Dealing With Depression Islamically

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Sometimes we confuse sadness with depression. Depression is an extreme case of sadness. What are the ways we can help overcome our depression in Islam?
Dr. Bilal Philips
00:00The Islamic cure for depression.
00:25First and foremost, it is important for us to recognize how serious the illness known
00:39as depression is.
00:44Because sometimes we take it for granted and actually we mix it up with sadness.
01:01And there is a difference between, a quantitative difference between sadness and depression.
01:13Now depression involves sadness, but it is sadness to an extreme level.
01:23And according to the clinical definitions of depression, it involves particular symptoms,
01:32you know, which are identifiable, they have been listed.
01:40And you know, one before saying, you know, I'm in a state of depression, they should
01:48really look at this list and confirm whether what they are talking about is actually depression
01:56or not.
02:00It is the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. through suicides, 75% of suicides
02:17are a result of depression.
02:21And the country with the highest rate of suicide is New Zealand.
02:30Yeah, New Zealand.
02:34I mean one would think why these people just sheep and you know, where does all this depression
02:39coming from?
02:41But they have the highest rate in the world.
02:47And it affects more people than cancer in the U.S. and you can extend that to the rest
02:57of the world.
02:58It's just these are the statistics that we have.
03:05And more than heart disease, the various diseases of the heart causing heart attacks, etc.
03:13There's about 17 million people in America who suffer from heart disease.
03:20Those who are suffering from depression are more.
03:24So we're dealing with something that can affect people on a level which is to us, to
03:38the normal person incomprehensible, difficult to understand.
03:45Whether it is a child coming to school, like in the Columbine massacres, a young boy coming
04:02to school because he got dumped by his girlfriend, he brings his father's gun collection with
04:09him to school and he starts mowing down his classmates, his teachers, principal.
04:18Or we have the case of Adolf Merkel, not related to the current president, who was the 94th
04:34richest person in the world in 2009.
04:40He was the 94th richest person in the world.
04:44He had a fortune of 8.5 billion dollars.
04:52And the depression or recession which took place at that period of time caused him to
05:01lose in his investments in Volkswagen, 400 million dollars in the space of a very short
05:14period of time, a month or so, he lost 400 million dollars.
05:19And he built his own industrial empire by himself from zero, worth 8.5 billion.
05:36What he did after realizing that, he went one morning to the train tracks, laid down
05:47on the train tracks and waited for the train to run over him, killed him, suicide.
05:58This is a man who still had 8.1 billion dollars.
06:10What happened here?
06:128.1 billion dollars, if a person lived until the age of 80, he would have to spend 280,000
06:26dollars every day of his life, from the time he was born till he hit 80 and died.
06:34Imagine that.
06:37And this man killed himself.
06:42So we're dealing with something, he was 74 years old at the time, so he wasn't a young
06:49person, he was still mentally, his faculties were all there.
06:59But when falling into this state of depression, then everything around him lost its value.
07:16He became unable to see good in anything.
07:23That's what takes people to the point where they feel life is not worth living anymore.
07:32And there is no clear treatment medically for depression.
07:44The psychologists who specialize in this area don't even know the cause.
07:53Some say it's hereditary, say they have identified two chemicals, serotonin and dopamine, as
08:07two chemicals that if a person is in a state of depression, the quantity goes down.
08:17When the quantity comes up, they are in a better state.
08:24Actually, what causes the quantity to come up is seen in various treatments that they
08:32give, etc.
08:36But Islam has provided for Muslims a means to deal with depression as a part and parcel
08:54of life.
08:57And this is not to say that where people are in states that can't be treated normally,
09:07we deny them access to trained psychologists who perhaps can help them.
09:19But Islam provides a theoretical basis as well as a practical basis for the treatment
09:31of depression.
09:36First and foremost, where people have set the goal in life, what is considered to be
09:47a good life, as a stress-free life, we need to understand that this is not possible.
10:03First and foremost, a stress-free life is no life.
10:14When you're dead, stress is gone in this life.
