Luis Alberto Lopez vs Angelo Leo (10-08-2024) Full Fight

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00:00I want you to protect yourself at all times and obey my commands at all times.
00:04Any questions?
00:05Uh huh.
00:06Any questions?
00:07Touch them up?
00:10Joe Tessitore and Chris Algieri on the call ringside.
00:13Bernardo Osuna working the corners.
00:15Mark Kriegel on the score.
00:17Chris, when we spent time with Bernardo Lopez's camp yesterday,
00:21they said he was a relentless worker in his training camp.
00:25They wanted him to stop.
00:26Sometimes I want to keep working.
00:28But it's purpose driven long term.
00:30He said, I want to have freedom.
00:33I want to retire someday and have all the money in the world and just be with my family.
00:37It's one of the best reasons I've heard for fighting in a long time.
00:41I want to buy time to spend with my family so I don't have to work.
00:45It's awesome.
00:53Especially worked on his conditioning for this fight.
00:56He expects a very active version of Angelo Leo.
01:00Leo's been more refined since the loss to Fulton.
01:03You see that right hand awkwardly going to the body.
01:05You see all these odd angles from Lopez.
01:08So punches coming from unorthodox angles and attack points all the time.
01:13That fight against Fulton when he lost his title at 122 pounds,
01:18it was a nonstop war.
01:20They combined for nearly 2,000 total punches thrown, Chris.
01:24Yeah, which is why Lopez decided that conditioning was going to be
01:27a big part of the preparation for this fight against Leo.
01:29You've got a guy who throws a ton of punches.
01:31You've got a guy who's a body puncher.
01:32Also, we're at elevation here.
01:34So being in shape is going to be very, very important.
01:36As I believe you found out on the treadmill earlier today.
01:38Yeah, I couldn't believe that five miles felt like the way it did.
01:45When you look at the legs of Venado Lopez,
01:48Venado, which means deer, you see how explosive he is.
01:51How he closes the gap.
01:52Those powerful legs underneath him allows him for those explosive movements,
01:55closes the gap very, very quickly.
01:57I mean, sometimes you sit back and you watch the offensive attack.
02:00Look at these.
02:01I mean, that left hand he just thrown was thrown.
02:04He was ducking to his right and thrown from distance
02:07as Angelo Leo then finds some success on the inside.
02:10Nice counter from Leo.
02:11He had a right hand off the ropes and then a left hook to the body
02:14as he went underneath one of those sweeping shots of Lopez.
02:17Hey, listen, there's going to be countering opportunities.
02:20They just may be a little unconventional.
02:22Yeah, the problem with Lopez is he hits you with punches you don't see.
02:25The ones you don't see are the ones that hurt the most.
02:31Big right hand.
02:33Around the glove, big shot.
02:40It's an active first round.
02:42See, this is where Leo needs to be active.
02:45When he has Lopez against the ropes,
02:47this is where the fundamentals really break down for Bonato.
02:51Bonato trying to wrap that right hand around,
02:54went around the guard, then to the inside,
02:57then to the body with it in a four-punch sequence.
03:02Leo said himself that the jab was going to be a key factor in this fight.
03:07Needs to be busy with that lead hand.
03:10Oh, beautiful.
03:11Lead right hand.
03:13What a counter.
03:14Stop, stop, stop, stop.
03:24It's a good first round between these two.
03:29Yo, those are nice. Hold on one second.
03:31Candice, what's up?
03:32I think my daughter's going pro at basketball.
03:34Yeah, she's three.
03:35Yeah, she's three. What's your point?
03:36I'll take those.
03:37Wait, you're at Dick's?
03:38Could you pick up an agility ladder for my daughter?
03:39One second, one second.
03:41Yo, Don, what are you doing?
03:42Oh, you're at Dick's? Grab me that New Zealand hoodie.
03:47What else?
03:50Ace, you got to see her.
03:52Thank you, thank you.
03:53Hey, Patrick, let me call you back.
