Home and Away 8274 11th June 2024

  • mese scorso


00:00♪ Closer each day, home in the way ♪
00:08Harper, this is Bronte.
00:10Bronte's going to be staying with us for a couple of days.
00:12We literally just met in the hospital.
00:15Irene saw me in the waiting room. I was in a bit of a state.
00:19She's very ill. Some sort of autoimmune disease.
00:23I just remember how scary it is when you're waiting on test results.
00:27She needs support around her.
00:29This is all yours?
00:31No, not quite. I co-own it with my friend Leah.
00:35It's packed with customers. Trust me, she's a total pushover.
00:39Did you get the results back?
00:41They said that there's nothing more that they can do.
00:43Irene, I'm going to die.
00:45♪ Closer each day, home in the way ♪
00:51♪ Rising up each time ♪
00:59What's all this then?
01:01Some random stuff we found.
01:04Honestly, what is wrong with people?
01:06Too lazy to go to the tip, so they just dump all their rubbish.
01:11Hang on.
01:15This is still in its packaging.
01:17We found it scattered all up and down the beach.
01:20I'd say it's come off a boat.
01:22Ah, I guess we'll never know.
01:25So what do you want to do with all this stuff?
01:27I reckon we just chuck it out.
01:29No, let's not be so hasty.
01:31Let's get it in the back of the can-am.
01:38Feeling better?
01:39Yeah. Sorry for getting so upset.
01:42With everything you're going through at the moment, love, you have every right.
01:46It's a huge relief knowing I have somewhere to stay while I wrap my head around everything.
01:50I'm glad to hear that.
01:52And while I don't have a job or savings,
01:55I will do whatever I can between medical appointments so that I can pay rent.
01:59No, you will not.
02:02At least let me up with the bills.
02:04Love, you've got enough on your plate without worrying about money.
02:08You are so generous.
02:16There you go again, coming to my rescue.
02:18Just like at the hospital.
02:20Well, it'd have to be pretty hard-hearted to ignore someone as upset as you were.
02:26I'd be surprised by how many people walked past me before you came along.
02:30I could tell you needed a friend.
02:33You know, the second I saw you, I had a good feeling.
02:37Who knew you'd turn out to be my guardian angel?
02:44Well, that was so much more fun than unpacking.
02:47I just wanted to continue our holiday for a few more hours.
02:50It was such a good idea to get away.
02:54I know it's selfish, but I just want to stay right here.
02:59Me too.
03:00But reality's not all bad.
03:03No, it's not.
03:05Because you're about to get your unit up and running at the hospital.
03:09If the approval comes through.
03:11Hey, we've spoken about these.
03:13It's definitely going to happen.
03:15Okay, the signs are looking pretty good.
03:17Yeah, and it feels like we're finally free to get a fresh start.
03:21You know what?
03:23We deserve it.
03:24I mean, after everything we've been through, struggled through, we're owed something good.
03:30You're right.
03:39Protective overalls still in the packages.
03:42Not what I was expecting.
03:46What are they?
03:48Grow light kit.
03:49Oh, it's clear what's going on here then.
03:51Illegal activity, but I'd say waste.
03:54I was going to say gardening.
03:56Why would you have all this stuff on a boat?
03:58Transport it somewhere.
03:59To do what?
04:00I mean, this is the sort of kit you need to grow drugs.
04:02Or vegetables.
04:04You do your gardening in protective overalls.
04:06No, but it does happen, alright?
04:08I mean, people are using pesticides and fertilisers.
04:10No, I'm going to call Maritime Safety Authority.
04:13Oh, John, you don't think that's overkill?
04:14Maybe, but it wouldn't hurt to find out what else is washing up along the coast or if a vessel's capsized.
04:19I hadn't thought of that.
04:21Yeah, hey, let's get all this stuff out of here.
04:23We can stack it up in the office.
04:25John Palmer, Summer Bay Surf Life Saving Hub.
04:28I think we may have a problem on our hands.
04:32So, what is on the menu for tonight?
04:36Not much.
04:37Looks like a plague of locusts have ravaged this house.
04:42Right, well, Marley did tell me that his brother has been raiding the fridge.
04:48Looks like we'll have to live on a love alone, darling.
04:51And cheese.
04:55And we're back.
05:03Good news?
05:06My unit just got approved.
05:13I am going to have to say, I told you so.
05:17You know what we should do?
05:18We should go out and celebrate with champagne and dinner.
05:21Yes, let the good times roll.
05:24Okay, I'm going to call Xander and get him to set up something amazing.
05:36We're really all starting a new chapter now, aren't we?
05:39Like you said, we deserve this.
05:48You let me know if you need another blanket, okay?
05:52I should be fine.
05:54This reminds me of when I went through chemo.
05:56I could never quite get warm enough.
05:58Oh, sweetheart, you've been through that too.
06:01It was a bit of an experiment to reset my immune system.
06:04Oh, girl.
06:06At least it's one thing I'll never have to go through again.
