Travon Marshall vs Luis Midyael Sanchez (28-06-2024) Full Fight

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00:00You received your instructions in the dressing room.
00:05I expect a good, clean fight.
00:07Touch gloves, come out at the bell.
00:11Luis Miguel Sanchez, Pro Box TV veteran
00:15against Marquez Valle.
00:16He was disqualified for clinching.
00:19If you watch that fight,
00:20Paulie Molinaje was very vocal about it.
00:22It seemed like the referee had it out for him.
00:23A little bit of clinch, he was hurt,
00:25but disqualified for it.
00:26Looking for redemption tonight.
00:29Trayvon Marshall, 5'11", 75 1⁄2 inch reach.
00:32Great dimensions for a 154 pounder.
00:36See if he can utilize that height and reach.
00:44Only lost to Gabriel Mastre.
00:46It was a big step up in competition.
00:48Kind of lost that step up fight.
00:50That's a big step up fight early in your career.
00:54Stop, stop, let him go.
00:56Big question is always how you handle that coming back.
00:58Rebounded with a loss,
01:00I'm sorry, with a win in December off that loss.
01:08Trayvon's stepping around very well,
01:10but the thing he's not doing,
01:11he's not timing Sanchez on the way in.
01:14I mentioned his height and his reach,
01:15and he's going to the counter hook right off the bat
01:17instead of the jab.
01:18I would rather see him jab first,
01:19then throw that check hook,
01:21so he can find that range a little bit.
01:23That's why I got caught with that overhand right there.
01:25Gentlemen, you can say it all the time.
01:27Oh, nice overhand right by Sanchez.
01:30We mentioned, man, those Puerto Rican fighters.
01:33Nine and five, and you said he was on a four fight slide,
01:37but this guy can fight.
01:39Knows what it's like to be nine and one.
01:40That was his record before that slide.
01:42Watch your heads.
01:44Let him go.
01:46Let him go over here.
01:47I hate being stereotypical when it comes to boxing,
01:48because I know that just because you're tall and long
01:51doesn't mean you have to fight tall and long.
01:52I'm going to whip.
01:55Go on, show him.
01:58Trayvon Marshall needs to do that right there.
02:00Be first, and do that very often.
02:03Control the ring, step it around the way that he was.
02:06Fighting on the inside is just not smart against Sanchez.
02:09Someone who needs you close in order to get close to him.
02:13And even though Marshall's landing some good shots
02:15on the inside, like you said, champ,
02:16it's not smart, because he's getting hit with some shots
02:19that he does not need to be taking right now.
02:22Marshall with a height and reach advantage.
02:24There's no right build for combat sports.
02:25We've got to fight for the build you have, right gentlemen?
02:27Nice stand jab there from Marshall, though.
02:29Gotten to pick up the leg of Sanchez.
02:31That's a good body shot.
02:33The thing we saw Hernandez do very well
02:35in the last fight was the bump off.
02:37You know, using the forearm,
02:38using the shoulders to bump off.
02:40Marshall needs to start implementing that right now.
02:44Using the bump off and sneaking in those uppercuts.
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02:48ProBoxTV, your boxing channel.
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02:54Now, Sean made me think of one of the best bump offs
02:57I've ever seen, which is a borderline elbow.
02:58Felix Trinidad, Puerto Rican fighter.
03:00I know Marshall's obviously not the Puerto Rican fighter,
03:02but Trinidad had a great bump off.
03:03He would bump with that lead hand,
03:05throw the right hand over the top.
03:08They weathered fantastic at the distance,
03:10using that elbow all the time.
03:12And Trinidad was a guy who had a similar build
03:14to what Marshall has here.
03:16Tall, long, strong.
03:18Nice left hook.
03:21Good power punches for the fighter from Puerto Rico.
03:48Good round here from both guys.
03:49Very close competitive round,
03:51mostly because of this right here.
03:53Trayvon Marshall just standing in too close
03:55and a big overhand right landed right there.
03:57Yeah, the lack of jabs,
03:58lack of utilizing the distance,
03:59trying to fight too much.