03:56She hung up.
03:57Oh, my goodness, this dude. I cannot.
04:00When the sawdust settles and the engine roars,
04:02the thing you care about is a job well done.
04:05But when you get your tools from Harbor Freight,
04:07something about the job feels different.
04:09Your wallet.
04:10Whatever you do, do it for less at Harbor Freight.
04:17Whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro,
04:19today, let's paint.
04:23Exclusively at The Home Depot.
04:28For in a CompuBox,
04:29Angelo Leo had a 13 to 10 connect advantage,
04:32landed at a better percentage, 27% of his total punches.
04:38He's going to need to keep that up tonight.
04:41He's going to need to keep that up tonight.
04:43He's going to need to keep that up tonight.
04:46He's going to be successful.
04:47Obviously, he has a game plan,
04:48but we have a world title fight on our hands here
04:50with two very, very talented young men.
04:58This is the action from the last round.
05:00There's that beautiful counter off the ropes there
05:02that I spoke about.
05:03Really nice straight right hand
05:04to catch and shoot off the elbow there,
05:06which is something that Leo's going to have to do
05:09to combat those wild swings from Venado.
05:14It's so interesting how he'll double up,
05:15triple up that right hand
05:16in the midst of an offensive attack from Venado.
05:19It's a body shot,
05:21as Leo gets the warning,
05:23but he is a body puncher to the max.
05:27Nine times CompuBox has tracked his fights,
05:31and in those nine fights,
05:32he's landed 899 body punches.
05:36You have to be careful
05:37leaning over that front foot against Lopez.
05:39He's got a brilliant rear-handed uppercut
05:41and scored a lot of highlight reel knockouts with that shot.
05:44You want to make sure you keep your eyes up.
05:46There's another left hand to the body.
05:48He gets an early warning, Chris.
05:53Leo needs to be careful with that.
05:55Oh, big right hand over the top,
05:57and a jab from Leo.
05:59He comes in on the attack,
06:01and a sweeping right hand around the guard.
06:05Big moment here in round two.
06:08Lopez seems excited by the action.
06:17This is what we've been talking about all night tonight.
06:19Leo with the fundamentals,
06:21Lopez with the athleticism,
06:23the unorthodox movement.
06:30That jab from Leo
06:32pops the head back of Venado.
06:33Venado comes back with that right hand,
06:35and combinations of that intuitive offense
06:37where he just lets those hands fly.
06:41Double jab that time from Angelo.
06:45He digs to the body again.
06:46It was right on the belt line.
06:48He did it when the ref was on the opposite side of him.
06:50That's right. Better move.
07:00Good feint there from Leo.
07:03Good feint there from Leo.
07:17Leo did a great job of answering everything
07:19that the champ throws.
07:21Not letting him rip too many long combinations,
07:23and good counter right hand from Leo over the top.
07:25Punching between the punches.
07:29It's a good-looking second round
07:31for the hometown favorite.
08:02Afraid. Exclusively in theaters August 30th.
08:05Rated PG-13.
08:06Welcome to the Little League Softball World Series
08:09on the networks of ESPN.
08:23Punch of the Night is brought to you by Miller Lite,
08:25and it showcases the now 10-0,
08:2922-year-old Chop Chop Gonzalez,
08:31who scored a third round knockout tonight
08:33against Daniel Alcala, Chris.
08:35One of the most impressive fighters on the undercard tonight
08:38was Chop Chop Gonzalez.
08:39Showed incredible fundamentals.
08:41Great one Tuesday.
08:42You saw that shot right there.
08:43Right hand right on the point of the chin
08:45of his opponent, Alcala.
08:46Excellent, excellent shot.
08:48And great fighter.
08:49So he's an undefeated featherweight prospect.
08:51Meanwhile, we have the guy who many consider
08:54the best featherweight in the world in the ring right now,
08:57Bernardo Lopez, but it's the challenger,
09:00Angelo Leo, off to a good start in that last round.
