Lamont Roach vs Feargal McCrory (28-06-2024) Full Fight

  • last month



00:00And once again, referee Malik Waleed to give instruction.
00:05Okay, fellas, you both have been given the rules.
00:07I'm expecting good, clean boxing.
00:09When I say break, stop punching.
00:12Take a full step back.
00:13Remember, protect yourselves at all times.
00:16You're a little hot right here, LeMond.
00:17I'm gonna allow a little room here.
00:19With shots enough.
00:21Touch gloves.
00:22Good luck to you both.
00:24The opportunity of a lifetime for Fergal McCrory.
00:29Validation at stake as champion
00:32for LeMond Roach Jr. in front of his hometown crowd.
00:38Everything on the line in this fight.
00:4112 rounds for the WBA Super Featherweight title.
00:51House is rocking and here we go.
00:53Round number one.
00:54Look at that. Walked right out to him.
00:57We've been talking from the top.
00:59Fergal's not the kind of guy you gotta look for.
01:01He's coming right at you.
01:02And here we see it already.
01:03Meeting the champion in his own corner.
01:05He took more than half the space of the ring when he walked out.
01:10Sending a message.
01:11I'm gonna be in your grill throughout this fight.
01:14That's what he's been telling everyone who'll listen.
01:17Roach Jr.'s gonna have to back me up.
01:19Sharp jab from Roach right away.
01:21Come back with that left hook over the top.
01:23Which is a great weapon against the southpaw.
01:24Goes over that lead hand.
01:25We saw that earlier tonight.
01:27The style contrast for this fight is brilliant.
01:31It's night and day.
01:33Because Lamont is slippery enough.
01:35He's fast enough and quick enough.
01:37But Fergal, he has enough pressure.
01:40Enough confidence.
01:42And a great gas tank.
01:44The team at McCrory told me to watch out for the right hook to the body around the elbow.
01:48That's his best punch.
01:49And his favorite punch.
01:51That right hand.
01:52That lead right hook to the body.
01:55Loves working the body.
01:56Loves breaking opponents down.
01:58And that's what McCrory is known for.
02:02So when they faced off, a size disparity.
02:05McCrory a bit bigger today.
02:07Yeah, he filled it nicely.
02:08Looks really big for the weight.
02:10And they said they were the same height.
02:12They were listed as.
02:13Fergal looks taller.
02:15Oh, good counter hook from Roach.
02:18That's one of the problems that McCrory has.
02:20One of his defects is that he doesn't bring the hands back home all the time.
02:24He's so offensive minded.
02:26A little bit loose with the hands.
02:29Lamont Roach Jr., his teammates have talked about the work he has put in sparring.
02:33How he hits deceptively hard.
02:35That's what he always talks about.
02:37You know, nine knockouts on my ledger and 24 wins.
02:40But I hurt the guys.
02:41When I hit them, I hurt them.
02:43Good body shot.
02:44Straight left hand.
02:45Right down low.
02:46Perfect shot against the southpaw.
02:48Nice left hook.
02:51Does he have McCrory staggered early?
02:55Beautiful shot from Lamont Roach Jr.
02:58Definitely hurt him, but McCrory came right back.
03:02That's what I said about McCrory.
03:03His hands.
03:05He gets so offensive minded.
03:06They don't go back home.
03:07He leaves a lot of openings.
03:14Warner right next to him.
03:15He's saying tie him up.
03:16They think he's hurt.
03:19Come on, Lamont!
03:22A little bit of a break.
03:23And McCrory, he's making adjustments.
03:25He's having that lead hand down.
03:27Not a good idea when you've got a guy who has a good, sharp, hard left hook like Roach does.
03:32He has the ability to throw a wide hook and also a really short, crisp hook.
03:38Right off, and he uses the hip too.
03:40This is the excitement Lamont Roach Jr. told us about.
03:43He said, I'm not going to find this guy.
03:45He's going to be right in front of me.
03:47He's there for me to be hit.
03:49So far, he has done the hitting.
03:51Roach does a good job of that slip and rip.
03:53Keeps those shoulders rotating, and he fires that left hook right from there.
03:57Makes it that much shorter, but still generates power.
04:10Catch a shoe right there, Scott.
04:12Just punch on range and hook there all day.
04:14You see where he's slipping the right hand there?
04:16Just take it back.
04:17A little slight delay with it, okay?
04:19Go right.
04:22Don't start staying outside and telling me what to do.
04:25Punch, close the space.
04:27Okay? You do punch, you close the space.
