Cuan Bank Digital di Era Digitalisasi UMKM

  • 2 months ago
Sejak masa pandemi berakhir, pemerintah langsung mendorong agar semua sektor bisa terdigitalisasi, termasuk UMKM. Hal tersebut berkaca pada melejitnya sektor ini ketika masa pandemi, di mana semua orang melakukan transaksi melalui ponselnya masing-masing.

Dua tahun lalu, Presiden Joko Widodo, memerintahkan percepatan transformasi digital untuk usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) di tanah air. Bahkan, sebanyak 30 juta UMKM direncanakan sudah masuk (onboarding) ke dalam ekosistem digital pada 2024 ini.

Patut dipahami, saat itu salah satu penopang ekonomi masyarakat agar mampu bertahan di tengah terjangan Pandemi adalah UMKM, sehingga pemerintah ingin mempertahankan agar sektor ini bisa tetap bertahan meski dihempaskan badai apapun.

Sektor UMKM tercatat berkontribusi 61 persen terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB), atau setara Rp9.580 triliun. Indonesia sendiri memiliki 65,5 juta UMKM (99%) dari keseluruhan unit usaha.

Terkait hal ini, kita akan bertanya langsung kepada Bank Amar bagaimana cara perusahaan dalam mendukung proses digitalisasi keuangan terhadap UMKM di tanah air, apa tantangan dan strategi mereka untuk merangkul usaha kecil ini untuk bertahan, atau bahkan naik kelas.


00:00In 2024, we are focusing on developing the UMKM segment.
00:05We are able to develop a faster and more affordable banking solution.
00:12Affordable and accessible.
00:14So, it's not just the product, but the UMKM can accept it.
00:17The flower problem, the problem of people or businesses that have a lot of money.
00:28Hello, Sobat Investor. How are you?
00:30My name is Ewick Yardian.
00:31I'm back with you again on FIND CASH, YOUR HOME OF FINANCE AND INVESTMENT.
00:35Congratulations to you whose business is getting better.
00:40Especially for you who are in the UMKM sector.
00:42You are doing digitalization, shifting.
00:45Now, you sell more and more.
00:46And you might be one of the sultans who often travels abroad.
00:50Or maybe often on vacation.
00:52Why? Because your business is settled.
00:55And you have a lot of investment.
00:58You have a lot of business.
01:00I hope all of us who are watching this FIND CASH,
01:03will be one of the sultans who will be abroad one day.
01:07Talking about digitalization of UMKM,
01:09since the pandemic, the government has been pushing
01:12so that all sectors can be digitalized.
01:15Including UMKM.
01:17This is also related to this sector.
01:19This is related to the pandemic,
01:21where everyone is doing transactions through their own cell phones.
01:24Two years ago, President Jokowi Dodo also ordered
01:26the speed of digital transformation for UMKM in the water.
01:31This is even as much as 30 million UMKM
01:33is planned to be included or onboarded
01:36into the digital ecosystem in 2024.
01:40So, there are more UMKM who are shifting or onboarding
01:43on digital platforms.
01:46To support digitalization,
01:48we need other stakeholders.
01:50Or maybe other actors.
01:52One of them is the bank.
01:54Digital bank is also needed.
01:57Its role is to make digitalization of UMKM
02:01more practical.
02:03Talking about this, there is...
02:05I call him Mas Joshua.
02:08Because he is still young.
02:09Mas Joshua Sloan.
02:10He is the SVP of Bang Amar
02:12who has attended FIND CASH.
02:15A big round of applause for Mas Joshua.
02:17Thank you, Mas Joshua.
02:19Thank you, Mas.
02:20He has attended.
02:21This is the beneficiaries of UMKM products.
02:25And I think they often shop online.
02:27UMKM that has been digitized,
02:29their consumer is this.
02:30They often shop online.
02:32Talking about digital bank,
02:35Bang Amar is a digital bank.
02:37Maybe you can tell us, Mas Joshua,
02:41the shape and plan of digital bank
02:43that Bang Amar has developed until today.
02:46What is it like?
02:48We started Bang Amar a long time ago, Mas.
02:52We started in 2014.