09:03He landed 24 of 49 punches, including 11 to the body.
09:08Yeah, Leo, I mean, he has a game plan,
09:10and he's executing.
09:11These last couple rounds have been really, really smart.
09:13Using some lateral movement, mixed in between there,
09:15but then stopping and firing on a dime.
09:17Really, really sharp work from Leo early on.
09:20And just placed another counter right hand.
09:22Bernardo, what can you tell us?
09:23I spoke with Armando Valenzuela, who trains Lopez,
09:26and he says, look, I need him to throw more jabs,
09:28and that left hook, which is landing.
09:30Look, the other kid is throwing good shots,
09:33but they're not affecting Bernardo so far.
09:35You see Bernardo just running aggressively,
09:37running out to attack Leo moments ago.
09:40A sweeping right hand.
09:42Leo returns fire.
09:44Fights his way out of that corner.
09:46And that's the key there, Taz.
09:48You said returns fire.
09:50He's been returning everything.
09:51He's been answering the champion
09:52whenever something's coming his way.
09:54That's very, very smart.
09:55Right, right.
10:00Glad to tell you we will be commercial free
10:02for the remainder of this featherweight championship fight.
10:11Good jab that time backing up by Leo.
10:14The corner saying that the punches were not affecting him.
10:17Bernardo has an excellent chin.
10:18He believes in his chin as he takes a big right hand.
10:21That right hand has been there from the challenger.
10:25Right uppercut on the inside,
10:26fired off by Lopez and another one.
10:29And then wraps around with the left hand to the body.
10:31That right uppercut from Bernardo, man.
10:33It's such a beautiful shot.
10:34He has highlight reel knockouts from that.
10:36Over and over again, Leo's been taking it well,
10:39but for how long?
10:41See Bernardo sort of getting into a rhythm,
10:43that confident rhythm right in the pocket
10:45midway through round three.
10:50Best way to disrupt the man's rhythm is a jab.
10:52Leo needs to go back to that jab, not get away from it.
11:00Bernardo trying to place that right hand to the body again.
11:06Ooh, nice sharp jab from the challenger.
11:11Trying to have that tight defense against the chaotic attack of Bernardo Lopez.
11:23Lopez just looks so powerful with those shots.
11:26He does.
11:27Even when they land on the shoulder, he moves Leo's entire body.
11:39And a three.
11:53Catch the speed.
11:55When you catch the speed, you've got to come back and get your points back.
11:59Remember, activity.
12:02If you see he lands three or four, you've got to come back to five, six.
12:08He expects the right hand, so when you use your jab speed, then...
12:11Take a look at some of the early success of Leo Herr, the challenger.
12:15He said he needed to start out with the jab.
12:17The jab has been there.
12:18The body shots are something that's always been part of Leo's game,
12:21but then he's added the right hand.
12:23The overhand right has been a success all night long starting in round one.
12:28He's landed 54 total punches.
12:3038 of them are power punches.
12:3223 to the body.
12:37That last round was better for Lopez through a fight high 78 to this point,
12:43a connect high 14.
12:45Good crowd here.
12:46Fight fans, fight town is Albuquerque,
12:49and they are getting the kind of style they like in the ring.
12:52Round number four for the featherweight championship,
12:55and Angelo Leo comes out pressing the action and attacking.
12:58Short right uppercut again from the champion.
13:01One of the reasons that we've been so excited about this fight since it's been announced
13:05is both men are pressure fighters.
13:06Both guys put a ton of pressure on their opponents,
13:08so you know they're going to meet and have a lot of action.
13:11Look at Lopez.
13:15Just watch his face in the midst of a fight.
13:17Watch his reaction.
13:18He's always playing to the crowd or looking our way or looking over to the corner and reacting.
13:22His arm got caught in the ropes, which is a very dangerous place to be, and he laughed it off.
13:26He's a wild man in there.
13:32Nice combination.