10:20As to the barzakh, that's a whole other story.
10:26But the point is that we are constantly encouraged through the motivational speakers and writers,
10:40etc., and given that carrot hanging on a stick that we run after, the stress-free life.
10:52Be happy.
10:55This is about it.
10:57No stress, naturally you're going to be happy.
11:01However, reality is that Allah told us, Allah said, I have created human beings in difficulty,
11:20struggle, stress.
11:25That's how he created us.
11:27And it's natural in our lives to have struggle.
11:34From the time we're born, if you observe a child coming into the world, from the safety
11:45of the womb into this world, it's a massive struggle.
11:52Children die in the process, mothers die in the process, it's a struggle.
11:59And then what the child goes through, growing, drinking milk, crying for food and milk, starting
12:11to walk, you see the children, the struggle that they have to go through to finally stand
12:16up and then take their first steps and they fall down.
12:22That is natural.
12:25Every child goes through that.
12:28And this is how Allah has created us.
12:32So human nature is basically one which is stressful.
12:43There's stress in it.
12:45There's stress in our lives.
12:48So the real challenge is not to live a stress free life, but to know how to handle stress
13:02in life.
13:05This is the challenge.
13:08Not to find a stress free life, find an island somewhere in the Pacific, coconut tree and
13:17you just lie there in the sand, tsunami is coming to wipe you out.
13:28This is not real life.
13:32This is what is sold to us in the media.
13:38If you have enough money, you can do that.
13:44And what you have to do to get that money is so stressful, most of us never make it.
13:55So the challenge for us is to manage stress in such a way that it doesn't lead to depression.
14:17We can't escape it.
14:19But we have principles in Islam which teach us how to manage it.
14:31First and foremost, we have an outlook on life.
14:40Life which we said is stressful, it has its ups and its downs.
14:45Times when you're happy, times when you're sad.
14:47Times when good things are coming, times when bad things are coming.
14:50That's just how life is.
14:54So the Prophet s.a.w. gave us a basic principle on how to deal with the ups and the downs
15:02of life.
15:03So this is a concept which we can apply.
15:10He told us that the affair of the believer is amazing and it's only in the case of the
15:21Whenever good comes to him or her, he or she is grateful to Allah and Allah rewards them
15:31for it.
15:33And whenever bad comes, they're patient and Allah rewards them for it.
15:43So we have the principle of gratitude and patience.
15:53That if we are able to handle the ups and downs of life with those two principles, then
16:02we're not going to be overwhelmed by stress.
16:07Because our lives are either up, we're successful, we got a raise, our business made its first
16:15million, whatever.
16:22Or the business failed, customers left, partner broke the contract, ran away with all the
16:36All these things are happening.
16:39It's one or the other.
16:41So if you're able to deal with it by understanding these principles, then a great portion of
16:51stress will be managed in your life.
16:56It doesn't mean you don't get sad.
16:59Sure you'll be sad when things didn't go right, didn't go the way you expected them to go
17:03or you wanted them to go.
17:07But you won't be overwhelmed by that sadness.
17:14And when things go well, you're successful, then you are grateful to Allah.
17:24You don't allow that success to go to your head.
17:29When it goes to your head, people think, I did it.
17:36When people are successful, you see them just jumping and screaming, success.
17:45But in that state, they forget Allah.
17:51So it became I, I did it.
17:56I'm the best.
17:58I'm the one.
18:03Remember Muhammad Ali used to say what?
18:05I'm the greatest.
18:10When I met him in Riyadh, Alzheimer's had already set in and he had difficulty speaking,
18:21but slowly he could speak.
18:23He said to me, you know, the best thing that ever happened to me was Alzheimer's.
18:34If that hadn't happened to me, I would have gone to my grave thinking I was the greatest,
18:41which is shirk.
18:45Allah humbled me.
18:49I was not the greatest.
18:52He humbled me.
18:55So at that time, he told me that he used to do the dawah by preparing brochures on Islam
19:16the night before any events that he was invited to.
19:20Of course, these events are usually filled with non-Muslims.