02:54In 2014, we started with the first segment
02:57in the retail segment.
02:59For the consumer, we started.
03:01Then Bang Amar developed.
03:03Now we have a product or commercial segment.
03:08In 2024, we are focusing
03:11to develop the UMKM segment.
03:13So, the three segments, Bang Amar.
03:15Where is the digital?
03:16In retail, we have our first product.
03:19The oldest one is Tunaiku product.
03:21Until now, it has 20 million downloads.
03:24Tunaiku product focuses on online lending
03:28for retail and micro friends.
03:31Then we also have another digital product
03:34which is Amar Bank Digital.
03:36Unlike other banks that focus on accounts,
03:40Amar Bank Digital focuses on savings.
03:43Then in 2024, we are evolving.
03:47Amar Bank Digital that was focused on retail friends,
03:51now we will develop it for business friends.
03:54So, there are three segments and three products.
03:57Indeed, our digital strategy focuses on lending.
04:01Lending first.
04:02Because we feel that lending product
04:05will have the most effective impact
04:07for friends in UMKM.
04:09The blueprint is like that, Mas.
04:11Okay. If we talk about the challenges of UMKM friends,
04:15it is to get funding.
04:17Because their business scope is still small.
04:20Then it is evaluated by other banks.
04:24Or banks in general.
04:26Then they are not bankable.
04:28So, the funding access is limited.
04:31The target and challenges of Amar Bank
04:34in the rest of 2024,
04:36because if we talk about the support from the government,
04:40for digitalization of UMKM,
04:42the target is tens of millions.
04:44It has been shifting.
04:46What are the opportunities and challenges?
04:49How does Amar Bank introduce services
04:54to UMKM friends or the community?
04:57To put it in context,
05:00UMKM until now,
05:03even though it contributes 90%,
05:07more than 90% of employees,
05:09but only 20% get loans.
05:12This is what 2024 will be our focus.
05:17So, if we succeed in forming the first online lending in Indonesia in 2014,
05:23in 2024, we will focus on developing Amar Bank business solutions for UMKM.
05:28That is our theme in 2024.
05:30Last year, we achieved an outstanding of around 2.65 trillion.
05:37Our target this year is to grow to 20%.
05:40To achieve that achievement,
05:43of course, the development of the micro segment
05:46through our Naiku products,
05:48we will continue.
05:50So, micro friends can get financial support
05:53through the Naiku products.
05:55Then, for a larger scale,
05:57for a scale of 50 million to 5 billion,
06:01this is what we will introduce in 2024.
06:04Amar Bank business solution.
06:07So, the hope is to reach 20%.
06:11In the first quarter, we are quite optimistic.
06:14Around 50 billion.
06:16The profit that we can achieve.
06:19So, we see it is very positive.
06:21The target in 2024,
06:23in terms of business and initiatives,
06:25we will achieve it.
06:26One thing that often makes me curious
06:28when talking about the point of view of financial institutions,
06:31before they decide to issue loans,
06:34of course, there is a mechanism to screen the debtors.
06:37When it is not considered bankable by others,
06:41but then it is considered bankable by others,
06:45by Amar Bank, for example.
06:47Is there an additional screening indicator
06:51that is done by MSMEs,
06:53so that it is easier to access
06:57to get a loan from Amar Bank?
07:03What is the indicator?
07:05So that it is easier for MSMEs.
07:07This is funny.
07:08I can't answer what the specific parameters are.
07:10I can't accept it.
07:11Because it is a secret.
07:13But if we look at it,
07:15our mission since we built Amar Bank in 2014,
07:20our focus when other financial institutions
07:23focus on the bankable ones,
07:25the 20% earlier,
07:2780% is not yet managed.
07:29So if we want to say we are competing,
07:32this is a fairly large market.
07:34So we are more likely to complement
07:36the existing financial institutions.
07:39Then the question is,
07:40how dare we?
07:41How can we handle the remaining 80%?
07:44While other friends are more focused on the 20-30%
07:47that is already bankable.
07:49That is the competitive advantage of Amar Bank
07:52that we have built for 10 years.
07:54We are able to create
07:56one underwriting process in the bank.
07:59The first focus is alternative data.