04:00Marshall's getting hit with shots like that.
04:03That was probably the best punch landed thus far.
04:05And it was from Sanchez.
04:07Champ, more setups, more jabs in round number two.
04:09More setups, more jabs.
04:11The thing, another thing that I know about these guys
04:13down here in D.C., everything's a fight.
04:17Growing up, that's what a lot of these guys come through.
04:20And so even in the ring,
04:21you're fighting harder and making things harder
04:23than it needs to be,
04:24because that's what your mind knows.
04:27He's gotta get clean, he's gotta stay on the outside,
04:29use the jab, and set everything else up from there.
04:33That's why you gotta have good coaching.
04:34Because I always wanted to fight.
04:35My coach was like, man, stop fighting,
04:36get out there and jab.
04:37You should jab at boxing.
04:39Because I was very tall for my weight class
04:40and I would like to get in the inside and fight
04:42just like Marshall's doing here.
04:43And I would get a tongue lashing in between rounds.
04:45There are Marshall in the white and black.
04:48Luis Medial Sanchez in the black multicolored trunk.
04:52See the Puerto Rican flag on him.
04:55Already good adjustment for Marshall.
04:56He's using that jab.
04:58I've seen more jabs in the first 30 seconds of this round
05:01than I saw in the whole first round.
05:06And there's a lot of guys on this card.
05:08He's one of them as well,
05:09with a lot of amateur experience.
05:11Sometimes you just gotta draw back
05:13from what you used to do, who you used to be,
05:15and get away from having a professional style,
05:18the end game, and all these other things,
05:20trying to show people that you got it all.
05:22Get on the outside and use that jab.
05:26I don't want to misrepresent or call Sanchez a journeyman,
05:29but these guys, they're not coming here to lose either.
05:32They didn't get the memo like we said in the first bout.
05:36Especially when you give them the opportunity
05:37to feel like they can win.
05:39These kinds of guys are going to go for it.
05:43Javon Marshall, coached by Andrew Council,
05:46two-time world title challenger,
05:48off to Bernard Hopkins and Keith Holmes.
05:51You know he's got the, oh, nice body shot.
05:53Watch your head.
05:54You know he has the IQ in his corner.
05:56Nice double left hand there, high and low.
05:59Little tap upstairs, boom downstairs,
06:00good shot to the body.
06:01Stop, stop, stop.
06:02Everybody stop.
06:03Come on out.
06:04I love you.
06:05Defense, defense, defense.
06:08See, that was the perfect opportunity
06:09for Marshall to use that jab.
06:11He had Sanchez just walking straight in,
06:13right in the front door.
06:13He allowed him to get in there, to get in close.
06:17There, that's perfect jabbing range for a guy
06:20with the dimensions that Marshall has.
06:21Come on, let's go.
06:24Sit up.
06:25There we go.
06:33And again, looking at Trayvon Marshall's
06:35records, nine and one.
06:37Eight of those being knockouts.
06:38Can't imagine he's not trusting his power
06:41that it's going to come through for him
06:43and that's probably why he's fighting in close quarters.
06:47But a guy like him, with that kind of range,
06:50you know a lot of times you hit guys
06:51on the end of the punches.
06:52That's when you really feel that power.
06:55Hit man Hearns, always at the end of his punches.
06:58But this is a six rounder, not a four rounder.
07:00So Trayvon could be thinking,
07:01listen, I'm going to break this guy down.
07:02That's why he's focusing so much on the body early on.
07:05Come on, baby.
07:08Trayvon Marshall, so far, not able to keep the range
07:11he suspected he would with the reach advantage.
07:14Funny thing about being nine and five,
07:17Sanchez, these guys got to always stay ready
07:19because they know a random call could come in at any time.
07:22And that's why Sanchez looks the way that he does,
07:24strong and vibrant.
07:28Nice uppercut, nice uppercut with that lead hand
07:31to punctuate the end of round number four.
07:34And that's the end of round number two.
07:39End of round two.