13:33Great punch combination finishing to the body.
13:39We've been speaking about the body punching of Leo all night.
13:42Veneto Lopez is actually an excellent body puncher as well,
13:44especially off that right uppercut left hook to the body combination.
13:47We've seen him use that in great success in the past.
13:51That was a right hand that got to the side of the head.
13:58You know, Tess, I mentioned that the added wrinkles to the game of Angelo Leo in the recent years.
14:04It's been that right hand.
14:05I didn't see that as much back in the day, especially at the middle distance.
14:07Now we're seeing that as a major weapon and part of the game plan tonight.
14:17That's bad cleaning.
14:22He's able to parry that right hand.
14:24Come back with inside work.
14:25Short right hand on the inside with the uppercut.
14:31As I mentioned in the lab in the lead up to this fight with Veneto Lopez,
14:34he tends to get a little bit lax on the inside.
14:36And that's where Leo is very, very effective.
14:38He is generally an inside fighter.
14:43Oh, beautiful uppercut on the inside from Veneto.
14:46Great uppercut on the inside that landed from Veneto Lopez.
14:51That's been the most consistent weapon tonight for Lopez.
14:54Off balance that time.
14:56Twist and turned around as Leo was firing.
15:17You hear the crowd trying to support Angelo Leo.
15:23Albuquerque's very own.
15:28Lopez needs to be careful as he's closing the distance.
15:31He needs to be more deceptive as he crosses that critical distance line
15:33so he doesn't eat those uppercuts consistently.
15:47Fail! Fail!
16:07You're giving away some points.
16:08I need you to use Angelo, man.
16:09I need you to throw punches.
16:12It depends on you.
16:14Let's go do this.
16:17He's throwing more punches so he can be still in the round.
16:20We need to let your hands go.
16:22Don't spin because he hit you behind the head.
16:25Come on, Veneto.
16:27This is for your daughter.
16:28It's not for you. It's for your daughter.
16:30Can you or not?
16:33Here's your mouthpiece. Can you do it or not?
16:35All right, let's do it.
16:38Show them who Veneto Lopez is.
17:01Three rounds to one Angelo Leo.
17:03You get that first round to whoever you really want.
17:07But that slow start that Veneto was talking about
17:10didn't happen from Angelo Leo.
17:12He's stronger than Leo but Leo's more precise.
17:15So I'm wondering, can Leo hurt him?
17:18To your point in terms of the accuracy,
17:20Angelo's landing 40% of his total punches, Mark.
17:24And Veneto's landing 18%.
17:27Wow. That's a very rare stat against Veneto Lopez.
17:37Hey Tess, what are you doing?
17:38You've got a guy in front of you with a good chin.
17:40Hit him to the body.
17:41And that's what he does.
17:42That's what he does.
17:45Break! Break! Break! Break!
17:51Wide sweeping right hand.
17:53Lopez had the glove up.
17:55But definitely took some flack on that shot.
18:04There's a right hand to the body again.
18:06Lopez with that tricky right uppercut.
18:09Sneaks it in in the midst of the exchanges.
18:11And that's something that Leo has done in the past.
18:13He'll lean heavy over that front foot.
18:15Being a body puncher, being an inside fighter.
18:17That head tends to be over that front foot.
18:20Which is right in range for that uppercut.
18:25Three punch combination finishes with the left to the body.
18:28Tries to split the guard with a straight right hand.
18:30Right uppercut again.
18:32This is where Veneto is so dangerous.
18:34If you stand in front of him,
18:35he's going to let those combinations rip.
18:38There it is again.
18:42And Angel comes forward.
18:45Left hook starts that off.
18:50As Leo gets away from the jab,
18:52there's more and more opportunities for Veneto Lopez,
18:55the champ, to win the moments and land those big shots.
18:58And he's got a lot of power.
18:59He's got a lot of power.
19:00He's got a lot of power.
19:01He's got a lot of power.
19:02He's got a lot of power.
