Path of Self Realization

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There are two paths to attain Self Realization-one on your own or with the help of a Self-realized person. Param Pujya Dadabhagwan was such a Self-realized person, who realized this knowledge in 1958 just all of sudden spontaneously. He not only has this knowledge but also possesses the power to give this knowledge to others within two hours. After attaining Self-realization, you also start experiencing that body, mind, and speech are separate from your Soul. The awareness of separation will help to remain unaffected by any sort of happiness or unhappiness of the worldly life and experience bliss.
00:00Just the two paths, one just you find out by yourself, by your own effort, it's very
00:19Without guidance, if you try yourself to find it out, it's very difficult.
00:27And with the guidance of some realized person, then it's very easy for you, you understand?
00:37So it's very easy, and for that you have to find out the self-realized person.
00:47Suppose you want to learn, some small baby, three or four-year-old baby, wants to learn
00:53one, two, three, four, or A, B, C, D. The baby cannot learn by itself.
01:05Some teacher is needed there, no?
01:09So if teacher is there, baby can learn one, two, three very easily within no short time.
01:15But the baby has to learn by its own efforts, then it's not possible, or next to impossible,
01:27So here also the same way, some self-realized person is, if you meet, then it's very easy
01:37to realize that, understand?
01:43So then there you don't have to do anything, just you have to follow what the self-realized
01:51person guides you, you understand?
01:59Then it becomes very simple, without effort.
02:06And whatever I say is the path of knowledge for self-realization.
02:12This is not the path of yoga, or meditation, or worshipping.
02:18This is the path, just by the exact path of achieving knowledge of your soul.
02:28Anything if you want to know, for that you should have knowledge about it.
02:34Suppose you want to know about this mic, then you should have knowledge about it, about
02:40the mic which is in your hand, you should have knowledge about it.
02:44He gave in the beginning the knowledge about it, how to use it.
02:49Then you can use it easily, otherwise trouble will come there, you understand?
02:56So the knowledge, once you have the knowledge, then it's very easy to understand, very easy
03:05to know, very easy to realize, very easy to operate, everything, you understand?
03:11So here also, this is the shortest path which I have achieved from Dada, we call him Dada.
03:22He was a self-realized person, and he realized this knowledge in 1958, just all of a sudden,
03:35it happened spontaneously.
03:38And not only he had this knowledge, but he had power to give this knowledge to others
03:46So that is the beauty of self-realized, real person, who can impart this knowledge to others
03:55So I got this knowledge from him, I achieved self-realization from him.
04:03And the path of knowledge, of self-realization was shortcut, it's like just an elevator,
04:13if you go up 100 floors by elevator, not by step by step, you have to go up.
04:23So he had that path of elevator, so within two hours I got that realization from him.
04:30Before that I had no interest in any sort of religion, or any sort of realization, even
04:39I have never heard the word soul also, but I heard about him that he is self-realized
04:46person and gives the knowledge of soul, and you also start experiencing that soul and
04:55the body, mind, speech are totally separate from your soul.
05:00And after this awareness of separation you won't get any sort of unhappiness or happiness
05:08of the worldly life.
05:11But all the time you experience bliss, bliss and bliss from within, from your soul.
05:20So this thing attracted me towards him.
05:25If I get within two hours some knowledge of soul, whatever, but the result of it, if
05:33I don't find any unhappiness in my life, what else can be greater than this, in this world?
05:45So I decided I must go to him and I must achieve this knowledge from him.
05:51And I got from him, and then I thought that this is the ultimate thing which one should have.
06:00Everybody needs such thing that no unhappiness, no, you won't get any hurt from anybody,
06:08even though somebody tries to hurt you, but you won't feel it from anything.