07:42With tiredness.
07:44Grab, grab with desire.
07:46Okay, that's what I was doing,
07:48but the uppercuts in the middle.
07:50And when you do the uppercut,
07:51you have to have an angle with him.
07:53Don't stay in front of him completely.
07:55Come on, come on.
07:56He doesn't like you down, he doesn't like you down.
07:59Come on, when you hit...
08:00The right hook.
08:01You understand that?
08:02Come closer.
08:05Jab, man, make it easy.
08:07You ain't got to prove nothing.
08:09Make it easy, use the jab,
08:10come back with the right hand, finish the hook,
08:12but step out, go out the side door.
08:13Don't go straight back.
08:15He looking for you to get lazy in there.
08:17He looking for you to go straight back, okay?
08:18Go out the side door and keep your jab up, down and up.
08:21See-saw, change the cadence.
08:22Come on, man.
08:23You don't gotta be there.
08:24Sanchez's corner said stay busy up through the middle.
08:27Keep your punches tight.
08:30I love the DC lingo.
08:33You know what they call the right hand down here, right?
08:34Keep your punches up, guys.
08:35Call it the brick hand.
08:36The brick hand.
08:37Throw the brick hand.
08:39And then did you just hear him?
08:40He said, do the see-saw, up and down.
08:42See-saw, I mean, that's what he said.
08:44Go out the side door, he said.
08:45Go out the side door.
08:47Which, great advice.
08:49Jab, jab, right hand, finish to the body, he said,
08:51and then go out the side door.
08:52Don't stay in the front.
08:53And I know we're gonna see Barry Hunter pretty soon,
08:55so I got one more.
08:56Hold the phone.
08:57Hold the phone, all right.
09:00Every gym has its code, Joseph.
09:02Keep your hands up.
09:03Basically how you fight Brian Garcia.
09:04Hold the phone.
09:05Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
09:13Or Felix Trena, that makes me think
09:14of the Bernard Hopkins fight.
09:15He had that arm pinned.
09:18That left hook was not getting through nothing.
09:19Stop it, stop it.
09:22The most beautiful boxing decision you'll ever see.
09:24Good right hand.
09:25I like that, a little b-hop.
09:27A little slip and rip there.
09:29Trying to ride that jab back.
09:32Yes, a nice counter.
09:33The only thing is he's got the long arms,
09:35and so it's like, after that slip, that moment's gone.
09:41He's still, he's staying in front.
09:42He's not creating that angle.
09:43He's not going out that side door.
09:44I don't care.
09:45I loved my height, okay, and I loved the length of my arms.
09:49I didn't have these issues.
09:51I didn't have these issues.
09:55Like, he literally has to fight at a certain distance
09:59because it's just how he's built.
10:02You show time on the inside,
10:03it's a totally different animal.
10:04I'm seeing a little tick from Marshall.
10:06He keeps rolling that lead arm,
10:08so he didn't get in there.
10:09I'm wondering if that's just a, like I said,
10:12a tick that he has, or if there's an injury.
10:14The third round, we haven't seen it in the first two.
10:16Almost like he's trying to shake it out a little bit.
10:17Yeah, exactly, and he's not using that left jab.
10:24Oh, nice, good chopping right hand over the top.
10:27The difference there was, yeah,
10:28the difference there, though, Sanchez,
10:30he threw the punch and stayed there.
10:32He didn't walk forward like he had to.
10:35There we go.
10:36See, he's rolling that shoulder again.
10:38Could be the shoulder, could be the bicep.
10:45See, good catch, no shoot, though.
10:49And you see he's pushing more with that left hand.
10:52Not snapping that shot like he was earlier.
10:56Nice hook there upstairs, and the step up.
10:59Passing busy with the left hook here in round number three.
11:04The six rounder.
11:06A little busy with the left hook,
11:08but still really reserved with it, like Chris said.
11:11And I think, you know, the stepping around
11:13has really helped him as well.
11:14I know that was one of the other adjustments,
11:16taking the side door from the coach.
