Knowing The True Self!

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Who can give enlightenment of I am Pure Soul and what is the consideration for the same? What difference in understanding occurs after gaining the knowledge of pure Soul and why is it important to realize one's Soul?
00:00I have come to give some enlightenment of your alma pura.
00:11I don't want anything from you.
00:14I don't take any money from anybody.
00:19I don't ask you to change your religion or anything.
00:24Only thing you should know the reality of the world
00:28and reality of your own self.
00:31And it's very important to understand in reality who am I.
00:37Right now whatever we know about our own self
00:41is totally relative, not real.
00:45You know that I am this body.
00:49You know my name is so and so.
00:51You know I am from Tenerife.
00:55I am son of father.
00:58I am husband of wife.
01:00I am father of son.
01:02Only this relative relation you know.
01:06In reality you are not father, you are not son,
01:10you are not husband, you are not daughter, you are not mother.
01:14In reality you are alma pura.
01:21There is end of all relations, even end of the body also.
01:27There is end. Relative means temporary.
01:30Body is also temporary.
01:32One day there is end of this body.
01:35But alma pura never dies.
01:38Alma pura was there, is there and will be there.
01:43Alma pura is permanent.
01:46So you should know in reality the fact
01:51that how is my alma pura,
01:56what are the functions of my alma pura,
01:59how alma pura is separate from mind, speech and body.
02:04So it's very important to realize our alma pura.
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