19:25So he would spend the night before or two days before just signing these brochures,
19:33which were explaining what is Islam, what is prayer in Islam, fasting in Islam, whatever.
19:44He would sign very slowly, maybe it would take him five minutes for every brochure.
19:50But he would just take his time and sign them.
19:54Because he knew that these, at the end of his event, these would be distributed, they
20:03would be given, signed brochures by Muhammad Ali.
20:09People would treasure that.
20:12Maybe they weren't interested in Islam, mostly they weren't.
20:17But still they would take the brochure home with his signature, and maybe they might say,
20:23what is this about anyway, and start to read it.
20:30He kept doing that dawah until he died.
20:36May Allah bless him, give him paradise, forgive his sins.
20:43The Prophet ﷺ also gave us du'a, and we know that du'a is of a special place,
21:04having a special place in Islam.
21:09The Prophet ﷺ stressed it to such a degree that he said, the only thing that can change
21:14qadr is du'a.
21:19Du'a being individual prayer.
21:27Because usually du'a translated as prayer, people think salah.
21:33So salah, du'a, we know there's a distinction between it.
21:37Salah includes du'a, but du'a does not include salah.
21:48So he told us a du'a to make, which again, people who are struggling with stress, etc.,
21:59should learn,
22:02اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الحم والحزن
22:07O Allah, I seek refuge in you from worry and depression.
22:14From worry and depression.
22:24This is something for those of us that feel depressed or feel that they're unable to handle
22:34their situation, that they should learn this du'a.
22:41You may say it in English, or Bahasa, or Arabic, it's nice to say it in Arabic, help you to
22:53learn a little bit more Arabic, to understand it, to understand what it means, but not to
22:59say it without knowing what you're saying.
23:08We also have another du'a, which was the du'a of Prophet Yunus, Jonah in English, Dhun-Nun,
23:27title given to him also, where his people rejected him, rejected the message of Islam
23:36that he brought, which is the sunnah of the people of all of the prophets.
23:42Whenever the prophets came, the people rejected them, virtually without exception, as far
23:50as we know.
23:54But eventually, they would win the people over.
23:58In the case of Yunus, Prophet Yunus, his people rejected him continually, till he gave
24:07up hope, and he abandoned them, says it's just totally useless, no point.
24:17So he tried to get away from where he was, he went on the sea, he got caught in a storm,
24:25everybody knows the story, fell out, swallowed by a sea creature, we don't know if it's a
24:34whale, a big fish, a shark, mega, or whatever, we don't know.
24:43The point is that a sea creature swallowed him, and Allah subhana wa ta'ala protected
24:51him from being digested.
24:55Because what happens when you get in the stomach of an animal, they're gonna digest you, digestive
25:01juices will be all over you and you're dissolved and absorbed.
25:08So Allah prevented him from being digested, and in the belly of that creature, he made
25:17dua, la ilaha illa ant, subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin.
25:30This dua, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said, which means, there's no God worthy of worship but
25:38you, may you be glorified.
25:42I was and am among the sinful, he repented for the sin, mistake, error that he did by
25:59leaving the command that Allah had given him to his people to go and carry the message
26:09to his people.
26:13So the Prophet s.a.w. had said, Allah will relieve the distress and depression of anyone
26:20who makes the prayer of my brother Yunus.
26:26That's the promise of the Prophet s.a.w.
26:31So again, it's another dua, which we should take benefit from to help us in dealing with
26:42the depression.
26:47And with regards to that incident with Prophet Yunus, there are four basic lessons that
27:01we should take from it.
27:04One, the need for patience in all of our affairs.
27:14We talked about the principles of the ups and the downs, Prophet s.a.w. gave us that
27:20principle to be grateful when things are good and to be patient when things are bad.
27:31Now most people are impatient.
27:39Impatient beings were created hasty by nature, who want to do things right now, now, immediately.
27:52Impatient, it's our nature.
27:56So those people that have been born by Allah's Qadr, having patience, from an early age they
28:10are known for their patience, they are few and far between.
