06He pulls me up.
19:07I'm asking the question.
19:08I was like, what are you doing, man?
19:09I'm not asking this guy a question.
19:11I was upset seeing the guy at the haram doing this.
19:12I didn't want to talk to the guy.
19:13He said, no, we have to give him nasiha.
19:16So he comes, he pulls me over and he said, my friend has a question.
19:18So we're debating, is it haram?
19:21Is the sin doubled in Mecca?
19:26Is the sin doubled in Mecca?
19:28He said, naam, naam, yes, it's doubled.
19:30He said, I told you, astaghfirullah.
19:32He said, is looking at women one of the sins?
19:34He said, yes, it's a sin, it's a sin.
19:37So he reminded him directly what you're doing, taqilla, you know.
19:40He said, jazakallah khair.
19:41Thank you very much.
19:42He's like, I told you.
19:43I was like, astaghfirullah.
19:44I didn't do anything.
19:45I'm an innocent one.
19:46But alhamdulillah, he told the guy and taught him.
19:47Remind him, mashallah.
19:48Allah is well acquainted with what you do.
19:49You have to remember.
19:51People nowadays, they have a new fiqh.
19:55The new fiqh.
19:56The fiqh of shaitan, or they call it the baba fiqh.
20:01Where they say the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told you that the first look is
20:06for who?
20:08The first look is for who?
20:10For yourself.
20:11And the second is from shaitan.
20:16So what do the brothers do?
20:17They lock in.
20:18He said, ya akhi, taqilla.
20:21He said, this is the first look, what are you talking about?
20:23And he said, as long as you don't blink.
20:26He locks in.
20:27He keeps the eyes open.
20:28And he's like.
20:29And he's locking in on the lady.
20:31Astaghfirullah, haram, ya akhi.
20:33What are you doing to yourself?
20:34He said, the first look is a hadith.
20:35We'll play with the hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
20:39What's meant by this hadith?
20:40They say, an-nathar al-mufaji.
20:41They say, when you see it by mistake.
20:45You're going down the steps.
20:46A sister walks by.
20:47You see her.
20:48She sees you.
20:49It wasn't meant to happen.
20:50But you don't keep locked in.
20:51That's haram.
20:54Because of the effect it's going to have on your heart later.
20:56Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, he's the creator.
20:58He knows.
20:59Allah purifies the soul.
21:00He knows what we need, what's good.
21:01Lower your gaze.
21:02Because what it's going to lead you to.
21:05The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
21:08And pay attention to this hadith.
21:09It's a very scary hadith.
21:15He said, alayhi salatu wa salam, that the fitn will come upon the hearts.
21:22Like the haseer.
21:23We just talked about.
21:24The haseer, what?
21:25It's like the little bamboo sticks that are tied together.
21:27He said, u'dan u'dan.
21:28One after the other.
21:29You see how it's tied together.
21:30Very tight.
21:31He said, the fitn will come to the heart.
21:33So he said, any heart that takes it in, a black dot will be put into it.
21:38Any heart which rejects it will have a white dot.
21:42It will clean.
21:44And then he said, until it becomes two hearts.
21:47A black heart that doesn't know what is correct and it doesn't reject that which is evil.
21:55And then the white heart, obviously, which is the pure heart after that.
21:58Or as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained in the hadith.
22:01The point is, is that the effect that these sins are going to have on your heart.
22:06And knowing the sickness that will come, that you will start to reject that which is pure.
22:12And that's what we see nowadays.
22:13When you come to people who fall into haram.
22:15How many Muslims today, they fall into haram, that which is displeasing to Allah subhanahu
22:18wa ta'ala, and they want to find a way out for it.
22:21They want to find a feswa for it.
22:26Who's the Arab guys here?
22:30Nobody's Arab here?
22:33You guys know the difference between the feswa and the fatwa?
22:36Sheikh Yusuf Estes, he likes this one a lot.
22:39Because what he found as a Muslim, he found that we have what we call fatwa.
22:44All of you know fatwa.
22:45Who knows what feswa means?
22:48One person knows.
22:51The difference between the two is the seen and the ta.
22:55The seen and the ta.
22:57The fatwa, all of you know what it means.
22:58But the feswa, just so you know, that it breaks your wudu.
23:02You might not hear it, but it breaks your wudu and a lot of times it has a bad smell.
23:07That's what they call a feswa in Arabic.
23:09That's what a lot of the fatwas have become.
23:11And people look for these.
23:13These way out.
23:14They're doing that which is haram, but he's looking for the feswa to find it, to hold
23:17on to it.
23:18You know I have a feswa from Sheikh's own soul, right here.
23:22Looking for a way to make his haram or his misguidance halal.
23:27And this is very dangerous.
23:29If you fall into that which is haram, don't try to make a way to make it halal.
23:34You took an interest loan.