04:29So you don't get a punch.
04:30In the corner of Virgo, McCrory.
04:33Made some good punches in that first round.
04:35Yeah, here we're going to see that straight right hand down low and the left hook over the top.
04:40McCrory had that lead hand down.
04:43Right on the money.
04:44Beautiful shot.
04:45Didn't see it.
04:46Great weapon against the southpaw because they don't see that hook.
04:48It leaves their field of vision and then comes in with power.
04:51The other side, too.
04:52The right hand brought the eyes down.
04:54I mean, he comes up with this whipping short left hook.
04:57I mean, that was beautiful.
04:58Yeah, great rotation on the right hand.
05:00That left hook was very short.
05:03Mont Roach Jr. in the black.
05:05Virgo McCrory, the undefeated Irishman in the black and red.
05:14And the slipperiness that I'm talking about.
05:16Just being able to slip out.
05:18Staying very calm, very poised.
05:20He knows he can hurt his man.
05:22But it all came out the jab in the first round.
05:24That was the first punch that Roach landed.
05:26It was a nice, stiff, hard jab right down the middle.
05:31Mont Roach Jr. talked about it.
05:32He said, it's about the levels.
05:34I've been at the elite level my entire career.
05:36Virgo McCrory doesn't know what it's like to try and time a guy like me.
05:40He throws with my kind of speed and my kind of accuracy.
05:43I'm not liking the hand position of McCrory.
05:45It's too open.
05:48It's not coming back to home, either.
05:50His hands are in a bad position when you've got a guy who's as quick as LeMont Roach is.
05:55You don't have the hand technique.
05:57You're relying on your ability to see punches coming.
05:59Well, guess what?
06:00If it's LeMont Roach Jr., you're not going to see that punch.
06:01Yeah, he's a speedier fighter.
06:03You have the speed advantage, the hand position advantage.
06:08We hear fighters all the time talking about what a level they're on.
06:11He said he explained it.
06:12He said he's never had the time with a fighter like me.
06:15It takes experience to find your kind of timing and rhythm, bro,
06:20to not allow guys to pick that up.
06:23Sharp uppercut to the body on the inside from Roach.
06:26Beautiful counter.
06:27I was talking about the shoulder rolls, how he slips and slides and rips those shots off of that.
06:31Did that really well there.
06:32Dipped that left shoulder.
06:33Came back with a right uppercut to the body.
06:35McCrory trying to bring that physical pressure.
06:37Everything's just too wide right now, you know?
06:40Yep, that's what I meant by the hand position.
06:41You got the mental pressure, him walking him down,
06:44but then when he comes with his offense, everything's wide and you can see everything.
06:48And on top of that, Chris, he leaves himself wide open.
06:56Let him go, let him go.
06:57Short body shots.
06:59There's the Irishman McCrory.
07:02Good right hand left hand combination from Roach Jr.
07:06Sharp, sharp stuff.
07:08No pushing.
07:09We're clean.
07:11We're clean.
07:13We're clean.
07:14We're clean.
07:15We're dirty boxing there, holding and hitting.
07:18That's some funny shots.
07:20I mean, he's not getting great rotation.
07:21Obviously, his other hand's tied up.
07:23Get out of here.
07:25Another good left hook.
07:27Double left hook by Head.
07:30Oh, another good shot.
07:34See Asimov roller skates in round number two.
07:38And Roach shortens those up.
07:40McCrory has no defense for that.
07:42Cannot see them coming at all.
07:44That's a headlock, and then he squeezed it.
07:48Which is a good thing.
07:50That's a headlock, and then he squeezed it.
07:53Which is what McCrory's supposed to do.
07:57No answer, gentlemen, for those short hooks on the inside.
08:04Look at little Mom Roach, focused, locked in.
08:08You can read the eyes.
08:09They would say, you thought you were on my level.
08:11That's what it looks like so far.
08:13Hook to the body, hook to the head.
08:18I mean, just how it's supposed to go when you catch mitts,
08:22and then he just continues.
08:24Look how short this punch is.
08:26So short.
08:27And the awareness, to know that McCrory was still there,
08:30and to just continue to punch and find him,
08:33wiggle his way out, and keep going.
08:35And you can see the expression on Roach's face, man.
08:37He wants to deliver as much punishment as he can.
08:42Control this, man.
08:44Okay, let's go.
08:47I got to tell you this, though, about McCrory.
08:49Walking back to the corner, he's mad at himself.
08:52He knows that that's now two rounds that I'm going to let this slip away.