28:17And they have been blessed especially.
28:20But the vast majority of us are impatient.
28:25That's the rest of us, impatient.
28:30So if Allah made the majority of us impatient, and he wants us to be patient, then it must
28:42mean that it is possible for us to become patient even though we are by nature, by our
28:52genetic makeup, impatient.
28:58So Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. being the final messenger of Allah s.w.t to humankind, he
29:09didn't leave this world without telling us the formula for learning patience.
29:19He told us,
29:22وَمَن يَتَصَبَّرْ يُصَبِّرْهُ اللَّهُ
29:27Whoever pretends to be patient, continually, Allah will give him or her patience.
29:40Whoever pretends, meaning, you are in a stressful situation, whatever, you are impatient, but
29:47you hold yourself back and you pretend to be patient.
29:55Inside you are not, but on the outside, people say, look how patient s.w.t is, inside you
30:02are not, you are just fighting it.
30:06That if you keep doing that, eventually it will become your nature.
30:16This is what the Prophet s.a.w. told us.
30:21It's just like people who are angry, actually it's a general principle that you can apply
30:27to all of these characteristics.
30:29People who are angry, people just say, that's how I am, I can't help it.
30:35They just flare up, but it is possible.
30:40If they use that same principle, that when they feel that they are going to explode,
30:45they hold themselves back.
30:50Inside they are exploding, but externally, if he keeps or she keeps doing that, eventually
31:03they will overcome anger.
31:05It's possible.
31:08Because Allah is not going to give you a characteristic that you cannot overcome and then punish you
31:18for that characteristic.
31:21That doesn't make sense, that's unfair.
31:26So all of those higher noble characteristics, which as Muslims, we should invite others
31:38to and we should ourselves practice, all of these characteristics are attainable.
31:46We don't have to say, no it's only the Prophets, only the saintly people, special people, no.
31:56Even the most common of people, it's possible.
32:05You know, in the time of the Prophet, there was one companion, who nobody knew as a notable
32:23person, there is even doubt about exactly what his name was, but on one occasion when
32:35the Prophet was sitting in a circle with his companions and he walked in the masjid, just
32:44before he walked in, the Prophet said to all of the companions there, the next person who
32:52walks into the masjid will be from the people of paradise.
32:59So they all looked to see who was coming in and in walked this companion.
33:06In the narration his name is not even mentioned.
33:09He walked in, carrying his shoes in his hand, sandals, water was dripping from his beard.
33:21He prayed two rakaat and sat down with the Prophet, but nobody looked at him, mashallah, mashallah.
33:30The next day, in the circle with the Prophet, a time came and he said the same thing, the
33:41next man who comes inside of the masjid will be from the people of paradise, they are looking
33:47again and walks the same sahabi, puts his sandals down, prays and comes and sits with
33:57the Prophet, it's not Abu Bakr, it's not Umar, it's Uthman Ali.
34:09Third time he came, the Prophet said the same thing, he walked again.
34:19One of the companions, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As, he said, I decided to find out what
34:31it is about this man.
34:34What was so special about him that the Prophet would designate him among the people of paradise,
34:41only a few people, who in his time, in his lifetime, he said these people will be of
34:47the people of paradise.
34:55So he went to the man, he said, listen, after the circle, he was leaving, he came to the
35:01man, he said, listen, I got into an argument with my father, and so I need to leave the
35:11house, so can I spend a couple of days with you, nights, sleep over at your place?
35:18He said, sure.
35:20He brought him.
35:23So nighttime, time to sleep, came, he's waiting to see, you know, is this guy going to get
35:33up for tahajjud?
35:36He waits, middle of the night, fajr, no tahajjud, maybe he's going to make suhoor, no suhoor.
35:50He prayed his fajr, and you know, the masjid, everybody, second day, same thing.
35:59Third day, same thing, oh no, he's frustrated, what is this, there's nothing special about
36:07this guy, why in the world should he be among the people, you know, designated to be among
36:11the people of paradise?