23:36Ask Allah for forgiveness.
23:39Pay it off.
23:40Ask Allah for forgiveness.
23:41Keep making forgiveness to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
23:44Try to get out of it as quick as you can.
23:46But don't look for a fatwa that's going to make it halal for you.
23:49The halal interest fatwas.
23:53You're playing with the deen.
23:56We have to be careful about this.
23:58These fitnas, when they come to the heart, start to change the way we look at things.
24:02And a lot of times we don't understand why we feel the way we feel inside.
24:05We have the cure.
24:06We have everything in Islam.
24:09But we don't use the Quran.
24:10We don't use the sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
24:14Dealing with the difficulties of life.
24:17People say we have stress.
24:18We have this.
24:19I know Muslim women and sisters and brothers who take medication.
24:25Is it permissible?
24:26Yeah, because they have to take it.
24:28They have emotional distress.
24:30But why is this?
24:32Because they don't go back to the original source.
24:37They will benefit from Islam.
24:40We shouldn't have it.
24:41It's possible people have it nowadays.
24:43But we shouldn't have it as Muslims.
24:46On every corner now you find in the western countries, how many psychiatrists in one city?
24:50People have to go because they're living in living hell.
24:53And when you find some of the superstars who are idolized today, the football players,
25:01the singers, the actors.
25:04How many of them have died now?
25:09Overdosed on drugs.
25:10You can't think of any recent examples.
25:17A few years back, the king of pop.
25:25All the money, all the success, all the fame that he had.
25:30The best ever, as they say in his field, Michael Jackson, couldn't sleep at night.
25:38With all he had accomplished in the dunya, all the fame he had, he couldn't sleep at
25:44night without taking prescription drugs.
25:50And then he took the drugs, it wasn't enough, he needed more.
25:53The doctor felt so bad for him, gave him some more, killed the guy.
25:59Example after, the queen of pop comes, with some cocaine, and then drowns in her bathtub.
26:08Example after example.
26:11One of the beautiful examples that I saw, was the famous actor, Robin Williams.
26:17You guys know Robin Williams?
26:18Even you old guys know Robin Williams, he's been around for a long time, this guy.
26:23He's good at what he does, honestly.
26:26He is good as an actor, he's excellent, no doubt, he's one of the best.
26:31He had an issue with alcohol, an alcoholic, who had to get special treatment for his alcohol
26:39In the interview, he was asked, why are you an alcoholic?
26:47Somebody who's successful, somebody who's famous, you would think you'd have a better
26:49life than this.
26:50Why did you take this route?
26:53He said, because I felt that I was living in a living hell.
26:57It's his words.
26:58I said, wow.
26:59He said, I'm living in a living hell.
27:02I remembered what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in the Quran.
27:07Inna al-abrara la fee na'eem, wa inna al-fujara la fee jaheem.
27:15You know the verses.
27:17Verily, the doers of good are in that which is blessed.
27:22Na'eem, something blessed.
27:25And verily, the doers of good or evil are in a jaheem, hell.
27:30And it's not just in the hereafter like some of us think.
27:32It's in this life, and it's in the grave, and it's in the hereafter.
27:37And that's why we find these people are living in a living hell.
27:40People wonder, why do they drink so much?
27:42Because they want a way out.
27:46They're looking for a way out.
27:48They drink so much coffee in the morning to get them going, and then drink so much booze
27:50at night, and alcohol so they can pass out.
27:52Because they don't want to have to deal with the difficulties of life.
27:55This is the reality.
27:59They want to find a way out, to forget the problems they're living in.
28:02They're living in a living hell.
28:06And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala made it clear to us in the Quran,
28:09wa man a'rad an dhikri fa inna lahum ma'isha tan dhanka.
28:13Whoever turns away from my remembrance, he's going to live a difficult life.
28:16And this is the reality of the people who turn away from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
28:20The ones with the dead hearts.
28:22And even the ones,
28:23the hearts are in the middle. They're going through this. One day like this, one day like a roller coaster.
28:28And we know
28:29the way to find assurance in the heart, to find peace of heart.
28:33ala bi dhikri Allahi
28:35taqma'innu quloob.
28:36Barely through the remembrance of Allah, the hearts find assurance.
28:40It's all there in the Quran. We have everything.
28:43We know,
28:44when we read the Quran, when we hear the Quran, how it makes us feel inside.
28:47We relax.
28:51We relax, but still we want to turn away.
28:53Listen to a little soft music, brother, you know.
28:55Helps us relax.
28:57Helps us focus more. Listen to a little music.
29:00But is it really helping us? We know it's not. Deep down we know it's not.
29:04So we have all of the solutions in Islam, but unfortunately
29:07we turn away from
29:09the solutions that we have.
29:11This inshallah is a quick reminder about the importance of
29:16purifying the heart
29:17and some of the things that are coming between us and the different types of hearts.