06:09You know what, I think I've got a wheat pack in the kitchen.
06:12I'm going to heat it up for you.
06:14You're the best.
06:15You're the best.
06:22You never talk much about your cancer.
06:24Why is that?
06:26It was a long time ago, love.
06:29But you made a full recovery?
06:34Yes, I did.
06:36Mind you, it was no walk in the park.
06:40The mastectomy was very traumatic.
06:43And the chemo nearly killed me.
06:46Yeah, but it didn't.
06:48You won your battle.
06:50And no matter how hard I fight, I'm going to lose mine.
06:53Bronte, please.
06:55Don't say that.
06:57It's true.
06:59And you're lucky.
07:00You got to have kids and grandkids.
07:02Your own business.
07:04It's a beautiful home.
07:07My life is over before it even started.
07:09Oh, love, come on.
07:10Oh, love, come on.
07:12You can't give up.
07:15Where there's life, there's hope.
07:20I wish I could believe that.
07:26Wow, look at this.
07:27Xander pulled out all the stops for us.
07:31What do you want to say?
07:32Brownie points for the boss.
07:33Oh, well, it has certainly worked.
07:36I hear you two are celebrating.
07:38Yes, we are.
07:39Because Levi's cardiothoracic unit at the Northern District just got approved.
07:44Ah, that's a big win for the hospital and the community.
07:47So, toast.
07:49Oh, is that the best we can do?
07:52It's all I could find.
07:53We're out of the top shelf stuff.
07:54Okay, well, I keep a stash of special stuff in the cool room.
07:58I'll be right back.
08:06Who's that from?
08:07Oh, just a mate saying congratulations.
08:11And that's somehow bad?
08:13No, I'm just surprised they found out so fast.
08:27Hey, I'm really glad we're doing this.
08:30Yeah, me too.
08:47What do you reckon he's up to in there?
08:50We should go and check on him.
08:51Ah, 100%. No.
08:52Come on, man. I think we've created a monster.
08:59What you doing?
09:01Just checking out the ocean currents to see if I can work out where this stuff came from.
09:06What do the maritime people have to say?
09:09Oh, no report of any junk washing up anywhere else or any vessel capsizing.
09:15To be frank, they didn't seem that interested.
09:18Oh, sure.
09:19So, it's up to me to get to the bottom of this.
09:21Listen, mate, I think it's just some junk the tide's washed in.
09:25Maybe it's time to let it go.
09:28Theo and I are about to head home. You want to come and join us?
09:31Yeah, Leo's away. We're doing the three Ps. Pool, pizza and PlayStation.
09:34Boys aren't. What do you reckon?
09:36Yeah, yeah. Thanks, guys. But no, you go and enjoy yourself.
09:39Righto. If you change your mind.
09:41I won't.
09:47Alright, here we go.
09:51This chef has really outdone himself.
09:53Yeah. Thanks, mate.
09:55I thought you were supposed to be celebrating.
09:58Ah, yeah. I'm just thinking about all the work ahead.
10:01Ah, so you're a glass half-empty kind of guy.
10:05Have fun.
10:10You might be able to fool him, but you're not fooling me.
10:14Why all of a sudden does it feel like you're a million miles away?
10:17I feel guilty for not calling my mate back straight away.
10:20I'd better do that now.
10:22It can't wait?
10:24I don't want it on my mind all night. Do you mind?
10:28Well, it's your night. Go ahead.
10:48Yeah, I just got your texts.
10:51No, I only just found out.
10:53Listen, you're right. I'm moving on. You should too. So let's just…
11:28Oh, my God, Father.
11:32Oh, God, love. What's happened? Are you alright?
11:35I think so. I just heard you were up and I was coming to see if you were okay and then I got dizzy.
11:42No, no, no. Give yourself a minute.
11:46So, this dizziness, does it happen very often?
11:51To be honest, it's starting to happen more. I don't know if it's the pain meds or…
11:54Oh, love, you're in that much pain.
11:56It comes and it goes. I'll be fine.
11:59I think we should get you to the hospital.
12:01It's not necessary. I have an appointment with my specialist tomorrow.
12:05If I feel worse, I promise I'll wake you up and we can drive to the ID.
12:10I just wish I could sleep.
12:12The minute I'm thirsty, the next I feel sick.
12:15That'll be all the drugs they've got you on.
12:18I feel bad about what I said earlier too.
12:21What do you mean?
12:22I vented at you. It wasn't fair.
12:24Oh, love, don't be silly.
12:26Getting bad news makes you an emotional yo-yo.
12:30Believe me, I remember what it was like.
12:52I love you.
13:23I'm so sorry to put all of this on you, Irene. You should be in bed.
13:27Oh, love, don't be silly.
13:33Bronte, I know you said there was nothing more that can be done for you.
13:36I know what you're going to say, and there isn't.
13:38At least not here, anyway.
13:40What do you mean?
13:42There's no point talking about it.
13:44Why not?