11:19Yeah, we've heard some good coaching from that already.
11:22And the fighters are listening, which is nice.
11:24Hands are free.
11:26Not always the case.
11:29Stop, stop.
11:35Definitely slowing down for Sanchez.
11:37He's not as effective as he was in rounds one and two.
11:40Spending a lot of energy bullying in
11:43is Luis Midial Sanchez.
11:45He finished round number three
11:46halfway through this six rounder.
11:53There's that overhand shot.
11:55And like you said, Sean, you know, Sanchez came in,
11:58but he kind of stayed in that middle distance
12:00where Trevon Marshall has all that advantage
12:01with that length.
12:02He's able to land that nice chopping
12:03right here over the top.
12:04He landed two good ones in that round.
12:05There was that beautiful uppercut in the inside as well,
12:07which is a great weapon for a taller fighter,
12:09because guys are always going to want to get in your inside.
12:11When you're there, having that uppercut
12:13to make them think twice is a great weapon to have.
12:16I'm not going to abandon what I said.
12:18I still think he should box from the outside,
12:20but we can see he can be effective on the inside.
12:24The thing is he's got to first work outside
12:27and then once being on the inside.
12:30Now you get first dibs and you get last
12:32when it comes to judging the fight here.
12:34Come on, get them coming and going.
12:37Excuse me.
12:38That's the best way.
12:39Get them coming and going.
12:46Already in round number four.
12:48Trevon Marshall in the white and black trunks.
12:52Luis Medaille Sanchez from Puerto Rico
12:55in the black and multicolored trunks.
12:59Hasn't been an easy fight to score, gentlemen.
13:02No, three close rounds.
13:04The thing that we see now, the dynamic that we see now,
13:07we still see Marshall kind of playing with that left arm,
13:10that lead hand.
13:11The other side of it though,
13:12Sanchez slowed down in the last round,
13:15probably foreshadowing that he will continue in that way.
13:19A lot of body work from Marshall early on
13:21and Sanchez did come out very strong in rounds one and two,
13:23so the gas tank could be betraying him at this point,
13:26which is allowing Marshall to take over.
13:28I thought the third round
13:29was a very good round for Marshall.
13:33Back comes Sanchez.
13:35Thudding shots.
13:39They are loud here at ringside.
13:41In a few instances where Trevon Marshall
13:43is able to fire some jabs,
13:44it's a completely different fight.
13:46Hands up.
13:48Punches up, Luis.
13:50Punches up, Luis.
13:50The last round is shaking out that left arm
13:53just a little bit.
13:54Seems like he's doing it more and more though.
13:56That's what's concerning to me.
13:58He's literally on the inside now doing it.
14:00But he's still using the arm.
14:02I mean, he's using it to push off.
14:03He's throwing the hooks.
14:05Not telling what's going on.
14:06Nice dig there.
14:07A little set up with the right hook
14:08and a left hook to the liver.
14:11But Sanchez is tough, man.
14:13He's taking some big shots tonight
14:14from a guy who's a big puncher.
14:16Eight KOs and nine wins is Trevon Marshall
14:18and Sanchez has been walking through these shots thus far.
14:23Now just pulling forward.
14:24Don't forget, Pro Box TV, your boxing channel.
14:27Download the app.
14:28Oh, great right hand.
14:32Good body work right there from Marshall.
14:34That was a beautiful switch up.
14:34He's doing the left, took the lead left,
14:36took the lead left, uppercut that split the guard of Sanchez.
14:39Good adjustment there.
14:40First time Sanchez has really been in trouble
14:42against the knockout puncher.
14:45As we've said over and over,
14:46eight knockouts and nine wins as a professional.
14:50A lot of good body work too from Trevon Marshall.
14:52Ooh, nice uppercuts there from Sanchez.
14:55Every time you think Sanchez is out of it,
14:56he comes back.
15:02That's the thing, a guy like him,
15:03you gotta beat it out of him.
15:04And he's landed good enough punches tonight
15:06where he's like, you know what, I'm in this fight.