36:13So he told him, he said, listen, actually, I didn't have any argument with my father,
36:21I just wanted to see what it was, he said, what you saw is what it is, I do what you
36:32saw me do, I sleep at night, get up in the morning, fajr, suhoor, nothing, not necessarily
36:38tahajjud, sometimes, fajr sometimes, he said, why is that, he said, well, there's only one
36:48thing I could say, before I go to bed at night, I make sure that there's no rancor in my heart
36:56for anyone.
36:57So, I'm going to ask, I'm going to say, ah, that's it, that's the one that's so difficult
37:05for everybody, that quality, and nobody, quote unquote, so to speak, from among the sahaba,
37:16that quality distinguished him from everybody else.
37:23So it is attainable by everyone.
37:30The deen, the peak, the pinnacles, is attainable by everyone.
37:37It only requires us to practice Islam.
37:45The second lesson from the story of Yunus, is to acknowledge our mistakes to Allah, and
37:58to those around us.
38:02If we don't acknowledge our mistakes, we can't correct them, we can't change them.
38:10The third is repentance, immediately, it's what he did, and the fourth
38:36is to glorify Allah throughout our day, to glorify Allah.
38:46Not just as a ritual, subhanAllah, we repeat it culturally, many times, after each prayer,
39:01but not reflecting in our glorification of Allah.
39:09Because without reflection, it is useless.
39:15It's just a sound, subhanAllah, people say, subhanAllah, subhanAllah, remember that?
39:23Hey, subhanAllah is far different from subhanAllah.
39:34To be serious, in that sense.
39:40So from Prophet Yunus, we learn those principles, all of which create a personality capable
39:58of dealing with stress, handling stress, not escaping it, but handling it.
40:11Sadness, we have the book, which was translated into English, it's Don't Be Sad, la tahzan.
40:24When the Prophet and Abu Bakr were in the cave on the way to Medina, Abu Bakr got scared,
40:35Quraysh were close, he said, la tahzan, inna Allah ma'ana.
40:41This is translated as don't be sad, actually, that's not the correct translation, though
40:49everybody knows it as that, etc.
40:52It's not don't be sad, because Prophet Muhammad was sad.
40:57When his son died, in Medina, when his son died, tears came down his cheek, he was sad.
41:07We have, by our nature, times when we are sad, and we will feel sad.
41:14So to say don't be sad, no, don't be depressed, that is the better translation, don't be depressed.
41:27Don't be overwhelmed by sadness, where you reach what they call clinical depression,
41:43where you're overwhelmed by feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
41:48You're helpless, nobody can help you, it's hopeless, you've lost all hope.
41:54These are among the key principles to know.
42:02Loss of interest in daily activities, your hobbies, your social activities.
42:11You don't get enjoyment and pleasure from them anymore.
42:19Your appetite is affected, either you gain weight, you balloon, or you lose weight, you
42:27become a skeleton, you know, one or the other.
42:29These are the extremes, both are symptoms of the true depression.
42:39You become finding difficulty at night to sleep, insomnia, one of the signs, you can't
42:50sleep at night, depression takes you to that point, or you go to the other extreme, they
42:57call it hypersomnia, you're sleeping all the time, can't get out of the bed, you know.
43:05These are the extremes, right?
43:08And you become irritable, you get angry very easily, you have a low tolerance for anybody
43:14to say it, do, you look at me, why are you looking at me like that?
43:22And then loss of energy, you don't seem to have the energy to do anything.
43:31You become fatigued, sluggish, you just want to find a corner and die, that's it.
43:44So these are the signs of real depression.
43:54So Islam offers a number of solutions, we've talked about some in general in theory, but
44:06among them is fasting, Mondays and Thursdays, fasting.
44:13Where is fasting from depression?
44:19Well, when you're depressed, you feel a loss of control, like your life is just spinning
44:30out, falling down, there's no way to stop things from happening, you've lost control
44:39of your life.
44:41People are depressed is a common expression that they say, I don't feel I have control
44:46of my life anymore.
44:49My life is just spinning out of control.
