Latin America | NGOs get regulations in Nicaragua & denounced by AMLO

  • 2 weeks ago
*AMLO reiterates his denunciation of U.S. funding of NGOs.
*New regulations will be applied to NGOs as part of the reorganization work in Nicaragua.
00:00The government of Mexico reiterates its denunciation of the interference of the
00:04United States in the financing of non-governmental organizations.
00:08Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated that Washington's financing of electoral
00:13campaigns goes against political ethics and civility. This according to a report from
00:19the Treasury Department which shows the amount of transfers received by non-governmental
00:24organizations to favor opposing political organizations from the White House agencies.
00:30In this sense, López Obrador emphasized that these organizations are not only confronting
00:35the legality constituted by the government but are damaging the constitution and the
00:40sovereignty of the country.
00:47The Mexican president sent a diplomatic letter to the United States government in which he
00:52denounces its interference in the financing received by the organization of Claudio X. Gonzalez.
01:01Basically, it is a letter regarding the financing granted by the United States
01:06government to Claudio X. Gonzalez and Mrs. Amparo Casar and the association they manage.
01:13And yesterday, the diplomatic note was sent, which I did not know.
01:21But today morning, I found out that the Secretary of Relations and the Interior,
01:28which is the second one, we sent one in 2021 and they ignored it,
01:36which is the second one. We sent one in 2021 and they did not pay attention to it.
01:43And yesterday they sent another one.
01:52A note of protest and I already have the draft of the letter but yesterday I had a lot of work
01:57and I am going to send it to them and I want to make sure that it reaches them
02:02and then give it to the board.
02:06The government of Nicaragua will implement the new forms of operation of non-governmental
02:11organizations as part of the reorganization of the executive. The new legal instrument
02:16establishes that proposals for partnership programs and projects must be submitted to
02:20the corresponding entities according to the definition of each organization. The government
02:25and the state entities may or may not accept the proposals and the entities may say whether they
02:30are useful to them. The executive also pointed out that the agreements will be based on the
02:36same regulations in order to contribute to the operation of order with respect and adherence to
02:42the Nicaraguan laws.
