Become Free from Sufferings After Realizing the Self

  • 2 months ago
Is there any way to get rid of our sufferings permanently? How does Self-Realization help us in getting free from sufferings?
00:00My name is Salvia, and I am Salvia. Is there any contradiction?
00:06Salvia is a name given to the body for identification.
00:10Yes, a name given to my identification.
00:14Identification. So, really, who are you? What you will say?
00:24I'm a person.
00:27Yes, person means two legs, two hands. An animal has four legs.
00:34And I have a soul as well.
00:36Yes, that is important. You are as a pure soul.
00:40But somebody says bad word to Salvia. Is there any bad effect to you?
00:50Because you believe that I am Salvia.
00:53That's why you feel some bad effect of any bad word.
01:00But if somebody says bad word to Salvia,
01:04and then somebody says,
01:07it is not for you, it is some other Salvia,
01:10you are not, that person is not showing for you,
01:14then you will not feel any bad effect because,
01:17oh, I am not this Salvia, she is other Salvia.
01:21So here also, if you understand that I am pure soul and Salvia is separate,
01:28then you will feel not any bad effect of any bad word.
01:32No insult because it is with Salvia, not with you.
01:38So after Jnan Ceremony, you will get a realization of pure soul.
01:44I am pure soul and Salvia is separate.
01:47And after Jnan Ceremony, we can see inner pure soul in everybody,
01:54our family member, our friends, in our business.
01:59Everywhere, whenever we go, we have to see inner pure soul.
02:04So our relation definitely will improve.
02:08Without knowledge of self-realization,
02:13we have anger, pride, deceit, greed.
02:17So we may hurt anybody, somebody may hurt us.
02:21After Jnan Ceremony, we can get separate from anger, pride, deceit, greed.
02:29We can have inner bliss.
02:32That will solve our worldly problems.
02:37So relation will also improve.
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