29:22The scholars of Islam mentioned
29:25several things which have a big effect on our hearts.
29:28They call them the four poisons.
29:31And it's something that we don't think about. We'll end inshallah this lecture with these
29:34four poisons.
29:36Who knows what they are?
29:42Very good.
29:43The first one is the tongue which is excessive talking.
29:47And we'll explain to each one what they mean in a minute.
29:49The second one, as the brother mentioned, the eyes.
29:51Excessive looking, which is haram obviously.
29:54Excessive eating
29:56and excessive
29:57mixing or the company you keep.
29:59Now what's meant by these four?
30:02The tongue
30:04is something as Imam al-Shafi'i, may Allah have mercy on him, described it
30:08as a th'uban.
30:11When he told us to beware about the tongue.
30:13He said don't let it bite you. It's a snake
30:16that will bite you.
30:18And the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam when he talked to Mu'adh about the tongue.
30:22He said the biggest thing that's going to throw the people on their faces in the hell fire is what?
30:26The tongue. He advised Mu'adh.
30:28He mentioned a whole bunch of rewards that you can get for this and this.
30:32He said you want something that's better than all of that?
30:34Mu'adh said of course.
30:36He put out a tongue and he said
30:38control this.
30:39Control your tongue.
30:40The most important thing.
30:42Because the tongue
30:43can be a very beneficial tool.
30:46Constantly remembering Allah, doing good things,
30:48or constantly
30:49being disobedient to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
30:53The Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam told us about
30:55one word that we could say, we think it's no big deal,
30:58that can throw us how deep into the hell fire.
31:01One word, we didn't think about it.
31:04Learning to control the tongue is very very difficult.
31:06Nowadays when it comes to issues of halal and haram,
31:09if we were to be honest with ourselves and sit down and discuss
31:12what we do from halal and haram,
31:14we will find that a lot of us when it comes to issues of haram,
31:19riba, alhamdulillah some brothers here don't have it here.
31:23The beef and meat, mashallah, alhamdulillah.
31:25We're eating all things that are halal.
31:27Halal means of income, all halal, halal, mashallah.
31:31When it comes to the tongue,
31:32the ghiba,
31:33the namima,
31:35these are major sins.
31:36The Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam mentioned about the things that will be
31:38tortured in your grave.
31:40The ghiba, it's no big deal for a lot of us nowadays.
31:42We talk about our brothers,
31:43talk about the faults of others, etc. No big deal.
31:46The tongue, once again.
31:47So the scholars say you have to be very very careful about the tongue, you have to train the tongue
31:51and only use it in that which is good.
31:53And if you go to the fourth point, which is the mixing,
31:55the company you keep,
31:57what happens when you hang out too much.
31:59It's okay to hang out.
32:00I'm saying you can't
32:01hang out as a Muslim and chill out. We're just talking to some brothers about this now,
32:04even one of the other mashayikh, inshallah,
32:05who might be visiting us tomorrow, inshallah.
32:08He came to us and he said,
32:10we're going to have fun.
32:11When we were on tour in Canada recently,
32:14I don't know if some of you saw some of the pictures or not,
32:16it was me,
32:17Abu Osama,
32:20Zahabi and Naveed Aziz.
32:23We went to Niagara Falls,
32:25we did a whole bunch of things, we went sightseeing, we had fun together, we went out, no problem.
32:29So coming together, this is good, it's encouraging when the brothers come out,
32:32do things.
32:33But we're always hanging out, always doing things.
32:36What's going to happen usually,
32:39you're going to start to slip.
32:40You're going to start losing good things to say
32:42and start saying bad things, saying things which is displeasing
32:44to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
32:46Fall into ghibah, fall into mimah.
32:48We have to be careful.
32:49So when you mix too much,
32:51the Prophet, when
32:53the Sahabi asked him, what is the way to
32:58He told him,
33:01to control your tongue,
33:04and to
33:05stay in your house and to cry upon your mistake.
33:10Focus on your worship, focus on yourself, focus on purifying yourself.
33:14These two things
33:15are from the poisons that we need to focus on.
33:18And the looking.
33:19We talked about that in some detail,
33:21so we're not going to go back any more than that.
33:24But how the nathar,
33:25looking at that which is haram,
33:26how it affects us.
33:28The last thing they mentioned,
33:29which I think a lot of us need to focus on,
33:31is the issue of
33:33excessive eating.
33:35And how it affects the heart.
33:38We don't think about that.
33:39A lot of the diseases
33:42that we have today is from what?
33:44What is it from?
33:45Over eating.
33:48And what does the sunnah teach us?
33:51Islam is beautiful, but we don't benefit from Islam.
33:53What does Islam teach us about eating, and the manners of eating?
34:00One third, that's one thing.