19:03He's got a lot of power.
19:04He's got a lot of power.
19:05He's got a lot of power.
19:06And he's going to land those big shots,
19:07especially the right uppercut.
19:18Right hand over the top.
19:20Lopez responds by firing back.
19:21Nearly turns off to the right side and meets the right hand.
19:24Just got out of the way.
19:27You heard from his corner.
19:28They said, don't do that.
19:29Don't turn your back.
19:30Be careful.
19:31Big right hand rocks Leo.
19:33He just touches him around under that elbow, more body work on the inside from Leo.
19:40What a good fight this is.
19:42Excellent action-packed stuff. This has been a fantastic round, a really good one for the champ.
19:53Good stuff as we come to the end of 5.
20:04Get your hands up, don't drop your hands.
20:07What he's doing, when he comes in, he throws shots and then he's waiting for you to come right away.
20:17Then he's trying to counter you, okay? So just be careful with that.
20:24He's throwing punches, be ready to set up your counter.
20:28And when you throw it, go body, body, head.
20:31Head to head, body to body, because he's trying to counter you.
20:51He doesn't know. He's working on his body.
21:01Round number 6, IBF Featherweight World Championship.
21:05On the line, the 4th defense of the title by Venado Lopez.
21:09He's won 13 straight fights, 8 by knockout.
21:13But it's Angelo Leo who's enjoying a 103-70 connect advantage to this point.
21:20Talk about the attitude of Venado Lopez. Look at him walk Leo down.
21:25Controlling the center of the ring, keeping his man on the back foot,
21:29and with his back against the ropes for as much as he can.
21:32So unconventional when you see him come out like this.
21:35He's so aggressive. He is.
21:37Firing off more and more of those right uppercuts.
21:46That's one thing about Lopez, his confidence grows as he's able to step forward, step to you.
21:54Break! Break! Break!
22:24Break! Break! Break!
22:30The output of Leo seems to be dropping these last two rounds.
22:33Venado is stepping in to fill the gap.
22:35Especially in this round.
22:37Yes, it's been a very slow round for the challenger.
22:43Now that's straight a little low.
22:51Break! Break!
22:52Step back to you.
23:00There's a right hand firing back from Leo.
23:03Big shot. Very eye-catching as well.
23:05Snapped the head back of the champion.
23:10And that's one thing about Venado Lopez.
23:12Yes, he has a great chin, but he's also so reactive with the punches.
23:16Even the punches that land, he is able to pull away and take some of the power off the shot.
23:20That one looked very dramatic, but I don't think it landed as clear as you think.
23:24It's one of those crowd-reacting shots rather than impactful shots.
23:32You see him just even pull back and roll out to the side on that as well from distance.
23:37And that's the thing about hyper-reactive athletic fighters.
23:40Sometimes they make punches miss by such a small margin.
23:43And that's all it takes.
23:56Very nice setup.
23:57And that's what we spoke about in the lab about Venado Lopez getting his chin high along the ropes.
24:02Lopez taking advantage.
24:13I need you to be smart.
24:15I need you to take a deep breath.
24:23Keep this in your mouth.
24:25Now spit.
24:33Zshuzhu Carrington checking in on tonight's action.
24:43We need to start oppressing this fight.
24:45We're in his hometown.
24:47So we need to go out there and just take it to him.
24:51Your right hook is the best punch.
24:55Your right hook is landing consistently and then throw it downstairs too.
25:04Great crowd here in Albuquerque to see what has been an entertaining night of action.
25:10From our thrilling co-feature to right now this world championship fight with Angelo Alejo.
25:16Looking to claim a crown in front of his hometown fans.
25:19Against the tricky unorthodox attacking style of Venado Lopez.
25:31Already we're seeing an adjustment from Alejo from the last round.
25:34The last round he just came forward, was less active but stayed on the inside for the majority of the round.
25:39Earlier when he's having all that success he was using lateral movement, firing from that position.