15:07You heard his corner say, yo, you can win this fight.
15:10And he's acting like it.
15:14Oh, nice, I like that.
15:15I like that lead uppercut.
15:17Right through the center, splitting the guard of Sanchez.
15:20Oh, body shot.
15:21Good work again with the lead hand.
15:26It seems like Trevon Marshall has the timing down inside.
15:29And Sanchez has slowed down just enough
15:32that Marshall's really starting to take over.
15:34Holding on, could it be for dear life?
15:36Really wants a clinch.
15:38I think it's the body work that Marshall has put in.
15:40I think that's really, those left hooks to the body.
15:43Ooh, both sides.
15:49First time an air of danger around the Puerto Rican fighter
15:53at the bell round number four.
15:57Oh, yeah, it's great.
15:59Great right, round right there from Trevon Marshall.
16:04Dipping in with the hooks and the uppercuts
16:07and then the body work on the inside.
16:09I mean, I just thought, right, that hook right there
16:11was the one that set everything up,
16:13set the rest of that round up.
16:15Hooks like that, shots like that to the liver
16:17usually puts a guy down.
16:18Sanchez is tough.
16:19That was a beautiful left hook to the liver
16:21right on the money.
16:22Set up in combination as well.
16:23Trevon Marshall really starting to,
16:25I think he really has been a change of momentum
16:27in round three and ever since then
16:28he's been able to put a lot of leather on Sanchez
16:31and it's starting to break it down.
16:38People mistake and confuse heart, gas, and pacing.
16:42Make no mistake, Miguel Sanchez has heart.
16:46You said that was a tough liver shot.
16:48Backed him up a bit, did not take a knee.
16:50Still very much physically in this fight.
16:52Here we begin round number five.
16:53Everybody out, everybody out, please.
17:04Marshall starts the round, snapping that jab,
17:06controlling the center of the ring.
17:09And he's here, he's dominant.
17:11Right now, baby, come on!
17:23Been training some kids at a gym
17:25and I always tell them when they start sparring,
17:27just start sparring them.
17:28Use your jab, everything starts with the jab.
17:31Just start using your jab.
17:32I say, stay there.
17:33I know it may seem boring.
17:35You may think you wanna do so many more things.
17:38Trayvon Marshall has to start with the jab
17:41and then work from there.
17:4275 and a half inch reach, man.
17:44That's a really long reach.
17:46Gives you such an advantage over your opponents.
17:48Hey, listen, how does every round start?
17:50You're in opposite corners,
17:51so having a long reach is a good thing to have.
17:54The jab will get there first.
17:56Make your opponent come to you.
17:58And so far in this round number five,
17:59it's exactly what Trayvon Marshall is doing.
18:01Slick uppercut right through the center.
18:03Likes that lead uppercut.
18:04Yeah, it seems like Trayvon Marshall
18:06has tamed Sanchez a bit.
18:07Those first two rounds, he came out hot and heavy.
18:09But as his pace, excuse me,
18:12as Marshall has gotten to break down
18:14and soften up Sanchez, the pace has changed.
18:17And really, Trayvon Marshall has been in control
18:18since round three.
18:19Yeah, champ, not really energy to pull through
18:22like you did in the first couple rounds.
18:23Yeah, I mean, it's a clear breakdown at this point.
18:25We can see that the body shots landed in the last round.
18:28Another couple of big punches landed by Marshall
18:30in the last round as well.
18:32They really just stabilized Sanchez
18:36and stopped him from being offensive.
18:38He's still coming forward, but not as offensive.
18:40And this is how you stop guys like Sanchez.
18:42You break them down.
18:42You break that will to win out of them.
18:45And it's much easier to take them out
18:48once that will is taken out, taken away.
18:54First time in this round,
18:55Sanchez has been able to do sustained work on the inside.
19:00Not as effective as he was earlier on.
19:03Trayvon Marshall is having no problem
19:05really keeping that distance,
19:06being able to push him off quite easily.
19:12We talked about the bump off early in the fight.
19:14And it's like, it's almost, it's simple now.
