Pagsagot ng PCSO sa professional fee ng mga doktor, target simulan sa Oktubre

  • 2 weeks ago
Pagsagot ng PCSO sa professional fee ng mga doktor, target simulan sa Oktubre

00:00The Philippine Charities Substance Office has a new policy.
00:03They will now answer the professional fee of the doctors.
00:06It will be announced in October.
00:08This is under the Medical Assistance for Indigent Patients.
00:11Joshua Garcia with the report.
00:16A lot of people were shocked
00:18when they heard the news that the Medical Assistance for Indigent Patients
00:22or PCSO,
00:24the professional fee of the doctors,
00:26just like Nemi,
00:27is being supported by his mother who has a kidney disease
00:30and has been taking medicine for two years.
00:32It's a big help that his mother's doctor's fee
00:35is included in the 2,000 to 3,000 pesos
00:37that will be given by the PCSO.
00:39In any case, they will still be able to use the money for other needs.
00:43It's a big help for us because we can save money.
00:48We can save on expenses.
00:52We can buy medicine.
00:57We can buy other things with the money.
01:00It's a big help.
01:01For Concepcion,
01:03this is a big reduction,
01:04especially the cost of medication.
01:07It's a big help
01:10because it will be more spacious
01:14in the pocket.
01:16It won't be heavy.
01:17The Philippine Charities Substance Office announced
01:19that they will now answer
01:20the professional fee of the doctors for the indigent patients
01:23who are asking for help from them.
01:25Unlike before,
01:26when the PCSO did not include the fee for the doctor,
01:30now they will change their policy
01:32so that our fellow Filipinos
01:34who are in the hospital will no longer have to understand.
01:37This is what our beloved President really wants,
01:40that medical care is really free
01:44for all of the Filipino people,
01:47especially the indigent or those who are struggling.
01:50We are thankful for this.
01:53Thank you, GM.
01:55The sticking point is the PF.
01:58Since you have already found a way
02:01to have that covered,
02:03the PF issue is now covered
02:07and will be satisfied.
02:09According to PCSO General Manager Mel Robles,
02:12this plan was targeted in October this year.
02:15Of course, the intention is to no longer have to pay.
02:19But that is the dream, that is the goal.
02:24But in our case, it will all depend on our budget availability.
02:29Just the good news is,
02:31what we are giving,
02:32because sometimes,
02:33when it comes to us,
02:34no one will pay.
02:36Only the PF will pay.
02:38In that case, we will not pay.
02:40Because it is already prohibited in our guidelines.
02:42Now, we have changed the guidelines
02:44that can be paid.
02:46So, we might not be enough.
02:49It might not be enough,
02:50but at least, we have it.
02:52If this new plan is implemented,
02:55the Philippine Medical Association
02:57assured the cooperation of the doctors.
02:59Because of this,
03:00it is expected that the incidents
03:02that seem to involve the patients in the hospital
03:04will be avoided
03:05because the doctors do not pay the professional fee.
03:08Well, we are very happy with this agreement
03:10because we do trust the PCSO.
03:13We have a long history
03:14of being a beneficiary of the PCSO grants.
03:18And so, we know,
03:20at least now,
03:21we know that there will be something for those promissory notes.
03:24Meanwhile, according to Erwin Tulfo,
03:26one of the initiators of this initiative
03:29in the House of Deputy Majority,
03:30this is in response to the request of many of our countrymen,
03:33also in accordance with the directive
03:35of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.
03:37It seems like there is almost no cash out
03:40for our indigent patients
03:42even in private hospitals.
03:44And then, even if there are three doctors,
03:46as GML Robles said earlier,
03:48even if there are three doctors,
03:50if they receive P10,000,
03:51the PCSO will pay the professional fee.
03:55So with that,
03:56our universal health care
03:59will be more profitable.
04:01Joshua Garcia for Pambansang TV
04:04in Bagong, Philippines.
