Mendorong Percepatan UMKM Naik Kelas

  • last month
Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM menggenjot, peningkatan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah atau UMKM untuk naik kelas. Hal ini guna mendorong, capaian visi Indonesia Emas di 2045 mendatang.


00:00We move on to other information, the Ministry of Cooperation and the Ministry of Home Affairs
00:08is pushing for the improvement of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, or UMKM, to
00:12rise in class.
00:13This is in favor of achieving the vision of Indonesia Emas in 2045.
00:22The Ministry of Cooperation and the Ministry of Home Affairs is pursuing an increase in the
00:25capacity of UMKM so that it can rise in class in support of the achievement of the vision
00:29of Indonesia Emas in 2045.
00:30The Minister of Business, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Cooperation and the Ministry
00:31of Home Affairs, Julius, said that at present, UMKM players dominate more than 99% of all
00:32business units in Indonesia.
00:33On the other hand, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and
00:34far from access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:35In fact, one of the main requirements to achieve Indonesia Emas' target is to increase the
00:36capacity of UMKM players in Indonesia Emas.
00:37In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
00:38access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:39In fact, one of the main requirements to achieve Indonesia Emas' target is to increase the
00:40capacity of UMKM players in Indonesia Emas.
00:41In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
00:42access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:43In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
00:44access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:45In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
00:46access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:47In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
00:48access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:49In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
00:50access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:51In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
00:52access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:53In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
00:54access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:55In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
00:56access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:57In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
00:58access to innovation, technology, and financing.
00:59In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
01:00access to innovation, technology, and financing.
01:01In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
01:02access to innovation, technology, and financing.
01:03In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
01:04access to innovation, technology, and financing.
01:05In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
01:06access to innovation, technology, and financing.
01:07In fact, UMKM players are not many who are connected to the industry chain and far from
01:08access to innovation, technology, and financing.
01:22the business structure of Mikro has become smaller and smaller to the middle.
01:26The role of UMKM is still dominated by Mikro.
01:33We want Mikro to move to the middle class.
01:43Of course, this job is not easy.
01:48We push the government to move to the middle class
01:57so that we can innovate.
02:00Of course, if we target the number,
02:05our target will be bigger.
02:10The Ministry of Cooperation and MSMEs has formulated a number of strategies
02:16to transform the development of the UMKM and MSME sector
02:20to accelerate the achievement of Indonesia Emas Vision 2045.
02:24First, to expand the access and innovation of business financing.
02:28Second, to increase the role of UMKM in the industry value chain
02:32and third, to take advantage of research and technology results.
02:36From Jakarta, Devir Mancia, IDX Channel.