25:44This round we're seeing a little bit more using that jab once again.
26:00Protect yourself at all times.
26:03Referee Ernie Sharif is not going to get in there and do it for you.
26:07Venado Lopez turned his head in the midst of that attack from Angelo Alejo.
26:12I don't know what that was, he turned his head and got hit behind the head and then looked at the ref.
26:19And that shows that nonchalant demeanor of the champion.
26:24Trying to cut off the ring, comes sweeping with a wild right uppercut that was well off the mark.
26:35Digs in with that left hand.
26:38The referee Ernie Sharif, by the way, does have world title experience.
26:44But you've got to go back to his last world title fight being November of 2019.
26:47And that was Inouye Donair 1.
26:53Did not exactly have the cleanest night that night as supporters of Inouye would tell you.
27:08Leo starting to use that left shoulder push off to create some distance and land the right hand.
27:14Did it twice this round already.
27:18Stalls him straight back that time with the jab.
27:22I'm very impressed with the chin of Leo tonight.
27:24He's taking some big shots from a real puncher.
27:27Hasn't seemed to be overly affected by anything tonight.
27:31And that's the end of the first round.
28:01Break, break, break.
28:04Do not push down on his head.
28:06Don't do it.
28:09Let's show you that sequence that happened in the 7th round.
28:13Where Bernardo Lopez turned his head.
28:16And watch this left hand from Leo that he, I believe, thought was a low blow.
28:22You can see him turn his referee as if to complain.
28:25But in the midst of that, listen, Leo has the right to still be on the attack unless the referee, Ernie Sharif, comes in, makes a break, gives a warning.
28:32Yeah, there was no signal from the referee.
28:34Referee was on the opposite side of the punch.
28:36Didn't see it.
28:37We really couldn't see it either if it was low or not.
28:48Take a look at the punch that has made Bernardo a star.
28:51That rear handed uppercut.
28:55That he places so masterfully.
28:57Sets up beautifully.
28:58Has a great intuition for this punch.
29:00Doesn't even need to see where it is to land it.
29:04Fires it from so many different positions.
29:06And generates a tremendous amount of power.
29:08Once again with those big strong legs that he has.
29:10It would generate that power from that uppercut.
29:18Of course the body punches landed by Leo.
29:21Always a big story.
29:22Here are the body punches landed per round tonight.
29:25To add up to a 52-24 advantage for him.
29:48Right uppercut getting in between punches again.
29:50And those combinations.
29:52That fluid free flowing style of Bernardo.
29:56When he's on his offense it's so difficult to defend against.
29:59Blood from the mouth now of the challenger, Leo.
30:21Push, push.
30:26Alright, break.
30:34That is the live money line right now.
30:36As Angelo Leo is a minus 175 favorite.
30:41Break, break.
30:42To claim the title.
30:45From a plus 350 to a minus 175.
30:49Everybody all week said he is a live doll.
30:53And he's showing it.
30:57Listen, Leo did his homework.
31:00He came prepared.
31:01He knew what he had in front of him.
31:04Break, break.
31:05Is it going to be enough?
31:08He's still got a whole lot of fight to go.
31:10Against a big puncher who finishes strong.
31:13Break, break.
31:16And may not be landing as many punches.
31:19But his punches landed are effective.
31:23Lopez, definitely the heavier handed of the two.
31:25But also his ability to rip off combinations and build.
31:28Makes him so dangerous at any point during the fight.
31:31Alright, break.
31:36Good combination that time.
31:40Leo grits his teeth and comes right back.
31:43Gotta be careful with that shoulder.
31:46Referee has not warned him yet.
31:53Both men looking for a little bit of space.
32:09Break, break.
32:11Don't hit him in the back of his head.
32:12Last one.
32:19Looks like a cut under the right eye of Leo.
32:22A lot of inside fighting going on.
32:26And there it is.
32:28You can see the damage that is done under the right eye.
32:40New Zealand.