19:19Yeah, Sanchez, it's definitely softened up.
19:22Nice straight right through the guard.
19:26Hard in the left eye of Sanchez.
19:29Nice, good overhand shot there.
19:33So now Marshall, he's just,
19:34he's starting to show why he has eight knockouts
19:36and nine wins.
19:37You can see these are heavy shots.
19:39Even when he hits you on the arms or the elbows,
19:41it's doing damage.
19:42Holding up more than he did early in the fight.
19:45Nice step around as well.
19:47Could be sensing he has a tired fighter in front of him
19:51at the end of the round.
19:52Could be sensing he has a tired fighter in front of him
19:55at the end of the round.
19:56Go ahead.
20:22You understand that?
20:23Come on, this is the last round, man.
20:24Don't be a reckless in there.
20:25Make it easy, okay?
20:27Stop smothering your work, big dog.
20:28Stop smothering your work.
20:29Deep breath.
20:30How you feel?
20:31Good, come on.
20:32Act like a man.
20:33Close and show.
20:34Stop pulling out with your hands down.
20:35All right, come on, come on, come on, man.
20:38Trey, pull it together.
20:40All right, let's work.
20:42Sanchez's trainer, Luis Espada.
20:46Sorting his man to stay busy on the inside
20:49and the outside range.
20:51Controlled by Trayvon Marshall in that last round.
20:55Go back, go back.
20:57Marshall's corner.
20:58They're asking him to close the show.
21:00They want a big statement right here.
21:02I love it.
21:03I like about the instruction
21:04from Marshall's corner champ is it's very concise.
21:07Two, three things, do it like that.
21:10Very, very calm.
21:13Last round, close the show.
21:15Don't be reckless.
21:18Don't worry about the power of Sanchez.
21:20Pulling straight out.
21:21This is what coach told Marshall not to do,
21:24and he's doing it.
21:30Watch your heads.
21:32Watch your heads.
21:33This is not the range where Marshall wants to be.
21:37So much more effective from that middle range, long range.
21:41Hands are free, hands are free.
21:42Come on, you guys, work out.
21:42Laying right hands, set things up and jab.
21:45Good job.
21:51Marshall's corner told him to make it an easy round
21:54in this final round.
21:56Sanchez making sure that doesn't happen.
21:59Not the case so far.
21:59Chest to chest, right?
22:01And the way the other rounds have gone,
22:03once they start like this, they tend to end like this.
22:06Keep them up, Trayvon.
22:08Yeah, nobody backs from this point.
22:10This is how it's gonna be.
22:11Nobody's gonna take a step back and say,
22:14let me land a clean right hand.
22:15The pissing contest has begun.
22:17They're gonna stay in the center of the ring and trade.
22:20Good body work there from Marshall.
22:22Oh, and the uppercut pops the head up.
22:25He felt that one.
22:26Oh, yeah.
22:27He felt that one.
22:28You can tell Marshall's a finisher, too.
22:32Sanchez, he's going right up the nose.
22:34Wiping his nose.
22:35Yeah, see?
22:36Marshall knows it.
22:36Once I keep him out of the water, he knows it.
22:38No, no.
22:40Stay low, the AfroBoxTV, we're your boxing channel.
22:45We'll see some great fights tonight, including this one.
22:48Nose damage.
22:49That ref is not trying to let him hold on either.
22:52I like that.
22:53I like that.
22:54Let's fight.
22:56Body work, too.
22:56Nowhere to run.
22:58Nowhere to hide.
22:59Less than a minute to go.
23:00El Sanchez, under a minute left.
23:02That's old school officiating here.
23:04You gotta fight.
23:10You can tell Marshall's a finisher.
23:11Like I said, he felt that right uppercut immediately.
23:13He started pushing him off.
23:14He doesn't, not getting a hold of me.
23:15I'm gonna get this job done, just like my coach said.
23:18Close the show.
23:19Predator after his prey right now.
23:21And Sanchez hanging on.
23:24She turned him around.
23:27His ref means business.