08:56I like seeing the dog in him, the fight in him, the desire to want to win.
09:02That's not discouragement.
09:03It's a, I've got to get this back.
09:10Need right hand.
09:12Mom Roach, Jr.
09:14And the right doesn't have the same effect that the left hand does.
09:16The left hand's been able to, every time that thing lands,
09:18it seems like it has an effect on the legs of McCrory.
09:21The right hand, he's been taking them a little bit.
09:23And Lamont, when he throws that left hook,
09:25it's this beautiful, tight circle with his footwork.
09:27Oh, it's beautiful.
09:28Oh, in range, and there it is.
09:30Great timing.
09:32That is a knockdown.
09:35Todd McCrory coming forward.
09:39Check left hook.
09:42I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
09:44Now, this is going to get dangerous because Roach is finding his timing
09:49and his distance.
09:51He knows he can hurt his man.
09:52Now he's feeling comfortable with the timing and distance, just like that.
09:55Makes him miss, comes right back.
09:58Nasty uppercut.
10:00Oh, there's that hook again.
10:02The levels, the punch selection.
10:04I mean, just missing with the uppercut, but knowing that that punch was there.
10:09There's bad intentions on everything he's throwing, gentlemen.
10:12But also, Roach isn't giving anything up.
10:14His technique is tight, defense is hand-positioned.
10:17There's not a lot of holes, which is why he feels so comfortable
10:20in these positions here.
10:23Oh, good body shot.
10:28Turn that right hand over.
10:33And I got to say this, this is one-sided so far.
10:36The McQuarrie, Virgil McQuarrie is worthy of being in the ring right now.
10:42This is not a cakewalk for Lamont, for him to look good in front of his family.
10:47Very tough fighter, but right now the technique of Lamont Roach Jr.
10:52just too much for Virgil McQuarrie.
10:55Yeah, McQuarrie's not getting much offense out, but he's putting that body pressure.
10:58He's just trying to walk through the fire now.
11:02Now I'm looking for the question, would you rather be tougher or better?
11:04Be better.
11:05Right now, Lamont Roach Jr. is better.
11:08I was just saying, I'd rather be lucky.
11:10Yeah, exactly.
11:12Virgil's trying to make himself lucky today.
11:15But to your point, as he throws, I'm looking for counter-punching opportunities.
11:19I'm not seeing any.
11:20No, there's no holes in Roach right now, and that's why, again,
11:23he's so comfortable in this inside position.
11:25He knows he's safe.
11:26Look at that shoulder roll.
11:28And he fires off of it so well, too.
11:29It masks his punches.
11:32It's very deceptive the way he lets those hooks go.
11:35Just a different guy since that fight with Jameel Harry.
11:39Oh, yeah, absolutely.
11:40I called that fight.
11:41A different guy.
11:42He kept his hands in his pocket all night.
11:43He didn't have the confidence that he has here tonight.
11:46Now he's like, I'm a world champion.
11:48I'm coming home.
11:49I do this.
11:51So far, he is the conductor of this orchestra.
11:55Great stuff from Lamont Roach Jr.
11:58In full control of this fight.
12:14Don't sit here.
12:15Let's sit at the end of the punch.
12:17You've got to close the space.
12:20Have to close the space when you finish.
12:21So, when you are so calm, you get on it.
12:23Grab the back of your head.
12:24Get on it and punch.
12:26And just keep pressing.
12:28You keep swinging and then by the next round or two, you can get there because you don't train for all these punches.
12:33Then you get a chance, just keep it.
12:35Make the shots, block, go through the storm, it's fine.
12:38And you get there.
12:40Don't do that lower down.
12:44It's a tough round number three for the challenger, Fergal McCrory.
12:48Here we see that beautiful timed check hook, half step back, left hook, right on the money.
12:53Got his range, got his distance.
12:55Not the hardest shot he got hit with tonight, but properly timed.
13:01When he lands big, gentlemen, there's always something behind it.
13:04There's always something extra.
13:08We have round number four.
13:10It's hard to find probably a minute all strung together in which Fergal McCrory has had an advantage in this fight.
13:17If Lamont Mortimer had the power to keep Fergal McCrory off of him, he hasn't needed to keep him off of him.
13:23His range, he's been the killer.
13:25You talk about keeping a fighter off of you, but when you've got a fighter in your range,
13:30why would I want you to stop coming after me?
13:34You're moving in the rhythm that I like to fight in.
13:37Short, tight punches from the champ so far.
13:40This DC crowd absolutely loving it.