13:46Well, I don't know.
13:47There's no point talking about it.
13:50Why not?
13:54There's an experimental treatment that they've started over in Canada,
13:58but it's stupid even thinking it's a possibility.
14:01Love, why would you say that?
14:04Because it costs a fortune.
14:06How much are we talking?
14:09It'd be close to $100,000.
14:13See? It's not an option.
14:17And there's really no family that can help you out.
14:24Maybe it's better.
14:26Less people to say goodbye to.
14:31It's painful, having hope dangled in front of you like this, and it's just out of reach.
14:37But knowing that there's real hope for others in my position,
14:43does that at least.
14:59Here you go.
15:03What's all that?
15:05Oh, just CVs of people I've worked with in the past.
15:08I'm putting feelers out there for Brutus staff in my unit.
15:11Anyone else call to say congratulations?
15:15You're not having one with me?
15:17No, just a bit busy.
15:24You okay?
15:26Yeah, just didn't really sleep well last night, that's all.
15:29Hey Molly, what's up?
15:33Yeah, I'll get there as soon as I can. Thanks for letting me know.
15:41Hey, I have to go home.
15:45I have a delivery at the house.
15:47Oh, okay, I'll come with you.
15:49That's okay, didn't you say you were busy?
15:51Yeah, didn't you just start your shift?
15:53I'm sure you'll be okay without me for a bit.
15:55Seriously, it's fine, I can handle this.
15:57No, I want to spend as much time with you as I can before your unit steals you away from me.
16:00Alright, thanks.
16:05Good morning.
16:07How you feeling?
16:09Better, thank you.
16:11Thought you might like some toast with that.
16:14And thank you for your support last night as well.
16:16Did you get to sleep okay?
16:18Eventually, love.
16:20I couldn't stop thinking about that treatment in Canada.
16:22Oh, please, don't waste your time. It's just a pipe dream.
16:25Hey, hold your horses, girly.
16:27I mean, how much have you actually looked into it?
16:30What's the point if I can't afford it?
16:33Maybe you could have a chat to your specialist today?
16:37Get some more info?
16:40Well, because, you know, perhaps there's a way of getting you to Canada without breaking the bank.
16:47I guess I can't hurt to ask, but don't be disappointed when they can't help.
16:52Well, if that's the case, we'll find the money somehow.
16:56Yeah, which bank are we robbing?
17:00I mean, I know you want to help.
17:02Love will make it happen, one way or the other.
17:06Thanks, Irene.
17:10I've got to go.
17:12Hang on, why don't you just give me a sec, I'll throw on something half decent and drive you.
17:17No, it's okay. Stay, you're broke here.
17:19But love is so much quicker than the bus.
17:22Honestly, Irene, I know you're busy.
17:24Bronte, I said I would be there for you the whole way, and I meant it.
17:29Yeah, it's just that this is something that I need to face on my own.
17:34Please, I'm just trying to hold on to what little control I have left.
17:38You get that, right? You've been in my shoes.
17:42Of course. You do what you have to do to be comfortable, love.
17:48But if you change your mind or you need a lift home, give me a call. I'll be there in a jiffy.
17:54I will. Thank you. See you.
17:57See you, darling.
18:09When Marley said the courier had a delivery, I was not expecting this.
18:24I'm moving on just like you wanted, Imogen.
18:44It's everything I own.
18:55It's our marriage certificate.
18:59It's our marriage certificate.
19:13Don't tell me more stuff's washed up.
19:15Deck chairs. Wasn't expecting that.
19:18Someone better call the Maritime Authority right away.
19:23Have a look at this.
19:25Gumboots. Hopefully they're your size.
19:28Ha ha.
19:32Bringing a friend to work day, is it?
19:34Found him further up the beach.
19:36Guys, I reckon this mystery's solved. This is just garden supplies washed up off a cargo ship. It has to be.
19:41Yeah, it sure looks that way.
19:43Unless you want to crack this little guy open, see if there's anything smuggled inside.
19:48Sorry, John.
19:50I'm just pleased there's nothing I've got to worry about.
19:52So what are you going to do with all this stuff?
19:54Oh, we'll hang on to it in case the owner comes forward. Have a good surf, guys.
19:58Have a good day, mate.
20:01I'll never know why I keep half this stuff.
20:04And Imogen didn't give you the heads up at all?
20:16What was that?
20:27It's from Imogen for you.
20:33Look, whatever's in here, it can't be good. Can we please just ignore it?
20:36Well it was addressed to me, not to you.
20:52Have the rest of my hair, me doubts. You've taken everything else.
21:10I feel sick.
21:12She's just trying to get under your skin.
21:14Well, mission accomplished.
21:16I mean, she clearly knows where we live now.
21:18What, you think I told her?
21:19Yeah, he's keeping secrets from you already. It's like they say, Mac, once a cheater.
21:25How often are you contacting your wife and why are you lying to me about it?
21:29So this is where we are now? Because I thought at the very least, you and I were on the same side.