How to Reduce Suffering of Pain?

  • 3 months ago
Do you know how to reduce your suffering when you are in pain? It can be reduced with the Knowledge of the Self. Watch the video to find out more.
00:00We know that in this human life there is a lot of suffering and that sometimes we suffer
00:21but we don't know why, we have some anxieties and we have headaches and we can have all
00:29kind of problems or we can just go to the door and fall and break a leg and after that
00:41when we are in a hospital we can think why this happened and if I will know why this
00:48happened maybe I can heal better or I can clear this karma better.
01:00My question is, when we suffer and we don't know why we suffer, what we can do about that?
01:06This suffering is because of your past karma, this karma it is called suffering karmas.
01:15You charge in the past life, if you make someone happy then you will be happy, no sufferings
01:27but if you make unhappy someone that means you become unhappy, you suffer in this life.
01:36This is how you charge your karmas and now with the help of this knowledge if you remain
01:48in pure soul and keep your mind, speech and body separate from your soul so whatever suffering
01:58is there, you are having some pain or something, suppose you are having headache, so you should
02:08have this awareness that this headache is not with me, I am pure soul, soul never have
02:17any ache or pain, soul doesn't have head so how can there could be headache, you understand?
02:29So you keep this head and ache everything separate from your pure soul, so if you keep
02:38this separate then sufferings inside will be minimized and if you say, oh, I am, my
02:50headache is severe, I can't bear, I will die, I want to kill myself, I can't bear, then
02:58your suffering will multiply, psychological effect will be there and it will multiply
03:03like anything and really you will feel that I am dying, that much pain will increase,
03:11you understand what I am saying?
03:14Pain will be there, you can't stop that because it is fruit of your karmas, you cannot
03:20stop it but only with the help of this knowledge, awareness of separation of your body, pain
03:28or everything from your soul, you can minimize your pain even up to zero also inside, of
03:38course your headache will be there but inside you won't feel anything, inside you will be
03:46happy, you understand?