13:43Both men have completely dispensed with the jab, though.
13:46There's not any jabs from either direction.
13:48I guess it's being fought at home with.
13:52This is where Fergal has some success.
13:55McCrory's able to pin Lamont.
13:58Like you said, Jimmy, dirty boxing.
14:00Hold up with one hand, punch with the other.
14:03We were both wrestlers, Chris.
14:05Who knew a wizard when we see one?
14:07There it is.
14:08That's that overhook position where he's got that arm wrapped around underneath the elbow.
14:15We're not seeing jabs because, to your point, it seems like Lamont Mortimer's okay at this range.
14:19Like, hey, come on, get inside and I'll use those hooks.
14:21I don't need to jab you on the inside, on the way in.
14:23I think it's the early success of the knockdown and the big punches that were landed.
14:27It's now become a waiting game for that punch.
14:31He knows he's got the timing and he knows that he can land it,
14:34so now he's just kind of waiting on it.
14:37If I were Lamont, if I was his team, I'd say get back to the jab and set it back up.
14:42I was going to say, I don't want to knock what he's doing because obviously he's having a great time out there,
14:46but that's the only thing I would say I would like to see from him.
14:49That's a beautiful left hook.
14:52You can see him just floating, just waiting on that hook.
14:54How was that Danny Garcia no look at that hook?
14:57I don't know if you guys saw that.
15:05No problem.
15:06Lamont Mortimer with this inside.
15:08He's happy to do it because of power punches like that.
15:11That was a hard jab.
15:12Don't lead with your head. Watch your head.
15:15Not a lot of head movement from the Irishman.
15:19That's not really his game.
15:20He's more of just offense and come forward and let those hands go,
15:23but he has so many ways to get his hands going.
15:27The question I got is, did the Rhodes camp,
15:30did they know the left hook was going to be the punch tonight
15:34because he's looking for it and he knows exactly where it's at.
15:39Cuts right through the center.
15:42Body shot.
15:44Down goes McCrory.
15:4615 seconds left to go in the round.
15:52Second knockdown of the fight.
15:54This time off the liver shot.
15:57And he may be spent already, but got another knockdown.
16:01This might be it.
16:05No, usually you don't get up the second time.
16:08And he does.
16:09Cannot question the heart of this young man.
16:18And the challenger makes it to the end of the round.
16:21Brutal body shots.
16:26I asked for this hook right here.
16:28This is the Danny Garcia no hook, no look.
16:31And I just wanted to, you know, definitely want to salute Danny Garcia,
16:34but right there's a punch that you don't see often.
16:37And then right here the body shot.
16:39That's the solar plexus.
16:40Right uppercut to the solar plexus.
16:41That, man, that takes your soul.
16:43And he came back with one more.
16:46And then Fergal does what he does and comes right at him.
16:48Left hook to the liver.
16:51If there was any time, you don't come at him.
16:53Yeah, exactly.
16:55Because there was no time left in the round either.
16:57He needed to circle and stay away.
16:58Came right at him, right to the liver.
17:00Irish Mickey Ward, you watching?
17:02Because that was absolutely beautiful.
17:05I mean, listen to that man's body shot.
17:07Listen, we can blame DC.
17:09We can blame the fact that Rose feels like he's been overlooked.
17:12He counted out and he's not the guy.
17:14He's fighting mean tonight.
17:16He's fighting with a chip on his shoulder tonight.
17:21In the way he's controlling his energy, I find very impressive.
17:25There's a little bit of, gentlemen, can I say, how dare you?
17:28Like, I thought you were coming here and beating this.
17:30A little bit of an edge to him tonight about Fergal McGregor.
17:33You wanted to make a statement?
17:35My wrestling coach and I always say,
17:36if the man does not belong on the mat with you, get him off the mat.
17:39If the man doesn't belong in the ring with you, get him out of the ring.
17:41Stick him.
17:42He's trying.
17:44Round five.
17:45There's a credit to Fergal McGregor that we're talking about round five.
17:49He's been down three times.
17:51First time, left hook, a little bit off balance.
17:54And he's been hurt every round.
17:56Every last two beautiful body shots.
18:00Drop a rhinoceros.
18:02I mean, you can see his face.
18:03The fight's not out of him.
18:05He's still going to try.
18:06He's just so outgunned at this point.
18:08Yeah, outgunned and facing the fighter that is totally in his zone.
18:17Yeah, he's got that, what do they call it?
18:19He's in the flow state.
18:20He's seen everything.
18:24I'm so impressed with the offense and defense at the same time.