32:42Let's go Rafael.
32:46Use that jab.
32:49Set up with your right hand.
32:51Short right hand.
32:52When he throws that jab.
32:53Down, left hook.
32:55He's trying to throw the uppercut and hook.
32:57So you want to keep snooping.
32:59Use that jab and then set up with your pound.
33:01Keep digging though.
33:02You're looking good.
33:03Give him some air.
33:05Give him some air.
33:11You got this.
33:12If you stay smart.
33:13You can beat this guy.
33:14You're doing what you're supposed to do.
33:16Every time he comes.
33:17You come back with something.
33:25Four rounds apiece.
33:27This is really an endurance contest.
33:30It is.
33:31And you know.
33:32Venado Lopez yesterday said to us.
33:34That he felt that would be the case.
33:36And thus why he worked on his conditioning.
33:39During training camp.
33:43You brought up the point earlier.
33:45Fighting here in Albuquerque.
33:46You're fighting at elevation.
33:49Step back clean.
33:50Both of you.
33:52Trained in Santa Fe.
33:53Which is apparently.
33:54Even higher.
33:55Than here.
33:56So obviously prepared for the elevation.
34:01Both of you clinching too much now.
34:10In the corner of Luis Alberto Lopez.
34:12I spoke with Armando Valenzuela.
34:14They're not happy with the performance of referee.
34:16Ernest Shariff.
34:18They say.
34:19Even Venado is telling them.
34:20He's seen everything just one sided.
34:22And they say.
34:24If he's using the shoulder.
34:25Use your shoulder.
34:26If he goes low.
34:27You go low.
34:28Big right hand.
34:29Rocks Venado.
34:32And now he's getting that forearm.
34:34And just making it rough on the inside.
34:36And there is the warning from Ernest Shariff.
34:39Not showing any respect for the champion.
34:41Making this a physical fight.
34:42Using the shoulder.
34:43Using the elbow.
34:45It's a right hand that came in.
34:48Good left hook there.
34:49From the champion.
34:51Another right hand.
34:52Comes back with a right hand.
34:53Between punches.
34:54Does Angelo Leo.
34:56Each man has had his moments here.
34:58In round number nine.
35:06Leo finding a home for that counter right hand.
35:08In the middle of the shots.
35:10That the champion throws.
35:18Step back please.
35:19Step back.
35:26Left hook.
35:27For those boxing fans.
35:28Who just watched Virgil Ortiz.
35:30Come up with a majority decision victory.
35:32We welcome you here.
35:34To Top Rank Boxing on ESPN.
35:36In a very entertaining IBF featherweight championship fight.
35:40Round number nine.
35:42As it has been back and forth.
35:44With Angelo Leo.
35:45And the champion.
35:46Leonardo Lopez.
35:47In the midst of his fourth defense of his world title.
35:54See that swelling.
35:55And discoloring.
35:57And small cut.
35:58Under the right eye.
35:59Of the challenger.
36:00Angelo Leo.
36:14A little stomp and pop right hand.
36:17That's been one of the more effective and consistent weapons.
36:20For the challenger tonight.
36:22Moving and then firing the right hand.
36:24And it worked well there.
36:26At the end of round number nine.
36:28And we'll have nine minutes to decide this featherweight championship.
36:37It's going to be important that you not let him get on top of you.
36:40You need to create space.
36:42You do not depend on the ref.
36:44He's on his side, okay.
36:47You need to take a step back.
36:50And then you got to catch him with that uppercut.
36:53You got to make cleaner shots.
36:56He's not doing anything to you.
36:58He's just going to keep running.
37:00He's not going to want to fight you the last two rounds.
37:02So we're in the eighth, but further along.
37:05Let's get that towel on the floor.
37:07The story of this fight tonight has been back and forth action.
37:09Here we see these guys exchanging on the inside.
37:11Big overhand right from the challenger.
37:13Spins the champion off.
37:15And then back comes Venado Lopez with those combinations.