08:02So if MSMEs are analyzed
08:06based on their data in the bank,
08:09we are able to take data from MSMEs
08:13through other alternative sources.
08:16So if usually only 10 data points are assessed,
08:19we can assess far more than that.
08:21The hope is that by looking at the data
08:24outside our banking data,
08:26we can provide a more objective underwriting.
08:31So if we say this is risky,
08:34starting with additional data,
08:36we can be sure that MSMEs are not at risk.
08:39That's the first thing.
08:40The second thing is,
08:41for this to happen,
08:43our ability to manage data digitally
08:46is very important.
08:48So starting with digital data,
08:50the processing in the bank office is also digital.
08:54With those two formations,
08:58with alternative data and digital data,
09:01we are able to build a faster banking solution.
09:05It's also affordable.
09:07Affordable and accessible.
09:09So it's not just the product,
09:11but the MSMEs can receive it.
09:14That's our way.
09:1780% of the market that is not catered to,
09:22which is then assessed as a potential market by Amarbank,
09:25is also realized by other players.
09:28Even conventional banks,
09:30which are already big,
09:32they have a MSME segment,
09:34which is they also have parameters
09:37that make it easier for MSMEs to get financing.
09:41In terms of competition,
09:45how does Amarbank see this,
09:47and what is the one point,
09:49or many more points,
09:51that Amarbank thinks is okay
09:53for occupying this potential market?
09:56Have you ever had a small business?
09:59When you have a friend who has a small business.
10:01For example, he just started his business,
10:04then he came to a general bank.
10:08Of course, opening an account is easy.
10:12But to get a credit facility,
10:14it takes a long time.
10:16He has to build a history with that bank.
10:20If not with that bank,
10:22maybe he has built a long history in other banks.
10:25That is the general criteria
10:30to maintain credit quality.
10:32But then,
10:34because we are able to see alternative data,
10:36from other data sources,
10:38including transactions that are made by MSMEs,
10:41we are able to speed up that period.
10:46So, for example, if MSMEs are just built,
10:49but they have a capable business,
10:51why not?
10:53There are many MSMEs, right?
10:55They have the ability,
10:57they have clients who want to buy goods,
11:00but there is no financing.
11:02If they have the ability and want to deliver,
11:04why can't we serve them?
11:06Our ability to spot that potential,
11:09that is what makes us able to do 80%.
11:15The effectiveness of those parameters
11:17is of course reflected in the number of non-performing loans.
11:23How is that?
11:25You then measure the effectiveness
11:28which is reflected in the NPL which is very controllable.
11:33Okay, I'm preaching everywhere.
11:35Because we built it from the beginning,
11:37we focus on underserved,
11:39but then we face an industry
11:41which is a bit difficult to enter the underserved.
11:46That's why it's called underserved.
11:48So, if we look at NPL,
11:51NPL, normally,
11:54is seen as something that surprises.
11:58So, for example,
12:00we predict that people will pay,
12:02but they don't pay.
12:04That's what's scary.
12:06The NPL is not scary.
12:07What's scary is when we expect them to pay,
12:09they don't pay.
12:11That's what's scary.
12:12But we have a scoring mechanism
12:16that we can predict.
12:17So, for example,
12:18Mr. Wiki has a business,
12:19then his friend has a business,
12:21others also join us.
12:22We can give a kind of analysis.
12:25What is the probability?
12:27This is default.
12:28What is the probability of default?
12:29What is the probability of default?
12:31So, when it becomes NPL,
12:33the important thing is not the NPL that surprises,
12:37but the NPL that is under control.
12:39That's the main thing.
12:40The manageable.
12:41The manageable.
12:42Of course, in banking, there is a risk-based pricing.
12:45So, of course, we give a pricing that is in line with
12:47the value of the risk we will receive.
12:49As long as the risk-based pricing is running,
12:51no matter how many risks we take,
12:53of course, our bottom line will always be maintained well.
12:56That's why our performance in quarter one is pretty good.
13:02Okay. The target has already been announced,
13:04for the entire credit itself in 2024.
13:06How much?
13:08And actually, if we talk about the sector that is catered,
13:10there are many sub-sectors in MSMEs, right?