18:27I mean, it's hands up, perfect rotation on everything.
18:30No vulnerabilities.
18:32Jimmy, we've been talking to Roach for the past month.
18:34We had him on our show two shows ago.
18:36He was saying this exact thing.
18:38He's doing exactly what he said he was going to do.
18:42He's not a knockout guy.
18:43He knows that.
18:44We know that.
18:45But he's been talking about it.
18:46I want the knockout.
18:47I'm going to get the knockout.
18:49He's a man who knew what he wanted to do.
18:52Found a way to do it.
18:54Has so far.
18:55Not yet.
18:56We're still here.
18:57Has so far.
18:58McCrory's coming back.
18:59McCrory's coming back.
19:02And that's the thing.
19:03McCrory's one of those guys, if you have the opportunity to get rid of him, better.
19:06Because he's going to be in shape.
19:07He's going to bring it.
19:09Needs to be in great condition.
19:12Coming back.
19:13Going after Lamont Roach Jr.
19:17Good shots here on the inside from McCrory.
19:22What you've been doing well, Lamont Roach, get back to it.
19:26And stay in there because you're looking for a perfect punch so that you can get a highlight reel.
19:32Get back to doing what you do well.
19:34He's slippery.
19:35He's in to be out.
19:36I don't understand the hand position of McCrory on the inside.
19:39The right hand down at the hip.
19:41You know you've got a guy in front of you who's a left hooker.
19:45But the punch has been hurting you all night, right?
19:47And it's still down.
19:48A little bit of jaw on back and forth.
19:49A lot of respect between these two fighters.
19:51Not a lot of trash talk.
19:53Mutual respect.
19:59From here it sounds like a grenade going off.
20:05We've got three people talking.
20:08Both fighters and the referee.
20:10What a comeback round for McCrory.
20:13Don't worry about it.
20:14We've got to create the owns.
20:15What a comeback wrap for Victoria.
20:36Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it.
20:37You got to create that one.
20:39You got to create that one.
20:40Hit him on the arm.
20:42Hit him on the arm.
20:43Hit him on the arm.
20:44All right?
20:45When the inside of him hit, hit,
20:47go straight up the middle.
20:48The 6'4".
20:49All right?
20:50Stay on the rope.
20:51Stay on the rope.
20:52Just turn, turn, turn.
20:55Now the fighting is starting.
20:57Just keep tight.
20:58When you swing, get inside and swing.
21:00Keep touching like you're doing.
21:02Just keep touching, touching, touching, touching.
21:04Breaking down.
21:05He's starting to talk to me.
21:06He's starting to talk to me.
21:08He's starting to talk to me enough.
21:09Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
21:10Little by little.
21:14Good. Let's go.
21:16Let's go.
21:17You heard it.
21:18Keep touching him.
21:19Slow him down.
21:20Hey, wait up.
21:21Right now, the speed of a Montrose Junior.
21:24Too much for Fergal McCrory.
21:27Chris, comparatively good round.
21:30A better round for Fergal McCrory.
21:32Do you still think it was a winning round for Fergal McCrory?
21:34He ate some clean punches.
21:35Yeah, and I saw he had some big shots
21:37and it seemed to be the punches that had more of an effect.
21:39A lot of the punches that McCrory lands,
21:41those smothering punches,
21:42that was, again, the best round he's had thus far.
21:44Is it enough to get the round?
21:46I don't know that.
21:47Oh, wait, it was.
21:50I locked him out to show time.
21:52But the fact that he, you know, again,
21:54the confidence and the,
21:56not only does he want to win,
21:58but we see that he still has the ability to do what it takes.
22:01It's just about this right here.
22:03The arm bar across the stomach,
22:06I don't get it.
22:07I don't know it.
22:08But he still has some ability to win this fight.
22:13Looks like the double bag in the gym, right?
22:15Where he hangs on the rope.
22:16That's what his head looks like right now, bouncing around.
22:19McCrory putting on tons of pressure,
22:21letting both hands go.
22:24This is the style that I'm actually used to of McCrory.
22:27Coming in forward, letting both hands go.
22:29This is what I see.
22:30Good chopping left hand there.
22:31Not a huge puncher, but gets you with volume.
22:34I want Lamont to get back to the basics.
22:37Get back to the fundamentals.
22:39Get back to that slick boxing style that he has.
22:43Instead of standing in there waiting and allowing
22:46Fiergo to get going.
22:48Fiergo's going because he's allowing him to.
22:50You know what's happening here, champ?