34:02Before that, the Prophet said,
34:04look Imad, something small which is sufficient,
34:06just something little.
34:08Nowadays they say,
34:10the trainers and the doctors say,
34:13the three meals we taught you as a young person,
34:14you're supposed to have three whole meals,
34:15that's really bad for you, that's what's killing you.
34:17Now it should be five meals.
34:20Correct or not?
34:21Five small meals, small portions.
34:24Look at the Prophet, he said,
34:25look Imad, something small, just sufficient,
34:26that's enough for you to get by, to hold up your backbone.
34:31Small meals.
34:32How do you eat alayhi salatu wa salam?
34:35How many fingers?
34:37Like the brothers today who eat the rice with the whole,
34:39make like a big baseball, softball,
34:41and throw it in their mouth, I don't know how it fits.
34:43You look at the mouth and the portion like,
34:45how did that fit in the brother's mouth?
34:46It's crazy, you don't understand,
34:47but it gets in there somehow, it pushes it down.
34:51Three small fingers, small portions,
34:52that's healthy eating right there.
34:55And then one third for the food,
34:58one third for the water, and one third for the air.
35:02Now how much do we put?
35:04We put 97, 98, 99% for the food,
35:08and a little bit for the Pepsi
35:09to push it down a little bit, that's it.
35:11No air whatsoever, it's always coming out.
35:14There's no room, your stomach's in pain.
35:18How does this affect your ibadah?
35:22How does this affect your ibadah?
35:23I want you to focus on the month of eating,
35:26the month of overeating.
35:29The month we should be losing weight in,
35:31and we end up gaining weight, the month of Ramadan.
35:33The month we're scared of starvation,
35:36and we just keep shoving the food down,
35:38shoving it down.
35:39And health-wise, by the way,
35:41the fasting is very good for the stomach,
35:42it gives the stomach a break, but we kill it.
35:44As soon as the ibadah is called, we push it down.
35:47Hot, cold, spicy, sweet, all together, push it down.
35:52What happens to us, and pay attention to this,
35:53we talk about the effect of eating,
35:54what happens to us when it comes time to pray tarawih?
35:59It's like they put some drugs in you,
36:02or something like that.
36:03You're about to go into operation.
36:06You can't even move.
36:11And you're like, oh, man, I eat too much.
36:13Every day, same thing.
36:14But you have to go to the tarawih al-sa'ib.
36:16Muslim, you have to go to the tarawih, you have to pray.
36:18So you come to the tarawih, and you're like, oh.
36:20And you're heavy, and you get in the salat,
36:23and the guy's praying, like, when is he gonna stop, you know?
36:26Or just come to the amin, amin, that's all,
36:28it's good, whatever's in the Quran.
36:30He said, I wanna go quick, he said, amin, I want the end.
36:32During the prayer, you're smelling the samosa,
36:37and all this, and the curries,
36:40we're smelling what the brothers had for iftar.
36:43And you're going through hell.
36:45You want the ajr, that your iman,
36:46it's pulling you back and forth, so you have to go.
36:48You wanna get the ajr of praying,
36:51but you're going through hell, because you ate too much.
36:53So when the scholars talk about eating too much,
36:55that's why we're gonna give this example.
36:56They're like, what is he talking about eating too much?
36:57How does it affect your iman?
36:58You remember Ramadan had effects.
37:00Eat something light, something nutritious,
37:02something good for you, enough to suffice yourself,
37:04and to hold yourself up, and then you go and pray.
37:07That's why the Prophet of Salem taught us,
37:09when he would pray in Ramadan, what was his sunnah?
37:11How did he break his fast?
37:15Just dates, the fresh dates, didn't find him regular dates,
37:17if not, just drink some water,
37:18bismillah, go and pray, eat later, whatever.
37:21It's more healthy, it's been proven it's more healthy,
37:23at the same time, it helps you with your worship.
37:26When you overeat, it has a negative effect
37:28on your heart, and on your ibadah.
37:30These are things we don't think about, subhanAllah,
37:32but it does have a very negative effect on us.
37:34This inshallah, I want to remind myself,
37:36we talk about this subject, it's an in-depth subject,
37:38and that's why alhamdulillah, I started focusing
37:41on the seminar of the purification of the soul.
37:44I was able to teach it several times in Dubai,
37:46and in Ireland, in several cities, alhamdulillah.
37:48And it's a very beneficial series, hopefully inshallah,
37:51you'll be able to join us with it tomorrow,
37:53inshallah, in Dewsbury.
37:54It'll be from 10 to six, inshallah ta'ala,
37:57and we'll cover in detail, and more detail,
38:00about how to purify the heart, inshallah,
38:04according to the Quran and the sunnah
38:06of our beloved Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
38:08And Allah knows best.
38:09Allahumma sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
38:10wa baraka ala al-Muhammadin.