Goal of Human Life!!

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Achievements should be such that give no unhappiness in life. All the time you can get the awareness that I am Atma(pure Soul), I am not the name given to this body. That is what one has yet to realize.
00:00External achievements, worldly achievements, they are there and everybody is achieving.
00:10What is new in it?
00:12Everybody is getting educated, marriage, kids, education of kids, marriage of kids and then
00:22chanting something, following some religion and at the end, time, death, that is the life.
00:32But what about the inner thing, realization of soul, getting such thing, such achievement
00:43which gives no unhappiness in the life, no hurting to anybody, not getting hurted by
00:52anybody and all the time you can get awareness that I am Atma, I am not Jayantibhai, Jayantibhai
01:02is the name to identify this body, you are not the name, name was given later on, after
01:08birth, it was not written anywhere on the body, that means this can be changed, you
01:14know, Indian ladies, you know, after marriage if your husband doesn't like your name, husband
01:20changes the name, if Champa is there, husband makes Chandni, Atma doesn't change, you doesn't
01:31get any changes, nobody can change you, you are there witnessing right from birth to death,
01:37you are there, rest of the things are always changing, coming and going, coming and going,
01:42thousands of thoughts are coming and going, not a single thought is constant, speech,
01:49all the time speech is going on and nothing is constant, your action is also changing,
01:55changing, changing, your body also changing, changing, you only, your soul is constant
02:01witnessing everything and that part one has to realize, in reality you are Atma, constant
02:08thing and whatever you are experiencing right now is all relative, body, mind, speech, action
02:15of everything, intellect, ego, thoughts, everything they are temporary, as relative and temporary
02:24and you are Atma, that Atma is permanent, real and constant.