UMKM Memperkuat Kemandirian Ekonomi

  • 4 months ago
Menteri Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah, Teten Masduki menyebut, konsumsi domestik yang masih kuat memberikan dampak positif bagi pelaku usaha mikro kecil dan menengah. Maka dari itu, diperlukan sinergitas sektor UMKM untuk memperkuat kemandirian ekonomi nasional.


00:00 The Minister of Cooperation and MSMEs, Teten Mas Duki,
00:02 said that domestic consumption is still a strong factor
00:04 that has a positive impact on small and medium-sized micro businesses.
00:07 For that, the synergy of the MSMEs sector is needed
00:09 to strengthen the national economic independence.
00:12 Domestic consumption is still the foundation
00:18 of national economic growth.
00:20 This is supported by the role
00:22 and industry of the micro, small and medium-sized business sector
00:25 or MSMEs, which grows positively.
00:28 The Minister of Cooperation and MSMEs, Teten Mas Duki,
00:30 emphasized that the quarter's economic growth of 1/2024
00:33 which reached 5.11%
00:35 is an important momentum to support the expansion
00:38 of MSMEs and MSMEs and cooperation products
00:40 in the management of government services
00:42 as well as the chain of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
00:44 I think Indonesia is very strong in terms of domestic consumption.
00:51 Even though the global economy is weak,
00:56 domestic consumption is still the foundation
01:02 of national economic growth.
01:04 This is an advantage for small and medium-sized businesses
01:10 because many consumers form a very strong internal market.
01:15 For that, the synergy of MSMEs and MSMEs
01:19 is needed to strengthen the national economic independence.
01:21 Moreover, household consumption and domestic demand continue to increase.
01:26 This is a message from Jakarta, IDX Channel.
01:29 (Music)
