What is the Goal of Life?

  • last month
What should be the goal of human life? How can we attain the same?
00:00What is the goal of life? The goal of life, there are two goals. First, if you
00:07cannot able to reach to the self-realization, then your mind and
00:13speech and body help others. With the body, speech and mind you help others. And
00:20if you want ultimate goal of life, then ultimate goal of life is to get
00:27self-realization. When we realize our soul, that is ultimate goal of life. In
00:35this life, we have to realize who am I. And then once we realize our soul, then
00:42we have to stay in stage of our pure soul. That is ultimate goal of this life.
00:49Because really we are pure soul. But due to ignorance, we believe that I am Andrew,
00:55I am so-and-so, I am so-and-so. So all phases we are believing that I am this
01:00person. In relation, I am husband of this wife, I am father of this son.
01:06Like that in relation, whatever becomes, we believe that I am father, I am husband,
01:11I am engineer, I am doctor, I am man, she is woman, like that. Once we realize soul,
01:19soul is permanent and that will give you permanent happiness. And once we realize
01:25soul, then we are not going to charge new karma. Due to ignorance, we are
01:31charging karma. And due to charged karma, we have to get suffering in next life by
01:39discharged karma. Once we stop charging of new karma, then we will get ultimate
01:45salvation. So that is the goal of life. We want to reach ultimate salvation.