13:13What has been catered so far,
13:15maybe in the future there will be an expansion of the MSME segment
13:18that will be serviced by Amar Bank.
13:22Yes. So, the target is actually
13:24from 265, we expect at 20%.
13:27So, around 2.6, 10, 5, almost 3 trillion,
13:31in 2024.
13:34Then, from a sectoral point of view,
13:37we are starting from the most makes sense
13:40that we take now, which is trading.
13:42So, mostly, the sector that we operate now
13:45is almost 60% in trading.
13:47Whether it sells F&B, whether it sells FMCG,
13:50whether it sells medical supplies,
13:52but it focuses on trading.
13:53That's about 80%.
13:55Well, about 20% of the rest is manufacturing.
13:57Manufacturing some,
13:59such as textiles and other things.
14:01But that's why we focus on the manufacturing trade earlier.
14:05Indeed, our strategy,
14:09we say, adopts,
14:11adopts what is called supply chain financing.
14:13So, yes, this is also one of the leaks.
14:15Why can we address the underserved SMEs earlier?
14:18So, we don't just evaluate the debitor,
14:21which is the UMKM, maybe it's still small.
14:24But we also evaluate who is actually in the transaction.
14:27That helps us to validate
14:29what is the quality and ability of the UMKM.
14:34Usually, this is in trading.
14:36Well, after serving the UMKM segment for so long,
14:40what are the findings about the characteristics of this market
14:43that turned out to be not too scary
14:48like a few years ago.
14:51Confessional banks don't want to serve this
14:53because it's not bankable,
14:55the NPL is high, and so on.
14:57Are there any specific characteristics of this UMKM
14:59that they seem to have a lot of potential
15:03and they are also quite compliant
15:05with your commitment to pay credit and so on?
15:10What are the findings?
15:12So, maybe what is said is scary first.
15:14Sometimes what is scary must be unearthed,
15:16to let us know what is scary.
15:18The UMKM is scary,
15:20why is it scary?
15:21There are three reasons why they are scary.
15:23First, the UMKM does not have financial transaction data
15:27or historical credit data.
15:29That alone is scary.
15:31That's why I said earlier,
15:33it has to go with the history of the bank for a long time.
15:35That's the first.
15:36Second, the value of transaction needs
15:38is much greater than the assets they have.
15:40For example, try selling a store.
15:42Maybe he just has a lump sum,
15:44but the value of the transaction is not comparable to the value of the assets.
15:46Does that business work? It does.
15:48But does he have the assets? No, boss.
15:50On the other hand, if we use fixed collateral, there is none.
15:52So, the one that has no financial transaction data,
15:54write it down, and then the assets are also not...
15:56Especially if the store is a contract.
15:58Especially if the store is a contract.
15:59Exactly. How to do it?
16:01Third, the cash flow,
16:03the dynamics are also quite significant.
16:06That's right, volatile.
16:07So, first, realize that this is the problem.
16:11Structuring this problem is important
16:13so that it is clearly identified.
16:16What is our solution?
16:18We provide a product and process that can handle this.
16:21For example, if he doesn't have transaction data,
16:25there is transaction data outside that we can still take.
16:28Now there are a lot of data providers that we can work with.
16:33As for the asset, what's the problem?
16:35If the value of the asset is not enough,
16:38we can analyze the transaction itself.
16:41What is the quality of the transaction he holds?
16:44That's what becomes the collateral for us.
16:48As for the dynamics of the cash flow,
16:51that's our product.
16:52If the cash flow is not dynamic, we don't have an opportunity.
16:54Yes, that's right.
16:55If it's just a bumpy road,
16:57it doesn't seem to make the dynamics of the business exciting.
17:02It doesn't move.
17:04Seeing this as a segment that is then targeted by Amar Bank,
17:09of course, what services will be provided by Amar Bank to MSMEs?
17:15What is it so far?
17:16And this is then a services that is being favorited by the market
17:22in terms of the market that is catered by Amar Bank, which is MSMEs.
17:27So, to be fair, this business solution is currently in the development stage.
17:32But this adopts from our cash flow solution that has been running for 10 years.
