Tatlong kadete ng PMA, hinatulang guilty sa pagkamatay ni Darwin Dormitorio sa hazing

  • 2 weeks ago
Tatlong kadete ng PMA, hinatulang guilty sa pagkamatay ni Darwin Dormitorio sa hazing

00:00The court sentenced the three cadets of the Philippine Military Academy who were accused of the death of Cadet 4th Class Darwin Donmetorio in 2019.
00:10The family of Donmetorio was also accused of using justice.
00:14This is the story of Janice Dennis.
00:16After 5 years, the court sentenced the three cadets of the Philippine Military Academy who were accused of the death of Cadet 4th Class Darwin Donmetorio in the Academy on September 2019, guilty of anti-hazing law and murder.
00:45In the 42-page decision of the Regional Trial Court First Judicial Region Branch 5 in Baguio City, guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder and violation of anti-hazing law are Shalimar Imperial Jr. and Felix Lumbag Jr.
01:02Guilty beyond reasonable doubt is also Julius Carlo Tadena in the case of violation of anti-hazing law.
01:09They were sentenced to reclusion perpetua or imprisonment for up to 40 years.
01:15The court also sentenced them, Imperial and Lumbag, to pay P3 million while P2 million to Tadena,
01:24aside from the damages they will pay to the family.
01:28The family of Donmetorio was emotional when the court ruled that the family of Donmetorio used justice for Darwin.
01:39I am happy. I am contented with the decision.
01:43But of course, my son's life cannot be returned. We deserve it.
01:48We got justice for Darwin. Definitely, it is not only justice for him, but for all the others who died in PMA regarding the malpractices in the academy.
02:00According to the family, it is painful for them because their father did not hear the court's ruling after he passed away a long time ago.
02:11The pain is there. It's unbearable, especially that my husband is gone and he did not see the verdict now.
02:20We got what we wanted.
02:22Darwin's brother insisted that this will serve as the legacy of their family in the cases of hazing, especially in PMA, which is a big and prestigious institution.
02:35Glorifying hazing as part of their training, that is not right. Look at the casualties.
02:41Their cowardice to address this malpractice, it took the death of my brother and the courage of our family to resolve that lingering issue in the academy.
02:54According to the lawyer of the family of Donmetorio, their fight does not end here.
03:01In the first decision of the MTC, the former PMA Station Hospital Chief Lieutenant Colonel Cesar Candelaria was acquitted
03:10as Medical Officer Captain Flor Apol Apostol and Major Ophelia Beloy in the case of reckless imprudence resulting in homicide.
03:20They were also pending a case of malpractice in the PRC.
03:25So in a way, we feel vindicated even if they were acquitted a year ago for the crime of reckless imprudence.
03:31But as I said, it's not over yet. We still have a case in the PRC.
03:35And the judge here now supported our position all along that there was neglect on the part of the doctors.
03:44According to the legal counsel of the accused cadets, they will be appealed in court.
03:49The news team is also getting the PMA's report on the court's decision.
03:55Jonnice Deniz for Pambansan TV in Bagong, Philippines.
