Awareness after Self-Realization

  • last month
If someone insults us, we will feel hurt and our anger will multiply. After the realization of the Self, one will have the awareness that bad words are given to the name of the body and not to us (the pure Soul).
00:00If someone say bad words to Claudette, then you will get hurted, right?
00:19On the contrary, you will be very mad and you will say, I am not bad, you are bad, I
00:25am, so you will multiply your anger and everything.
00:33But if you have this, after the realization, you will have the awareness.
00:38So the bad words are given to Claudette, not to me.
00:43I am pure soul separate from Claudette.
00:46Claudette is nothing but a sign given to identify this body.
00:54So many signs are given to shops, right?
00:58Kroger and Jesse Penny, there are so many signs given to stores, right?
01:09Same way this is a sign given to identify Claudette.
01:12Claudette is nothing but a sign, board.
01:17You are not the board, you are owner of this board.
01:23If some bad word comes to Claudette, then immediately from within you help, you will
01:28have the awareness, oh, these bad words are given to sign, not to me.
01:38Then no bad feeling, you will at ease and the bliss of your soul will remain same, no
01:53You understand?
01:54This is only understanding, nothing to do, no meditation, no worshipping, nothing to
02:02do, no any gymnasium to achieve this self-realization.