37:17And that punctuated by that big right hand at the end.
37:33Round 10.
37:35They pick right back up.
37:37The total punches.
37:39The output for Leo.
37:4142% landed.
37:44I like the instruction from the champion's corner.
37:46You need to make space.
37:48Get him off you and land that uppercut.
37:50You need to land cleaner punches.
37:53Right now he's being smothered.
37:57And Lopez just, excuse me,
37:59Leo is just keeping those hands moving on the inside.
38:02And landing those eye-catching shots.
38:05Wrapping that right hand around nearly the back of the head.
38:13We've seen more and more influence by the referee.
38:15Would not be surprised if there were some stern warnings,
38:17if not point deductions, in these next couple rounds.
38:26Alright, great. Both of you.
38:33Oh my!
38:37He is laid out!
38:39Absolutely flattened!
38:41The champion is flattened!
38:45Angelo Leo!
38:47That is as big as could be!
38:56Knockout of the year candidate!
38:59And it's for a world title!
39:04At home!
39:06Brought the thunder!
39:08Delivered it!
39:11Absolutely spectacular!
39:14One punch knockout!
39:16To topple a world champion!
39:20Hey-oh, Angelo!
39:23Could there be a bigger dream moment for this young man?
39:26Oh my goodness!
39:28In his hometown!
39:30In front of these fans!
39:33Having worked his way back!
39:36Climbing the ladder!
39:38Getting the chance!
39:40And then coming up as big as you can come up big!
39:58Yesterday he told us,
40:01when I first fought for a world championship,
40:04I didn't have this kind of strength and conditioning.
40:08Now I have explosiveness!
40:13You want to see explosiveness?
40:16Light the fuse and bring this!
40:21Now we mentioned the left hook,
40:23how that was a great weapon against
40:24Venado Lopez, especially on the inside.
40:27You could not land
40:29a better, cleaner shot than that,
40:31right on the chin.
40:33Venado Lopez makes fundamental mistakes.
40:36He throws the jab, he gets tall,
40:38his chin is exposed.
40:40This is why you don't do that.
40:42Bang, left hook on the chin,
40:44out for the count.
40:47Oh my gosh!
40:49How about the splatter of sweat
40:51and the head to the face!
40:52Sweat and the head to the back of the ring!
40:55Man, oh man!
40:57What a fight!
40:59Incredible, dramatic finish.
41:01No question!
41:05And we want to tell you the good news,
41:07and that's Venado Lopez
41:09is up on the stool,
41:11getting medical attention
41:13and is to his feet.
41:16I mean, if that's not
41:18knockout of the year,
41:20my goodness!
41:22You win a world championship that way!
41:24Against a dominant champion!
41:26Against an absolute
41:28number one in the division,
41:30guy who's ripping through everybody,
41:32who's a road warrior,
41:34and he blasts him out.
41:36Listen to this.
41:38Man, that's scary.
41:40When the head hits the mat like that,
41:42body just completely
41:44no control.
41:48knocked out before he hits the canvas,
41:50didn't even put his arms down
41:52to make his fall.
41:54Ref, what are we counting for here?
41:56What are we counting for?
42:00He's counting to nine!
42:02Meanwhile, the new champions
42:04are already celebrating up on the ropes.
42:06The guy's laid out flat.
42:08No idea where he is.
42:10Look at this scene here in Albuquerque.
42:12Let's make it official!
42:15Ladies and gentlemen,
42:17here inside the Tingley Coliseum
42:19in Albuquerque, New Mexico,
42:21this bout comes to a conclusion
42:23at one minute, 16 seconds
42:26of round number 10.
42:29For your winner by knockout
42:32and the new
42:34IBF featherweight champion
42:37of the world,
42:45Want to remind you to join us
42:47on the ESPN app for the State of Box
42:48We'll analyze everything
42:50and hear from the new champ.
42:52There he is!
42:54The new IBF featherweight world champion
42:56at home.