17:37There are several services that we think are very beneficial for MSMEs
17:43that we can adopt.
17:44First, if you want to open an account or request a loan,
17:49you can download our application and register there.
17:54No need to look for a bank, no need to look for a branch, no need to look for RM.
17:59Now, MSMEs are different.
18:01If we have a lot of money, coming to the bank or RM is easy.
18:05But if we have a problem, sometimes we don't have a problem,
18:10it becomes a significant barrier.
18:12We change that, following the current digital trend,
18:15the current self-service trend, we provide a fully digital onboarding.
18:20So everyone can try.
18:22That's the first.
18:23The second, when they apply for a credit,
18:28we provide it as easily as possible.
18:29So they won't be too complicated, they know what they need to do,
18:33so they can monitor the progress well.
18:36So there is transparency, information to them.
18:39Then the second, in terms of product and usage,
18:42we make the usage instant.
18:45And clearly, if you want to use this facility,
18:48you submit several documents,
18:52it can be used immediately.
18:56So overall, what is the service like?
18:59If you want to onboard, it can be fast and no need to go to the bank.
19:02Then in terms of usage, the information is clear.
19:06The usage is also instant.
19:08How about the credit itself? Is it competitive?
19:10Oh, it's competitive.
19:11This competition, once again,
19:13this competition must have a basis.
19:16It's competitive compared to Apple to Apple.
19:18If compared to big companies and small companies,
19:21the ratio is different.
19:22But our current range starts from the smallest, 1.1 to 1.8.
19:26That's what we provide to UMKME, Perman.
19:32The equivalent is effective, but the equivalent is 1.1 to 1.8.
19:36I'll just say this, this is important, Perman.
19:40Because if you talk about it per year,
19:42it's too far.
19:44While the working capital required by UMKME,
19:47for example, in FMTG, it can only be a week.
19:50But we provide, for example, a month.
19:52So they know exactly.
19:53Because they support operations every day.
19:55That's right.
19:56So from the statement, we arrange 1.1 to 1.8.
20:00There's also admin fee, 0.5 to 3%.
20:03This depends on the type of risk and product that is exposed to us.
20:08For the market, UMKME seems promising and quite optimistic
20:11related to the target to penetrate deeper.
20:15But if we talk about business expansion in Tanah Air itself,
20:20for Amarbank, what will it be like in the future,
20:23outside or beyond UMKME?
20:26Well, I think UMKME has its own task.
20:30Because it's too big.
20:32Yes, it's too big.
20:33But we still maintain our portfolio.
20:35We have 3 portfolios that we still promote in retail.
20:38Because it has been proven to be very advanced.
20:41We have reached 20 million downloads.
20:43And this will continue to grow.
20:45On top of retail, MSME.
20:48I think that will be our focus until a few years in the future.
20:52We also have Commercial Incorporated for higher brands.
20:55This will also continue to grow.
20:57But the theme is MSME.
20:59That's amazing.
21:01Is it conventional or digital banking?
21:04It's usually quite constant.
21:05It's related to the policy of the flower tribe from Bank Indonesia.
21:09The high flower tribe trend
21:11will be conveyed a lot by economists.
21:14The projection is that this trend will be big in the future.
21:18From the point of view of Amarbank itself,
21:21as stakeholders in the digital banking industry in Indonesia,
21:24are you concerned about this?
21:26What steps will be taken as anticipated steps
21:30to manage risks related to those
21:35who don't have the appetite to make loans
21:41because the flower tribe is still high and so on.
21:44What are the strategies to understand that?
21:48My answer is simple.
21:50The flower tribe problem is a problem for people or businesses
21:53who have a lot of money.
21:55If you look at it, for MSMEs,
21:59per unit, per product,
22:03let's assume that the margin is 2-3%.
22:06Per week, it can be rotated 4 times a month.
22:09That means for every share of the capital they have,
22:122-3 times 4 is about 8% per month.
22:16How about 12 times?
22:18It means that the spread margin in MSMEs is actually very strong.
22:24They are resilient to the cost of funds.
22:27They are not resilient to anything.
22:29They are resilient to the dynamics of demand.
22:31Then, the price of raw materials.
22:34That's the problem.