44:53What fasting does, it gives you control.
44:58What is fasting but control?
45:01Isn't it?
45:03The essence of fasting is control.
45:07So you control the time when you eat your suhoor, you control the time when you break
45:16your fast, your iftar, that gives you a sense of taking hold of your life.
45:25You've got it under control, that can help.
45:31Demonstrating gratitude through sujud ash-shukr, I talked about it before when I visited you
45:39That's one very important way, because gratitude through sujud ash-shukr, where you prostrate
45:51without necessarily having wudu, doesn't have to be in the direction of the qibla, you just
45:58go into prostration, especially when something good happens in your life, that's the norm.
46:04For people who are already depressed, then they need to go and prostrate and find the
46:09good things in their lives.
46:11Go down and prostrate and think about, stay down there till you can remember something
46:18good in your life.
46:21That very day, or yesterday, you can't find anything today, but actually every day there's
46:27But you stay down there until it comes to your mind.
46:32And every day you go ahead and you do sujud ash-shukr, remembering other things which
46:38were good.
46:41And you keep doing that day after day after day, eventually your outlook will change.
46:49Because where you thought there was no good, because this is the problem, when you feel
46:54there's no good in your life, when in reality there is plenty of good.
46:59There are always people far worse off than we are.
47:04So you just need to reconnect with the good that is in your life.
47:09So when you have that consciousness of the good, then that can start to change your whole
47:17mentality, your expression, your energy, all of that can start to change.
47:29And of course, our dua, the two duas we mentioned, and others, and we also have belief in Qadr,
47:43the sixth pillar of Iman, reflecting on it as the Prophet s.a.w. had told us that 50,000
47:53years before this world was created, Allah instructed a writing instrument to write.
48:02And it asked Allah what should it write, and Allah told it to write everything that was
48:10and would be.
48:12So whatever has happened to our lives and in our lives, it was already written, already
48:23It's just for us to handle it, the good of it, and the relative evil of it.
48:33As Prophet s.a.w. said, belief in the Qadr, it's good, the good of it, and evil.
48:42But the evil is relative to us, because Allah is not evil.
48:52Whatever Allah has created is good.
48:56It is us who end up in evil by violating the rules, disobeying, disbelieving, etc.
49:11So coming to grips with Qadr is also important mentally to help us deal with depression.
49:30So Islam, as we said in the beginning, provided already a foundation for us to deal with depression.
49:48If we are implementing the teachings of Islam in our lives properly, then we shouldn't fall
50:00into full-scale depression, becoming sad at different times, maybe depressed occasionally,
50:11but not a state of continual depression.
50:15That is only going to happen when one is not following the teachings.
50:24Many times when people get depressed, they give up Salah, they don't realize that that's
50:29just making it worse.
50:32Instead of trying to make your Salah better, because there is in Salah, cure, purification,
50:42repentance, all those elements are there that can make us better human beings.
50:52Consciousness of Allah makes us understand the world around us correctly.
50:59All of the good that is there, we lose when we abandon prayer, etc.
51:06So Alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed us to be Muslims.
51:16For those of us who converted to find Islam, from those of us who reverted from having
51:27left Islam, reverted back, there are a lot of those out there too, Alhamdulillah, we
51:36thank Allah, that Allah has blessed us with the greatest possible blessing that a human
51:44being could have, and that is Islam.
51:49And through it, through knowing it properly, studying it, practicing it, and teaching it,
52:05we have a complete comprehensive system of life which will protect us from most of the
52:16problems that general society faces, and that is why till today, in spite of where Muslims
52:30have gone away from the teachings, there is still enough energy there to protect the Ummah
52:41from much of the psychological, mental issues that exist in the first world, in the developed
52:56world, where we have a situation like New Zealand, Japan is way up there too, you know,
53:08suicide, massive, they may be number three or number two.
53:14So Alhamdulillah, we thank Allah for the blessing of Islam and we ask Allah to allow us to leave
53:24this world as Muslims, firmly practicing his religion, Ameen.
53:54Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
