PNP conducts simulation exercise for its 911 Hotline

  • 2 weeks ago
PNP conducts simulation exercise for its 911 Hotline

00:00The Philippine National Police or PNP conducted a simulation exercise today for its 911 hotline.
00:06A scenario of a robbery incident in a gasoline station in Quezon City was set up with the PNP
00:12command center receiving the emergency call, which then immediately relayed the information
00:18to the nearest law enforcers in the area. In less than a minute, body camera-wearing
00:22cops were able to arrive at the scene. The PNP targets to comply with the standard three-minute
00:28response time, and the 911 hotline is a big help in achieving this goal.
00:35This is an automatic response that we have already
00:39done. It just shows how fast we are, but in a real scenario, we're even faster.
00:47That's what we want. Three minutes, but we're even faster.