22:35So, it's about inflation.
22:36How about inflation, guys?
22:38Yes, it's automatic.
22:40It becomes a constant.
22:42Every industry will be different.
22:45For those who are very price sensitive,
22:47when the cost of raw materials comes in,
22:51if they can't increase the pricing,
22:53they have to lower the cost.
22:56From the bank, we have to be careful.
22:59If the unit of the business is not healthy,
23:02we can't take it and we can't help there.
23:05What we can help is MSMEs
23:08whose per unit is still good and developing.
23:11There are still many of them.
23:13Creative industry.
23:15There are many creative industries.
23:17Event project.
23:18The margin is also very thick.
23:21These guys,
23:23on a scale,
23:26are still quite satisfied.
23:27And there are not many who serve.
23:31So, we just focus on this sector.
23:33Then, give them affordable pricing.
23:36Whatever macro dynamics,
23:38they are actually still resilient.
23:40They are still not too influenced.
23:44Related to the tribe.
23:46Related to the Bunganani tribe.
23:48The hard part is the demand and raw materials.
23:51The hope is of course for the government.
23:56In a macro way,
23:58to issue policies that affect
24:00the purchasing power of the community.
24:02Because MSMEs
24:05are quite sensitive
24:07to the level of demand.
24:09If the price is a bit expensive,
24:11they will reconsider
24:13to consume and so on.
24:15Lastly, your point of view
24:18or your projection
24:20about the growth of MSMEs in the future.
24:24And what they have digitized.
24:27What is the promising?
24:29The potential can be projected
24:31to increase by how many percent for this segment?
24:35From the gap,
24:38there is a prediction
24:40that the gap is 100-100 billion.
24:42Up to 100-100 billion.
24:45If we look at the digital contribution
24:48to MSMEs,
24:51it's simple.
24:52From their profit,
24:53if they used digital,
24:56there are two focuses.
24:57First, increase the revenue.
24:58Second, reduce the cost.
25:01Right now, MSMEs
25:03are more focused on digital
25:05that increase revenue.
25:06Selling through Tokopedia and so on.
25:08Will it help
25:10to boost their revenue?
25:12I think it's positive.
25:14We see from some friends in Amarbank
25:16who joined the digital channel,
25:17the increase is quite good.
25:19At least 10% there is an increase
25:21from the opening of e-commerce,
25:24e-commerce, social media,
25:26there is an increase.
25:28But if you want to increase
25:30further than that,
25:31how can digital manage
25:33the process?
25:35Because even if the revenue increases,
25:37if the process is not digitalized,
25:39their ability to supply
25:41will not increase.
25:43Or the cost will be too wide.
25:46And the problem of MSMEs
25:48is mostly there.
25:49Their ability to manage the process
25:51and finance.
25:52That's it.
25:53On one of our roadmaps,
25:55it becomes part of the service,
25:58but for the future.
25:59How can we provide a digital solution
26:00that can strengthen
26:02the management of finance and back office?
26:04And many of them fell here.
26:07Because it will be in-line
26:09actually with
26:11what is it,
26:12digital-based financial transactions
26:14when they operate
26:16the company digitally.
26:18Maybe later there will be software
26:20used by customers
26:23from Amarbank directly.
26:25We may also cooperate
26:26with friends who already exist.
26:28Because we can't.
26:29We can't run MSMEs on our own.
26:31We can't.
26:33There must be an education
26:35that is structured,
26:36orchestrated to MSMEs.
26:39Because now there are many startups
26:41that provide solutions
26:43for MSME operational
26:45so that it is more digitalized,
26:47recorded in a digital way.
26:49So, if there is anything,
26:50just share the data.
26:53Mas Yusof, thank you.
26:54For talking with me,
26:56it was very interesting
26:57to get an idea
26:59from the point of view
27:01of digital bank
27:02to cater MSMEs
27:03that are digitalizing,
27:04that are shifting.
27:06Let's play again in Vincas.
27:08We will have more fun.
27:10And for you, as an investor,
27:11don't forget to keep watching Vincas.
27:13Now we still have more fun episodes.
27:15I am Wiki Adrian.
27:26Microsoft Mechanics