22:52Roach is thinking about power.
22:54He's thinking about the knockout.
22:55And he's getting away from what has gotten him to be the champion.
22:58You know, his boxing ability, his slickness.
23:00He's falling in love with the power in this fight.
23:02And McCrory's battling back
23:04because he's only looking for one punch at a time.
23:06Right there, we saw a step over from Lamont.
23:09And he wound up with that punch,
23:10rung it too wide, and didn't have the moment.
23:13Beautiful uppercut hook combo from the champion.
23:17And as tough as this fight has been for McCrory,
23:19he doesn't look that uncomfortable.
23:21Yeah, yeah.
23:22You look at his face, you look at his body language,
23:24you look at his mannerisms.
23:25You mentioned him getting mad at himself
23:27when he's walking back to Andrew and got hurt.
23:29You know, he knows he's in for a tough fight.
23:31He's been saying that all week.
23:34Now, hold it, hold it.
23:35This is the kind of fight Gordon McCrory wants.
23:37And again, in all these winning rounds,
23:39he's doing more to put physical pressure on Lamont Hershinger,
23:43smothering some of those lightning fast punches.
23:45It's blood from the nose of Roach.
23:47So these punches are having an effect.
23:51No pushing.
23:52Oh, good chopping left hook.
23:54No pushing.
23:55Oh, good chopping left hook from Roach on the way out.
24:01Now unloading on the challenger.
24:05McCrory once again trying to hold on.
24:12There we go, not loading up on one punch,
24:14letting his hands go in combination.
24:16Nice adjustment there from Roach.
24:18See the blistering hand speed with those 3-4 punch combinations.
24:23And that's the thing, when you have the effect,
24:25the way that Roach has,
24:26those small moments can take the round back,
24:29even though Fergal did all that work all around long.
24:35Well, gentlemen, the turnover of the punch,
24:36the technique, the turn, there's no comparison.
24:46Big round from both of these guys.
24:48You know, the pressure from Fergal,
24:50still, as we see right here,
24:51taking a lot of punches right down the middle.
24:53Down the middle is where the success was
24:55for Lamont right there, landed a big left hook,
24:57and then he kept going.
25:00In that sequence there, you saw
25:02Lamont finally got a little space.
25:04He created an angle.
25:05He stepped around, he stepped outside.
25:07That southpaw position lands that left hook
25:09and then follows up along the ropes
25:10as he got McCrory to get a little bit of rock.
25:15Key word for Lamont moving forward in this fight
25:17is the space.
25:19He's got to control the space.
25:20As long as he controls the space and creates it,
25:23he's got to create it because we know
25:25that Fergal's going to come right at him.
25:27He has to create the space, maintain the space,
25:30and that starts with using the jab.
25:31And you pointed out last round, cutting an angle.
25:33There's space and angles.
25:34If you create that angle, they create a little space.
25:36Cut an angle, create space.
25:37Cut an angle, create space.
25:38I think he can do a circle around this ring
25:40and keep that offense going.
25:42Otherwise, you're going to have McCrory in your face
25:45like he did last round, busting up your nose,
25:47landing these shots on the gloves, hitting your elbows.
25:53All the damage he has taken.
25:55McCrory has to take a lot of backward steps.
25:58Always coming forward, always trying to get back
26:01offensively to Lamont Roach Jr.
26:04The other thing too, what I found as a fighter,
26:07when you punch with a lot of power,
26:09when you try to go back to the speed,
26:11your muscles are a little tight
26:12and you don't have that fluidity in your arms.
26:16I'm expecting and looking for snap now from Roach
26:20and get back to the outside.
26:21I don't know if he has that.
26:22He's all pumped from all those power shots.
26:24Different energy systems.
26:28Beautiful uppercut.
26:29But that's boxing right there.
26:31That's just pure ability.
26:35Keeping these short punches, combinations that way.
26:39You don't need to be fast when you do that.
26:41The technique is sharp.
26:42Let those hands go.
26:44Keep beating the drum.
26:47Body shots are hurting everyone who sees them.
26:49Beautiful liver shot.
26:53Chop and right hook.
26:56Great punch line.
26:57He goes back to touching him.
27:00That was the adjustment that Roach needed.
27:02The big shots, he was surviving.
27:04Now the little ones are adding up fast.
27:06The legs are gone from Fergal McCrory.
27:10Standing up and he is wobbly.
27:15Corner yelling to hold him.
27:27Look at this.
27:28Little small choppy steps to the side.
27:33Death of a thousand cuts, gentlemen.