23:29Love it.
23:31You are a pro-BoxTV kind of ref.
23:33We like you.
23:34You usually get turned around and he says, no turn.
23:37He just broke it open.
23:38Let's go.
23:43No, no, no.
23:47Not much time left.
23:48Looks like Sanchez is gonna survive.
23:53Not for a lack of effort from Marshall.
23:56He's thrown everything he can to finish this fight.
23:5910 seconds left.
24:01Cut over the eye, hurt to the body.
24:08Rough night for Sanchez.
24:09Outstanding round and outstanding fight for Trayvon Marshall.
24:14The fighter out of Capitol Heights, Maryland.
24:19Fantastic stuff.
24:21Almost certainly be the 10th win of his career.
24:25Couldn't get the knockout.
24:26No lack of trying though.
24:28Especially in that last round.
24:29Once he had him hurt, he landed that right up cut.
24:31He felt it right away.
24:32He knew his man was hurt.
24:34The ref was not allowing Sanchez to survive,
24:38making him fight, which we all like on this side.
24:42But you know, Sanchez coming out in the first round,
24:44big and strong and was fighting with Marshall.
24:48Caught him with some big shots.
24:49Marshall seemed to get it together after the first round.
24:52Started being able to land more cleaner shots
24:55on the inside, digging the upper cuts
24:57and the hooks to the body.
24:58Amazing work on the inside from the longer arms.
25:02You know, Chanta, I mean,
25:03the only time that Sanchez was effective
25:05was when Marshall allowed it.
25:06He was fighting in this phone booth position,
25:08but he's got that long reach
25:09and that beautiful overhand shot there.
25:11I see the potential in Marshall.
25:13I see the potential in Marshall.
25:14He's got a lot of great tools.
25:16He's got power.
25:16He's got instincts.
25:17He's tough.
25:18He wants to fight,
25:19but man, he's got such a great boxing ability
25:21with those long arms, that jab.
25:23When he went out there and jabbed
25:24the beginning of those rounds,
25:26it was a thing of beauty.
25:26He looked like a Thomas Hearns out there,
25:28setting him up, setting him up,
25:29dropping good right hands,
25:30having that power on the end of the punches.
25:31And as the fight wore on,
25:33Sanchez started to lose some of that steam
25:35and Marshall was starting to separate himself
25:38and show how much better he was.
25:3975 inch reach is what you said he had.
25:4275 and a half.
25:4375 and a half.
25:44And my thing was,
25:45he's got to use the jab from the outside
25:47and he's got to work from the outside.
25:49Then on the inside,
25:50this is the thing.
25:51We saw that he can be effective from the inside,
25:53but the thing that he has to do moving forward,
25:55stay busy when you're on the inside.
25:58You can't stand in front of your opponent
25:59and just try to work at leisure.
26:02He's got to work continuously
26:05like he did as the fight progressed.
26:07His coach was right.
26:07He said, make it easy.
26:09You know what makes it easy?
26:10That jab, man.
26:10That jab makes it easy
26:12because he was doing everything right on the inside,
26:13letting those hands go.
26:14Need to step around a little bit,
26:15but definitely a work in progress.
26:17A little rough around the edges at times,
26:18but tons of potential.
26:20No decision yet.
26:21They're putting it together.
26:23Hopefully it doesn't mean any controversy
26:25on the scorecards here in DC
26:27because it looked like Jaron Marshall
26:29did more than enough to win.
26:34Looks like we have the scorecards,
26:37a tally to end the suspense.
26:38Here's Jim Sorensen.
26:40All right, ladies and gentlemen,
26:41after six rounds of action,
26:43we go to the judges' scorecards.
26:47We start with Judge Joseph Cooper and Steven Rados.
26:53They both see it the same way.
26:55They score this bout 60 to 54
26:58and Judge Tony Lundy sees it 59 to 55
27:01in favor of your winner by unanimous decision,
27:07Trayvon the Sniper Marshall.
27:19No surprise there.
27:22Easy unanimous decision for Trayvon Marshall.