27:35No one punch has taken
27:38McCrory off his feet in this round.
27:40But how many of those shots can he take?
27:43A lot of times the brain rattling around,
27:45those do more damage.
27:47Everything starts getting fuzzy.
27:50And also you can never catch your breath
27:52when you're getting hit that much.
27:58Nice right hook over the top there from McCrory.
28:01We got good smart ref in the ring.
28:03Watching the action.
28:04He won't do anything that you don't expect him to do,
28:07but he'll be in control.
28:09And he'll analyze this and do what needs to be done.
28:12I don't think anything needs to be done,
28:14but I want to point that out.
28:16You know what?
28:17Yolanda Roach knows he's going to fight.
28:19He's starting to look a little tired now.
28:22He's getting backed up.
28:23He's got blood from the nose.
28:24He's got a man in front of him that won't go away.
28:30Incredible heart on display from both of these gentlemen.
28:38Another big round from Lamont revolved around a lot of those
28:42chopping short shots right there.
28:44Uppercut, hook to the body.
28:46I even forgot that he dropped Figueroa in the last round twice
28:50with two body shots.
28:51You usually don't see guys standing up at this point.
28:57I mean, this fight could have been stopped multiple times
28:59you would think it was going to be stopped.
29:01I'm saying it should have been stopped,
29:02but it could have ended multiple times.
29:05He's been talking about this all week long.
29:07He knew it was going to be a tough fight.
29:08He knew this was an opportunity that he had to take
29:10and that he was ready for it.
29:11Obviously, he's in fantastic shape.
29:14I mean, look at him.
29:15You know, we saw that he took some punishment in that last round.
29:18There were a couple moments where he looked like he was
29:20lying on his toes or whatever, but look at him now.
29:24He looks very aware and ready to get back to it.
29:27There's no quit in this man.
29:29Now, if you're in the corner, of course,
29:32Now, if you're in the corner, of course,
29:34how much are you going to let him take?
29:36Have there been any corner-stopping moments?
29:40No, not at all.
29:41I just had to point that out.
29:43You know, I try to be aware of especially who's in the ring.
29:47You know, I know this ref.
29:49We got a good ref who's going to make sure that both these guys
29:52are healthy after this fight,
29:53and that means doing whatever needs to be done.
29:55I didn't see a moment there, but I did feel like, hey,
29:58if it comes, this ref will see it.
30:00Now, round number eight has been a wipeout for Lamont Roach Jr.
30:07We talk about only nine knockouts and 24 professional wins.
30:10Is that where it's a bonus here, Chris?
30:13Because he's used to not knocking out.
30:15He's used to having to go 12 rounds, right?
30:17So it's not as though, oh, I can't knock him out.
30:19He's not going to get disheartened.
30:20He's not much of a knockout puncher.
30:22Is that a possibility?
30:23No, I don't think so.
30:24I think he wants to put it to bed that he's not a good puncher.
30:27He's been saying that.
30:28He's like, listen, I hurt everybody I fight,
30:30and listen, he hurt another guy that he's fighting tonight,
30:32whether he gets a knockout or not.
30:34But he wants to make a statement.
30:35I think he is making a statement,
30:37regardless if he gets a knockout or not.
30:39Beautiful timing on the right hand.
30:42He is showing next-level skills and awareness in the ring tonight,
30:46and that was something that, Sean,
30:48we talked about what he needs to do tonight.
30:53I mean, being eight rounds in now,
30:56before maybe the first five rounds,
31:00I'd say he's doing exactly what he needed to do
31:02in terms of making a statement tonight.
31:04He's been untouchable.
31:05He's been powerful.
31:07He's punched selection the whole nine,
31:10and then he started to kind of go away from it.
31:12I think we know that he kind of fell in love with his power at this point,
31:16which is why it's now been more of a physical fight than we expected.
31:19And he's shown that he's dangerous at this weight class.
31:26Irish contender still trying to turn it on.
31:30Taking a lot of punches, but he hasn't taken a lot of back foot steps.
31:34Corey Manchon, the heart of the lion, absolute warrior.
31:37There it is. There's the jab.
31:40Oh, goodness.
31:42What a right hand.
31:45Yet again.
31:48Yet again, Bertha McCrory staggered.
31:51Forty seconds left to go in round number eight.
31:54What was that right hand set up by, Sean?
31:56Beautiful jab.
31:58Yes, sir.
32:06How much can McCrory take?
32:09Now the ref's looking real close.
32:11Ref is looking real close.
32:13Corner standing up.
32:15Corner has called it.
32:17It is over.
32:19Corner man right next to me stood up with a towel in his hand.
32:23This fight is over.
32:26A merciful corner stoppage.
32:28Wondering if that moment might happen, and it did.
32:30Statement from Lamont Roach Jr. at home in D.C.
32:45Technical, sharp, accurate, aggressive
32:50against an Irish challenger with a heart as big as Ireland.
32:56Great performance tonight.
33:03That's an incredible showing from McCrory, man.
33:06The toughness, the amount of punishment it took,
33:08the never-give-up-ness that he showed.
33:11Heart of a lion.
33:12Absolute warrior.
33:13Just didn't have the tool bag tonight.
33:17Had the heart to stay up, had the heart to stay in it,
33:20but did not have a technical answer for the barrage of Lamont Roach Jr.
33:27Beautiful hooks.
33:28Incredible work on the inside where Brogan McCrory generally did his best work.
33:34Not tonight.
33:36When I stop, there's nobody here.
33:38Knocked down three times before the stoppage in round number eight.
33:42Two Juan Bonny shots.
33:46It's a mad man at 130, gentlemen.
33:50The pedigree to come with it, the attitude to come with it,
33:54and still hungry, as we can see.
33:56Did we see that chip the whole time?
33:59Did we feel it in every punch?
34:00And still learning and getting better, and that's really what it's about.
34:03Early on, I mean, listen, the levels were apparent,
34:06and Lamont had been talking about that.
34:08Jimmy, you had mentioned, looks like he has a chip on his shoulder.
34:10He came out with bad intentions.
34:12You could see it on his face how he was throwing the shots.
34:15McCrory kept coming, but, man, he did no defense for that left hook early on,
34:19and Lamont doing a great job maintaining distance, countering.
34:22Once he got his timing and his rhythm, boom, that was the first knockdown there.
34:26That was the second round of the third round,
34:28and it continued on where he just, the punch selection was perfect,
34:32landed that big punch right there, that hook,
34:34and then, you know, as we went into the fourth round, it became all about the body,
34:38and that just was so smart for him to understand that I got to get to this man's body.
34:44Ends up digging the body twice with two solar plex shots,
34:48and the second one, put him down, comes right back to it.
34:50What did you say?
34:51Mistake on Bear Grylls' behalf to come right back to him.
34:54Yeah, and he eats another body shot, and there it was.
34:58Round five, then we saw McCrory make a bit of a comeback.
35:01Came forward, was able to push and pin Roach against the corner there,
35:06was letting those hands go, bloodied the nose of the champion.
35:09Round six again, came forward, Roach kept stealing the rounds with big shots,
35:13but the majority of the round was spent with Roach's back on the ropes,
35:16and McCrory letting those hands go with small little shots on the inside.
35:20But then, Roach started picking him apart, started taking the power off the punches,
35:24letting the hands go, and rattling up those numbers.
35:27Listen, you've got to pay attention to Lamont Roach.
35:29Very strategical, how he approached this fight.
35:32I think they knew that that right arm was going to be down,
35:35and that left hook was going to be open,
35:37but finding moments where he could lay back on the ropes
35:40and allow McCrory to think he's taking control,
35:43so that he can open himself up for the punches that Lamont was able to land
35:47continuously, round by round, top to bottom.
35:52They maneuvered through this fight in a very professional and methodical way,
35:57and I salute it.
35:59Look at the respect shown between these two warriors,
36:02Lamont Roach Jr. with his son,
36:04congratulating the Irishman on a very, very tough fight.
36:07This man took this fight, he said,
36:09when I got the call, I immediately said yes,
36:11I wanted this opportunity.
36:14All respect to him, but he was outgunned tonight by a fantastic champion.
36:20No shame in that.
36:26This crowd here in D.C. appreciating it,
36:29the Irishman who traveled out.
36:33Great stuff from the champion, Lamont Roach Jr.
36:39He is in the ring right now with Jim Sorensen.
36:43One, two.
36:45Ladies and gentlemen,
36:48at 2 minutes 51 seconds in the 8th round,
36:53the challenger's corner stops this fight for your winner,
36:56by technical knockout and still WBA Super featherweight champion of the world,
37:03Lamont The Reaper Roach Jr.
37:13Winner by TKO, corner stoppage.
37:17A good and merciful decision by the corner.
37:21The challenger, Fergal McCrory, had taken a beating up to round number 8,
37:25still on his feet when the fight ended,
37:27but that's just a tribute to his heart rather than anything else.
